- .� . ���'�� "'fi� . _--� -
<br /> ._ .- —
<br /> °'���
<br /> �
<br /> ,:,.— _ .. -----+�+ �
<br /> �- °_-- . ' � � 8arww�r�uy u�r� wch a � usd r�rssi�i:� a: wo:i;:d h p�n�rt�ph 19. EY cwsin0 the :otlon a precer!kt�M ba �
<br /> a.�r...a wNn.n,w,o awc,r►u�,a.r•�ood�n d�wn+r+a�,pnow�c�..�aww+^�a a�.ee�ow.r.�w.a h en.rrop«�y a
<br /> otAK nwwW rnp�MnNnt d th� INn anat�d by this 8�axkY N�wnl a L�nda'�uai+lry Int�nst. QarowK sh�M rso I»h
<br /> d�Mult M do�roww�dwinp th�ban a{N�Mo�MOn Proo�o�,Ow� �Y f�or Ywoant�blanwbn a aUt«rMnb w l�nda(a
<br /> wwd w�xovid� �.nd�r wNh�ny ma.rW btanrMaonl b oawaouon wRh tht lo�n wtd�nad by the Nos�.kioiudiw� eut not�D
<br /> Mn�ltd lo� npnNntitlon� oonownYq 8ortow�r'a 000up�noy cQ th� Pro{�rty a � piN�oWN roidrn�. M tliN �aN1lY �
<br /> in�tit�►t t� an� IMa�hdd�Bon�ow�r shM oon�ryly wkh�N tll�provMkm� M thr Nw. M 8orrowa �oquNM iM 1NN to tM �
<br /> PropMty�tIN IM�N1old�nd th�1w tMt sFW leol mMO�w�Mss Li11dM pr�W tlw mw�pa h wrNY1y.
<br /> -: 7.Pratoctbn of L�nd�r'�Ripf�ts tn th� P�ety. il Bwrow�r t+il+ to p�Awm th�cownanU�nd�qr«rnanta M
<br /> �-•�_ oont�Yud In thit S�ourNy In�Munw��,or thw k�M0� P�4 1��Y��bY�M�at UndK's rfphtt fn th� Pra�tY �
<br /> �:� (suoh ��pmoMdfnG b b�nkn+ptol►�P��, tor cond�rwwtlon a fort�ku�r or to�nlorw Mws or r�pil�rions)�th�n Undu m�y
<br /> do�r►d p�y for wh�twK N nw�twy to prot�ct th�vdu�of th�R�oprty�nd I.�nclr'� rlphts In th�Prap�ty. Landw's acUn+ia � �
<br /> -" _ _.�.,:,�� m�y k�dud� p�yfnp �ny suna s�ar�d bY a wn whbh has prbrNy ov«thM S�ou�Ny In�trwn�nt.�ppwinp in oaxt. Wf�Y
<br /> �=.Y;"� tM�ornbN�ttom�ys' iNS and �nW1np on th�Prop«y W m�k�np�k�.ANhouph UndK nry Wc�utlon w�dv thk p�npaph Q�
<br /> ---=-_—� 7.I.�nda do�s not hw�to do so.
<br /> =_--_:°v�-�,�,�g My artaunts dlsbun�d by L�ndor undK Wu+�yraph 7 sh�N b�aonw addkia�l d�bt of 8or►oww s�ax�6 hy thts S�ourky
<br /> _ �,�.; :-,;.�;� InsGummt. Uni�e Barow�r�nd Und�► ayn�to olhK tMnu of payrMnt, tha� �mounts shM bw fnt�nst lrom th� d�t� M
<br /> --'� ` -- dl�burs«nmt�t th�Nob nt�and shd a pay�bl�,wNh htwat,upon noUw kom UndW to Barowr r�qu�stlnp p�ynwn�
<br /> —.----.�u�:�� 8. Molt�� (nsu�anC�. N L�ndrr nquk�d mortp�q�Insuranc� as � condl�on of m�k(np th�Iwn s�au�d by thi� -
<br /> -- •,�'*,°�:*� �'.;�r°"- � g�qarity Mstrum�nt� 8ortow�sh+�M p�y th�pr�n9ums nquk�d to m�M�Wn th�mortp�p�inwmna tn rfl�ct.B�iar any nason,th�
<br /> � s''���•. �� ���'�T mort�p� 6nwranc�covKa�nquk�d by Undu t�pses or cMSa to b� In M(�at, 9or►owK sh�N pay th�pr+mdumt rpuY�d to
<br /> -_;_�a:� �.�• +• obtah cowrap� wbstmtNNy�quNaNnt to th�mortp�p�insuru�a p�lousy in Mfeot� +►t a co�t subst�nti�Ny�quiv�i�►t to th�
<br /> — -u�,c�4lcrr�
<br /> _ -r,ve::...-.
