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<br /> � �• _ of poetponemsnt ehail bs qiven by pubtic daclatdinn thsrwf by suCh person at th�tim�and pl�cs las �pointed for th� _
<br /> � sals;provid�d,I!ths sai�is poetponsd for lonper than on�(1)d�y b�yond tM day ds�lynated In the notic�of sai�,notla�
<br /> • thsreot shalt be yiven in ths eam�mann�r�s the orlpin�l notic�of sat�.Truate�shil l�x�cuts and dsliver to ths pu�chas�r � ,..,r�..L_ -
<br /> ' its De�d convoylnp the Property ao aoid,but wlthout any covenant or warr�nty,exprsssor Implisd.The recitds In the dNd _--�__ _ __
<br /> �� 04 Any matters or acts�hall b�conalusivt proof of th�t�uthtuln�ss thareot.Any peraon, Inoludinp Ben�ffol�ry,m�y pur• �Y.�s°� -
<br /> chase at th�sale.
<br /> �;:�ss�=,---
<br /> (B) When Truatee eelis pursuant to ths powera heraln,the Truatee ahalt apply the proceeda of the aale to payment of the
<br /> costs and expeneee of ex�rolalnp the powsr of aale and of the sals,Incfudfnp the payment of the Truatee'a feee actuaily =_�---`
<br /> Incurred,which Truat�e's fees shait not in the apprepate excesd the followln�amount baeed upon ths amount a�cured �.'_,._�_v_
<br /> hereby and romaininp u�peld;5 percontum on the}Irat t1.000 thenof,l percantum on the balance thareof end then to the —=-_��� ___:_-
<br /> � iteme In subparapraph(C)In the ordsr there atated. ''` ".•:'�:~..�`�
<br /> (C) After payinp the Itema apecifled in aubparaqraph(8)if the aalo is by Trustee. or the proper court and other coata of
<br /> foreclaaure and aels it ths eale ia purauant to judlalal toreclosure,the proaeede of esrie�hal!be applied in the order etated -,,._;__..•.------
<br /> .,r�
<br /> to the payment of: ;� - . •
<br /> _Y� (i) Coat of any evidence of title procured in connectbn with such sale and ot any revenue stamps; ;..,;__����
<br /> (fl) Ail sums the secured hereby; � ���'''�="�"'
<br /> (ill)The remalnder,If any,to the person leqally e�tlUed thereto. `•^7�J���•-i,
<br /> 13.Dutl�s and Oblip�tlons ot TrustN�.(a)The dutfes and obllpntions of Truatee shali he determined sotely by the express i - +
<br /> provialone of thia Deed of Truet,and Truatee ahail not be Ilable except tor the performance of such dutles and obliqatlons aa �
<br /> are apectflaaily eet forth herein,and no Implied covenants or obligatlons shall be Imposed upon Trustee:(b)No provialons of �. �. '� -
<br /> thfa Deed of Trust aha�l require Trustee to expend or risk its own tunds,or otherwiae incur any finoncial obtipatlon In the per• *.�t ,.
<br /> formance of any ot ita duties hereunder,or in the exerclse of any of its riphts or power,If It shal�have qrounds for believinp }
<br /> that the repayment of such funds or adequate lndemMty apeinst such riek or Ilablilty fe not reasonably assured to it;(c) ,. �.��'`'
<br /> Trustee mey consu�t wlth counael of tts own choosinp and the advice of such counsel she�i be fult and complete authorizatlon ,:. _.
<br /> and protection in the respect of eny action tAken or suffered by it hereunder in good faith and relfance the�eon:(d)Trustee
<br /> shall not be Il�ble tor any action taken by it in pood faith and reaaonably believed by it to be authorized or within the diacretlon �� � �,"'
<br /> or rf9hts and powera conferred upon it by thts Deed of Trust. �, ~� ��` '
<br /> a -
<br /> 14.Addltiond Socu�ity In�trum�nt�.Trustor,at its expenae,wi�l�xeoutq�nd delivorto the Trustee,promptty upon demand, ', �:;�.-
<br /> such security instruments as may be required by Trustee,In form and 8t�tprtc�satl8factory to Trustee,coverin{�any of the �. t
<br /> Property conveyed by thfs Deed of Truat,which security instrumentttish�Ij.qe:Addltfonai securlty for Trustor's faithful perfor• ' " .�
<br /> mance of all of the terma,covenants and conditions of this Deed of T1'ttet,tt�to�nAflreement,any p�omissory notes aecured �
<br /> _ hereby end Any othwr anaurlty Inatruments executed In connectton with thia transactlo�.Such instruments ahail be recorded k
<br /> or fi�ed,and re-recorded and re}iled,at Trustor's expense. �•�
<br /> ib. Mi�cd�anwus. '- .°�
<br /> (A) �n the event any one or more ot the provisiona contalned ln the Deed ot Trust,or the Loan Aqreement o�any promissory ���
<br /> note,or any cther security tnstrument qiven in connection with this transaction,shail for eny reason to be held to be in• ��•
<br /> , vaiid, fitepat or unenforceable tn any respect, such invatldity, Illepailty or unentaceabiiity shatl, at the optlon of
<br /> �� Beneftciary,not atfect any other provisfon of this Deed of Trust,that thls Deed ot Trust shail be construed as If such in- �
<br /> vatid,tllepal or unenforceable provlsion had never been contained herein or therein. �'
<br /> (B) Thfs Deed ot Trust shali be construed accordfng to the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> �, (C) The Deed of Truat shali insure to and bind the heirs, lepatees,devlsees, administratora, executors, successors and
<br /> aasiyns of the partles hereto. r''t
<br /> (D) Trustor shal�pay all taxes tevled upon this Deed of 7rust or the debt aecured hereby, topether with any other taxea or • •
<br /> assesaments which may be Ievled against the Trustee or Beneficiary or the lepat holder of the Loan Aflrsement on ac-
<br /> count ot the indebtvdnesa evidenced thereby. �
<br /> (E) Whenever used hereln,the sinQular number shatl Include the plural,the plurai,the sinpu lar,the use of any yender ahall be .
