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. .. �. _ _ <br /> . . . .:„ . .��yyy'' , . ,. ;, -, <br /> . .. . � aN t�arrr..,« :�1... � `. . .� . •.. .M��� �i1U{I�!w„•+o ,. ., .. . , <br /> , . �t�'"f1w"�..-... /� ..,.aN�9�llli I ��►!�5R <br /> .... <br /> . ,. . <br /> _±�: ., . _,.. . . . _.�-.a�. I�r wi, ' <br /> , <br /> - - � <br /> — __�.,_..;_--_.Y�__.._.__�:-�-.--_:.. �_ <br /> . , . , ---.y,��� . .� _ _ <br /> � • �.w ' . . .�„�. <br /> �'/ , � , - ,r:ni �Cs� V �.. <br /> ._..__._.+_. . <br /> ' a.�__ <br /> _ . �,� - 94.. � ' .�..-.�_�_ <br /> ' �'� (b)Wh�n TtatetN uH�purauant to th�pow�M h�ntn�Ttudw�h�ll�DPN th�ptocoMs ot th��ab�� A�t�1h1 ao�t�u►d aprntN o} �=-"-'`�"==-- <br /> 4;�:v•.• -.-._�"__"���.._ <br /> . acorchlnp th�pawar of ut�and of th��e1�,�n�tudinp,wRhout UmRRtion,th�paymint ot Trwtp'�F��s InaurrtQ,whkh Trwt��Y F��sh�Y •. ,;. ,u.�����°�- <br /> , not In th��Qpnpat�excad th�kUow►np omounb baus!upon tht�mount suund h�nby�nd amatntnp unpRtd,8 p�r��nlum on th� „ , „�_ <br /> ' baana�th�not�d th�n ro th�ft�m�In subpanpnph(o)in th�o�der then�tat�d, _ <br /> (o) ARsr p�ytnp th�R�mt�p�cNi�d�n�ubp�npnph(b),tl th�s�N b by Trums,or th�p�op�r couA ans othor co�t�of fonebsun�nd��N N tM ., „ . <br /> . aN M punuant to�udfai�l tonebsun,th�procNd�of aw�hdl b��ppli�d In th�ord�r etrt�d bNow M thr p�ym�nl ot ' <br /> �� (t)AttomsyofassandeortsofaoH*edon; p �, ' ��'- - <br /> (2)Coet M nny svJd�nes of tKN prxursd tn aonn�cuon wrih tuoh wd�and ot any nwnw t�quit�d to b�pltld; _� <br /> , , (SI AR obNpatbnt aaund by thl�Tro�t dad: " . <br /> (4)Th�nmaind�r,fl any,to th�p�non M�ptly�ntld�d th�nto. ��` <br /> " .� 7. ADDITIONAL 8ECURITY INBTRUMENTB.TN�tor,at Its�xp�ns�,wtq�x�cub and d�IN�r to th�B�n�tiWRry,prompty upon dunand, sueh <br /> s�oudty In�hum�nt�as m�y b�nqulnd by 8�mtktary, In form and substane��atf�tndory to B�n�floiary,cowdnp any ot tho Propat�o wnwy�d by „ <br /> thts O�sd of Trwt,whkh ncurity Innrum�Mt sh�ll b�addrttonel aaurfly tor Ttustor'�t�thtui p�rtonnan�of tit th�t�rms,ar✓�n�nb�nd condldons of „ „ — <br /> thb O��d of Truat,th�promisaory not��Mcurad h�r�by, and any oth�r s�aurlty In�uum�nu wuait�d In conn�etlon with thl� tnnseetton. 8uch <br /> tnstrum�nu�hail b�ncotd�d a fit�d at Tnistor'a ucp�ns�. .. �— <br /> 8. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCE880R TRUBTEE.Bsn�fldary may,from dm�to tim�,by a writt�n imtrum�nt�xoeut�d and aekeawi�dp�d by � <br /> BenHkinry,mali�d to TrueWr and��ord�d In th�couny or eound�s in whkh th�Prop�rty b�oeabd end by oth�rwis�eomptying wtth 1h�provblom of •� ,� <br /> the applMabis lawa of the StaM of Nebraeka eubetitut�a sueassor ot weauaro to th�Tn+�e nem�d hvnln or actiny h�nundn. ° �- <br /> 9. IN8PECTIONB.8enefielary,or its ngento,reprasmtndve�ot workm�n,en authorl:sd to�nter at nny roasonebla dme upon or In any pert of . , ,,'�. <br /> the Propsrty tor the purpoas ot Inapecdng the aame and for the purpo:�of p�rlorming any ot th�ecta R fs nuthorized to psrform und�rth�terme of tho =_ <br /> :� � Deed of Trust - ���� <br /> .:,-�.r_, <br /> 10. OPTION To hUFEt;:LG$E.Upon tha ocaurrence ot any L�uacti ar�d u�n Sh8 docltttttfort ot d�hwlt lsorcund.r,8enaficlu+Y ehR!!h�vw th° • . - , __--.__-_- <br /> � .. .. . ... �° <br /> . � <br /> optlon to forecbee this Oeed o}Trust in the menner provided by law tor the forecioaure ot mortgeges on reat property. ( <br /> I t .,�.