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AOOPilbN11L LiQM�AND PR07ECTION OF BENEFlCIARY'8 8ECURITY.TruYtor �h�l mUc�aq p�ymmto of Int�rsst and princip�t nnd • r�e^�_+_-___.___ <br /> . y,� • paym�nU of�ny oth�r chsrqa,t�os and�xp�o�n contracUd to b�pald to�ny�xi�tinp�hn holden or prlar b�noflcfertei undor any prlor de�d of truet _ __. <br /> ,F,, , or mo►tgag�b�fo»tfi�dat�th�y nr�ddtnqu�nt�nd PromPUy Pay and df�alut�q�any nnd ati oth�r iNn�,ciaims or eharp�s whtch may��opard��th� ''':,? + ;� <br /> ncurftyy qnnt�d h�r� T�u�tor t�iN to mdc�any aah paymant�r hll�to p�Ronn any of th�cownRnt�and apnemmts contalnnlln thi�O�d ot +�F'�;;��;;;:-_� <br /> r <br /> � � ! ° � Trwt,or in any prbr moRp���a dnd of tru�L or N any acdon or pracr�dinp b aommme�d whkh maurialy aM�at�B�n�flef�ry's Inar�fl In th� ;.,�;��;,,R.-;,�_ <br /> . T+:_ <br /> � ; � - Prop�Ay,Ineludinp, but not pmRed to,�min�nt dom�in ptoehtdlnp�,or pro�dinp��nvoNfnp�4�ad�nb or It Trustor fsit�to psy T�u�tor'�d�bU y .�t_"��:_- <br /> y�n�niNy u tMy b�com�dw,M�n 8�n�tleiary.�t B�nMcl�ry'�optbn�nd wuhout notfa to or 6�mtnd upon Tru�tor�nd without nl��tln�Trnsta ,,�:.::;�__.--�-- <br /> ,,' s.a;;-;;a;_ <br /> - � � iram u�y oblipatlon h�nundn,may mak�suah a uanws, ditbun�suafl oue�r siid talco�ueh aettan ao I�noeoaearyr to proteet Benetktary'e . .; � -- - <br /> '. Inrira6 inWudinp,but not Ilmit�d to,dbbumm�nt of nseon�bN attorn�y's toaa.paymon4 Wr���ntoat or eompromroe of�ny eneumNenct+, , _ . _;��_,'='��- -� <br /> , aharp�or INn,and�Mry upon th�Prop�Ry W mtk�t�pain.�n th��wnt th�t Trutta shaq taii to proa+n lntur�nw or to psy texa,asaam�nt�,or, . .-.- <br /> � any o1Mr chuq��o�to mak�any paym�nb to eny e�xbtinp pNor IMn hold�n or b�n�flaierMt,9�n�tfekrl►may proaun wch insurana and mdn suah µ'.•F::;��.. <br /> � paymmt Any amounb dtsburs�d by B�n�iklary punuant to this Parnpraph A.8 shntl bscom�addftionnl ind�bt�dno�s of Truator��cund Oy th�Ged , 's">"�'; <br /> of Tnist. 8ueh amounb shnll b�payabt�upon notk�trom B�neflciary M T�unor nqusstlnp paym�ntthmof,and�hnll b�ar tnt�rat fromth�dat�of ��?�w�'�` <br /> ` . . dhburosm�nt at th��at�payabl�6om qn»to dnn on outatandinp pHnclpat und�r ths Not�un�n�pnym�nt ot tnt�nat at wch ret�woulA b�coMrnry to " ';•�R;.;�;; <br /> applMa+bN taw, io whbh �v�nt�uch amount� �hal�b�au Int�nst at th� hiphsat reto pamia�ibls under appAenbir law. Nothlnp eontNned h this �, : <br /> Pmayraph A8 ohall roquira 8onoflelay to incur any oxpense or take any nctbn hereundor. ���� _ - <br /> '� . <br /> � B. iT i8 MUTUALLY AGREHO THAT: � '• <br /> !� > � 1. ABSIQNMENT OF RENTB. B�n�flclary ehnli hnvs ths right,powsr and nuthority during the eondnuance of thls Deed o}Trust to eoleet the ; y <br /> �� ronto,lasu�e and profitt of tM Prop�dy and of nny p�nonnt proparty located thareon with or without taking poseesaion of the property att�eted hsreby,. .*. <br /> • and Trostor ha�by ab�oluby and unaondltbnaNy eselgns all such nnts,issws aM profits to BaneAettuy.B�neBalary,how�v�r,h�nby con�onte to t,..':;,•,_ : <br /> th�Ttustor'�coli�etton and ntenUon of such rents,isews end profits as th�y ncerw and becom�payabis so bng as Truetor ts noA nt euch dm�,in ,. .