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<br /> I -
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<br /> • r.Pfo��otl0il 01'L.�IIdN'� Mip�t11!1'M Prop�rky. a�o�►.�ar. m���.�►.�.�,u.�►.w..��,w�,�:,.a� �;-
<br /> --- -- -- ihts 6wvn'Ty N�:i�i�iini�t, w t�w°a la: f.r.l pmc:�p dset tsss'/:l�ttllesMl,r�tlOe1 Lsnd�r'� tlpM� h Ih�h�+ty(wM� �� pdewMO(n �_
<br /> b�niwalari arobW�wr oond�,alla+ a�orNMur�a b«►lora kw.or r.oubYaul� uNn L«,dw m.y do md p.y�«wn.uwr M n.oMwy �,1
<br /> a a�1h• vw. a u+.rrap«l�►rnd �.wKi+r��iph�. M ui.Prop«+y. �«,d«��aotlon•m�r halud� wylnp�ny wm. ..owra by.
<br /> wM1i6h I�u prio�Ny owr IhM MaxMY in�Mun'wM�appwMa In aouA� Pryln�t�ua�bN idtomfYY NM�nd�I�Mp vn tIN'ropN1y b
<br /> np�in. ANhou�A L�ndw m�y Uka�ollon wid�r tM�pu�qmph 7, l.�ndK doM nW haw to do�o.
<br /> - My �naunu dl�b�xs�d by L�r un�ia 1hi�pr�pnph 7�h�N bwarN adclNlor�l dM�l a SarowK��ax�d by thM �MY In�q
<br /> • UrNM�Borrow�r�nd L�ndR�prM to alh� iMnu of p�ynNnt,th�w�naw�ts�hrl b�r Int�t Irom tM dN�d d�bwsrnrnt�fh�
<br /> . nt��nd sh�N b�p�y�bM�wMh Intw�t�upon eolia lrom Unda W Bortowu nquMtlr►q P�I��� �
<br /> .q 8.Mortql�� In�YrutC�. tl Uir►dr nguk�d mart�p� Inwrtnc� Rs � eondnion of nwkinp the fo�n ��curod by thh -
<br /> •� Instnxnw�t.Bwrowa thY p�y th�pnrr�iuna nquk�d to nrNWn thn naAprp�Insunna In NNot. B.1or�ny nason. Ih�mottp�q�inw�na
<br /> ;. -- oo�r�np� �quk�d by Und�t Mpsn or cwNS to be fn Nl�ct� Barrow�r �h�N p�y th� pmr�ium� nquir�d to c�bWn eownp� wb�lanWly
<br /> - ... — puN�Mnt to th�mort�p�Inwmnc�prwrbuHy in Ml�et, .t•cost suWtanWy.qulvaMnt a th�ao�t w Bor►oww of th•mono�y.r+.w.nc.
<br /> -- �:,��_.....=-� �: prwbu�ly In Nbct, kom �n dt�te matprp�Insun►approv�d by Unda. 11 wbstanWAy �quival�nt mortp�y�insw�nu cowrap�Is not
<br /> ai�rt�:��,-..�;N:.
<br /> �.,M::,;.,.�.,• ..,.. __ w��. Borrowu sh�N p�y to L�nd�r Mch month a sum �qud to on♦twMfth of tM YMrly mort0�y�insu�nc� prrnkxn b�inQ P�Id bY
<br /> �•':W._",�.�'.-::R�Ar«' BoROw� wh�n th� inwnnc� cowny� lap��d a cM��d to b� fn Mbat. Undar w� aca�pt, us�and ntaln th�aa paym�eu �� a b�t
<br /> �.�.:.,,
<br /> _ 'l�'.'-_=� nsw�k► Wu of matp�p� Inwrane�. Losa raarv�paym�nts may no tonp�►b�nquk�d� �t th� optton ot L�nd�r,U maty�p� inwnna _.
<br /> �-_�`�.'-"`�,`"�''� cov�n h th�amaunt and tor th�p�riod th�t L�ndK rpuka) provld�d by�n Inwnr approv�d by L�ndK�q�k�b�com�*vaY�bM md b
<br /> �.�'..'�,:+"°;':e_� �, ..., a 9� (
<br /> , u;;ai,,,��n,,.,�,•_ ob4sNud. 8orrow�r �h�q pay th� pr«ntum� rpuk�d to m�kitain morty�p� insurana In �fl�ot, or to provid� a b�s ws�n�, unW th�
<br /> y'` requkMnent tor mortyape Insuranc��nd�In�ccord�na wlth any wdttm apraemw►t b�twMn Bortoww and L�ndK or appMaabM I�w.
