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_� . ,. _,.1�- ..rl�'I� 4+l�wrle'••,Fa, . . 9Yn�s.a� . .. . . --•- <br /> �� . . i iu . . � . �...-,+. . . . .. . �_.�. _ <br /> r. . ' 'S. �l ���'M'WhMI..... - e . . , s. » �II I '_ .. , "R'�_ <br /> .._ .. -.- . -- -.-- Q��," - — ---—^�---. . � �t.�, � . . -`---. �,. -- ---- - <br /> �. ,�+ � ' . �y'�".•�a�Yl��,�f. � �. - - - _ <br /> „ __---- <br /> . ... _ <br /> .a_._... _......._.....�.__�........_.-. .__..._.,y. --- --`-'----=-----_—.. <br /> -.._.....!'..-'--_'— .�... .._. ._. . . .,_.._ . _ . ._ <br /> .�, . .,� 4- �lo�i�;� . ��-- <br /> � AADITIq,(VA(.L.I�NB,�D PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'8 BECUpITY.T�usror shW mifc�alt paym�nt�at Int�nst�nd pNnolptl and - _ - " <br /> �-,.._..;�,.� <br /> - paymonU oi anyaatM�c1ur�� f�n and�xponn�conbact�d to b�pald to any utltCn�Ntn holdt»or prtor b�mllctarM�und�r nny pdm de�d of ttu�t � . . , ,___ _-__ <br /> _ 4 �� or mortII�p�botor�th�daU th�y u�d�WiquMt and prompty Pq�nd dtaharps�ny wnd tll oth�r INm,c�aims or eharQto whtch may jtopardl��th� _ -_- <br /> saurity pmnt�d h�r�ln,if Tru�tor ldl�to mak��ny tuch paymont or t�f►t to p�Aorm any of Ih�eown�nU artd spn�m�nt�eontsimd In thit DrW o} _-_W <br /> �� . .. " . T�utt, or tn ony prbr mortp�p�or dNd of trw6 a H�ny aatbn or proaM�n➢h erommaicsA whlah m�t�rtaly aiNab B�mtict���Int�ro�t n th� .. __ <br />� Prop�rty,inoludlnp,bu!nW IqnN�d to,�mtn�nt dom�lo procMdinp�,or prasadlnpf��voHln��dawd�nt,or H Truotor f��l�to p�y Trustor'�d�bU ` __• <br /> � pmsr�iy�s lh�y Moom�du�,fh�n 8sn�flciuy. �t�n�ikiW'�optbn�nd wilhoul notfa�to ot d�mand upon Truator and withoul nl�ninp Tmslor ,. �_ '�__,_ <br /> � han�n�obNp�tbn h�aundn, nay m�k� suoh �pp�uanas,dMbu�wah wnu�nd Wa woh adbn�s N e��ary to prot�e!B�n�lkiuy'� ' .. .:,�r•�:- _- <br /> " tnt�nsL�netudlnp,but not UmKsd to.dl�bun�m��t of nasonabN attormy'�ha. p�Ym�nt puni+et4�,aontat or comprom�u of�ny�ncumbr�nw. � • - <br /> . ahu��or itm,and�ntry upon th�P►opaty to mwk�npiw,la th��wrtt th�t Tnntor sfi�Y i��l W proaura Inauranco ot to pay tauos,aaooaom� --- <br /> any othn chary�s or to mak�any paym�nt�to�ny achdnp prbr Il�n hotd�n or b�ndlalQrNt,6m�tfal�ry m�y prau►�wcA Imur�np wnd mak�wah ,, „ . �:.��--T <br /> - p�ym*n�Any�mounts af�bun�d by B�n�Hel�ry punutnt to thb P+�rRpraph A.e�hNl b�eom�edditlond tnd�bt�dntss otTrustor s�cur�d by thh D�d ,,y��;.�=`:-;-_— <br /> • . of Trus� 8ueh�mounts th�A b�p�yabN upon noUa from 8�n�flalary to Ttuatot r�qu�otlnp paym�m th�r�of,and shdll b�ar tnt�rot hom th�dd�of • , 4��� <br /> �� dbEutum�nt at th�r�t�pay�bW hom dmo to dm�on aut�tandfnp principal und�r th�Not�uni���paymont of int�nst at�ucb ret�wouW b�conutry to ��.,r: <br /> • appiicabN taw, in whteh�vmt such amounb shdi b�a►int�nst at th�hl�hnt rat�p�rmttefbl�und�r nppitGSbi�law. Nothfnp conteimd In thit ,. , <br /> � " ' Pmapraph A.8 shaq nyulro 8�n�fldary W Incur any ucpms�or tak�any aatbn Maund�r. � . ; <br /> B. iT�BMUTUALLYA4R�EDTHAT: ., - <br /> t. ASSIaNMENT OF RENTB.6�n�9ciary shelf have tho rtght,power nnd nuthorlty during th�continuena of thb De�d of Trust to collKt th� � " � <br /> ►�nts,iseues and profits of tho Properry end o}any paroonai propaAy bcatad th�raon with awithout taking poetotaton of tho prop�rty efhct�d tunby, �.