- <br /> 11. FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFlCIARY OR TRUBtEE NOT A WANER.Any torrob��1yar�ca b�'Baneflclary or Trustee in exerdsiny nny right a " '= <br /> remedy hereunder,or otherwise oitorded by applleable Iaw,ehr�tl not be n weiver of or.prec(ude the'aic�telae of eny eueh rlght or remedy hereunder. �_ <br /> Likewlse,the waiver by 8enofieinry or Trustee of any detauk of Trustor und�t lhia Deod of Trust ehaN not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or i - <br /> • slmNar detauRe subsequenly oeaurring. �i� #f <br /> � „ -�� <br /> 12. TRUBTOR NOT RElEA9ED.Extenalon ot the time for peymant er modification or amoRizatbn ot the eume seeured by tMa Deed of Trust ' �.3"�" <br /> �granted by Benefialnry to nny sueeessor in intereat ot Trustor ehnll not operate to retease, in any manner,the IlabflNy of the orlginai Truator end ; r_:,�„ <br /> Ttustor's succeseor In intereM. 8eneflNary shall not be roqulred to commenee proeeedinge agalnst euch suecessor or reiuse to extend dme for �f• � <br /> payment or otherwiae modffy amortl:atlon ot the eums secured by this Deed ot Truat by reaeon of nny demand made by the orlginelTrustor end �.t <br /> - I ruator's euceessore m mter8st. • �1 <br /> . <br /> iS. BENEFlCIARY'8 POWER8. Without nifecting a releaehg the Iiabilily ot the Trustor or any other per�on Ilnbte for the payment of my . t � <br /> obilgntbn herein mentloned, end wRhout efftecttng the tien or charge ot thla Deed of T�ust upon any portion of the Property not then a theretotara 'i j <br /> reieeaed as eecurity for the tuN amount of alI unpnid obligatbns,8eneficinry may,hom time ta time and wdhout notiee at the requeet of one or mare ,,. � <br /> Trustors()relense any person so Uabie.(ii)extend or ranew the mnturity or alter any ot the terms of eny sueh oblgaUone.(d�grnnt dher hdulgenees, • :! � <br /> (i�reieese or reconvey,or cause to be reteaeed or reconveyed e!any time Rt Beneficinry'e options any pn►eel,portion or NI of the Property,(H take or ' � <br /> teleelee nny oth0t Ot etldR�onN BecurAy for any ooiigation nme�in�nuuiivnb�,�v'y�Tiuwo�:'v�T��'«'+�`:.^'+G:�N»7C•A.:tt^.aeer.onM W3h deb!�in rqirHnn --- �'�I� <br /> thereto.Alt Truetore shn0 be�olntly and severally obligated and bound by the actfone of tho Benefieiary or any W ator ae herein etnted. ; .%���� <br /> 1 <br /> 14. AITORNEY FEEB,C0378 AND EXPENSE8. It the Beneficbry o}this Deed of Ttust�a a bank as defined by Nebtaeka Icnv, any slntement <br /> .contalned In any other esetion of thre deed notwrthstnndmg.the Benefieinry shnll�ot be entRied to reeeive u tnke nnd deDtor ahali nat be oblpated to , <br /> pay or ghre;eny eonfesebn of�udgment,power ot attorney to confess�udgment,power ot attomey to eppeer fot a borrower m a�ud�anl proceeding ot ''� <br /> egreement to pey the coata ot coilect►on or the attorneye'teee,uniese the mterest pnyabie by the terma of the Note refened to m thtsdeed is I696 per . ,�� <br /> � nnnum or lees,or ths note relerred to 1n th�s deed�e �epeyabie m two or more equat or unequni mstailments nnd over a perbd of more than one , � �� <br /> � hundred forty-five(14b)months.Prowded,however,that this sedron does not epp�y to the trustee fee referred to�n Parayraph 8.8(b).P�ovided turther • <br /> � thet this Pt�ragreph 8.14 shnli not epply to thre Oeed ot Truet,it the Beneficiary hereu��s not a bank. ` <br /> ,��,- <br /> t8 RECONVBYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon w�Rten repueat ot Beneficfsry stadng thnt nll euma aeeured hereby hnve been pnid, end upon • = <br /> eurrender ot thls Oeed o}Truat nnd the Note to Truslae ior tanceliatan and retention nnd upon peyment by Trustor of Truetee's}aes,Truetoe shNt �� <br /> reeonvey to Trustor,or the pereon ot persons Iepeliy entAled thereto,wdhout wnrrnnty,any portan ot the Property then held hereunder.The recftala m <br /> auch reconveyanr.e of any matters or facts shall be concluarve proof of the truthfuines9 thereot.The gmntee�n eny reconveyance may be desaibed 86 h <br /> •"the pereon or pereona legally entrtled theroto.' � <br /> 18. NOTICE8.Exeept tor any not�cea,demnnds,requests or other eommurncatwns reqwred under npp6euble law to bo gnron In andher manner. <br /> whenover Benuflc�ary, Trustor or Truatee grves or oorves any notice pnciuding,wrthout IimRaBOn.