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? I•,�V1 .. �;.-a;r:.• <br /> �. � �a: -....._._.__ _ <br /> - .-�_ - ..._.�_—•� , . . ._ <br /> � ' TaoE7t0ER WIT'H dl t1N inipiorwmnts tww a hwM�r�nol�d on th� ProP�9,�nd M M�tmnb� �ppuA�noM� snd _... <br /> - — � �16firM now or hwMlta e prt d tM propMty.AN npMo�r�nb and�dditlon��h�l�ko b�oawnd by thM Mourlty b�Yum�n1. <br /> N d tM ionpobp M�r�d to In tld�MarNy In�lnNn�nt aa th� •P►opwly.' ((,� <br /> BORAO�VIER COVENANTS th�t 8on�owMt Is Miwl��jt sMad M th� MLh h�nby oonvqnd�nd fw th�dpht to prmt+wd � <br /> oonwy tb� Propwty �nd tlwt th�Ro�ty N uMnaxW�rd� rco�pt for �na�rnbmoM d noad. 8orraww wrants �nd wMl ' <br /> d*nd�.n«.ry u�.uw w�na Prop.�ti a�.r+a.�oi.rn..�a d«r�.nd...ub�s a.ny.n�.�+o..a r.«�d. <br /> o TF+tB sECUamr �NSrnuMENr oewribku. unMom, oovuw�a for n.uonN u.. .nd �wn�ll«m oov.n�nu wwn w�lf.d �}„� <br /> , �whtbns by JurMdidion to aonstipA��unMatm s�axity MsWmmt cov�rY�p n�t propwty, � <br /> UNIFORM COVENAHTS. Bonowu�nd L�nd�r oov�wtt�nd�pn�u 1oNowa: <br /> .+ �.�LL_. 1.P�ym�nt of P�Incip�l and IM�n� Pnpay�n�nt�nd Lat� Charp�s. e«rowa�hM v��+DW P�y wh�n <br /> -.�� dw th�p�dpd at�nd IntuMt on th�d�bt�vfdmqd by th�Nob�r1d 11ny pnpaynNnt�nd MN ch�rq�s dw undu th�Not�. � �. <br /> . .� . 2. Fu11ds for TaxM �Hd 18wtanC�.SubJ�t to�irw or to�wrNt�n w�hr�by LmdK.Bartowr stWl p�y � <br /> - ' � S��,;; to L�ndr on th�daY��Y WY�ts an du�undu th�Not�, untll tfu Not�b pald in iW� a eum('Fund+'1 tor: (�)Ywiy <br /> �RaK;:`;;�� tauw and a��ssn�nt� whbh rtMy atWn prbrfly ovw this S�axiry bsln�nmt a • Mn an th�RnpwtY: NI Y�N��otd <br /> �_.�.j 1°:�-���4 Wlm�w�ts a proWid nnb on th� Prop�tY� k r+Y (a)Y�Y hwn!a propwty Insumc�Pnrt�k�rn+t (d? Y�Y wood inwnna <br /> �::,�r..;��:=�-��t"� P��u�, ��r►f�: (�I Y�f�mortq�p�inwnncs pr�niurrN,N any;and(fl�►Y�P�Y�bY 8ortow�r to L�nd�r h ucoMana <br /> --- =_ _•'�..•,•�-�, with th�provistons of puag�ph 8� b Y�u of th�p�ynNnt ot moRq�� k►uu�na pr«rAum�. Thu� N�rns an cawd •E�uow <br /> --- �"%��-" �-- -- ftmu." Undar n►R at an tMro, eolhct and hold Fund� h �n�nount not to �cad th�maknum amount a Mnd�r for a � <br /> ��..`... .�.�=, Y• Y <br /> �'�':,�.`.:..•;: ., ;� feduay nwt�d matp�p�tan may nquk�for Borrowr's e�aow aocount und�r th�ted�nl Rri EstaU 3MWmrnt Proc�dur� <br /> _�'°'� ,;a„�;,,.,,i �-�� Act of/874 u ammd�d from tin�to tYn�,12 U.S.C.�260/ et sp. ('RE3PA'), uni�s�rnothK I�w that applt�s to th�Funds <br /> s�ta a bssr artaun� H so,LendK nxy,�t�ny Utne, coNect�nd ho{d Funds In�n �rtwunt not to axce�d th�Isat�r anaunL <br /> '��' L�ndsr nxy atim�t�ths amouni oi Funds du�on th�b�si�of wrtmt d�ta�nd n�sawbM�stMfMt�s of �xp�ndkun� of fuUin — <br /> --y ��. � ' � .43 Escrow H�ms or othu�wis�in aceoM�nce wilh applk,�bN kw. <br /> �; . : `����wk.r�; Th�Funds shar be hNd in�n institudon whot�d�poska an(nsund by a ted�rat ay�ncy.inalruum�nWky,or�ntlry(Ndudinp <br /> - ' Undr. B Und�r b such an NsWution) a h any F�d�rat Homs lan Bank. L�ndx�h�N apply th� Funds to p�y th�E�crow <br /> +•. '�.::",. . .