` <br /> end Truator h�raby abaolutey and uncondittonatly nselgne all such renW,ie�uae and prolfb to Bsnoflciary.8en�flciary,howawr,heroby cansMts to . <br /> th�Truetor'a eoliatbn and rateMton of�uah ronb,Isawe And profits as thay axruo and bacoma payeb�e so Iong sts Truetor Is not at tueh , ,;,�,;. <br /> d�}auh wfth reepeet to paymont of any ind�btedn�es ncured h�taby,or in th�p�rformencs ot any egre�msnt h9nund�r.Upon any sueM d�tauh, . . _ _ <br /> � 8enetielery mey et any tlme,elther In peroon,by eflent,or by a reeaivor to lw appointed by n cou�,without noUa and without ngard to th�dd�quacy _;�=-° <br /> ot any security for the Indebtedness hereby eecu�ed, (n)enter upon end teke poaseeoion dthe Propetty or eny pnrt thereof,nnd tn its own nam�suq "=�,�— <br /> � ;` tor or otherwlas coilect sunh rente,lesuee and profite,in�ludMg those past due and unpafd,end eppy the snme,iess coste and expensvs of opomtion =n-• ---- - <br /> ' ' and collocdon,Inciuding reasoneble attotneys fset, upon any Indebtedneas oeaured hereby,and In euah order ae Benefick►ry mey dsterminr, (b) � � ' • <br /> perform such nde of repalr or protectbn ae may be necossnry or proper to eonserve the value ot the Property;(o)lease the eame u any pat Urereof . • , �r <br /> tor euch rental,tenn,and upon aueh conddiorre aa qs�udgment may dktats or termfnats,a adJuet the Wrms and condftlone of existing leasee.Uniees __ <br /> ' Truetor end Benefiolary theteot agree olhe�wlee In writlng,nny epplleaUon of rente,issuea or profits to eny indebtednese eeeured hereby ehaN not � <br /> extend or postpone!he due date of the Instalment pnyments as ptovided fn eNd promiseory note or ehange the amount of such Inetalimente.The � - <br /> � � entering upon and teking poeeeeaion of the Propetry,the eobection of suah rente,teaues and prafite,and the appikadon thereot as abreeaid,aMll not � � � <br /> wnive or cure nny dafauft or nodce ot deiaup hareunder or invalidate any nct dons purauant to such notbe.Ttuetor Nso aosigns to Beneflcley, ea i ,�= <br /> turlher eecuriry for the pertorman� of the ab6gatbna eecured hereby,n1i prepaid rente and NI monles whieh may have been or mny hereeAer be ; ,. �,.""" <br /> deposfted with eaid Trustor by any lessee of the Propedy,to aecure the ptsyment ot any rent or demngea,or upon detauk in the performeu►ce otany of i ';.,-- <br /> the provisiona hereot,Ttustot agrees to deiiver such�ents and depoeits to Benefletary.DeGvery of written noUce ot 8eneficiary's exercise of the righte• � ��% <br /> � ' granted herein,to any tenant occupytng enid premises ahnll be sutficient to require sNd tenent to pny rent to the Beneficlery until further�otice. , � <br /> 2. CONDEMNATION.If title to any paR of the Property shnll be taken In condemnatton praeeadings,by dght ot eminent domafn or similnr ection. i ' � <br /> or shnll be eoid under threat of eondemnatlon,eIi awa�de,damages c+nd proeeede ere hereby asalgned and ahnil be pald M 8enetiehry who ehaleppy , <br /> nuch awarde,damagee and proceeds to the sum seeured by this Oeed of T�ust,with the exeess,if any,pnfd to Truetor.lf Truator receMea any noliee u ;� � <br /> � other intormatbn regarding such actions or proceedinge,Truator shnll gfve prompt written notice thereof to Beneficiary.Beneficfnry ehtlll bH entitled,at <br /> ite optlon,to eommenee,nppear In and prosecute h ite own nnme eny such acdon or praeedings end shsil be entided to make any eompromise or '•� �� .j <br /> sedlement In eonnectlon wflh any euah ndion a proeeedings, J <br /> 3. FUTURE ACYANCEB.Upon request ot T�uator,Benefieiary at Beneficiery'o option,prlor to�eeonveyance of the Property to Trustor,me�y make ~�'f� <br /> iuture advaneea to Trustor.Such luture adveneee,with intereat thereon,ahn�l be seaured by this Trust Oeed when evidenoed by promfasory notea, � � <br /> statine that eald notea are eecured hereby;provided thnt at no time shnli the eoeured qhefpal, future advnnoes,not includlnfl suma advnneed to � <br /> protect the securdy,exceed Two Hundred parcent(20096)of the origfnal prineipel amounts eeeured hereby. <br /> �• <br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Truolee end Benefielary, end each of them, sha0 be entitled to entorce pnymsnt and pedotmance af any � t�.� <br /> indebtedneas or obiigndone eecured hereby and to exerctss aIi rfghte and powere under tMs Oeed ot Trust or under any other apreement executed h '�` �t� <br /> eonneetbn herewflh or any laws now or he�eeRar n taee,notwdhstnnding some or ell ot Ihe auch indebtednese and obMgatWns sacured hereby mny • <br /> now or hereaRer be othetwise secured,whether by mortgnge,deed of trust,pledge.4en,anignment or othenWae.Neither ths nccaptnnca of thisDeed <br /> of Tast nor ite en}orcement whether by court ectlon or pureuant to the power ot eale or other powere herein eontnined,sha0 pre�ud�cs or fn any manner ,�- <br /> eftoct Trustee'e or Beneficlary'e nght to reallxe upon or entorce any other secuMy now or hereafler held by Truetee or Bensliclery.R boing agreod that ,r;, <br /> Trustee and Oeneticiary,and euch ot tham, choff bo ondtlod to ontorca this Oeed of Ttu9t Hnd eeny othe►eecurAy now o�he�eMlnr he�d by 8enefidety a i;i_ <br /> � Trustee In such order and mannet ae they a eRher of them mny in thelr absolute dlecret�on determine.No temedy heron conferred upon ot reeerved, {; <br /> to Truetee or Beneficiary fe Intended to be exdueive of any other remedy heretn or by law provided or permAted,but eech shall be cumulaUve and shM ,,� <br /> be tn nddMton to every other remedy fliven hereunder a now or hereafter existing et Inw a in equity or by atatule.Every power or remedy prov�ded � <br /> � hereunder thle Deed of Trust to Truetee or Benelietary or to which either ot them may be otherwise entitled,may be exerciaed, concurreMty or - <br /> iMependenty from time to Ume and as often as may be daomed expodient by Trustee ar Benel�cmry cnd eAher ot them may pursue inconastent ��"_ <br /> temedles.Nothing herom shell be eonetrued as prohibAing 8eneficiary hom eeekmg a defic�ency�udgment agemst the Trustor to the extent euch nction <br /> Ia permitted by Iew. <br /> �• <br /> 6. TRAN3FER OF THE PROPERTY;A98UMPTION. �}all or nny part of the propert�ar intereet therem is sold,translerred or otherwise conveyed � <br /> ' by Trustor wdhout 8eneficlary's prwr wtAlen consent,exc�uding(e)the ereation of a tien or encumbrance subadmate to this Deed ot Truet,@) the " <br /> creation of n purchnse money sewrity inte�esl for household appl�ancea.