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i;' . .i."9l::.: '"'-"�:i' �....�SaIW •�- . <br /> � � <br /> ^8� . � . . 'rJ't.�2+_. � _ <br /> � :�;tA!'!`'iuC.. . ��+'ku�.�G„-. � -.. ----- - - <br /> �. • <br /> �� �4 10�.6�2 y E- - -- -- <br /> , - <br /> � � �� notifloatfon to Truste��nd B�neflciary.In the ewnt�ny polioy hsreursd�r ta not nnsw�d on Qr b�fora flitse�(tb)day�prlor to � <br /> . � ' � F its�xplration dat�,Trusts�or B�n�fiolary may procun suah insur�ncs In�acordance with the provlalons of par�praph 7. <br /> ; . Trustor shRil deliv+r to n�flolRry th�orlpinal potici��ot Ineurance and rsnew�ie thenof or copl�s of auch policiea and � <br /> � nn�wal�tt�wi. F�Ilu�to tumiah such Insurance by Trustcr, or ronew�is �e requlrod herounder, ehall, �t the optlon of ��__ <br /> B�no}Iciary,conatitute a dofuRlt.AII uneorned prsmiume�rs hsreby esaiflnsd to Trsutee as additlonal aeaurlty,and a sate and _ <br /> conveyanc�of th�Property by thc,TrustN sh�ll oper�te to conwy to th�purohas�r th�T►ustor's intenst In and to all potici�s <br /> of insurana upon the Tru�t Propsrty. __ __ ___ <br /> 5.T�x�s and At��am�nt�.Trustor shalt pay a�t taxea and speclal assessm�nts Ievied or as�eaaed a�ainst,or due upon,the =— <br /> � P�oporty befon d�linquenoy and wiil dNiver to B�mtioi�ry ooples of nceipts showinp payment o(auch taxes and spealai � <br /> " ��s�ssmenta. <br /> 8.Addltton�l LNns.Truator shall make all p�ymenta of Int�reat and princlpal,and paymenta of any othe►char�ea,fees,and �°—� �~J <br /> �xpenses contracted to bs paid to any exietinp Iien hoidere or prlor beneficiarles under any prior Oeed of Trust,Mortyape ar � <br /> - oth�r eecuHty aQroement,before ths date they ars dsilnquent and to pay a�y other claim whioh jeopardizee the aeaurity ��=�-_� � <br /> • qrant�d heretn. v T�` <br /> • 7.Prot�tlon of O�nNial�ry'�8�curity.Shoutd Truator fall to make any payment,tail to do any act as herein provided or if 4� _ <br /> any actlon or procsediny Is commenced which materlaliy atiects Beneficiary'a interest in the Property, Inciudinp, but not �=a-�.rLI_-_- <br /> Ilmited to,eminent domatn,inaolvency,arr�npements or proceedinps tnvolvinp a bankrupt or decedont,then Beneficfa�y or _ _ - <br /> Trustee,but without oblipatton to do ao,and without notiae to or demand upon Trustor,and without releasiny Truator from any ��_ • <br /> olbipatlon hereunder,may make or do the same,and may pay,purchaae,conteat or compromise any encumbrance,aharqe or �; <br /> • tlen,which In the judpmsnt ot elther appears to affeat sald Property;in exercisinp any such powers,the Beneflofery or Trustee ����_� M <br /> may Inaur a IlAbllity And expend whatsver amaunts„Includlnp disbursements of reaeonable attorney's fees,which in their ab� r::.��;--n;_:___ <br /> ' solute disaretlon may be necessary.In the event that Trustor shall fall to procure Insurance,tall to pay taxes and�pecial � � <br /> i asesssmenta or tall to make any paymenta to exiaitnp or prior Ilen hotdera or beneflclarles,the Benefictary may procure such �� �,��-"- <br /> insurance and mAke auch payments.Ail sums Incurred orexpended by Beneficiary or Trustee in accordance with the provl• � s� �'•-- <br /> I elons of the O�ed oi Trust are aecured hereby a�nd,without demand,shail be immadiatety due and payable by Trus2or end ahaii _T_�-' <br /> be�r Intsreat at the rate provlded for advances under the Loan Apreement; provided, however, that at the optlon of the : '�- <br /> Bsnsfiai�ry or Tru�te�,euch eums may be adde�to the principal balance nf any tndebtedness aecured hereby and ahall bear .,�,� _ <br /> ths��me Intereat as auch indebtednesa and shatl be payable ratably over the remalnfn�term thereof. ; -• <br /> 8.AtNpnm�nt of R�nts.Beneficiary shali havs the rfyht,power and authqrlty durinp the continuance of this Oeed of Trust to � �:r,� �:.:_ Y <br /> colieat ths renta, iaeues and profits of the property and of eny personai property�ocated thereon with or without takinp ; �:,�_ <br /> posseaelon of the Property aitected hersby,and Truetor hereby absoiuteiy and uncondltionaliy assfyns all such rents,isaues ; - <br /> and profits to Beneflciary. Beneficfary, however, hereby consents to the Truator'e collectlon and retentfon of such renta, r � <br /> - issuss and profits as they accrud an�1 trii:ur�ie payi�bi8&8 lon�as Trustor ts rtai,ai�ucls llme,!p dslBUlt�Ylth feepe�t to pey � :��:�`��`= <br /> Iment oi any indebtednesa secured hereby or tn the performance of any a�reement hereunder. Upon any such default, � -�'�t '° <br /> Benefictary may at any time,elther In person,by agent or by a recelver to be appointed by a court,without notice and without r ..