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�'�rw.J ,.'•!hs.:. . .... .. ,�� � <br /> •-���__x� ,~ <br /> -------- _ o�-�-,� c��or rRU�v 94-1a�.sf o P�,.� <br /> -_ �o�n No N.�a4 �r.�nil�wd� <br /> - �n.r thu.upw�b.00nw dw u+d p�r.w��tny a...nln�l,dwn.nd,proM�t a rwYo.a.ey klnd. �n,K.�Mr,L«�d.r n,.y: <br /> _� (�) ENh�r b p�non a by�pmf,wRh a wifhout 4rinOkp �nY�qlo�a Proowdkq.a by a noNwr aPPoM�d bY a ooirt�nd wlM�ait <br /> np�r�b ar.a.qw�ay a M.�ocu�ly..nMr upon•nd w�.pa.allo�a an c�ry,a•m►a�+�,���owe e.m.«b nu n.n» <br /> , .� W�tn�M�.u�d do�n�r�al�whbh N dMrtK+MO�y a dMk�bM b pr�w MM wiw,nwkM�bWly or nnMbtNY a t�P� <br /> 01 tM PropKty a k�Mr�1 in d�Pro�rty;lnaas�th�Incom�kom fh�P�aprrly a ProMct tfi�rsourMy o11h�P�op�r�;and� or wNh�t __ <br /> NkMq oo�u+on a n�a ara�rey,w.�«a aiww�eo�a a�.r«,w,r.u,�..�aona a a»�roQ.rty,�uaro u+au vw auo.nd <br /> • un �ip d,�nd�pply Ih�wn��N�oak and��s of opnlbn and ooMaMon,InoludinD tHormys MM.b�nY kid�bMdrwn waun�d <br /> , :_ .., by fM�ONd d Trtnt�aN In such ord�r ts LtndK nNy d�tKmlrN. The�n1KIn0�M�o^�nd t�klrp po�s�lon ol lh�Proporly.tiM oaM�oNon �- <br /> `ra e�:.. of woh rMtb.INU��nd proAll.u�d IIM�ppNoaYon MMqof fh�N not oun a w�iw�ny dN�t�lt a noYa of d�Mult undK thk ONd of Ttult - <br /> a kwaNd�M ar1y�ot don� M rapo�to waM dNwM or purswnt to wd�noNa al dMaulh,�nd.nalwitMYndMO tM oonW�wna In <br /> - �.•er,��� po�ipl oi fh�Ptoplrly Or tfM Co�.'Mon,noMl�!�nd �ppNC�Non of neb� ktuM or ptolib�TruslM ot UnaMt slMt b��MNMd to <br /> -- v F••�."•;o;: ...,.,f �ardM w�Y dOM provld�d fa�in th�Nob a tiw Fi�taMd Oooummis a by kw upon t1r oauR�na d any�+t al dMalt,indudirq th� <br /> �, <br /> �,;x- " _, �_: dpM b�oo�rCiN 1tN Powr tN uM; <br /> "`�";-� -•- •�••,,�� (b) Commma an actlon to londos�thi�O�W of T�u�t as a mort�W.•avan�a nowwr a.p«anc.ry.�rora..�y a�a►� <br /> ,,:u�,.,"v�.u.:�.. Mna;.na <br /> �- _ �;°�•�r- _ r;••„� ` (0) D�tlwr b TnaM��wrftMn d�d+uatlon d d�hult and d�mand tar ula�nd a�wdtan notloo d dNauu and N�cilon t0 G11M�TtU�tOr't i <br /> �:-:�•►,•.':�' InG�ntt in th�Proparty to b�ald�whlab�wtlo�Trus1N sh�cauN to b�duly Iil�d tor ncord in ih�approp�Yl� ollo�s d fM County in <br /> • - vrMoh th�PtopKty f1 toqbd�tnd <br /> . �°.:',,�,.,�.L:•..��.,.� (d) Wlth rK�ct to dl a any p�r!oi th�P�orwl P�op�ly�I.�nd�r shW htva�II tM rlphl�and nrtNdlas of t s�cund WrtY und�r fh� <br /> . N�bra�lca UnMam Comm�rcW Caf�. .-- <br /> " ' . : . ':•,-� Fondowt�bY P'OwM of�Mt. It I.�nd�N�ob to fondow by�t�of ih�Poww af SW MtMn cont�ln�d,L�ndK sh�ll no1HY TrustM 4nd �� <br /> �h�N d�poWt wNh TrwfM thk D«d of Trwt�nd!h�Nob and such noNpb and wlWra�oi�xpmditura mtd�md a�our�d by thls DNd of <br /> Ttwt a TrwtM maY n4Wn. --� <br /> � -� - . - (a) Upon r�t of iuch notia hom Londor,T�ustoa shW cause to ba ncorded,pubilshed and doUwrod to Trustor such NoUco of Da/�dt __ <br /> and Notla ot Sato as th�n nqukrd by law�nd by thls Daad of TrusG Trutfae sluil,without damand on Y�stor.