�;a� <br /> . � deMult wNh rospect to paym�nt of any fndebbdn�se securod h�nby,or in tha psrformencs ot any agraemsnt h�reunder.Upon any wefi d�tauk, � . ' �!':.r-�� <br /> •:-:,�.... <br /> 8eneflciary may at emy qme,either in psroon,by agent or by a tecelver to b�appolnted by a cou�.without notke and without repard to th�ad�quacy � .�• <br /> - '•� � ' ot atry aaeetrily fot t4se Irtdebttdneee heteby eecvred,(e)ent�►upe�end tak�poss�eston of!h�Prop�rty or any paR thoreof,and in i!s own nane sue f _. "' � <br /> _.__....; -=�• -=-- <br /> for or otherv�isa ulleet oueh rente,isauae and profAs,Including those pASt due nnd unpeld,tsnd appty the snme,less eoste and expenaee of operadon ,,�, .,� <br /> nnd eoileGlon,Induding reeaonable aKomeyo tees,upon eny indebtedness seeured hereby,and In sueh otder as Benofleiary may determine;(b) - � :��: <br /> psrtorm eueh acts ot npalr or protedbn ns mny be neeosoary or proper to eonserve the value of the Propetty:(o)baes tha eam�or any part thsnof + :.�••=_-`- <br /> . for such rentai,term,end upon eueh eondttlons es i!s�udgment mny dktete or terminete,or ndjuet th�terms and condidons of exfadng leanee.U�leaa � , ""'" _ <br /> �, <br /> ' . Truetor end 8eneriainry thereof egtee othervrfse in wdting,nny eppikntfon ot rente,issuee ar profRe to any Indebtednesg secured hereby ahali not , <br /> extend or poatpone the due dato of lhe inatnllment paymenls as provlded In eaid promlesory note w change the amount of euch inata0rrt�Ms.The• �+•� � <br /> �nbdng upon and tnking posseeafon of ths Property,the eolbction ot�uch rents,Iseuea and profite,end ths appllaaGon theroof ns aforeaald.�hell not y: '���'` <br /> watve or eure any de}auh or notice of defeuft heteunder or invaitdate nny ect dane pureuant to eueh notice.Trustor also aselgna to Benefidary,as . , ��. <br /> turther secuMy tor the perbrmance of the obligattona seoured hereby,ail prapald rents end aU monies whlcN mny heve been or mny heroaRet be °.°S�. • ,�?'� <br /> deposfted wilh edd Trustot by any Ieasee of the Property,to secure the payment of any rent or damageo,or upon detauft In the pertormnnee ot eny ot r*- „ <br /> ths provlafone hereot Truator agreen to detiver aueh rente and deposite to Beneficlary.Delivery of written notke ot Benaficinry's exereise of the righte � <br /> grarned here�n,to any tenant oceupying enid promieseo ohaR ba euSklent ta raqufrs:atd lonant to pny rent to the 9eneficlnn�lntil turlhor noNce. -_ _�.�_-,'. <br /> . • �r . <br /> 2. CONDEMNATION.It 4itle to any ptut of the Property ehnil be tnken in condemnation proeeedinga,by dght of eminent domain o�simitar action. � � <br /> or shNt be eoid under threat of oondemnatlon,all awnrde,dameges and proceeds are hereby asalgned and ehnll be pald to 8eneficinry who shell apply ,,;+� � <br /> euch nwarde,damageo and proeeeds to the aum eecured by thfa Deed ot 7�uet,with the excese,rf any,paid W Truator receives any ratice or ; <br /> other Intormetion tegarding euch actbns or proeeedinge,Truator ehafl give prompt written notke thereof to Benoflclery.Benefialary shall be enliGed,at � t� <br /> ite option,to commence,appeer in end ptosecule in its ow�name any eueh aetion or proceedings and sheil be entitied to mnke any eompromise or .. <br /> selUement In connaedon wAh nny euch nction or proeeedings. . � ,_ <br /> i� 3, FUTURE AQVANCE8.Upon request ot Trustor,Beneficfary at 8eneficiary's