,�, _ _ �
<br /> � , . �. '•:.';.'rJ, _ -
<br /> �'�.. ._ti�:.
<br /> _. .- - - �W � .
<br /> °-- - ------- - - . ' TBGETHER WITi-1 iq tha knpravzn�.�ta naw or h�eattsr aneted on the propsty. �nd eN e�senwnts. �ppM�n�nnN. �nei �`_
<br /> 16cpuM now w hMwMr�p�wt M th�proprry.AN►�PM�rn�r�and 1�ddNlo�s�IW�Mo M oov�nd by tt�ls 6�owKy In�trunwnl
<br /> =� Ar M th�l�xpotny Is nl«nd w h n�t.s.ou�ly inswwn.nt u u,. •Propaly,.•
<br /> �pqppyyEp ppyF,NANTB ih�t 8orrtw�r 1� kwk�My Nf��d oi 1h� �stit� h�nby oonvy�d �nd ha ih� �ipht to pnu�t �nd �
<br /> - — oo�wy!h�Prop�rry rid th�t tht PropwtY k un�naMnb�nd. ao�pt for ma�nbnnas of ncord. 8arow�►w�rt�ntt rnd w� �
<br /> _ d�Nnd yrn�nNy th�tlIM to th�lho�ty NMhq rl d�Nns and dNn�nds.wbj�t to my�naMnbrancu of noord. �
<br /> --------- n�rl9 eECUArrv u�rnUMEr�l1' oombin.. unwam oovuw,c. tor Mqon� uw and non�llonn oo,�«w,a w�a� IYnit�d
<br /> vuWioat by�witdallon to aonatlqat�a unNom�s�axNY insfrwrMnt oov�tk�p nN propwty. ♦i
<br /> . r:��,�vt�,,��.,r±.� UNIFOiiM COYENANTS. Botrow�r and L�nd�►cov�unt md�prN a�toNows:
<br /> ., 1.Paym�nt af Prinaip�t �nd Int�n�t;Pnp�ym�nt and L�t� Chup��.Borrow.r�haN p�«npuy p.y wh.n �
<br /> .,,�.�'��`". :- dw th�p�MdpaI al�nd int�nst an th�d�bt w(d�newd by th�Nob md anY pr�ym�nt md Mh charpa du�und�r th�Nott.
<br /> .,.,. ._ +x,.�.ry E' 2. u� nd�1or 7Ax�s �d In�uranC�.3ubJ�ct to �Nc�bl�{�w or to a wdtt�n w�IvK by Unci�►�Ba►ow�►shall pay � _ ,.rF--
<br /> ,..�,•...... .
<br /> ;. � to L«�d�r on th�d�y monthly p�ym�nts�n d�+�undK th�Not�, untll th�Not�i�paid In WM, a sum('Funds')tor. (a) ywAy
<br /> _`_- _-"-:_„_y•_ *. Wns �nd na�s�U whbh nxy �ttain prbiily avK thl� 3�curity MsWm�nt as a N�n on th�P►'opMtY� (b) Yw1Y Iwuhoid �
<br /> .-.-i.�e.cs',,,,. ,+•: �^•, P�Y�1� a prand nnts on th�Propwty�R�ny; (o) Y�Y �►�o►ProP�rtY insu►uro�P���: (�1 Y�Y Ibod Inwnnc� ��
<br /> ����,...; �:,.s_;�r�:;�;" pr�niunr� tl any;(�) XM�Y��SN Inwrrnu prwnMims.N�ny;and(�any aum� p�y�6M by Borrow�►to Lend�h�ccordu�u
<br /> °•-���L_�,wy�.��� • with th�provisions ot pa►apnph e. in Y�u ot th� p�yment ot mortp�p� insuruic�premMims. Tha�kMns u�atl�d 'Esuow
<br /> —..�.m kMns.' Undw may,�t �ny tkn�, coM�ct and hotd Fund� k►sn�mount not to uccad th�m�xY�wm amount a land�►ta a
<br /> �.Ti�',.';�:`.-.•=...� ' f�dwaNy nNt�d mat� lan may nqufn ta BoROwK's�scrow �ccount undu th�f�d�rat Rwl EsUb 3Ktlwnmt Procadun� -
<br /> "�' . •-• Act oi/074 u �mmdd from thN to tim�,12 U.S.C.�2801 ec �eq. ('RE3PAy, untns �noth�r law that �ppNas to Ihs Fundt . . ------
<br /> �`' s�s a NasK amount. If :o, L�ndK rrwy,at any tMn�, coN�ct u�d hoid Funds in �n �mount not to exce�d th�I�ss�r�mount _
<br /> � Und�t m�y�stknt� th�amount of Fund�d��on th� ba�t oi cuRmt d�ta and n�sonabt�aWn�ta of �xpmdituns of fuWn
<br /> '•.•, s Earow Iteme or dh«wis�in aceord�nee wHl�appNcoble kw.