<br /> •:.:kt+.r.ar•.�af.,� COtt LO BOIfOW�1f OT lhe MOi1�Q� NIt1iFi11C� �NNIOUfh/ MI �M�� �1'OIII M wIIQT1At� 111W'1Q/Q� M1tYpf i�fOVOd �I LMIdK.
<br /> ' t+�M.:-� � sub�tanti�My�quhrat�nt morty�p�hsunna oov�p�is not avail�bi�, Barow�►shdl pay to LandK Mch month a wm cqusl to
<br /> ��:�
<br /> - .. �;�'':' r on►twe�IHlh of th�yMry mortW►y�inwnna pnmium bNnp paid by 8ortow�r wh�n th�tnMxanw covKapt Ups�d a ca�s�d to
<br /> - . �.
<br /> • ___.._._.,�''! -.___..
<br /> . _ . �� b0�11 l�IOC1. !lfltlBr VYN 4COEP�.uae�nd ratain in�N�+rY���w�to w� ��iio i::'wlo =fi�w:1:.t ii:��Q: �SSUC..!!C. �Q�E fCM'B _.
<br /> � paymenU m�y no lonpx b�nquk�d,+�t th�optbn of LendK,R morty�p�hsuranc�cov�np� („th�unount and for the pedod _
<br /> • - th�t Landw nquk�y provW�d by an Inwrx approv�i by L�nd�r ay�in b�come�av�NabM�nd Is obWn�d. Boaowr sh�N pay
<br /> th�premium� roquk�d to m�M�LM mott�ps inwrana in�tf�ct, a to provid��bsa nsarv�, unGl th� �pukrn�nt tor morty�p�
<br /> ;�. . ' . . Inwrance enda in�ccordanc�wBh any written�preem�nt between 8orrower and Lend�r or appilc�bte kw.
<br /> 9.Insp�OtlOn.Lend�r or Its�psnt may mak�rMSOnable mUies upon and fnsp�ctbns of th�Pnoperty. L�nda shUl pH�
<br /> , � Bortower noUce At the tkne of or pda to an(nsp�+ction apeciying rs�nonabb cau�e fw th�Inspection.
<br /> 10. Cond�mndlon.Th�proce�d: of any awud or cU►Mn tor d+urryea,dk�ct or eons�qu�ntW, k► eonn�ction wkh �ny ��F
<br /> , cond�Uon or oth�r takk�y of any part of tM PropKly,or iw conveyancs k►Aw ot cond�tnnaUon, ue h�nby usiyn�d and
<br /> . sh�p b�pdd to Lend�r.
<br /> � in th� w�nt of a totai taWnq of th� P►operty, the procNds �h�U bs �ppNed to th� wm� secursd by thts S�curily
<br /> Imtrum�►t,wh�thx or not then due,with my ucc�ss pald to Borrower. !n th�w�nt of a parti�i takinp of th�Prop�rty In wh�h
<br /> _._.,_. _, ..._: .
<br /> th�tak muk�t vdu� of the Propehy Immed4�tdy bMon th� taWnp is pual to or yre�ter th�n th� amount of ths wms s�cured
<br /> - - i�y this 9�wriiy inairum�ni imai.d'i.t.iy b.tora ihe i�idn�, untass ifarawar and Lcndcx othamise apsse Is� Q, t e !ulmR
<br /> . saurod by thls Seauity Instrummt thall be reduced by the unount of the proeeeds mutGpll�d by th�tolbwfnp tr�cpon: (�) tha
<br /> toUl amount ot the suma secured Imm�dl�tey beloro ths t�klny,dlvld�d by (b)ths idr muket wlue of ths Property knmed{�tdy ----
<br /> �� bda�th�Wckig,My baknce ahall b�pald to Bortower.In ths went of a patWt taWng ot the Prop�rty In whkh the fak market
<br /> vdue ot the Ptoperty knmedtttety bdae the takk�y la Ieas than the amount ot the auma aecund Immc+d4tely beforo the tak(np, �.r
<br /> unkss Borrower and Lender otherwlae agr�e In wrtUnp or unl�as �ppAabla law otherwlae provld�s. tht procNds shW bv
<br /> �,. • applfed to tho aums a�cured by thts Securfry Instrummt whethx or not the sums are thon du�.