optian,prior to reconveyanee of the Property to Trustor,may meke � ^-�� <br /> i future advanees to T�uetor.8uch tuture advsncea,with fnterest thereon,ehall be eecured by this Trust Oeed when evideneed by pramiseory notes � } <br /> . � staUng thnt enid notes are aecuted hereby:proWded that at no tfine shall the eecured prineipnl. tuture ndvnncea,�ot fneiuding eume ndvenced to � ; <br /> protect the seeurAy,exeeed Two Hundred percent(20096�o}the original principai nmounte seeured hereby. , <br /> �.i <br /> � ' 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCW3IVE. Truatee snd Beneficfary.and each oi them, ehNl be entdled to entorce payment and perto�mance of any ��. <br /> � � Indebtedneee or obllgations secured hereby and to exereise ell rights and powera under thts Deed ot Ttust or under any other agreoment exeeuted in - �, - <br /> eonneation herewfth or any inwa now or hereafter�n torce,notwahstending some or att of the aueh Indebtadneea nnd obdgatlons eeeured hereby may. <br /> now or hereeRer be otherwise seeured,whether by mortgage,deed o}trust,pledge,I�en,assignment or othenvise.Nedher the aeceptance of tlwe Deed <br /> .. of Trust nor Its enlorcement whether by court action or pureuant to the power of saie or other powars herein eontalned,shnll prejudke or in any manner � ,,, <br /> • 1', elteet Ttustee's or BenetiGary'e right to real¢e upon ot enforce eny other aeeurAy now or hereaRer held by Trustee or l3eneNeinry,it being agreed that , <br /> ; Ttustee and Beneficinry,and eaeh of them.ahaY be entAled to e�totce tMie Ueed of Trust and any other secunty now ot heresRer he18 by 8ettefiClsry ot - <br /> � Trustee In auch order and manner ea they or edher ot them mey m their abedute drecretwn determuie.No remedy hereu�eonferrod upon or reserved <br /> ; to Truetee w Beneficiary iu intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy herom or by law prowded or permitted,but each ehall be cumulative end shall , <br /> be In addidon to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter exreting at Iaw or m equ�r or by statute.Every power or romedy proWded � <br /> heteundet thls Oeed of 7rust to Truatee or Beneficiary or to whtch eAher of them mey be othetwise entdled, may be exerefsed, concunently ot } <br /> IndependenUy,hom time to tfine and as often as mny be doemed exped�ent by Trustee or Benefic�ary end edher of them mey pursue ineonaietent . <br /> remediea.Nothing hereln shall be conatrued as prohibAu�g Benehcwty hom seeking a def�ciency�udgme�t agamst the Trustor to the extent sueh actbn <br /> � is permiKed by Iaw. <br /> ' b. TRlWSFER OF THE PROPERTY;A83UMPTION.If all or eny pert at the properly or interest Iherem�s sold.trsneferted or otherwise eonveyed <br /> by Truator wdhout Bendfie�ary'e pnor wntten coneont,exetudmg(a)the creatw�of a I�en or encumbranee subordufete to thie Oeed of Truet(b)tha <br /> , orentbn of a puteheee money eecurAy intetest tot houeehold applinnces,(c)a tranefer by dewee,deseent or by operatwn of law upon the death o}a <br /> ' Jofnt tenent or(d) the grant o}any�easehold interest ot three yenre or�ess not eontaming an optan to purchese, such ectlon ie a breaeh ot this . <br /> , agtoement,and Benefic�ary may, et Beneficiary's optan,dec�are all the suma secured by th�e Oeed of Truut