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--- <br /> -- _ _„ _ <br /> ', � J�,' '�� _ �°� � . --- _ , _ - <br /> � k- "�• • - <br /> ' . <br /> ' • _.... -:'�"'� <br /> — ------ - -- Vqi1 �V�M��N <br /> -- �� TO PROTECT TNE BECURITY OR THIfi THUST OEED,TRUSTOR HER88V COYENANTS AND AQHEf:B AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1.PA1fMENT OF PRINCiPAL AND INTEHE6T.'frustar ehatl promptty puy when due the prmelput o1 and interest on the Indebtodneaa evidenesd by <br /> the Note,nnd atl other charpes end tee+r as providea 1n the Note,and tha principai of and Intereat on eny futurp Advancoa eecursd by thl�Truu ONd. <br /> 2.L'1bRRAldTY OP TtTLH.7ruetor ia lnwluity selzed and possessed oi good and Indefeasibte title and Betatq to the Propetty her6by conveyoA and �_ _ <br /> •-{ has the ripht to grant and convey the P►operiy:the Property Is hee and ctear ot atl Ifena end encumbrancea excopt llens now of recad;end Trouor wlfl <br /> + waRant and detend the titte to the P�opartp agalnst alt ctatma end demanda. <br /> 3.MAINTENANCB ANOCOMPLtAN6H WIYH LAWB.Truator shell keep the P�operty In good repalrand condttfon and shelt nolcommit waetew pormtt <br /> impairment ca deterloratlon of the Property and shalt comply wlth the provlslona ot any lease If thia Trust Oeed fa on a 1ea60hold.No tmprovoment now <br /> '�' - or hereafter erected upon the Property shali be aitered,removed or demolished without the prior written consent of BeneiiClary.Truetor ehatl comply wltb <br /> x':�•Yy' ell tawa,ordinances,regulaGons,covenants.conditlons and restrictiona attecNng the Prope►ty and not commit,suHer or permft any ect to be done In or <br /> ���r �=�" '� upon the Properly in violation of any law,ordinance,reguladon,covenont,condltlon or resUletion.T�ustor eheli complete or reatae promptty end In good �_—_-_ __ <br /> � ���4�`'�"•u:e,: workmanllka manner any Imprevement on the Property which may be damaged or deatroyed end pay,when due,a11 elaims tor lebor pertormed and materla►s <br /> �,;,1 . ;:r tumiehed theretor flnd tor 8ny alterationa thereof. <br /> ' ' ''t:,'+ 4.INSURANC6.Truetor,at ite expense,will malntatn with ineurors approved by Beneficlary,InsurancB with respeet to thaimprovements and pereonat <br /> � ', � .� A <br /> • properry,conatituting the Property,against toss by fire,lightning,tornado,and other perlla and hazards covered by standerd exlertded covarage Indorsement, <br /> ' -:�, in an amount equat to at least one hundred percent(t00�ib)of the tuU reptaeement value thereof and Insurance egalnst such other hezarde and In euch �--°-� <br /> ��. j`-� , ,`A`, amounts ae Is cuatomarlly carried by ownere end operators ot simitar propertes or as Benet�iary may requlre tor Ita protedlon.Trustor wlll comply wflh <br /> suCh other�aqufremenls as Beneticfary may trom time to tlme request fa the proteetlon by insurance ol the interesta of the reap9ctive peRfe9.Alf Ineurence <br /> •� • " poifcfes malntafned pursuant to ihta 7rust Deed ahali name Trustor and Beneficiary as Insured,as their respective Intereata may appear,an d pr o v l de t ha t <br /> there be�oC8nC8118tfon