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<br /> _ f� . �. �4,s��.s�.7 — -
<br /> 4�.` ._.:, .t . - , .
<br /> ��:�y': ^«.• • (b)Whm Yru�th aN�p�nu�nt to th�pow�n h�r�ln,TNiU��hall appty ths ptocwd�of th�oal�to paymont of th�ca�ts�nd�ucp�n�a of —
<br /> . .. .,�.,. �x�rcl�tnp th�pow�r ot�als and of th�ral�,inctudlnp,wilhout IlmUttton,th�peym�nt otYruetn'�Fs�s Ineurrsd.whleh T�uato�'r Fsn ah�l �_,-Y--n,.,,,�:,_.___
<br /> :�c`:.•:��.:,- . • rto!in tM a40ropnt�ucee�d ths loibwing amour�b bu�d upen th�unount�eund htr�by and r�maininp unpaid:6 p�rantum on th� y -
<br /> •� �.__�—�_ -
<br /> .`���:..'•`.`.�� ��^'" baNinc�th�r�ot and th�n to th�K�m�in tubpareQr�pb(o)tn th�otdn thsr��tat�d.
<br /> 1x,�':�r'K�!4�� �%'.,
<br /> .r.•^��r. �. :..G�. . __..._.
<br /> ``,. _;5n a, } (o)Aibr p�ylnp th�k�m��p�dfl�d In subpu��aph(b)�Hth��al�Is by Ttu�,ar th�prop�r couR�nd otha eo�b of forreioaun Rnd NN Nth� ���A y_�—
<br /> �• •���+�s-�1,;,wyf4!� s�N b pur�u�nt to judlaW btselotun,th�ptoa�d�of tat�sh�tl b�app�i�d in th�otda t1�Ud boiow to fh�paym�nt ot __
<br /> �A .. ..
<br /> � � (t)Attornnn bn and�ott�of eolNction; `, ,�x.rs 7z -�- �_
<br /> ..
<br /> ' '• (�)Cost o}�ny�vld�ne�of GW procund in oonmctlon with suaM aN and ot any�avos�uo raquked to be pcaid; ��,�,o __
<br /> 0
<br /> .. .�.�� '�•. . .. .':.A: —_ _�-o
<br /> , , . �s�nnoaq.aon:a�,r.a bym�Ttiaa..a; _ . ___.._
<br /> • . (4)Th�nmsind�r,H any,to th�p�rson Np�y�ndtl�d th�mo. ��'�'�•�, - ---
<br /> -i-a�.: ---_
<br /> ' " 7. AOOITIONAL BECURITY INBTFiUMENTB,Tru�tor,at ib ucp�na,wHl�x�auc�a�+d ddiwr to th�8�n�fldary,prompty upon d�mand,�ueh .��!'�"Lf Y~--
<br /> ,. �� s�eurUy Instrum�nW as msy M roqulnd by B�n�Adnry,in form and substana�aUainctory to Bsn�fldary,oov�dnp any of th�Prop�rty canwy�d tiy � '�'�:�`=�T-A
<br /> eu • �w�•.- 'a�'�_
<br /> thu ONd of Trust,whteh��aurity inttrum�nb�batl be addidonel acu�ity for TnistoY�fnithful qrfamana of all th�b►ms,cov�n�nte and condlttons of <;,..'�'�.�•�
<br /> -.�r,..
<br /> . . •thb Dsod ot T�usA tha promisaory noUs eseurod heroby,end any oth�r aeutity inshumMts �xeeuted in eonn�dlon wRh this transactlon.Bueh . "':��`;';'''��,�-.�:�
<br /> " fnotrumtnts thNi bs reootdsd or filed at Ttustor's�xp�na. �•L,=:�'
<br /> . � :�:.-�.::`�- .-,---
<br /> 8. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCE880R TRUBTEE.8�n�fioia mn,hom dm�to dm�, by e�wr�ten inotrum�nt�x�cuWd and e�eknowledpM by _ . ,��':,:.�t��•:.�—
<br /> ry Y •:q,r�rs��.= —
<br /> ij B�neflofary,mNt�d to Truitor and ncordsd in ths oounty or countl�s in whieh th�Proparty iu bented a+d by othsrwis�eompylny with th�provisbns of .•�• :...;�t . -
<br /> " ths epplknbN iaws of ths 8tate of Nebraska subsdtute n eucessaor or wcc�s�on to th�Tniat�e named hsrsin or acdnp h�»under. ___:��,.,,:�r
<br /> . n i_._�_
<br /> 8. INSPECTION8.Banefiebry,or its egenta,repr�e�ntnUvas ot workm�n,an euthoriz�d ta enter nt eny raaeonabb dm�upon or in any pad of ;;;.,;;,. __
<br /> „ the Property Por the putpose ot Inspeating th�earm nnd tor ths purpoe�of p�rforminp any of 1ha aGo R ts authori��d W p�rfortn undrr th�brmt of th� _ '=�'.:"�'—_ __
<br /> r��_
<br /> ,_................ ......,,;...---..
