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<br /> ' "` � � 0?r26-tt`!4 OEE[�(JF�t0!l�i7 (�,a,.i�,��.ssi� �+ap� � `--`-
<br /> Loa1'1 NO 41�464 (CoM{nWd)
<br /> . �.�-.,3.•: � '.: . Pf�OPEIITY,li GIVEN TO SECUiE (1y PAYMEMT OF TF�IIi0E0TEQNE�AiiD p2)PlJiFOiiMANCE OF AMr Alp ALL GOLI�ATIOIp OR
<br /> .:� � ON TI�FOLLOWING TEAM�:
<br /> w..a... .;;• �.-
<br /> -..:•.;�-''';� .,, PAYMENT.AqD PERFORMAl10E. Exapt as oth�rwle�ptovldW In this DMd of Trust�Ttu�lor fh�il pay b L�rxiu NI amounb Nound by INS ONd
<br /> ._ � . of Truct as th�Y b�car�dw.and shY stricqY and In a 11mNY mannw P�Aorm aM of Tru�tor�obYp�tlora und�r th�NoM,tht�OMd ot Trod.and th�
<br /> RWMO OoCUm�nit. �--
<br /> ....3,A. .. ,,:t�-;7� _-_
<br /> �-_��.:,;,� .. , �+oasfasia+��wro+u+c�oF��pr�. rrusw�.or..�a�.t rrw�ors pw..�.ior��nd tr�af th�Prop�rly sh�M b�pown»d by
<br /> «n v't-r,t�t
<br /> �.�..T... .. ... , th.+orow�npaovNlar:
<br />-� �y���` ,�d�.tii.. ' •� P�N�loe and lJr. UntN ttw ooaurr�d an Ewnt of OMault�T�ustar rtu�Y (�)r�n'Wn In P���and conbol at fh�Prap�riy, (b)uW� —_.
<br /> �'�rk '•• �
<br /> _'�'..ti:.- • . � .,, ap�ntM a man�p�th�P►op�rtY.and (o)coY�Ct any R�nb Iram ttN PrapKry.
<br /> �s��"•, ,� r�asary to prasarvs fls v�u�. m�tntain th�RopKly in MnanfabM conditlon and prompqy p�rlorm al np�lra.nPVartrnb�and nWnMn�nw `-
<br /> .��i ! . � ' H�ra►dou�t Subqanws. Trusta repre�nts tnd wutants thtt ttw Rrap�rty rwwr has boan,tnd rwwr wiN b�:o tonp u thit D«d af Trust —
<br /> =,,,Q;^` ; nmaina a Nan on ttw Propwty,used lor tM penandan. manufacturo. ata�po,hwtnwnt, dispos�l, rWoaa or thn�f�d rW�a af�ny
<br /> - huudous waste or subatance,as tlws�terrru Are d�8rwd in the Comprohensiva Envkonmenttl Responsa,Com�n�atbn and Lt�bMity Act d
<br /> � �... :. . . 198Q,a amend�d,42 U.S.C. Section 9801,ot saq.("CERCLA ,tFw Superfund Artwndrtwnls and Fi�aulhoriutlon Act('3ARA'.�ppNabM
<br /> . suta or F�deni kws,or repukuons adoptod punuant to any o�th�torpdnp. Trustor tuthaizes Landrr and ib apMb to�nbr upon th�
<br /> � Prqf�tly t0 mak�suCh Inspu�'doni�nd Msta�s L.ondar may d�em appropri�ta to dotamint compAana of tt»Prop�ty wHh thb s�cllon oi tM "'
<br /> D»d of Ttutt. Trutta h�nbY (y rol�sss�nd w�lvas any fututa ekirta�p�intt Undx ta ind�mnity or conklbuGon In th��wnt Tnutor —
<br /> u •
<br /> , . t�coma NabM ta cNtnup or Whar cafs und�r any such laws,and (b)��to Ind�mnHy and hatd hvml�s L�ndK�psln�t any and aY
<br /> cWms and larat rosWdn�hom t breach ot thls p�rapraph of th�Da�d of Tnnt. Th4 obYpatbn to ind�mdy shW wMw th�p�yrt»nt d tPw _
<br /> In�i�bbdrnss and tFa tatb�tion of thh O�d of T�ust. ---
<br /> � NW�anc�,W�st1. Truttor shail not cauw,conduct or pormit any nuistnce nor commit,p�mN,or suflar any skfppirq of or wasM on or to tM
<br /> Propwty or any portlon ot the Property. Without Ilmidnp ttw qeneraAty of th�torepdng,Trustor wiU not romow,or pran!to�ny otha p�rty tt» _.
<br /> � tipht to nmow,�ny tlmbar.minerais(Indudinp ol and pat).soli.prav�ai or rock products wNhout ttN prbr wdtbn cor�nt of L.�ndlt.