<br /> - :'+:�.�..:�.:=;,.s•., 8. insp�ctton. L�nda or Rs�p�nt may mak�rwsonabt��ntrfvs upon�nd Imp�ctiom of th� Prop�rty. L�ndr shaM yN�BortowK
<br /> >:: ' ;. :�+� notlo��t th�tim�ot a prior to an bsp�cUan sp�elyinq rM�ombi�aw�ta th�In�psGlon.
<br /> • 10. Cond�mnation. Th� procNds of any �w�rd or cldm for cLnupss, dinct or cons�qu�ntlal, in connwUon wqh any
<br /> � condemnatbn or oth�r Wdnfl of any part of tho Propwty,or far conwyana in A�u of eond�tnnaUon,ut henby atstpnsd�nd ahaN be peld �--
<br /> � , to Undw.
<br /> � In th�av�nt ot a toUi takinp of the Proparty,the prousd�shaN b��pplled to the sums a�cund by this S�curtty Instnim�nt,whethw a
<br /> not then du�, wRh�ny ucceas p�id to Bortower. In the avent ot a partlat t�kiny of the Property k►which lhe i�k rr�rkN value ot the Prop�rty __
<br /> � .. , Imm�d�tNy bston th�taWnp I� �qud to or pre�tx thut th�amount of ths sums s�curad by this 3awrity Inatrument imm�dlately b�fan tht =
<br /> } . � lektnq,uNess Bortowar and Lender otherwiae agros in wdtinq,the aum� ascured 6y thie Security Inatrument shall be raducad by th�amount ___
<br /> ' � • of the proceeds muitlpU�d by th�tollowlnp h�cUon: (a)the toUl�mount of ths surtu sacund knmadktely betoro th�taWnp,dNid�d by(b)th�
<br /> t�k mukat vaiue ot ths Property immedi�tely before th�t�klny.My b�l�nce ah�ll b� pWd to Borrowa. In the w�nt of a pudat taWnp of the _
<br /> � r P►operty in which the fair markat v�lue of the Roporty knmedt�tdy bstore the t�kinq is I�ss th�n th��mount of the sum�s�cured MnmedlatNy
<br /> betare ths takinq, unt�ss Borrowar�tntl LendK otherwla��prae in wrlHny a un��s�+�ppYcablQ kw oth�rwla provtd�s,th�procNd� sh�N b�
<br /> �ppWd to ihe eums s�cured by this 8ecurity Instrument whether or not the sums ue then due.
<br /> II the Property is ab�ndon�d by 9ortower,or B, after notice by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor ottero to rrwk�m awud or sdW
<br /> - - -= �- - -- - a c�im ior damapaa,8orr0i:cr fails to rsspond to l.ender wfthln 34 daye efter the!btw ihw n�tkw 1�gwap,t�nd�Ia wuthori:ed to cou�ct and --
<br /> , .... . ._.. . ,.
<br /> �ppiy th�proca�d�, �t its opUon,Mthor to reetontlon or repalr of th�Property or to the sum�sncund by thls S�au�ily Imtrummt,wh�1hK
<br /> or not th�n due. —
<br /> Unlsu L�ndK and BoROwer otherwiae�flree in w�Iting, any �ppNcatbn ot proee�d�to princip�l sh�A not �tt�nd or postpon�th�duR
<br /> dat�of the monthly p�ymsnta refarred to In p�ngrapha 1 and 2 or ohmye the�mount ot aueh payments. ___
<br /> 11. 8orrow�r Not R�loaa�d: Forb��►anc�By L�nd�r Not a WaW�r. Excanston ot tha ttm. tw paym�nt w _,_
<br /> modlllc�tion of amortlraUon of the auma secund by thia Sacurriy imtrument pant�d by Lender to any sueceaaor in int�nst af BortowK shaM
<br /> � not opK�te to rNMS�lhf II�I�I 01 thR OIIQIMI BOROWOf O�BOROWK's succ�saora b fntereat. Land�t ehaN not b�nquk�d to comm�nc�
<br /> , ' pracMdinyt apNnst any successw in Intxeat or rotuan to extend timo tor payment or oth�rwise modity amortlzaQon of the wma secund by
<br /> � this S�curily Inswmmt by rM�on of any d�nand rmde by th� oripinal BorrowQr or Bor►ower'� succesaws in intK�st. My torbwranc� by � �
<br /> �+� L�nder in axKCishfl any ripht or remedy ahdl not b�a w�H�r of or pnclud�the exxcis� o}any right or rKrndy.