<br /> Oeed of Ttus4 �`"`
<br /> _.._;_..__ .
<br /> .. - . __.,,-,.- _
<br /> • 10. OPTION TO FORECL08E.Upon ehe oaurronce of any broneh nnd upon the deeleratbn af detnuk henundar.Ben�flciary ehaM havs the ,._ __
<br /> ,..,f;�+ . option M foredosa this Deed of Trust In the manner provided by Iaw for tha toracloaure of moKgages on reai properry. . -�, .,__
<br /> .�� in►�-
<br /> t t. FOREBEARANCE BY BHNEFlCIARY OR TRUBTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any torebearence by Bemfklary or Tmates In exerebing any�yht o� � �;n_
<br /> hcebte taw,aifall nat o�a weiverot or preclude the exercise of eny euch right or ramedy hereunder. ' . '•'`,'�`�"'_—
<br /> remody hereunder,or otherwise aHorded by app' . ;;�;,:=_—
<br /> • Lfkewis�,th�waiver by B�nefldary or Ttuatee of eny defauft of 7wlfef dndN'thK O1ed of T�uet ehaA not 6e deemed to b�a waiv�r of any other or �::__ —
<br /> ",.� eimilardefauMasubeeqwntlyoecu►rk�8• � �,,. { .,�--
<br /> 12. TRUSTOR NOT RELEA8ED.Extenebn ot the rime tor payment or modlfieation or amartlzaUon of the sums eecured by thie De�d of Trust ;.�-���
<br /> granted by Benollcinry to any succeesor in Interest of Trustot shall not opemte to retease,in any manner,the Ilability of the otiginni Ttuator and � _ _
<br /> ' �'
<br /> Truator'e suaASSOr In InteresG Boneflclnry ehall not be requUed to commence proceedingn ageinat aueh successor or refuse to extend tlma?or
<br /> - 'pnymvat or otherwise mcdKY amortizatlon af 4he eumg soeured by thla Deed of Truat by reasan oi nny demand made by the otiginat Trustor nnd " �% `�=
<br /> _. —„ _
<br /> Truetor'4 auxessoro in fnterest
<br /> .,j
<br /> 19. BENEFICIARY'8 POWERS, Wnhout aHecting or reieasing the Uabilily of the Truelor o►any other person Ilnbie for the payment ot eny �� , ' �,,
<br /> obitgntfon hereln mentbned,end withuut afteeting the Nen or charge of this Deed ot Truet upon any portbn ot the Property not then or theretofore •`�:��`',:
<br /> reieased ae eeeurity for the/uli amount of all unpald obilgatlona,Benefiolary may,Boen time b time and without nottce at the requoet of one or more •�,4i;�,
<br /> '�";
<br /> Ttuatore p)relenoe any person eo�inble,p�extend or renew the maturil�r or aker nny ot the terms of nny eueh obltgdtione, (h grnnt other indulgencea. ,:� �'
<br /> . (N}rafaWca cr racanvs„or aauco to tra rc!aasca cr ret^nwyea e!e^Y Nn�e�t R�'"ph"iwry'w e�nesnR nny pereet.portlon or ntl of tha Proae�tv.M taks or .,,.��
<br /> .�
<br /> releese nny other or nddRlonni eecurfly for enY obligetlon heretn mandoned,(w)mnke eompoeqione or other nrranyements wRh debtore In reletion �?r��
<br /> thereto.All TNStora ehcli be jolntiy and severNly abitgated end bound by the actlons of the BeneHdary or any truetot as hereln etated. ,
<br /> ,�.
<br /> � � 14. ATTORNEY FEE8,C08T8 AND E%PEN8E8,If the Benefictary of thia Oeed ot Truel is a bank es defined by Nebraske�nw,any atetement �•
<br /> � contafned In nny other sectlon of this deed notwdhetending,the Benefieiary ahall not be ent�Ued to receive or take end debtor sheli not be obligeted to i • 'I-
<br /> pey or glve;eny eonfeesion of Judgment,power ot attorney to contesa Judgment,power of attorney to appear for n borrower h e Judlelai proceeding or Y , �
<br /> s upresment to poy tho costs of eollectlon or the altorneye'fees,unlese the intereat pnyable bythe terma of the Note referred to fn this deed te 1896 per ; ,,��
<br /> ennum or leee, or the nofe referred to In thle deed Is repays6te in two or more equel or unequa�fnatallments and over e perbd ot more than one s ,• ,.;- ;
<br /> � hundred forlyfive(146)manlhe.Provided,however,thet thle seetbn doee not npply to the truetae 1ee retened to tn Paregreph 8.G(b).Provided 1uRher i . ; �,
<br /> that thla Pareprnph 8.14 shaU not npply to this Deed ot Ttust,H the Boneficinry herein is not a bnnk , ,
<br /> ,.:
<br /> 1S. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upan wrRlen tequeet of 8enefieiary euttmg thet aN sums secured hereby hsve been pald,and upon ; • . ''-
<br /> suttender of thie Deed oi Trust and the Note to Trustee tor cance�lation end tetentbn and upon payment by Trustor ot Truetee's tees,Trustee ehall � -
<br /> . �oconvey to Truetor,or the peraon or pereons IegNly entitted thereto,wAhout warranty,any ponion of the PropAAy thon held hereunder.The redtale in , •;�
<br /> auch reconveyance of eny meltera or facts ehall be eonclusive proof of the truthiulneas thereol.The grantee in any reconveyance mey be deseribed as =
<br /> 'the pereon ar persons�egatty entitled thereto.'