or rtadlflCetlon without at Ieast ib deye pno►wntten nddication to t rustee ano baneficiary mey procurtlwa:ir ineu�n��u,k�6tur3otCS =_-- <br /> �M with the provlsfon8 of paragraph 8 hereof.Trustor ahall deilver to Beneficiaty the original poticles of Insurance and renewele thereof or memo copies of __ <br /> i '� such policles and renewais thereof.failure to furnish such insurance by Trustor,or renewals as required hereunder shall,at the optlon ot Beneflciary, ��-=—� <br /> , , wnstltute a del8ult. �•-- <br /> � . `� 6.TAXE9,ASSE83AAF.t�1T8 AND CHANGFS.Trustor shall pay aIi taxes.assessments and other charges,including,without lanitatbn.flnes and impositlons �'�'�'"'' <br /> attributabte to the Property and teasehold payments or ground renta,it any,before the same become dellnquent.Trustor shali promptly furnlsh to tseneflclary = <br /> �� • all rtodces of amounts due under this paregraph,and in the event Trustor shall make payment ditectly.Truator shall promptlylumlah to BeneHctary reeelpts �'�.=rT=— <br /> evldencing such payments.Trustor shall pay au tazes and essessments which may be�evted upon 8enefictary's interest herein or upon thls Truat Deed ��� £ <br /> without repard to any law that may be enacted fmposmg payment of the whole a any pert ihereot upon the BeneNclary. ii:i�;s;�— <br /> 8.AODITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEfICiARY'S SECURITY.Truator ahell make eli payments ot intereat snd princfpal and payments �_, <br /> ot any other chargea,fees and expenses contracted to be pald to any existing or subsequent Henholder or beneficiary,under any exi6ting or aubsequent Fv�-- <br /> ` --- ----- r n nt or m deiauii and rom il a and dlschatge ar,y snd a:f oth.or:�cns,t�ims at Ch8sges sxhiCh ��� 4_ - <br /> mortgage or trust deea betore tne aaie tney a e aeu que , p v r P r c1,;_ <br /> may Jeopardize the security gianted herewi.If Trustor feils to make any such peyment or feits to pertam any of ihe covenada end agreements contained - -� <br /> " in this Trust Deed,cr the Note referred to herein,a m any prior or subsequent trust deed,or if any actlon u proceeding Is commeneed whtch materisily ,�akl,+�.;:;' <br /> atfects Beneficlary's mterest In the Propeny.mcluding,but oot limrted to.eminent domain proceedMgs,proceedings mvolvng a decedent.notice of eaie `•" �� <br /> ., by Yrustee.notice ot de}ault by Trustee,mortgnge foreclosure action.or d Trostor fads to pay Trusta's debts generally as they become dua,then Beneflclary, �s' � <br /> ti��. <br /> - ' at Benefictary's optbn end wilhout not�Ce toor demand upon Trustor and wdhout releasing Ttustor hom eny obligation hereu�det,maymake such appearanoes, i;.� <br /> + ' .... . ...�___.. _.'