(e)s transler by dewse,deseent or by operatwn ot Inw upon the dealh of e <br /> � �dnt tennnt or (d)the grant of eny Ieasehold�nterest of three yesre or Ieae not contatmng an optan to purehase,euch netbn Is a breaeh ot thre, <br /> � egreement and Beneflclary may,st 8enefiemry'e option. declare eII the sume secured by Ihfe Deed of Truet to be immed�ately due and payable,or . <br /> ceuse the trustee to fi�e a not�ce of dotault.Benehciary shall have waived euch opt�on to eccelerats�f, prror to the eale,trsnater ot conveynnce. <br /> 8enet�ciary and the peraon to whom the property�e to be eold or trensferred reeeh agreement m wrdmg thot the eredd ut such person�s sat�efadory to <br /> . 8eneficinry nnd that the�ntetest peysbte on the Bums secured by this Deed of T�ust shall be at such rate as 8eneficiary shall request. <br /> 8. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;REMEDI ES; 9ALE.The}adure by the Truata to meke eny payment or to petform any ot the terms and , <br /> condittona ot the Note,or eny renewale, modrficetions or extenaiona thereof.o�the payment ot any other mdebtedness secured hereby or u� the <br /> par}ormance oi any of the covensnts or egreemeMe hereunder ahall be a breach ot th�s egreement and the Benefic�ary may deetare e delauR and mey <br /> ' deetare all aums aecured hereby�mmedietely due end psyable and the aame shsll thereupon beeome due and pnyable wdhout preaentment,demand, <br /> • protest or notice ot any k1nd.Theresfter,Beneficiary may delwer to Trustee s wr�iten dedarat�on ot detnult and domand fot este.Tru3tor sgrees snd • <br /> � hereby grants thnt the Trustee ehnll hsve the power of eale o}tho Property end d Be�efieusry dec�dea tha Property re to be eold R ehaN depoet wdh <br /> i _�� �.�.�.a.........�..�.�,..��.........wanAA��rna enw�unrl)wrehv wnd ohw1l dd�vor fn TruttOO n <br /> :: .... ..._ ..__.. _.�..._.__�.�_ ::'v:'vO:"'__' <br /> I IfY6t00 tf110 VOOY VI ttMO�al�v���v �w�oou�w M�i�v�.wr��.�.�....�...� �....�..�...0.�.��..�..�'����'_"____'__„ ' _ " . <br /> ' wrAten notiee ot detauR and electwn to eause the Proporty to be eold,and Trustee,m turn.shall ptepare a simder not�ce m the torm reqwred by taw. <br /> � wh�h shs11 bo duly filed tor rocord by Trustee. <br /> � ; (a) ARer the lap3e ot euch bmo as may be requued by law follow�ng the recordation of Not�ce o}De}ault,and Notice of Oafault end Not�ce of Sale <br /> � . , havfng been gfven ns requ�red by lew, Truetee. wrthout demand on Truatu,eheU sell the Property m one or more petCela end n suCh order � <br /> � :� ns Trustor mey determtne on the dete end the time and p!ace designated tn ead Not�ee ot pubhc auetron to the hghest bidder.the , <br /> purchnse prlce pnyable tn caeh In Iawful money of the UnRed 3tetes et the t�me of anle.The person conduetmg the enle may,tor any cause <br /> he or ehe deems expedrent,poetpone the cse�e hom time to time unti R shall be wmpleted and,in evory such csoe.notice of postponemant <br /> shall be gfven by public dxleratbn thereof by aueh person at the tlme and placa last appo�nted 1or the sa�e: prowded, d the m�e is <br /> �, poetponed tor longer then one(t)dey b9yond the day designated in the Notice of Sale,nol�ce theteot shall be grven m the same manne�ae <br /> ' the orginal Notice of 3ale.Ttustee shW execute and dalrver to:he purehaeer As Deed eonvey�ng the Property ao eold, but wRhavt any <br /> �. � covonnnt or wnrtanty,exprese,or�mplred. The recitala m the Oeed of any manneto or tecta ehnll ba conctusive proof of the truthWtness <br /> � , thereot.Any pereon,�neluding wRhout Ifmtntfon 8eneficiery or Trustee.may purchese at the sete. <br /> + OOM7t Nubrede OOl57B <br /> � <br /> A � _ <br /> 1 <br />