to be immedietely due snd peyable,or <br /> � cauae the trustee to file a not�ee of detauR. Qeneflc�ary ehall have warved euch opt�on to aecelerate �t. prar to the es�e.transfer of conveyance. <br /> Beneficlnry and the pereon to whom the property ie to be aold or tranaterred roach agreement in wrdng thet the ered�t of such pereon�s ent�elaetory to <br /> • ; Beneficlnry and that tho intorest payable on the eume eecuted by thie Oeed of Trust ehsll be at such rate as Benefic�ery ehall requeat. <br /> 8. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;REMEDIES; 9ALE.The fadure by the Truator to make any payment or to pettotm any of the terms and <br /> conddtons of the Note, or any renewals,mod�ficatbns or extensrons thereol, or the payme�t ot any other mdebtednesa secured hereby a in the , <br /> pertotmanee of any ot the covenante ot agreoments hereunder ehall be a breeeh of th�o agreement and the Benef�e�sry may declare a delault end may <br /> • ' deelnre eli euma secured hereby immedlately due and paynble and the ssme shell thereupon become due and psyable without presentment,demand, <br /> , protent or notice of eny ku�d.Thereafter.Benefimary may deliver to Ttustee a wniten deelaratron ot dolauR and demand for enle.Trustor egreea and <br /> �_�..._._W.�..w_r.....�.�.����.,.ue....� w1 m�a nf Ihc PrnrwrN and A Bonol�t�ElIV d9Gd08 tFIB PtOpBfN 18 10 I10 80�d 8�1611 d6�lOBR Wd�1 <br />- = � ..o.o..i y...,........... ....•---..r..----•-�-••-• -•--•--...- -�- . . <br /> � Trustee thls Oeed of Truet nnd the Note or notes and nny other documenls evidenc�ng expenddures secured hereby,and ahall debver to Truatee a <br /> � � wrHten notiee of de}euk and e�eetion to eause the Property to be aold.end Truatee,in turn,shall prepare a s�milar noUce�n the torm requ�red by taw, <br /> t � whlch sha�l6e duty Ned for teeard by Ttustee. <br /> ; ; � � (e) ARer thB lepse of euch tlme es may be requtred by Iaw follow�ng the recordstron ot Notice of Delautt,and NotMe ot DetauR and Nottce of 3ale <br /> having been grven es requlred by Iaw.Trustee,wdhout demend on Trustor, ehall seN tha Ptoperty m one ot more percels and�n such nrdor <br /> . ��f � ae T�uetor mey determina on the dnte nnd tho time end p!eee desgnnted m ea�d Nobee of 3ale,at pubt�e nuetion to fhe highest Mdder,the <br /> � ' purehnae pnce payaNe in cash m�nwfu�money of the Unrted 3tates at the time ot eale.The person conduchng the sele mey,lor any cauae <br /> he ot ahe deems expedlent,postpona the sale from time to hme undl d ahall be completed nnd,m avary such eeee,notKO of postponement <br /> � shall be gnren by pubtic declaratwn theroof by such pereon at the time ond p�ace tast eppomted tor the esle: prowdod,d the sale is <br /> poetponed for bnger thnn one(t)dny beyond the day deuignnted m the Not�ce of Sclo,not�ce thereof shall be given m the oame menner ea <br /> , tho orginel Nodee of Sale.Trustee ehnll execute nnd dolner to the purcheser rto Deed eonveymg the Properly ao sold, bul wAhout any <br /> � covenent or werranty,expreea,or�mplted.Tho recrtele�n the Oeed ot eny mnnnere or Ineta ahall be conclusrve proo}of the trulhtulness <br /> . thereo}.Any person,netuding wrthout limdatan 8enefieu►ry ar 7rustee,mny purehsee at the sele. <br /> ' + 60t07�N�Drefte w"'� <br /> I 1 J <br />