... Alahurse sueh sums end take such actlon es is necessary to protect 9enehCiery's mterest,including,but not timited to,disbursemenl of rea�onabte attorney's �_ y.;.. <br /> fees.payment.purcheee.Contest or compromise of any encumbrance,charge or hen,eMry upon the Property to meke repa�rs,or tlectaration ot deteutt --` `� <br /> ' under this Trust the event that Trustor shall fail to prceure insurance or to pay taxes,assesamenta,or eny other cherges nr to make any payments _ <br /> ` • . t0 any exleting or subsequent Iie�holders or ex�slmg or subsequent benetiC�eries.Benef�ciary may procure such insurance end make BuCh payment,but ��; <br /> � ahall not be abligated to do so.Any amounts disbursed by Benehciary pursuant to this Paragraph 8 shaN become adddional i►xlebtednee9 Of Truetar secured _ <br /> by thls Trust Oeed.Such emounts shali be payabie upon notice�rom 6enehciary to Trustor requestmg payment thereof,and shell benr interest hom the <br /> dete of disbursement at the rate payabie lrom t�me to t�me on outstandmg pnnapal u�der the Note unless payment o��nterestat such rale wcuid be contrery <br /> to appllcable Iaw.�n which event such amounts shau bea��nterest at the highest rate permissible under appl�cabie 18w.Nothmg contained m thia ParBgreph , = <br /> 8 shell require Beneficiary to incur any e:pense or take any action hereunder. _ <br /> 31 <br /> 7.ASSIdNMENT OF RENTS.Benef�c�ary sha�i have the nght.power and authonty dunng the contmuance of th�s Trust Deed tocollect the ronle,�ssuea = <br /> � end proUts ot the Property and ot any pe�sonal property located thereon w�th or wrthout takmg possession of the property affetled hereby,8nd Trustor . <br /> hereby AbsM�itpiy��tl uncond�t�onally assiqns a:l such renls.�55ues and proids to Bene�iciary-Beneficiary,however,hereby tons9nt8 t0 Ihe Trustor's <br /> � colleCtion and retention of Such rents.�ssues and prof�ts as they eccrue and 6ecome payable so lang as T►ustor is not,at such t�me.�n det8ult with rospect <br /> � t0 p8yment of Sny md9bt@dnEtss secured heroby-or m the performance of any agre@m@M hereunder Upon any such pefauN,Benehaery may at any dme. , <br /> either�n person,by agent,or by a recerver to be appo�ntetl by a court.wdhoul nouce antl w�thout regarC lo tne adequecy ot any seCw�ty br the mdebted�es9 � <br /> ' hereby secured.(a)Bnter upon and take possess�on of the Property or any part thereot.and in�ts own name sue for or othe�wise collett such rent6.�asue8 .. <br /> end prptds,�nCluding those past due antl unpa�d.and apply the sa�ne.�ess r,osts and oxpenses of operation bntl collection,mcludmg reaSOnabie 8tI0►ney's <br /> fees.upOn any mdebtedness secured hereby.and in sucn order as Benefk�ary may determ�ne �b)perform such acis ot repair or proteCtion es may be � <br /> - 0@CASS9fyl Or ptOp@I�0 COnS@rv@ ihB vAluC Of ihB PropBtty.(C)I@e5B thB 50mp O�any part thereof for such rentai,term.antl upo�SuCh conddans a9 rts , <br /> �udgment may dictate.ur terminate or ad�ust the terms antl conu�uons ot ex�sUng ieases Unless Trust«and Benehc�ary tnereof agreeotherwise m wrd�ng. <br /> any appliCebon ol reots.�ssues or profds to any�ndeDtedness secured he�eby sh��l not eztend or poslpone the due aate a�the mstallment paymenl8 8s <br /> provid8d in Said promissory noto o�change the amount of such�nsta��ments The entor�ng upon anG tah�ng possession o�the Property.Ihe Coli@tt�On <br /> of suCh rents,issues and prof�is.antl the apphr.auon th�r�o1.