�J�� Rwr►i. Und�r may not chv�Bortow�r fa hoidiny and�pplying tho Funde,annu�Ny wly8np the�saow�ccount,or vwityinp -� <br /> ' th� Esaow ibms, unl�ts LmdK pays BoROww ht�rnt on the Funds and applicabis kw pwmks L�ncNt to m�k� wch a <br /> i' ch�. HowwK. L�da may nquke Borroww to pay� onFtim� charp�tor an Ind�pend�nt nU nt�t� Lx raportlnp urvfc� <br /> ' uaed by Lend�► in connectlon wilh thla ban, unbas appMc�ble kw provldas otherwl��. Unias an ayrsement b trwde a __ <br /> �` � appMcabi�kw nqu(ra intwtt to b�pdd, LmdK st�all not be nquk�d to pay Barrowr any intwst or Mrttlnps on the Funds. <br /> � Bwrow�r and LendK rrwy �yns h w�lUnp, howevr, that intuest ahaq be paid on th� Funds. L�ndar ahaii yive to Barrowa, <br /> wfthout charya, an annuai �ccountinp of th�Funda, ahowlnp u�dits and d�bits to th�Funds and th�putpoae ior which�ach <br /> � d�bit to th�Funds was mad�. Th�Funds an pl�dpsd�s additional s�curity ior�N sumt sscund by the Seauky In�trummG <br /> H th� Funds held by L�nder�xce�d th�amounts p�rmilbd to be hNd by applicabb law, LendK shaN�ccount to Borrowx <br /> 1a the axcus Funds h accordanc�wkh ihe requkements of�pNcabio law.If the amount oi th�Fundi hdd by Under�t�r►y <br /> tyne is not autflcbnt to pay th� Eeaow Itwna when dua, Und�r rrwy so noUy BarowK in w�itinp,and,k►such ca:� Bortow�r _ <br /> • ahal p�y to L�ndK ths amouM��swry to make up ths d�Ad�r►ey. Borrow�r shall m�k�up th�dNki�n�y In �o mon than "' <br /> twNv�monthiy WYments.�t L�ndr'a sob di:cretion. _� <br /> ___- =-- -- .-.=. .:-� tlpon pa��ent in!uM oi a� anm� sscstred by!h!s SscttrM�!nslruntent. Ltnda ehnN FrompM3 rchsnd to 8orrnwtr eny Funde - <br /> huid by Lender. it,und�r parayraph 21, Lendet ah�N aequfrs a aeN the Propaty,Lendrr, prbr to th��cqulsiGon or ul�of ths ��; <br /> Properry, ah�N apply any Funds h�id by L�nd�r�t th�tlm�o}�cqulNGon a udt as a aadit ap�Y►st th� sums s�cuwd by thls � • <br /> S�atrity InaWmenL ,-. <br /> 3. Appitcatton of Paym��ts. Unless appAcable kw provides othenvlse, aM payments rocNv�d by Lendar under � A <br /> p�rayraphs 1 and 2 ahaN be appQM: 1kst,to�ny pre�wyment charqes due under the Note; second, to amounts p�yabte under <br /> , prrapraph Z;thkd,to intersst due:tourth,to princlpai due; and 4�st,to any Nte charyes due under the Note. �� <br /> 4. Chi1'�Yf; UY11�. Borrowx ahaA pay aA tuce�, asseasments, charpes, flnes and knpoaflions attribuLble to the i"`" <br /> : Prop�rty wt�ich may athin prlority owr ihla 3ecurity Inatrummt.�nd teaa�hdd paymentt or ground rentt, H my. Hortowx shaA <br /> pay thus obYp�tions In the m�nnx provided In puaynph 2, or fl not paid in that m�nner, Borrowa shaA pay them on t(me <br /> ; dk�ctiy to th�p�rson ow�d paym�nt. BortowK aha4 promptly lumlah to L�nder atl notic�s of�mounls to b�paid under this <br /> �� p�npwph. If Bortow�► m�k�s th�s� payments dk�cGy, Borrower shaY promptty tumish to Lmder ncMpts wld�ncinp tfi� <br /> WYm�nta. �. <br /> ��, Bortower ahaq prompUy dlacharye any Ilen which h�a pdority over thia 9ecurity Inatrument unless BoRawer. (a)agroes in E <br /> writN�q to the payment of ths obliqaUon secured by the Ben in a m�nner aceeptable to Lender, (b) conteata k� yood taith the <br /> , Ilen by, or dotw►ds ay�k�at entorc�ment ot the Ii�n in, I�gai proce�dir►ys whkh (n the Laid�►'s opinion opamte to prwr�nt tha <br /> antorcement ot the Ilen; a(c) secures irom th� holdK oi tho Ilen�n agrwm�nt saUsUctory to Undar eubadinaUnq the Aen to � <br /> this Secwity Instrument. It Lend�r detwmkies that�ny p�rt of the Propeity is subJect to a Uen which may att�in pdor8y ovw thii <br /> 3�curity Instrument,L�nd�m�y give Borrowar a notice Identllyki9 th�Il�n.Borrow�r sh�U s�Usy th�IIm w Wce on�w rtan of F • <br /> th�actbna set torth abovs w(thin 70 d�ya of th�givk►g of notice. • <br /> 5. HazArd or Proporty Insu►anco. 8onower ahall keep the Nnprovements now existhp or here�ttar erect�d on the <br /> Property insured aydnst loss by flr�, hazards inciuded wfthln the term 'extendei coverago' and any othK h�zarde, induding - <br /> � 1loods or flooding,tor wh�h