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., '� ' �/l`• ; . .. � �.... .__-�:�:�� ._ <br /> .�.� <br /> - ��_ __ __ _' '�a�1�� � <br /> -- .--- ' � • I�ar►aw�►Nny ow� wOh � d�IN�lt md ninithH�. 1u povidld h pwpnph 9�, bY ow�Ylp th� sollon ot p�+ooNdn� to b� <br /> — . �Mmks�d wkl�a rWnp that,h I.�ndw�pood fdlh dMwn�tbn�pnduda forhkun d th�Borrorwr's Int�n�t In th�Prop«ty a. <br /> an«n�w rnp.rm.n�a u,.�.n or«a.a by a�r s.ou�y �w�n�t«�«,d.r...owMy r�.n.r. ea►owK.n.� .rw n.h <br /> ddn,lt M Bonow.►�durNw tM lom�p�NoNlon P��� o�+ �MN t�M�or in�oax.t�biamMlo�w sbt�nwnb to lw�drr(a <br /> I�d W prorld� Und�►wNh �ny m�NrW Iniotm�tian) In oom�otlon wllh th� lo�t► wdd�nad by th� Not�,k�aludnp,bui not (p <br /> Mnrt�d to. np►M�ntaUau oono�ninp Bor►aw�r's ooaip�nay of th� Prop�tty �s a p�Yiolpd rMkMo�. M tbM 8rat�Mfi � <br /> ,, in�tn�rtwnt k oe a IMa�hoid� Barow�r sh�N cariply wlth NI tlw provisian� ot th� lMa. H Barow�r aoquins iW tltl� b 1M � <br /> _ Prop«ty�lh�IMS�hold�nd th�N�1NN slw�nW m�tp�unMss Unda�pn�a to th�muar h wrlqny. <br /> - T. P�at�oNon o/ I.�nd�►'�R{phb In tlw Prop�rty.ll eaROw� tws to pwlonn� �.i <br /> contahed h thls Sacudty InaUvment, ar thero s a IeQal proc�adtna that may upnMcanty aMect Lander's dphts h the Property -- <br /> ,�c. (woh��a FrooNdino In b�nkniptaY.Prub�t��for oond«m�tlon a lafddin a to mioro�Inw a rpuNtbns)�thm Lwid�r m�y <br /> - do and p�y far whatw�r It n�aaary to prot�ct the valw oi tM Prop�Ay�nd Lmd�r's�iphGs In th�Prop�Ay. L�nd�t'�adlon� <br /> may indud� WY�9 �r►y sums wau�d 6y � Wc whbh h�s priorKy ow► thb S�oiuMy Inshumrnt. appMrinp fn cowt. WY„0 <br /> �•:a.�,:°.�`.�,� rMSanabN�ttomy�'tMS md rnt�rN►p at Ih�Prop�rty b nMk�np�Y�.ANhauph I.�nrMr rwy fak�aclion und�Ws pWapiph Qj <br /> �`44• ` 7,Lmdr doa not haw to do�o. <br /> �... -Y <br /> k_ ;+'� <br /> �.`��x.::��:.� My amounts tN�buts�d by tand�► undK p�pnph 7 shM b�comt�ddtion�i d�bt of Barowrt s�cund by thb��aufly <br /> �``""�`��`'��j''�'�' InsUummt. Untass Bortowr and L�ndK a a�to othsr t«ms ot <br /> _ :�;�,.•.:�,��;�_�_-- yr P+y�n�nt, thw�amounts �haM b�ar Int��t han th� d�t� of -° <br /> �.T�.,.- �burswrnnt�t th�Not�nU �nd sh�l b�p�y�bl�, wRh Nt�rat,upon notle�hom L�nd�t ta Bomow�r nqu�stinp p�ynMnt. <br /> -� •` �• 0. �Ilort� Inwnna�. If L�ndar nquind matgaq�hsurana as • condltlon of nMlck�p th�lan s�cund by thl� <br /> � '�` � -' �t� S�cudty Inatrum�nt,Bortow�r fIW pay th�pr�ium�nquind to mskiWn ih�mortp�pe Insuranc�M �ff�ct.H,tor any nuon,th� <br /> :"�-- � •,. , '°•.•:r• moRy�y�In�uranc�oowray�nquk�d by Undrr I�p�h a cMws f0 b!h dl�Ct� BOrtOWK tMal p4y th�F1fM11N1111� t�qUll�d f0 <br /> .`�w��.��:k..r:�_�`� obtah covwx wbst�n �Ient to th�mat R In�unnc� <br /> y� t{�y aquhi Q�p prwiousy In alf�at, �t+�aost aubst�nWMy�qulwiwd to th� <br /> . . �,,.>,.,...,,..:,.i.�5�c: wst to 8ortowK ot th� mort�p� inwanc� prrvlously h Nl�ct, irom an ait�mat� moKqap� inwnr approwd 6y L�nd�r. fl <br /> �, ' .',:.'