<br /> . Th�Funds shW b�heid Ir.an fnslituUon whoss d�pa�its u�imur�d by a tad�rai apency,InalrummWily,or mUly(Indudinp
<br /> ! Lmdu,H Lend�r is auch an InsUtutWn) or h any F�dxal Nom�Lan Bank. LMid�r shaN appiy the Funds to p�y tha Escrow
<br /> � ' .� ItMns. L�ndu rt►�y not ch�rp� 8orrow�r for holdinp and apptyk�y th�Funds, annuaMy analysinp ths esaow�ccount, a vaityk�p
<br />-. . +iuu...,�._..:.,.�..,....r. 1n11 �euuw {tenn� uttroar �wtaju F+ny uiniuii"w' {iiia:52 Li. 2�'io fli(id;:fi� t.�'.�S�G'^.�1t� �.»'.': ¢^SSStK3 �^fSd£i t4 RS�.�i' !1^_tS @ -
<br /> ; charq�. Howw�r,L�nd�r m�y nquk� Borrowa to p�y • onatim� charye for an tndepsnd�nt rN{ aute tuc reporUnp eervice
<br /> + uaed by Lender In connsctlor► wSth this ban, unlen appifcabb I�w provides othawlae. Unless an apr�nmt Is made or �;,��:�_.
<br /> applica6la t�w requkei internt to b�paid. Lsndor sh�ll �ot be tequked to pay BoROwK my Intw�st a s�minya ort the Funds. -
<br /> • . � BOROWK and Under may �gra�In writin9, howevar, that intareat ehall be p�id on th� Funds. Lendx shdl glve to Bortowx, ��--
<br /> without charpe, m annwi �ccount�y of ths Funds,ahowinp uedks and dabite to th� Funda�nd th�purposs for whioh ach �;.,�_
<br /> d�bit to th�Fund�wa�trxde. Th�Funds m pled9ed as additlonal securKy iw alf wms secur�d by th�Securfry Insttumsnt. ,� —
<br /> ii ths Funds hWd by Lmda exce�d tfi�amounts permitt�d to be hald by�ppNc�bk I�w,L�nder ahall account to Bonower _
<br /> ta th��xc�ss Funds in�ccordanc�wfth the requir�n�nts ot�pplic�ble I�w. It ths�mount oi the Fund� hdd by Lsnder d any ��
<br /> Wn�is not tuflld�nt to pay the Escrow It«ns whsn due, Lender may so notify 8ortow�r k► writtnp, snd,b suoh case Bonow�r __'_: '`
<br /> ' shrll pay to Lend�r the�mount nseeseary to trMk�up ths dsflctency. Borrow�r shW m�k�up tho dMcl�n�In no mat thui �.�.
<br /> twMve monthly p�ymente, at Lendx's sois diactetlon. '
<br /> Upon pnym�nt k►luli ot all �ums a�cured by thia Secutity Inatrument, Lond�r ah�N promptly rstund to BoROwer any Funds � ^� �
<br /> held by Lender. If; under prraynph 21, Und�r sh�ll acquke or seM the Roperly, L�nder,prior to the acqulaiGon or aalu of the �:��_,'_
<br /> - - - - Propaty� ShaU pppty any i'undc hatd by tsndcr nt!hc !!me ot ec�ule�4on or esle ee e credit eaelnst the sume s!��►_M by tMs =--- �
<br /> 3YCUtiry Inatrument.
<br /> 3. Appliodion of Paymonts. Unl�as appliuble law provides otherwlaa, aY paymenta received by Lender undor �^ ' "
<br /> p�raynphs 1 and 2 ah�ll be appll�d: flnt,to my prepayment charges due under the Note; aecond,to amounts payabla unclar � .� _
<br /> � pua-wph 2;thlyd,to Inte►est dua;fourth.to princip�l due;and wst,to any late charyes due undw the Note, !'
<br /> 4. Charyn; LiY11f. 8orrower ehaN p�y �A toxes, aasassmente, chuyes, flnes and knpoalGons attdbutabie to the � �� ., ,
<br /> Propaty whieh m�y alt�in pdority ovw this Secudty Inatrumant,�nd leasehold payments or ground rents, i(any. Bortower shail _
<br /> pay th�ae obliytlbna In the manner provided in porayraph 2, or H not pdd in th�t menner,Borrower shaA psy them on tkne -=
<br /> � directy to the p�raon owed payment. Bortower sh�A prompty tumlah to Lender all not�as of �mounta to be pdd undx thia � ,'�
<br /> �` � peraynph. If 6arowK makes thea� payments dk�¢tly. Bortowet shall promptiy fumish to Landx recelpte avldmclny th� }
<br /> payments.