<br /> DUE ON 8ALE-COMSENT BY LEtiOER. Londer may,at Its opUon,deciaro Imrtwdlately due and payable ali sun�s securad by thb Deod ot Trust ��
<br /> upon ttr We or hansfar,wilhout the Lander's prlor writkn consent,ot aU or any part of th�lioal Property,or any intars4t in ttw RMI Proporfy. A �•c"�
<br /> '�s�ie a haiater'means tha conveyance of Rerl Properiy or any rlpht,Utle or interost tharoln;whether IepN,berw8ciai or aqWtabk;wh�thar vdunfary -
<br /> or Invdunt�ry;whatlwr by outripht sal�,daad,ins411ment sale conhaet,land conUact,contract tor dead,Ietsehoid intarest with a torm proater thp�n �
<br /> thne(3)yatrs,Ioas�option contract,or by sala,Qssipnment,w transfer of any berwNci�t intarest In or to any land bust holdinp tide to iho Haal
<br /> Roperty,or by any dhat rtwthod of conveyu�W Reai Property interest If any Trustor is a corporaNOn,paAnsrship or Iimibd UabAftyr comp�ny, _
<br /> tnu�sfor also indud�s any ehanpe in ownershlp d moro than lwenty-five percont(2b%)ot the vodrp ztack.putnaship inhrasls or umit�d II�bAity -�-
<br /> company Intar�sts,as fha caa�may W,of Trustor. Howovar,this optlon ahW not ba�xarGwd by Lendor If sucb aarck�it prohWit�d by Mdoral �`,�
<br /> � I�w ar by Wbrask�law. _
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. Tha idiowinp provisio�n rotadnp to ihe toxes�nd Ibns on tha Propxty ua a p�rt of thls Daad of Trust.
<br /> P�ym�nt. Trustor stwU pny whan due(ond In all events prla to delinquency)aA taxos,speca►taxes,assossrtwnts,chuq�s(Indudir�wata �'
<br /> � and sewarj,flnes and Impo•�itions tevied apolnst or on account of ttw Property,and shaU pay when due all dalms tor work dorN on or for ��
<br /> twrvices wndored or materiat furdshed to the Properfy. Trustor shall ma�nt�in the Property hee of all Ilens havinp priority over a equal to 1M
<br /> Intorost of L.ondar undar ihis Daod of Trust,except fa the Hvn of taxos and as�aasmants not dw and w�oopt as olharwla provid�d in lhis Wad —_
<br /> a rrust. �:r�.
<br /> PRpPERTY DAMAGE INSURAMCE.Ttw foWowinp provislons rotatinp to insurinq ttw Proparty are a part of this Daod of Trust. ;:•
<br /> M�intenanu ot Insuranee. Trustor st�ll procure and mafntein pol�ies of fire insurance with stnndard extanded coverape endasements on a
<br /> � � rap�acement basls for the tull Insurabie value coverinp all Improvemenis on the Real Property In an amount sufflcbnt to avdd applleatlon of�ny
<br /> � cdnsurance ciause,and with a sandard mortpageo ciause in favor of Lender,toqether with sueh other hanrd and Ilabflity Insur�nce u Laid�r
<br /> may reasonably requke. Pollcies shall be wniten In form, amounls,covc+rages and besis reasonably accoptabio to Land�r and Issuad by a
<br /> • comp�ny or companles reasonabiy acceptabie to Lender. Trusta,upon request of Lender,wiq deliver to Londer hom flme to dme the paYCies �
<br /> � or cardficates of Insurance In form satisactory to Lender,inGudlnp stipulations that coverafles wUl not be canoelled or dlminished without at
<br /> te�st ton(10)days'prlor written notice to Lender. Shoultl the Reel Proparty ot any time become located In an aroe desipnatad by lhe Olracta of
<br /> � tlw Faderal Ertwryency Manapement Ayoncy as a speclal flood hazard area,Trustor aqraes to obfain and mainWin Fode►al Flood Insuranco to
<br /> tlw axtont such Insurance is reqWred by lender and fs or becomes avtilable,iw tha torm of ttw Ioan and for tha iWt unp4id prir►clpal baianoo of
<br /> the Ioon,or the ma�cimum Iimit of covaraqe thal is avaiiable,wh�havar Is tess. �
<br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor ta113 to compiy with any proNsion of this Deed ot Trust,or if any actfon or proceedlnq k comment�d that �
<br /> woWd matariauy attoct Londer's interests In ihe Property,Lender on Trustu'S beha�t mey,but shall not be requked to,take any aCibn thtt Lender �
<br /> daYms approprfate. Any amount that Lender expends In so ddng wili be4r fnterest at Ihe rate charyed undor tho Note from the dale Incurced a p�id
<br /> by Lend�r to the date ot tepayment by Trusta. All such expenses,af Lender's option,wiil (a)be payable on damand, (b)ba added lo the balYnCe
<br /> of the Note and bn apporibned amorp and be poyable with any Installment payments to become due durinp eilher (i)the term of�ny appikabte
<br /> inswance pdicy u (il)the rertwfnlnp lerm of the Note,or (c)be treated ns a balloon peyment wh�h will be duo and payable at the Note's rtuturity.
