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' . " • �, � � J.w�.. -� . .. 1���- ,— <br /> 1 ,+'• <> �:' <br /> . N -. '_ -.��..._, "__- <br /> ___"._._._` �. . <br /> _� `�+=--= 94-i�z+D�9 - <br /> of them,she11 be enatted to enforce thla Trust Ooed and any other securlty now or hereafter held by Benafklary ot Truetee!n euoh ordsr end mltnnN <br /> ae thsy or efther of�hem mny In�hoir abaotute aiacratton detarmine.No�emedy hereln conterred upon a reserved to Truatee a 8eneficlaryr t�tnt�rM�d <br /> --- to b�ezctusive ot any o4her remedy heroln or by Inw provided or permitted,but each ehatl be cumulative and sha0 be In�ddition to ewry oth�r nm�dy <br /> � - plven hereundor or now o�horeetter e�sednp a!law or in eq�iry or by etatute.Every power tx remedy p�ovlded w�der thla Truat Deed to TruttM ar Brnet�tary ____ <br /> or to which elt�er ot them may be otha►w�ae enlltted,may be exerclsed,eoneu►rontiy or Indepandontly.Gom tlme to time and ea oflen se mey be deemed r <br /> - expedlent by Trudtee or Beneticlary and elthur ot tham may pursue Ineonslstent remedisa.Nathinp heroln ehall be eonetrued aa prohlb�lnp 8eneflCtary <br /> s', hom eeeking a deficlency�udgment ngatnst the Trustor to the oxtent eueh actton le permltted by taw. <br /> 11.TRANSFER OF THB PROPERrit A8&UTAPTION.It all or any purt of the Properry ar Interest tAereln Is eold,translerrecl o►olherwise,onvayed <br /> by Trubtor without 8eneticiary's prlor writlen consent,excluding(a)the e�eatlon ot a Ifen or encumbrenc9 subordlnate to thie Truat Deed. (b)e hanate� <br /> a, .� by operation of 18w upo�the death of a Truator who Ia a�olnt tenant or(c)the grant of any Ioasehoid Intereat of three(3)years a tesa wh�h doee rtat <br /> '•i3,��` ' contaln an optlon to purchase.such actlon is a breach ot this agraement.an0 8enet�c�ary may,at 8eneflclary's optlon,dectare atl the sums seeured by <br /> . -``�'"�`��""•",���F•�•�� thfa Troet�eod to be immediately due and payabte,provided,turther,thls Trust Oeod may,at Banetk�ery's optlon,be declared Immediately due and <br /> ... <br /> �� �H�` �e�,��.�1�,.� peyable,if(/)Trustw�s a partnerahip and eny Interest In the partnerehtp is soid or assigned by any means whetsoevet,or(2)If the Truator la a corpotetton <br /> ti•�����.';_ ';. .... end a trensfer ot the maJonry atock ownerahtp Interest In the corporetlon occurs,or the Trustor corpor8tlon mergea lo any torm with anolher cotporeUon <br /> 7, or entlty.eeneflclary shatl have watved auch optlon to acceierate it,prlor to the sale.trensfer or co�veyance,Beneficlary and the petaon to whom the <br /> �/ �''' . ' ' Pro e Is to ba sold or tranaferretl reach a reement in wrltin that the credit of suoh per&on is satlsfacto to BeneHeia and that the Interost payabie <br /> -r. ,'.r> P rh' 9 8 �Y �Y <br /> ,� on the sums secured by thia Trust Deed shali be at sucb rate as Benefictary shall request. �µ�_ <br /> 4i�' � 12.ACCELHRATION UPON OEFAULT;REAAEDIES;BALF.The failure by Ihe Trustor,to make any payment or to perform any of the terms and condftions <br /> � ,,,'• ; <br /> - of this Trust Oeed.a tha terms and condiuona ot Ihe Note.a any renewats,modiflcations or extensione thereo},or the failure to meke payment of any <br /> ' �' � " other Indebtedness.prlor or nuDSequent to this Trost Oeed,and secured by thia property,or the dealh of one or mae Truatore ehell be a breeCh end = <br /> - —� ----- dotdufi ot tRts Trust Oca�and tha Scnef�ciar;msy dec�ere e de�ev4 ann may dar:ierw en auma securea hereby Immedtateir due and payaDie end the _ - <br /> � ^ � . same shatl thereupon beeome due and payable wahout presentment,demand,protest a notice of any kind,provided,T�uetot 8het1 heva any StBtutory °-_ <br /> ;y right to cure the defeult belore eny nonce ot delault and demand 1or eate may be delivered to the Trustee.Thereafler,8enelklary may delfver to Trustee �- -- <br /> ,� a written decteration ot detault and demand tor ea�o.Trustor agre88 and hereby granta that the 7�ustee 9hell hAVe the power of ealg of Ihe Property and ��� ��� <br /> '" if BeneNclary decides the Property�s to be sotd�t shall deposft with Trustee this Truat Oeed and the Nale or rates and any other documenta evideneing ":��`a., <br /> � expenditures secured hereby,and shatl delroer to Trustee a wr�tten notice of de}ault and eiection to cause Iha property to be sold,and Truatee,In turn, <br /> . shall prapare a stmdar notice in Ihe form reqwred by law,which shall be duty tlted for record by Trustne. �;�,_i <br /> . •;i �.r`._ <br /> • � (a) After the lapse of such time as may be requred by taw tollowing the recordatlon of Notice ot Defeuit,and Notice of Oefauit end Notice af <br /> „� " Sale hevmg been gwen as required by law,Trustee,Nnthout demand on Trustor,shall aeti the Property,if not tedeemed,in one or more ' _'� <br /> ' parcets and�n such order as Truatee may determine on the date and the rime and plece designated In said Nodce ot 8ale,at publb auctlon ,��:5',�:,' <br /> �� . � aecording to law. :. � <br /> — -- <br />