�•;;�76i.',, t� wbsW�ti�Ny equlvalmt maf�ye Insunnc�cownpa b not avalMbl��BortowK ah�N p�y to L�ndr Moh month �wm piwl to -- <br /> • on♦twNRh ot th�ywiy morty�p�k�wnnce prwr�tum bslny p�W by Borrower wh�n th�Insurmc�cowray�M�ps+d a aasr!to <br /> � bs In Nl�ct. Und�r wlll aca�pt,use and nSain th�a�paymsnb�s a bss ro�KVe h Wu of mortpap�imuranc�. Los� nawv� <br /> �' •� paym�nta may no tonp�r be rsquted,�t the opUon oi LandK, q martpape insur�nca coveray�(In ths amaunt�nd for th� pKtod <br /> ; that Lendw requkes)prov{ded by an Insurx approv�d by Lend�r ay�h bscomu avaii�ble and Is obtak�ed. 8orrowa ahall p�y — <br /> th� pr«nfums nquk�d to m�k�t�Y� moRy�p�inwana tn Nf�ct,or to provide a bsa r�srv�,unW th�nquk�n�nt for morty�Qe <br /> ' Insurance ends in accordrnce with any wrftten a�asnNnt b�twNn Bortoww and L�ndet or�ppMcable kw. -- <br /> � � " 9. In �Ctlon. Lenda or Rs� t m+� make reasonabk�ntrba u on�nd ins s of ths °'` <br /> �p W� Y P P�� �P�Y. UndK ehaN piv� <br /> " Barower noUcs at the tkne of or prior to an inspecUon apecityinp rMaonabte ause for the In:psctbn. <br /> 10. Cond�tnnatlOn. Tho procseds of any �wArd or c4kn fa d�mayh, dk�ct or conssquentiN, In connscdon with any � <br /> condwnn�don or other takN�p of any put of th� Property,or for convyanc�in IIw of cond«nnaUon, ar�hr�by asstpned and " <br /> �hall b�paid to L�ndK. <br /> In th� ev�nt of a toUi t�kk�y ot th� PropKty, the procwda shall ba appAsd to th� suma asared by this S�wrily <br /> ,___ _ ___ InsUUm�n�wh�th�r or not then dus.wHh any excusa pald to Borrow�r. lo th�w�nt ot�Qard�t taking of th�P►oQwty in whM:h <br /> ihs fak m�rket valu�of th�Property knmediately betore ih�taWnp is eqwl to or y►eater then the amount oi the auma secured �' <br /> by thls Sscurity Instrum�nt ImmMlataly betore the trkinq, unNaa 8or►owK and Lsnder oth�xwlse �pre� In writing, th� sums <br /> - secured b thia 3ew Inatrument ah�U be raduced b tM amount of the roceads muk( II�d b th�foltow(n fnctbn: ��` <br /> Y �Y Y P P Y 0 (a)th� <br /> j toul unount of the sums aecurod Immedlatety ba(ore tite Ukinp.divid�d by (b)the fak nurket value of the Prop�rty knnedi�tely <br /> befon the takM�p. My batanee ahUi be paid to Borrower.In the event oi a partl�i takiny of th� Prop�rty in wF�ich th�tair mu1cK °- <br /> � � valus of the Propsrty Imm�diatoy batore the teklnq la Ies�thon tho amount of ths suma secured imm�diately befcn th� takinq, °-- <br /> unieaa Bortowa md Lender oth�twiae agne k► wdtk�g or unbas applkabte kw otherwise pmvidn, th� proca�ds shaN b� �LL <br /> � • � � �ppUed to ths sums e�cured by this Securily Instrum�nt whKhw or not the suma m then due. �„A <br /> If the Piroprty is�bandoned by BortowM,or if,�tter notic�by Lsnder to Borrower that the condemnor otfern to make an c:•�_` <br /> n. award or aettie • dtkn for darn�pea, Bortow�r faiis to respond to Lander within 30 days �Rer the d�t� the notica Is yNen, ���- <br /> �; LendK is authortzed to colect md apply the proceeda. �t its opUon, elthar to natoation or rep�k ot th� Ptoperty or to the � <br /> �� wms aecund by lhi�Secudty Instrummt,whather or not then due. � <br /> •(�� Uni�sa L�nd�r and BortowK othe�wlae aqree in w�itk�y, �ny applicaUon of proceede to p�(nclpal sh�ll not extend u t <br /> " poatpone the due dat�of the monthly payments retarteci to In p�r�gppha 1 �nd 2 or ch�nye the�mount ot auch peymenta. F' ' <br /> 11. Borrow�r Not Rola�sad; Fo�bQarancn By L�ndor Nat a Watv�r. Extendon ot the ume ta payment or 4 <br /> � modfflcatbn of amortiz�tlon ot th�auma aeeured by this S�curily Instrum�nt gnnted by Lender to any succe�tor in Interest of i <br /> Bonower ahaA not operote to rebase the Wbility of the adpinal Bortower or Borrower's succesaors in tntarast. Lender shall not � <br /> b� requlred to comm�nce procoedinga ay�Inat any euccessor In interest or retuae to Qxt�nd time ta payment or otherwiae ) <br /> modiy amortiz�tlon of the aums eecured by this Security inatrummt by rwson of any dem�nd made by the orlyimi Borrower or ' <br /> Bortower'a succsssors in interest. My forbearance by Under In exerdsiny any riyht or remedy ahaA not b� a w�NK of or ,. <br /> praclude the exerclse ot any tighl or remedy. ; <br /> . 