�s aforesa�d.shali not wa�ve ur cure any tl��ault or noUCe ot defaull hereunder or�nval�dat6 <br /> eny ect done puryuanl to sucn noUce T�ustor.itso ass�q��s in�urther securny for the pe�tormance ot t►�e ob��gauons securad hereby,ell I . . <br /> (Nepaid rents and all mon�es wnich may nave been nr may ne�r.�ite�be Aepos4Nd w�ih sa�d Truslor Gy any lossee o}the p�operly.t0 seCUre the payment <br /> ' of any rent or damages.or upon tlefault�n tne pe��u��nance o�any ot in��prows���ns neren� Trusto�agreos to dehver,uch�enls anC deposds to Benef�aary I <br /> 1 pghvery of wntten not�ce o�Bene��uary s exvruse ot tn���qhi5 y�d��ted ne�r�n tu any ten;�nt occupy��g sa�0 prem�ses shail be suHrcient to require sa�d <br /> tenant to Pay rgnl 10�hA BcnPhc�a�Y unUi fuitb�r nuhce � <br /> 8 CONOHMNATION.d�iUcf lo dny Pdr�ut inc•Pn�prrty tii�aii h��t.�won m i.unnrmn,�t�u�P�ae�d�����nt ot emmem aoma�n or s�m�iar acbnn,or <br /> Sh811 b@ So�d untler thre2t u��o���lemnaunn ,d�,ro�u�ly �t.un.tqe�y.m0 t���[ecd:.,ire hNie�bY asS�qnNA an0 ti��ali b�pa�d io,c,ary wno snai�aPP�Y <br /> such awards. damages and t•���re���f:, i„u,�•ti���•�•.�•��,��.t n� tn�� t,�,tit lA���d r..u•u���...�_,.s�, ,e ,��,, u.i,d tJ TrUSIOr ii T�ustor rPCe�ves any not�ce o� <br /> other mlo�mation regartl�ng,,uch aU�un;u� pwcei•A�nyy T�u5t0� •,��a�i yrv�•Prompt wr�m•��nubie tn•.ie•o�tu B��nehuan• Bene�rc�ar�sr,au be ent� <br /> dS Opt�on,to commente,oppear m and pwsecute m d5 uwn n�me any sucn ar.uon o�proceeA�nq,and shau be entdled to makeany corr.prom�se or settlempnt <br /> m COnnecUon wdh a�,y such achon ur p�oreNd�nys <br /> 9 FUTURE ADVANCES. Ut�o��re�qur5t ul Tn,�,tur Hrnt���c� B�•nrh[�dry�,uU��o�� U��o�1�'PCOnvpydflCQ Ut ihp P�OpC�ly t0 TrUS10f,tn�y MpkQ <br /> �uture adva�ees to Trustor Su�h iuwro auv.+���cti .��w,m�r�rs��n�•��un :,�,an ne s���u�e•d by th�s Tr usl Oeen when ev�tlence0 by prom�ssory notCS stdUng <br /> that said notes are�;ecured h�r�by {�nrv�hi�4 th,d nt�u t��n��sh��l Ihp tif•[u�Cd P���np.d.�nd 1i�iut��auv.ince5 �u���Uud��q sums advanCed lo prO�ect <br /> tho Seeunty.e�Cee�Iwo hunAretl Ue�e ent 1:0�) •.1 ut Ihv rn�qm.i� pnnc�P�p,f�nountti���rwt�d hrrrby <br /> 10 REMHDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.T��n��r�•J��d fi�•��e��:�!.i�y .f��d t•d�t�nf ihpm �h.oi 1��,�•��tdit�d tn��ntnr���p,iympnl,5nd P�•�lur mdnGP uf iny n1APb�PdnP55 <br /> � or Obliyel�O�S Setutad hi•reby and tu�•.e��.�5e��u nyh�ti,u�il�n��vr��W�J�'�����y Trust DeoA w�indv :t�v��thrr;tqr�pm<•nl e�.c[ulyd�n[unnP[�iOn h!r@wrth <br /> Or 8�y�8W5 noW bi hpr�,�qrr �n fur��� nut�wihs�nnU�nq�.um���v .��I o�ih��tinrti•��d��btrd�+PSS.��d �,h���Jd��nit5 SPIUfPA hP�Ph�m.ay n�W�r h�r�dttC�be <br /> � , Oth@tWiSC Seeu�etl.whethe�bv r��wtq.iyF� Irutit d���d P��'�)U�' •'<<� •ISS�q�`rni�n����idht�hti�•a� N��Ih�a ihr.1CCPUtd�7[P��'Itny I�uSt D��tO n0��K rnlpr[t me`nt <br /> Wh@�hBf by COUrI acUan ur pur�u.�ni tu Ihr pi�.t�•�ol�.,VC u�u�hnr pn�t�•�ti h��inm�unldm�•q �,h,�h p������d��r P�m.�n����r d'h•�t Tiuti1P�•ti nr B�>nl�hC�Oty 5 <br /> ' nght t0 t68hte uPun o�r�n�w�i�:1ny otl»•,ti�.�i�nly nnat.n h..�Ndib•l nrhl hy hu•,�NP U�H��n�•'�� .u� .t U�•�ny nqr�•�.d t",d le ino���.f�d B��ne��oary .inA r.1Ch <br /> � <br />