Lendx requkes Insurance. This insurance sh�A be ma(ntahed in th��mounts u�d tor the perlods <br /> . that Lander requkes. The tnsurance c�rtler providing the inaurance shall be chosen by Bortowar subJect to Lander's approva� <br /> which sheU not be unrwsonably withheid. It Bortower faiis to maintein coveraye described above. LandK rrwy,et Lender's <br /> opUon,obtain covsraye to protect Lender'a rlghts In the Property In accwdance with pangraph 7. <br /> All Inaurance poNcles and renewals shaN be accptable to Lender and shall inciude � sWndard mortyage clause. Lender <br /> ahaA have the riyht to hold the polldes and renewals. If Lender requfrea, Borrower shdl promptty give to Lender aN receipts of <br /> ' peid premiuma and renewat nodces. in the event of toss. Borrower ahall ylve prompt notice to the Insurnnce cartler md Lender. <br /> �. Lender may m�ke proof of�oaa if not mede prompty by Borrower. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and Bortower othenv(se agree in wtitiny, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoratlon or repair of t�e <br /> ( Propetiy damtyed.i}the restoratlon or repak is economicaily feasible and Lender'a securily Is not iesaened.It the restorotbn or <br /> repair is not ecanomically teasible or Lender's securfly woutd be lessmed.the insurance proceeds shall be appiled to the sums <br /> secured by this Securiry �nstrument, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to BoROwer. If BoROwe► ab�ndona the <br /> Property, or does not answer withh 30 days a notice from Lender that the Insurance certier has ottered to settie a ciakn,then <br /> Lender may coUsct the k�surance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> � setured by this Secutity Instrument.whether or not thon due. The 30•day period will beqln wha�the noUce is given. <br /> ' Untess Lender end Borrower otharwise agree In writing, any appAcatlon of prxeeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> + poatpone the due date of the monthly payments referted to in parapraphs t and 2 or change the amount of thQ p�yments. If <br /> ,. , under parAyraph 2t the Property ta acquked by Lender. Borrower's dght to any insunnce poilcies and proceeds resufting hom <br /> � damnpe to the Propetty pria to the �equisition shull pass to lender to the exlent of the sums by this 3ecurity Instrument <br /> _ ��,w r.....,.,_....�__......�u,.._ <br /> - �� — � � � r..... ...........,y............. <br /> � ' 6. Occupancy, Prosarvation. Malntonanco and Protoctton ot tho Proporty; Bor�ow�r's Loan <br /> t Apptication; L��f�hOldf. Borrower shall occupy. estabOsh, and use the P►opetty aa Bortower's prindpd residence within <br /> ' I sixty days aRa the �xecuUon of thls Securily Insirummt and shaN continue to occupy the Hroperty as BoROwers princfpal <br /> , � � residence tor at Iaat one yuu after the date of occupmcy,unless Lender otherwlse aqrees in writln�,which aoosent stuA�ot <br /> � � 6e unrcnsonably withh�ld,or unless extenuating ckcumstences exist which ere beyond Bortower's conVOl. BoROwer shall not <br /> � � desUoy,darrwge or impak the Roperty, �Ilow the Propeity to deteriorate. or comnvt waste on the Property. Borrower shall be In <br /> � � delauR k any IurfNture�cUon or praceeding, whMher civil ar criminal.Is begun that in Lmder's good fafth judgment could resuR <br /> In larl�itun of the Roputy or otharwise mater4ky knpak thQ Gon cratled by thfs Saunty Instrument or Lender's security intenst <br /> F1Jt6.1M6(17A3) aaq.2 ot 5 �� <br /> • � �x�5 iM <br /> . <br /> i <br />