<br /> 18. NOTICE3.Except for any noticee,demande,requests or ofher communicnta�s requued under epplicnble tew to be gfven In another mannar, .
<br /> whenevar Beneficlnry,Ttustot or Trustee gNea or aerves any noSiee(inciuding, wdhout IimAatan, notiee o}detnult nnd notiee of aale),demnnde,
<br /> requeato or other communfeation wfth respect to thie Oeed ot Trust,eneh euch not�ee,demAnd. �equest or other communieatbn ehall be In writlnfl and
<br /> ehM be effectNe ony N the same is delivored by personai aervice or�s maded by eertified mal.poetage prepaid.addressed to the address as eet forth
<br /> at the beglnMng ot thle Oeed o}Trust.Any party may at any t�me chnnge nd address for euch nohees by deiiverinp or ma�ting to the other party hereto.
<br />_ as etorosaW,a notiee ot auch ehangv.Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been gNen to Trustor or Beneficinry,when given in the man�er
<br /> deelgnated herefn. �
<br /> 17. REQUEST FOR NOTICE.Trustor and Benef�ciary hereby request a copy oi any notiee of defautt,nnd n copy of any notice ot eate lhereunder,
<br /> be meiled to each person who Is n party hereto et the address set forth for such pereon�n the 6rst paragreph of this Oeed of Trust.
<br /> � I 18. QOVERNINd IAW,This Oeed ot Truet ehsll 6e governed by the taws of the 8tete otNebraska.
<br /> . �
<br /> � 19. SUCCESSORS AND ABSIdN8.Thre Deed o}Trust.snd sll terms,conddions and obligedons hetoin,apply to and nure to the benefit ot end
<br /> binds r.11 pardss heroto,their helrs.legatees,dev�sees,peraonal repreaentatrves,successors end ass�gns.The term"Benefic�ary'shall mean the owner
<br /> ` and holder d tha Note,whether or not named as Benaficiary herein. '
<br /> � � �., �ruur eun nFVFRei �iaatuTV.All covenants end epreements ot Truator shali be�oint and aeveral.
<br /> � 21. 9EVERABILIN.in the event any one or more ot the proweans contained w�thts Oeed of Truet,or the Note w eny other secunty inatrument
<br /> •; ghren In c�onneetton wdh thfa trnneaetion shall for any reason be hetd to be�nvaNd.�legnl or unenforcenbie�n nny respect,euch�nvalddy,�Ilegoldy,or
<br /> unentorceabildy shnll,at the option ot Benoi�ciary,�ot aHect any other provreion ot thla Deed ot Truet but this Oeed ot Trust eha116�construed as d
<br /> �1 such tnvaltd,Illegai,or unenforeenbte proviewn had�evor been eontained herem or therafn.lf th0lien ot thro Deed of 7rust�e mvat�d or unenfueeabie
<br /> � � ���� as to any paR ot the debt,or H the Ilen Is Inveild or unenforc�able ae to any pert ot the Property,lhe unsecured or pertleity secured portion of the debt
<br /> � �s sheli be eomp�ete�y pald ptior to tho pnyment of the remam�ng e►nd seeu►ed or pertiely secured portron ot the debt,end all paymanto mnde on the debt,
<br /> ' �' whether voluntnry or under}orec�osure or other enforcement eNbn or pro�edure,shall be eansfdered to have been first pn�d on nnd apphed to the tull
<br /> � 1 payment otthnt port�on of the debt whkh�e not seeured or not tuly aecured by the hen ot th�a Daed ot Truet.
<br /> ' � 22. NUMBER AND GENDER.Whenever used herem.tha einflular�umber shnll�nciudo the plurn�,and the uee ot nny gonder ahnli be apphcable
<br /> . ,to ell g�ndaro.
<br /> t
<br /> . , ' ne���N�� i�� _.
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