�rt�'wch Mrtw 1�s mty =_ <br /> thm M r�qukad by kw md�Rer roc;adaflon of auch Notico of Oofault tnd�tter Notk�of Sde h�vinp boen piwn�s r�qulrod by I�w,t�ll � <br /> � ttN Piropwly at tha tlme�nd plaa of saie fixad by It In such Nodoa of Sak,eittwr u 4 whoia,or in sapuat�bb a paroWs or ibms af _ <br /> TnatN ihW dMm uc�nl,and in such aWr as tt may dotarmir�,�t pubAc aucdon to the hlphsat biddor for c�sb in kwhtl morwy of -- <br /> th�Unit�d SfaMa p�yabM at Ihe tlme o1 aal�. Trustee shaU dWivar to such purchaser or purchasKS th�nof Ita qood�nd wf8c�nt ds�d a —�- <br /> dMdt conwylrp th�prapKty so aotd,but without any covan�nt or warronly,axpress a Impllod. The nd41a In such dwd of�ny n�ttas � <br /> a i�cb shaN bo conduslve prod of th�truthtulnus tMr�of. My pawn,inciudirq wltNout Amltatlon Trustor,Tnuta�,or L�ndu.mtY _._ <br /> „ purohw at wch uM. <br /> (b) As may W p�rmittad by kw,�thr d�ductinp W catc.iws and�xpensos of Trustoa and of ihis Truct,Indudirq co�b of w{d�noo of -- <br /> dtl�In conn�ctlon wllh ala.Trusb�shW appiy tlw proc�ds of�la to paym�nt of (I)�A suma�ndad und�r thr tKrta of thls D»d of �r <br /> Tnnt or und�r th�fKms of tM Nots not thm r�ld,indudinp but not Nmihd to aaxwd inbnst�nd I�t�olwp�s. (Il)aN otlwr tumt thm !__ <br /> s�aurW Mnby,and (IN)lh�nmdnWr,if any,to tha pNSOn or p�tora NpWy anqdad th�►oto. -- <br /> (c) TrustM may tn fh�mtnrwr prov(dsd by kw postpona raM of�N or�ny pordon of ttw Prop�rty. <br /> � iiNn�dMs Obt Exciusiw. Tiustw and L�nder,and x�ch ot tham,stuU ba�ndtbd to antorc�p�yment and pMiamtna ot any indat�fedn�ss — <br /> ot obNpadons iacur�d by ihis D�d ol Trust and to exxclsa al�riphts and powers undar thls Deed of Trust,und�r Ihs Nof�,undar�ny ot the �'' <br /> FiWNd DocurtNnts,or undar any othar ayreement or pny kws now a henttter in faee;notwithsfandinp,sortw a aA of such IndsbadnYSS �:•� <br /> � and oblip�tlonc sacurod by tNS Doed ot Trust may now or hereofler W olMrwise secu�ed,whethw by mortpa�,da�d of truct,p{odp�,Ikn, -- <br /> asalpnment or otherwise. Neilher Ihe ecceptance of thls oeed of Trust nor Its enfacement,whether by court�ctlon a purswnt fo th�power ot - <br /> � aN or other powara contafrwd In thls Deed ot Trust,stwn proJudico or In any manner aMoat Trustae's or LanGfs rlpht to naNxs upon or <br /> • aninrca any other securily�ow or hereatter held by Trustee or Lender,it peln9 ayreod that Truatee and Lender,md Mch of them,shatl bs <br /> �nBtNd to anfotes fhis Deed of Trust�nd any other Security now or heroattw Iwld by Londar or Trustee tn such aGr�nd m�nnu�s th�y ot = <br /> • NtMr of tham may In their�bsdule discretlon determine. No remedy conleRad upon or resenred to TruatN a LondK, is Int�r�f to W <br /> i," �xdu�iw of any other remedy in this Daed of Trust or by law provlded ar parrtYttad,but wch shall ba cumutaUvo md itwil b�In additlon fo , <br /> wrry otMr ram�dy�IVen in thls Doed of Trust a now a twra¢ftw azisurp at law a in equity or by sLtutt. Evxy power a nm�dy y�wn by th� <br /> �,�. Not� u rny �I liw R�ted Documents to Trustea or Lender or to wA�h elthar of tham may be otherwke ent{ti�d, may be wcarclsed, � <br /> concurr�ndy or IndependenHy,from time to time and as o8en as may be deemed wq�edlent by Trustea or LsrMtt, and eitMr of tham mty <br /> . punu�tnconslstsnt rem4dles. Nothirp in this Deed ot Trust shnA ba construad as prohibidnp Lend�r hom sakinp�ddkMncy judpm�nt k <br /> ay�inst tha Trustor to fha axfent such actlon Is permitted by aw. €� <br /> Rpwit For Notict. Trustar,on beholt ot Trustor and Lender.hereby requests that a copy of t�ny NoBco of Oofaul and a copy of any NoGCQ <br /> ot Salo unda this Deod of Trust bo