<br /> -`', 12. Succ�ssors �nd Assipns Bound; Joint and S�v�rai Uabllity;Casipn�n. The cov.nanin ana ayrs«nmts ot
<br /> ihis S�eudty U�trummt shaQ bind and bend'it the auccessors�nd assiqna of Lender�nd Borrower, subJect to the provinbna of paraqraph �__
<br /> I -=�
<br /> 17. 8orrow�r's wven�nts and apreem�nts ahou be Jotnt and aevenl. Any Bonower who co•alyna thls Security Instrume�t but do�a not
<br /> execut� the NotM: (�)la co•alyninp thia Security Instrumenl only to mortyaye, yrant,end convey that Bortower'� intereat In the Propetty unde�
<br /> I 1he Urms of thls 3ecudty instrument; (b) la not personally obliyated to pay the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumenh and (c)ayrees th�t
<br /> L�ndK and any other Borrow�r may apree to extend, modify,torboar or maka any accommod�tione with reqsrd to tertns of thts 3ecuriry
<br /> hsVumsnt or th�Note without that BoROwer'a conaent. �'�`
<br /> �. 13. LOan CharyY�. If the loan eecured by thia Securlty Instrument Is subject to n law which sets maximum loan charqes,and th�t
<br /> kw la ftn�Uy interpreted so th�t the intereat or other loen cherges collected or to be collected In connactlon wfth the Ioan exceed ihe
<br /> .� � pertNtt�d 4mits,then; (a) any auch loan charqes ahaU be reduced by the emount necessery to reduce the ch�rye to the permitted Ilmit; �nd �
<br /> (b) my auma alrsady collected irom BoROwer which exceeded pertnitted Iimits wll be relunded to Bonower. Lender may choosQ to mak� �
<br /> ' thin retund by reducinq the principal owed under the Note or by makiny a direct payment to Bortower. �t� nlund reduces princlp�i, tht �
<br /> � reductbn wAI be treat�d ae a p�rtlal prepayment without sny prepayment ch�rge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notico�. My notica to Borrower provided for in this Seeurity Instrument shaN he g(ven by deltvering it or by malAny ft by first !
<br /> ��� class meA unless applicabie kw raqulres uae of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any other address `
<br /> " . Borcower desipnates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be qiven by ilrst ctasa mafl to Lender's address sWted herein or any
<br /> ; � j other address Lender designates by notice to Borcower. My notice provided tor in thla Seeurity Instrument ahaM be deemed to have bew� �
<br /> pivan to Bonower ur Lender when given as provided In thls paragraph. '
<br /> �" 15. Govarnie� Law; Sovorability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by tedera� Iaw and the Iaw of the Jurisdictton In
<br /> • � • which the P►operly is Iocated. In the event that any pronslon or ctause of thia Secu�iry Instrument or the Note contlicts with applicable law,
<br /> ' such conNct ehdl not aflect other provlslons ot this Security �nstrument or lhe Note which un be qivan ettect without thQ conflietinp
<br /> • provisbn. To this end the provialons of this Security Instrument ond the Note are declared to be severabie. �
<br /> . 16. Borrower's Copy. 8orrower shaU be given one conlormed copy of the Note end of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interaat in Borrowar. If all or any part ot the Property or any Interest In
<br /> � R la told or tnndierred (or If a banefielat Interest in Bortower Is sold or transterted and Bortower Is not a natural person) without Lender'a
<br /> �- .. �L ...i.......iM... .......�..� t�...le....... .� N. ....�I..n .�....1.� M....�.IC.fe n.......n1 1.. f..11 ni .Y •.�.....�.......1 i...fl.l. C.w.•.:1� In.ln..n�n� 41nu.wr �
<br /> �.. _.. . - r....� .......... .............� ........,.. ...��.�. .... ..�..�... .�,��_.. _.....��.�._ �_�..._... ... ._.._. �. __..._'_�_"_ �� ....' ..'_�..y ..."_..._.... .._..�.�..
<br /> � this option ahaA not be exercised by Lender It exercise Is prohibited by federe�Iuw es ol the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> :�, If Lender exerclses this option, lender shail gtve Borrower notice of accelerallon.The notice shpil provide a period ot�ot less than 30
<br /> � days lrom the date the noUce is de�ivered or malled within which the Bonower must pay aA sums secured by this Security Instrument. II
<br /> Bortower iaits to pay these aums prior to the expiratlon of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies pertnitted by this Security Instrument
<br /> •• without further notica w dcrtand on BonowM.
<br /> , �
<br /> �
<br /> paqe 3 ot 5 Fo�m ;,O2E 9/90
<br /> F1pZ9.LM0(9/93)
<br /> •
<br /> 117Y49•t�t� i
<br /> t .. .. --- - ----------•----------- -- - --- -- --------.--_-------'—--- -- -- ----- — --- ---------- ---�------------------
<br />