<br /> •' Bonower shd prompty diach�rge�ny Iien which has p�iority over thls Secutiry Inetrument unlesa Bortower: (a)a9rees In
<br /> ` ` writing to the payment ot the obllgation aecured by the Ilen In� manner accepta b le to Len der, (b) eonteste in yo o d f�k h t he _
<br /> � Yen by,or defends ay�lnat entorcement ot the Ilen in, tegti proceadings which in the LendK'a opinlon opentte to prevant the -
<br /> enforcemeat ot the tien:or(c) aecures from the hdder of th�Ilen an egreement s�tiataetory to Lender aubordin�Uny the Ilen to
<br /> . this Security InaWment.It Lsnder detxmines that any part of lhe Property Is aubJect to a Uen which mty attain ptioMty over thls
<br /> � Securfty Instrumcn6 Lcnder may plve 8ortower e notke idmtifyinp the Ilen.Bortower ah�N+sathsty the Ilen er take ona or more of . �
<br /> th�acUona aet talh above wlthin 10 days ot the glving of notice.
<br /> 5.Hazard or P�op�rty insuranao. Bortower shall keep the knprovements now exisUng or hereatter e►ect�d on the
<br /> PropeAy insured�palnat Iosa by ftre, hszerds includod wkhin the tam 'extended coverage' ond any othar hazards, including
<br /> Aoods or floodlnp,for which Ler�der requires(naurance. This innurance ahall be ma(ntained h the amounts end for the periods
<br /> that iander requlres. The Insurance cartier providing the Inaurance shall be chosen by 8ortower subJect to Lender's epproval
<br /> which �haA not be unreaaonably wRhheid. It 8arower fails to maintaln coverage described above,Lendar may, at Londor's
<br /> , optlon,obUin coveraye to protect Lender's tiphts in the Property in accordence wfth paregraph 7.
<br /> All inaurance poAdes and renewa�a sheli be acceptebte to Lender �nd shall inciude a standard mortyage ciauae. Lender
<br /> shdl have the dyht to hotd the poUdes and renewals. If Lender requirea, Bortower sheli prompty give to Lender aii receipts ot
<br /> paid premiums and renewat notices. In the event ot bas, Bortower shaU qive prompt notice to the insurance cartler ond Lendor.
<br /> � lender may make proot oi loas R not made promptly by Bortower.
<br /> � , Unless Lender and Borrower othervvise ayree in wtiting. InsurAnce proceeds sheli be applled to restoretlon or repalr ot the
<br /> i Property damaged, ii the reetoretion or repair is economically teasible and Lender's secudty Is not lessmed. If the restoratlon or
<br /> � � repair Is not economic�lly teasible or Lmder's secudly wouid be Iessened,the Insurance proceeds shaN be applied to the sums
<br /> -- aeeured by this 3ecurlty Instrument, whether or not then due. with any excess pald to 8ortower. It BoROwer abandona the
<br /> � Propetty. or doee not�nswer withln 30 days a notice trcm Lender that the Insurance cartfer has oflered to settle e clalm, then
<br /> Lender may coUect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pey aums
<br /> aocured by ihis Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 30•day period wiN beyin when the notice Is given.
<br /> Unlesa Lendx and BoROwer otherwlse egree In wrfting, any appicatlon of proeeeds to princlpai shaA not extend or
<br /> • postpone the due date ot the monthiy payments referred to In parapraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under panpnph 21 the Praperty Is acquked by Lender, 8onower'a�ight to my insuranae policies �nd proceeds resuftiny from
<br /> � damage to the Properry prlor to tha acqulsition sh�A pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by this 3ecurity Instrument
<br /> , Immedwteiy priw to the acqulsitlon.
<br /> . �_ 6. Occuptncy,. Presanration, Maintonance and Protoction of tha Proporty; Borrowor'� Loan
<br /> � � i►ppiieaiion; LY�i�IlOtqs. o�rrawer sneii occupy. raui�iini�. �uu uaa tflC ftVFJtitty eo oiiitvwer'a prin�ipai reaium�cn wiinin
<br /> slxly dtys a1te�the executlon of thls Securiry Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Properry as Bonower's prinGpal
<br /> , i � resldence for at baat one ye�r�fter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse ayrees In writlnq,whlch consent shall not
<br /> �; � be unrwaonably wlthhdd, u untess exbnuetk►g clrcumst�nces exist whlch are beyond Bomower'a contro�. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy. dart►�ge or Mpalr th� Ptoperty. sllow the Property to deterlorate,or commlt waste on the Property.Borrower shall be In
<br /> � def�uR B any toAelture actlon or proceedfny, whether clvA or crlminsl, ts begun that In Lender's good t�lth Judgment could result
<br /> i In twtNtun of tht Froperty or othetwlse rtNterfally impair the�ien created by thla Security Mstrument or Lender's securky interest.
<br /> • � I
<br /> } ;
<br /> . � r,
<br /> F1318.t.M0(t�/81) Caqe 4 ot 5 /�����
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<br /> ,
<br /> � I - - -- - -- .._.. _.. ��► . -- -- -- --- ---- - - -- -..
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