12. Suacossor� and Asaigns 8ound; Jdnt and Sovoral Uabittty; Co-signers. The coven.nts.nd ; <br /> �greements of this Securily Instrument ehall bind and beneft the euccesaora and asaigns of Lender and BoROw�r, :ubJect to the <br /> '' • provialons of panyroph 17. Bartower'a eovenents and ayroemmta shNl be Jolnt and several. My 8ortower who co•sipns this <br /> Sscurity Instrumwit but doas not execute the Note: (�) ia co-aiqning thfs Securky instrument only to mortgaye,grant and convey <br /> th�t Bortower'a interest in the Roperly under the terms ot this Secudty Instrument; (b) is not personally obllyated to pay tha <br /> ' sums secured by thls Searity Instrument; and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modtly, <br /> . tabe�r or make any accommod�tlona with repard to the tetms of thls Seeurfty Instrumant w tha Note wRhout tfut BoROwer's <br /> � 1 COI11Mt. <br /> � � � 13. Loan Charpea. 1f lhe �oen secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a aw which sets msximum loan <br /> 4� cheryes, and that law is iinaRy Interpreted so that the interest or other Ioon charges collected or to be coAeeted in eonnection <br /> , wfth the Io�n Qxceed the permitted Ilmfts, then: (a) any such loen charge shaN be reduced by the amount necessory to reduce <br /> Ithe cherge to ihe psrmitted tlmk; and (b) sny sums elready coltected from BoROwer whfch exceeded permitted lunits wili be <br /> � • � refunded to 8orrower. LendK m�y choose to make thls relund by reduciny the p�incipal owed under the Note or by rtwking a <br /> . � direct payment to BoROwer. Ii a retund reduces princip�, the reduction wUl be treated as a partlai propayment wRhout any <br /> � prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. NOtICY�.My notice to Bortower provided tor In this Securfty Instrument shaN ba 91ven by dalivaring it or by maiUng it <br /> by ftnt ciess meU untess appiic�ble kw requires use oi another method. The notice shaA be directed to the Property Address <br /> �_.. or �nv other addtesa Bortowar d�sionates bv notic�tn I�nd.r An� nnfir.�fr, t.�,.�.. .ti.� r,. ..�,.,. ti.,a..� .u�.. ..,..0 .., <br /> . � l Lender'a address sUted herein or any other address Lerider designates by notice to Borrower. My notice�provided far in this <br /> � S�curiry Inatrument shall be de�med to have been gtven to Bortower or Lender when yiven as provided in this parayraph. <br /> � 15. tiov�rninp Law; SYVYrabllity. This Securily Instntment sheU be govemed by tedenl law �nd the iaw of the <br /> � Jurisdictbn In whkh the Property Is �ocated. In the event that�ny provision or cinuse of this Securfty Instrument or the Note <br /> conNets wifh appNcable taw, such co�Aict sheli not aflect other provislons ot ihis 3ecurfty InsWment or the Note which can be <br /> j� en Qflact wilhout thQ conAictin <br /> . � giv y provision. 7o thlF end tM prorisions ot this Secerity instrument and the Note are dedared to <br /> ' ' b�severable. <br /> _ � 16. BorrOw�r's COpy.Bortow�r shdl be ylwn one conformed copy of the Note�nd ot this Securfty Instrument. <br /> � <br /> ' f13t6.LM6(12N3) Pagr 7 ot 5 / <br /> � ' <br /> 91[X75 LM � <br /> � <br />