<br /> appltcable to all flenders,and the term"8eneficiary"sheli Inciude any payee of the Indebtedness hereby secured or any ,
<br /> transfer thereof,whether by operation of taH or otherwise. ,
<br /> 18.Succ�s�or TrustN.Benefictary may from time to ttme substftue a successor o�successors to any Trustee named herefn
<br /> or actinp hereunder to execute this Trust Oeed.Upon such appolntment and without convenyanCe to the sucCesaor Trustee,
<br /> the latter shali be vested wlth ell title,powers and duties conferred upon any Trustee hereln named or actinp hereunder.Each
<br /> such appointment and substitutlon shall be made by written instrument by Beneflclary,containlnp referenceto thls Oeed of
<br /> , Trust and its place of record,whlch whe�recorded In the offlce of the Reqister of Deeds of the county or countles In whlch
<br /> said property is situated,shall be concluslve proof of proper appotntment of the successor Trustee.The forepoinp power of
<br /> substitutton and the procedure theretor shall not be excluslve of the power and procedure p�ovided for by law for the substttu-
<br /> .. tfon of a Trustee or Trustees In the place of the Trustee or Trustees named hereln.
<br /> i 17. Forb�aranc�by B�n�ficl�ry or Trust��No!�W�iwr.A torbearance by Benef iclary or Trustee In exercising any rfght or
<br /> • � remedy hereunder, or otherwise aftorded by applicable Iaw shal�not be a walver of or preciude the exercise of any right or
<br /> „ remedy hereunder.Likewise,the walver by Bene}icfary or Trustee of any de}au It of Trustor under thls Deed of Trust sha�l not be
<br /> deemed to be a walver of any other or similar defaults subsequently c�r,urrinp.
<br /> 18. Trustor Not RNas�d. Extenalon of the time for payment or modtficetion or amortizatlon of 4he sums secured by the
<br /> � Oeed of Trust granted by Beneficlary to any successor In Interest of Trustor ahe11 �ot operate to re�ease,in any manner.the
<br /> � Ilabllity of the ortylnal Trustor and Trustor's successor in Interest.Beneficlary shall not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> ' aqeinst such suCCesBOr or refuse to eztend time for payment or otherwise rnodlfy amortizatlon ot the sums seCUred by the
<br /> � Deed ot Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlqlnai Trustor and Trustor's succesaors In Interest.
<br /> � ' 19. Option to FonclOSt.Upon the occurrence ot any default hereunder,Beneftciary shail have the option to foreclose thfs
<br /> i Deed of Trust In the manner provided by law for the forectosure ot mortflayes on real property.
<br /> , 20.Trustor's Rl�ht�,Abt�nt D�tault.Untll any defauit in the payment ot tndebteaness nereoy secureci,or umii ine breach oi
<br /> any covenant herein contalned,the Truator,Its successors and assiflns,shal i possess and en�oy the property and receive the
<br /> , � rents and proflts therefrom. Upon payment of ali sums secured by thls Deed of Trust.Beneficlary shall request Trustee to
<br /> � ,� reconvey the property and shail surrender thfs Deed of Trust and a11 notes and Loan Agreements evidencing indebtedness
<br /> � ; secured by the Deed o}Trust to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the property wfthout warranty and wtthout charge to the per•
<br /> sons teyaliy entttted thereto.The Grantee In any reconveyance may be described as"theperson or persons entitled thereto".
<br /> ' and the recttals thereln of any matters or faCts ahali be concluslve proof of the truthfulness thereof.SuCh person ar persons
<br /> f shall pay aIi costs of recording, tf any.
<br /> � 21.Transt�r ot tN�Prop�rty;Aseumptlon.If all or any part of ttie Property or an Interast thereln is sold or transferred wfthout
<br /> r� Beneflclary's prfor wrltten consent,exCeWt as otherwtse provlded by law. Beneftclary rnay.at Beneficlary's optlon,declare atl
<br /> � the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be fmmedlately due and payable. Benefictary shall have waived such optfon to ac•
<br /> - , � celerate If, ptior to the sele or transter,Beneficiary and ttie Nersvn lo whom the Property Is to be 5old or tr�n�forred re8ch
<br /> � MFIO�S��90�
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