�otiee of de}auft end notice of sale), demcnds. <br /> requests or other wmmumcatron wdh reepect to thia�eed ot Trust,each»ueh not�ce.demand.request or other commumcation ehd be n wnting md , <br /> shall ba ettechve only d the ewme re de4vered by perso�at eerwce or re maded by eettdied mad,postage prepa�d,addressed to the addrese ae aet todh <br /> at the beglnning of thls Oeed ot Truet.Any party may at eny time ehenge de addresa 1or sueh not�ees by delrvenng or mad�ng to the olher party hereb, <br /> ' ea ntotesald,a noUCe of such change.Any not�ce hereunder ehell be deemed to have been grvan to Truetu or Benefietary.when given m the manner <br /> deslgnated herein. <br /> 17. REQUEST FOR NOTICE.Truetor and Benefic�ary hereby request e copy of any not�ce of detauft,end o copy of eny notiee d eaie thereundor. <br /> •be maik+d to each pereon who�a e party hereto et the addrese set}orth for such pe�son m the first paragraph ot this Deed of Trust. <br /> 18. GOVERNINGi LAW.This Deod ot Ttust shall bo governed by the laws of the Stflte of Neb►aeka. <br /> 19. SUCCESSORS AND A331GN3.Thie Deed of Trust,and aIi terms.condAans aM oblgationa herem,apply to and�nure to Ihe beneM ot and , <br /> binda all part�es hereto,the�r he�rs,�saae,pereonat representatrves,auccessors and asegns.The term"Benef�c�etry'sha�mean the owner <br /> � and holder ot the Note,whether or not named as Benefie�ary herer+. ' <br /> + 20. JOINT AND SEVERAL LtABILiN.All covena�te and agreemento of Truetor ahail be�ont and several. <br /> � <br /> ' 21. 3EVERABIL�TY.In the event eny one or mae ot the prowswns contemed in thie Deed of Trust,or the Note ot eny othar securRy matrument <br /> .given�n connectton wdh th�s transaetion shall for any ree6on be held to be invalid.�Ilegal w unenforceable m any raapect,sueh mvnl�dAy.�IlegelRy.ot <br /> ' unentore6obilRy shall,at the option ot Benefic�ary.not eNect any other prohsion ot tlus Deed of Truat.but this Oead o}Tr�st shall be tonstrued ne M <br /> , ' sueh Invaid,Ulega4 or unenforceable pro�nsion had never boen contaned heren or therem. It the I�en ot this Oead o}Trust�s�nveiido�une��oreenble <br /> ; :� aG to any part of the debt,or A the lien�s invalid or unen(orceable as to any part ot the PropeRy,the unsecured or pnrtiaMy seeuted pottan of the debt <br /> '� i , shall be complotety paid pnor to tho payment ot th0 remmrnng end secured or paAiatly aecured portron ot the debt e�d elt payments made on the debt. <br /> whether voluntery or undet torecbsute or other enforeement acfion or proeedure,aheN be cone�deted to have been firot peid on nnd apphed to tha Iuil <br /> ; ! . payment of thnt portlon o}the debt wh�eh ie not secured or not fuNy secured by the Yen of this Deed of Ttuet. <br /> , ' 22. NUMBER AtVD CiENDER.Whenever used here�n,the au�gulnr numbet ahell mclude the plural,and the uae ot eny gender ehall be appliceb�e <br /> to nit gendere. <br /> � ORIGINAL(t) <br /> �'' EOf6l+Noere�►e ORROWER COPY(1) ootsxc <br /> 1 pETHNTION COPV�1) -- - �- <br /> . <br /> � - -_ <br /> _� � ----- - <br />