<br /> It the Property Is�bandoned by Borrower,or N,�ttx noAce by Lander to BoROwK that the condemnor oflen to m�ke an
<br /> �., � �ward or settle a clalm tor damapea, BorrowK faAs to respond to Lendor wkhln 30 days after the d�to th� �oUce Is qNen, -
<br /> �:� � Lend�t la �utho�lzed to collect and�pply the proceeds,at fts optlon,ekha to rostoraUon o�repak of tht RopeMy or to th� �
<br /> � � sums secured by thfs Security tnetrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ; . . i' , Unkss Lend�r and Bortower otherwlsa ayree In writtnq, �ny �ppllc�tlon of proceeds to prinGpal ahaU not extend or `
<br /> ' � -� � postpon�the due d�tt�of the monthy pnymenta reterted to tn pareyraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe tho amount ot sueh prymenta. �
<br /> " ' � i t. Borrowor Not Roloaad; Forbaaranc�By L.�nd�r Not •Walv�r.Exanafon ot tha wne ta paymmt or
<br /> � modiflc�Uon of rmortlzatton of the sums secured by thls Secwity Inatrument ynnted by Lender to eny successor In Interest of �
<br /> � Borrower shall not operata to�qeASO the Nabllfly ot the otlpinal Borrower or Borrower's auccessors In intaest. Lender shaA not
<br /> � ' be requlred to commence proceedings agatnst any successor In inte►esl or retuae to extend time for payment or othervviae
<br /> modlty�mortizatlon of the auma aeared by thls 3ecurity Instrument by reasort of any damand mede by the orlglnal BoROwar or
<br /> Bartower'a auccessora In Interest. My torbearance by Lender In exKdslny any rlyht u rem�dy shall�ot be a walvet of or �
<br /> preclude the exerclse ot any�ight or remedy,
<br /> 12. Suecvs�ora and A�slpns Bound; Jotnt and Saveral Liability; Co-slqnera. Tne eovenants and
<br /> aqreementa of thls 3ecutfly Instn�ment shaN bind and benefit the successors and assfgns of Lender�nd BoROwer, aubject to the
<br /> provlalons oi paragraph 17. Bonower's covenmts and agreements ah�Il be jolnt end severa�. My Borrower who co-slpns thls
<br /> Secu►Ity Instrumwit but does nol execute the Note: (a) is co•afgnfng thls Secudry Instrument ony to mortgaye,yrant and convey
<br /> thnt Borrower's Interest In the Property under the terms ot thla SQCUriIy Instrument: (b) Is not personally obllyated to pay th�
<br /> � sums secured by thls Securfty Inatrument; And (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower moy agree to extend, modNy.
<br /> . � forbear or make any accommodatlons wtth reyard to the terms oi thls Securlty Instrument or the Note wfthout tlwt 8ortower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> � � � , 13. Loplt Chilrges. tf the loan secured by thls Security Instrument Is subject to n Iaw wh�h sets m�xlmum lom
<br /> , cheryes, and that Iaw Is ftnaNy Interpreted ao that the Interest or other Ioan charges collected or to be collected In connectlon
<br /> "" � wlth fhe Iwn axceed the permlriod IImRs,then: (a)any such to�n cherge shall be reduced by the amount necaaaary to reduce
<br /> the ch�rye to the purmltted timlt: md (b) any sums ekeady collected from Bonower whlch exceeded pemiltted Iknits wllt be
<br /> • refunded to Bo►rower. Lender mny choose to make this reTund by reducing the princlpa�owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> dlrect payment to Bortower. �f a nlund raduces princlpel, the reductlon wUl be treated aa a panlal prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment ch�rge u�der the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtIC�i.My notice to 8orrower provlded tur In thls Securfty Inatrument shall be glven by deUvering it or by malllny It
<br /> ; " by Hrot el�as mall unt�aa�ppliable aw requlres use ot another method. The notice shWl be dl►ected to the Property Addresa
<br /> } or �ny other addreaa Borrower daslynates by nolica to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be pNen by first class mall to
<br /> �• � Lender'a addreas stated hereln or any other address Lender deslqnatea by notice to Bortower. Any notice provi�!ed tor kt thls
<br /> .
<br /> , . -_ .. �. .... ..... _�...�' '"_'�._ �_..' �."_ _`'__'' n'_."_' _.����...�......t..�..�� ......J.I.A t..�{.1...�.�...�..6
<br /> " -- ' ' Ap{iNlllr If1il1UI(Itlll{ bII�N VQ VR�IIICV IV tICfO uOall ynv�t tV vv���/�o� v� � �wv� �rr��rr�yrrw���+ �r.v....w.. ......v�......�.ry....
<br /> � ib. t3ovarntng Law: Sovorability. Thls Security Instrument shall be qovemed by federal I�w and the I�w ot the
<br /> � Jurlsdlclbn In wh�h the F'�operry la locat�d. In the event that�ny provlalon or cl�use of thls Security InsWment or the Note
<br /> contUats wBh �ppAcab�e�w,auch confliet shaA not attecl other provl�lons ot thls Securlty Inatrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> �� ! gNen elfect wtthout th�contictlnp provlalon. 7o thls end the provlslona of thfs Secudry Inatrumont and the Note are decured to
<br /> } � bt sawnbte.
<br /> � 16. 801'fOYYl�'S COpy.Bortower ahaq be plven one conlormed oopy ot the Note and of thls Security Instrument.
<br /> ,
<br /> I F1N6.LM6 tt4I931 Paqc 3 ot 5 ��,�(�'
<br /> �
<br /> , I �
<br /> + 977ta
<br /> .
<br /> I ---------�'J.- - ---. .
<br />