<br /> Thls Deed af Trust also wiA seCUre payment d theso amounts. The nyhts provided for In th�s paragraph shaM be in addition to any other riqhts or any
<br /> remedles to whbh I.ender may be entilled on account of the de�ault. Any such acUon by Lender shall not be construod as cu�inp the defadt so�s to
<br /> b�r Lender hom any remedy ihet il otherwise woutd have had.
<br /> � WAFiRANTY;OEFENSE OF TITLE. Tlw toliowmfl provis�ons reialinp to ownershp ot the Property are a part of this D�d of Trust.
<br /> �• Titte. Trustor warranis that: (n)Trustor holds good and marketabte tille of record to the Property in fee slmple,hee and ciear of aN liens and
<br /> enCUmbrpnCes other ih8n ihose Set tOrth In the Reei Proporty desCrlption or In any hde InsuranCe pdicy,title repOrt,Or firul tltl9 Opinlon issuYd in
<br /> � favor o�,and accepted by,Lender fn connec�on with thls Deod of Trust,and (b)Trustor has tha full ripht,powar,and authaity to exacuta and
<br /> deliver this Oaed of Ttust to Lender.
<br /> : � Oefen�e Of Tltlf. SubJect fo the exCeption in the per8praph ebove,Trustw wnrrants and wlll faever defend tho htte to the Prope�ty�painst the
<br /> lawlul cialms ot all porsons.
<br /> � DEFAt�T. EaCh of the tdlowinp,at the option of Lender,shaN constitule an event of default('Event of DefaulC)undw this Deod Of Trust:
<br /> � � Q�fwlt on Indabtedness. Fnfiwe of Trustw lo mAko any payment when due on the Indebtedness.
<br /> ' Oefault on Other Payment�. Faflure ol Trustor w�thin the time required by th�s Oeed of Trust to make nny payment tor taxos a InsurancQ,or
<br /> any other payment necessary to prevent himy of or to eHeCt d�sCharye of a�y lien.
<br /> j Compliance Oetauit. Fa�lure to compiy with any other term,oblipat�on,covenant or cond�t�on cantnlned In this Daod of Trust,tFw Nota or in
<br /> 1 any of ttw RWatod Dxuments.
<br /> � InwlvenCy. Tho msolvency ot Trustor,appantment of a rece�ver tor any pert of Trustor's property any asslynment for the banefit of credil�ors,
<br /> t � 1hQ Commencement of a�y proceedinq u�der any bankruptcy ar InsolvenCy laws by or aflainst Trustor,or the dissdutlon ot tarmination of
<br /> � Trusta's axfstence as a ydnp bus�ness pf Trustor is a business). Except to the extenl prohibitad by federn�iaw or Nobraska Iaw,tho da�lh oi
<br /> • Trusiw(It Trustor Is an fndividuaq atso shali const�tutQ an Event of Default under thls Oaed of Trust.
<br /> ` �� � Evenis AfMctinp Gwrentor. My of tM precedfnp avents occurs with respect to n�y Guaranta of any of the Indebtedness or such uuanntor
<br /> � � dias ot bacomas inCOmpete�t. lender,�t its oprion,may,but shail not be raqu�red to,permit the Gua�anta's estato to assurt*e uncond�honaily
<br /> ttw oblipt8ons arisirp undor tho puaranty in a rtwnrwr sausfactory to Londa,and,in ddnp so,cure tha Ewnt ot Datault.
<br /> � inNCUrlty. Lender in qood t41th dpoms i�seU insaCUro.
<br /> � RIGHTS At�W REI�iEDIES ON DEFAt�T. Upon tt�occurrQnce of any Event of Dofault and at any hme therenRer,Trustae or Londar,at�ts aphon,
<br /> � � m�y oxarcisa any ona or mae of the Idlowinp riphls and romedws,�n adddwn to any oilwr rphis ot rpmatfq�providad by Iaw:
<br /> � , ACCetKatlon upon DefaWM,Addllional R�m�dles. if any evont o�detoult xcurs wh�ch is not cured w�thm htteen(15)days after no1�Ce.as per
<br /> � ttw terms ot tlw Note seCUred hYreby.linder may deciare all Indebtednoss secured by this Deed of Ttust to bQ due and payabli and thQ stme
<br /> .
<br /> , -- - — -".—' - _ _
<br />