rtwiled to fhem at the addressos sof foRh In the first parapraph of fhis Deod oi Tru�f. �� <br /> AtWmYys'F�es;EzpenMi. It lendor institutos any suit or action to eniorce any of the terms of this Dead of Trusl,Londer slWl be endtl�ed to �., <br /> recover such sum as the court rtwy ad�udge rensonable as attaneys'fees at tria� and on any eppeai. Whether or not any court acfion is � <br /> invdved,all reasorubie expenses incurced by Lender which In Lender's opinlon are necessary at any time for the prWeCtion of Its intorest or the <br /> �nfucertwnt of Its riphts shaN becane a pert of the Indebtedness payabte on demand and shall bear Interest at tM Noto rato hom the data of <br /> axpanditure unUl repald. Expenses covered by this pera9raph Inciude,without Ilmitation,howowr subJect to any Wnits under appWCable law, � <br /> Landar's dtorneys'tees whether a not there is a Iawsuft,Includinp attaneys'lees ta bankruptcy prxaodirps (Indudirp e8ats to modity or {- <br /> vacate any automatic stay or InJun�uan),appeals and any ant�ip4ted post-Judpment cdlectlon savfcos,ttw aost ot sarcNnq records,abylnlrp ; <br /> Gtla reports(Includinp faeclosure rapats),surveyors'reports,appralsal fees,titie insumnce,ind tees tor tlw Trust�,to th�oxtMt petmittYd by � <br /> applicabla law. Trustor aiso wul pay any court costs,tn addidon to all olher sums provided by law. <br /> MISCOlANEOUS PHOVISIONS.Tho loliowinp misceilaneous provislons ore a part of this Deed of Trust: � <br /> '. 1 ApplkabN law. This Deed ot Truat hus bean detivered to Lende��nd aeeepted by Lender in th�Stat�ot Nab�ask�. Thit tl�d of Tnut <br /> � shMl b�povemed by�nd Construed In acCad�nce with th�lawt Of th�Stat�of lNbraMn. <br /> T11M 1�Of tIN EsNnc�. Tirtw is ot thY assonCQ In tho paAamancp ollhis D�d ot Trust. <br /> " W�fwrs and ConsMti. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived a�y rphts under thls Deed of Trust(or undir thY Roittad Docurtwnts) <br /> • unt�ss such walver Is In wridnp and spned by Lender. No delay or omiss�on on the part of Lender In exarclsiny tny rqht shdl opar+te as a <br /> ' , walver of suCh rlpht or any othe�rght.A waiver by any pa�ty of a proviston of this Deed ot Trust shell not constltute a waiver of or praJudkw the <br /> party's ripht otherwise to demand Strkl compt�ance w�th that prov�slon or a�y other prov�sion. No pnor waiver by Lender,na any course of <br /> � de�liny betwaen Lender and Trustor,shatl constitute a waiver of any of Lender's riphts or any of Trus:or's obNqatbns as to Yny tuture <br /> hansactlons. Whenever consent by Lender Is requlred�n th�s Oeed oi Trus1,the grantiny of such consQnt by Lender in�ny Instanco shall nnt <br /> Cont6tuta continufny consent lo subsequent fnstanCes wherQ such consant is requirod. <br /> � ' Watv�r of tbmestead Exempflon, Trusta hereby reieases and waives ali rphts a�d berwhls of ttw homostoad oxamptbn laws of tlw Stata of <br /> + Nabrask�as�o all Indebtadnass socurpd ky thi ead of Trust. <br /> - '. .. � .. r�w roueTe�n�r�tunuw anr:ec uavi aF�n �� TwF aa�vi� AMR AF TMIR IfFFD[1F TAIIftT �/JO E�CN Tf1llSTOR�GREES TO lTS <br /> , + TER `.. ')'_'�'_'•..._ - - -.._ _..._..._... -'•.. -' •-'•--- -' ---" � --- - - - - <br /> �, . <br /> (� X X� . <br /> SON p.ARICE V <br /> � i <br /> i <br /> . � <br /> - � <br /> , <br />