-,,.ti, <br /> reqard to the adequacy of any aecurity for the Indebtednesa hereby secured:(s)enter upon and take posaesalon of the Proper• _ <br /> ty or any pa►t thereof and In its own neme sue for or otherwise coilect such rents,issues and profits,includiny those past due . <br /> and unpaid,and apply the aame, iess costs and expenses of operation and coilection,includinp reasonable attorney fees, a�` <br /> upon any Indebtedneaa secured hereby and in such order as Benef Iciary mey determine;(b)perform such acts ot repair or pra � <br /> tectior aa may be necessary or proper to conserve the vatue of the Property;(c)iease the same or any part hereof for such ren• �+� <br /> tal term and upon such conditlons as its Judpment may dictate.Unless Trustor and Beneflciary apree otherwlse in wrltlny,any � ��'- <br /> � ' application of renta,Isauea or protita to any Indebtedness aecured hereby shail not extend or postpone the due date of the fn• t. <br /> � ataliment paymenta as provided In the Loan Agreement,and the apptication thereot as af�resatd shail not watve or cure any ' _'- <br /> defauit or notice of defauit hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant ta such notice.Trustor also asslqns to Beneftctary, <br /> as turthsr aecurity for the performence of the obllyattons secured hereby,all prepald rents and all monies which may have <br /> been or may hereafter be deposited with sald Trustor by any Iessee of the Property,to secure the payment of any rent,and <br /> upon detault in the perforamnce of any ot the provislons hereof,Trustor agrees to detiver such rents and deposlts to the <br /> ' Bsneficlary. Delivery of wrltten notice ot Benelticary's exe�clse of the rights granted herein to any tenant occupyinq said = <br /> premises shall be sufficlent to requlre said tenant to pay sald rent to the Beneflciary untll further notice. ° <br /> 9.ConMmn�tion.�}title to any part of the Property shali be taken tn condemnation proceedlnps,by riqht of eminent domain • <br /> or almllar actlon,or ahell be sold under threat of condemnetlon,atl awards,damages and proceeds are hereby assiflned and <br /> ehali be pald to Beneflcfary who shatl apply such award,damaqes and proceeds to the sums secured by the Deed of Trust, <br /> wlth the ezcess,If any, peid to the Trustor. <br /> 10. Futun Adv1�nC��.The Loan Aqreement provides for advances f rom tlme to time to Trustor by Beneticlary as provlded <br /> therein.In�ddltion,upon request of Trustor,Beneftclery,at Beneilclary's option,prlor to reconveyance of the Property to the <br /> Tru�lor,may make additlonAl tuture advances to the Trustor.Such}uture advances,with interest thereon,shalt be 98cured by <br /> this Deed ot Trust when evldenced by promissory notes stating that safd notes are secured hereby;provided that at no ttme <br /> ehrtl the eecured principel and future advences,not Includtng sums advanced to prolect the security,exceed one hundred per• <br /> c�nt(100•'e1 of the orlpinai principal emounts aecured hereby. <br /> 11 R�m�dl�s Cumulativ�. Ail remedles provlded In this Deed of Trust are disttnct and cumulative to any other rfght or <br /> rem�dy under thls Oeed of Truet or aftorded by iaw or equfty.and may be exerclsed concurrently,independently or successtve• <br /> Iy. <br /> 12 AccN�ntlon;R�m�di�r,SN�.A default shail extst In the event of: <br /> �A) Any iraud or mlarepreaentatlon by the Trustor In connectton wlth the Ilne of credit which this Deed of Trust secures: <br /> (B> Any faliure on the part of the Trustor to meet the repayment terms in respect to the Loan Aflreement and any other ad• <br /> vancse under thla Oeed of Trust hereby secured:and, <br /> � � IC► Any acflon by the Trustor prohibited by the terms of the Loan Agreement or this Deed ot Trust or any faflure of the Trustor <br /> � to act ag requlred by the Loan Ayreement or this Deed ot Trust,each of which Trustor hereby agrees have an adverse ef• <br /> � n���ti���..:� � ...��..�...�Mw 11......f r.s.�l�n��n1��7�hai1 nni/fho Ilnh}R n�fhsf QAI'fA}�(:{AfV In such seCUrltY. <br /> � if4t Vi�lii� Vot���������u oa�v�.�� .v. •�.v ..�.v v.v.v�......................�..�...� ..�...� � • •' _' " " • . <br /> ` �nt)upnn the happentnp ot any suCh event of default,Benef iciary may declare all sums secu�Pd hereby immediately due and <br /> pryHtitx by�tetivc�y tr,Tn�stee of wrltten deciaration of default.The Trustee shall have the power of saie of the Property.and if <br /> . go��ellc�ery deyue� the Property to bo sotd. It shail deposit wlth Trustee this Deed of trust and al� promissory notes and <br /> dc�r.urnWnf�nvwonc�ns� erxpenditures secured hereby and shalt deliver to Trustee a written nottce ot defauit and electton to <br /> r.�uss t►iH Nir��erly to b�solA,and the Trustee in turn shall prepare a nottce In the torm required by law,whfch shall be duiy ftl• <br /> y �d for rxCU�d by Tru519tl <br /> � IA1 At!nr Ino Iwpee ol such t�me es m�y be requ�red by law followfng the recordatfon of sa�d notiCe of default.and notice of <br /> � ilefauit�nd notice of sile haviny been qiven as requlred by law.Trustee.without demand on Trustor,shall sell the Proper• <br /> ty un Ihe d�t�end at ths lime and piace deslpnated in safd nottce of pubilc aucifon to the htqhest biddor,the pur• <br /> cha�r�:rice!pnyehte in Iew�u�monny�f thw Iln�in�1 RtateR et thP t�mP�f saie The persnn rnndur.iMg the sale may.for any <br /> c�us�ho d�oms oxp�dtont,poatpone the sole from tlme to tlme untti tt sh81t be completed every such case,notice <br /> ��,. � ,•.. <br />