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<br /> --'---------------_ � IIOf t0 �IIOMf�i7M II�1�IR111I �111oWi1 11�WM f1w It �wiw�T , n �C3it il'�`�fC9t7�1'C �L." Q9!!4!'.'!!�0 !'�L7?'! !OQ!r�1lR .
<br /> �.d.d Rad e�.t.MMl�n�nt H'oo.tY,►w Aa a t�r4...n�+d.d+►om tMn.a uM.,1Z u.s.o.�eot �t wa• t'lI�1PA'). unl....noM.r Mw �i` : —,
<br /> — ---=_—_---
<br /> - ttMt applfN to th�Fund� als �N�ur �niow�. N w�l�ndr►m�y� at�ny Ynw� oo1KA�nd hold Funds h �n rrww�i not b n�oMd iiN --
<br /> N.....ma,eR t�na.r m�y ..tlma.Ih.anount a Iw,d. dw on a�.b�M. d oumnt aa..nd nnon�bl.«I�M.. 01 opw�dpM..a �
<br /> AAur�E�orow N�nN o►olh�wiu In�000rdlno�wMh�p1o�bM Mw.
<br /> Th� Fund� �h�M br hdd in�n inlMfu�n whow d�po�N� �n bwr�d by�1rd�Y apmoy�M�+Mwn�nW1Y� a rnMy (Midu�no lrnd�►�M
<br /> Undv b wah�n Instkutbn) or M �ny f�d�rai Han� I.o�n Iwik. L�ndK�h�N�pp1y11H Fund� to pry th�E�otow MNrn. L�nd�r msy not
<br /> ohup�Barow�r lor hoidln0�nd�PPh�►Q th� ►w�d�� ��f►�wMfno th�uaow woounl.or vMit�Mp th� Esorow Itrnw, unM��L�ndw
<br /> - a�y� 9onowK fnt«wt on uN Fw,d�.nd.ppllal�fe ww p«,rrt•L«id.r a m�ic�woh� oh�ry�. ►�ow««, l..nd�r m�y naAn earoww a
<br /> pay�c�trM oiwq�fa�n in�d�nt nd wqu taK r�iN►p�rrlc�u�sd by L�nd•r In cn+�r►�ctian wqh thls loan�unkta�pptictbt�Itw � ---�
<br /> *:. proWdM Mh�wls�. UnINt �n ��r�d is � ot k1p1{o�bU I�w nquM�s InbrMt to bt p�id. L�nd�r �IIY twt b� nqulnd b P�Y —
<br /> �---_=�,--_:�,�,o BortowK any bt�rot or rmk�ps on tM Fund�.Banoww rnd L�ndr rn�y�prM In w�tln�,howrv�r,that fnU►Kt sh�M br pdd on tM�undr.
<br /> --- Undv sh�N qlv�to Bortoww,wNhout charp�. �n aenu+�aooa+ntlnp of th�Fund�, thawMip cndits md d�blt�to tM Fund��nd th�pwpoM
<br /> -�=5:��- •, .
<br /> .,.�. ..d+.'�.; ' fa whbh Mch d�bit to th�Fund�w�s rrwd�. Th�Fund��n pi�dp�d u addHion4 s�cudty la dl tums aeund by tt�ls B�auNy instrumK+t.
<br />----�"'�`� -���_...-__--.— It th� Funda hMd by I.�ndw �xcNd tho�mounU p�rtnitt�d to b� hdd bY �pPlcabM Mw. L�ndw shaN account to BorrowK for tM
<br /> �-- ` -._::��� �occa�Fund�in accordu�w wNh th�nqukw►Nnts of�ppl{abie t�w.. if tha am�wnt aith�funds h�ld by Land�r�t�ny ttm�Is not wflid�nt
<br /> —= to pay th�E�ow ft�ru wh�n du�, Lw�du m�y w nody Burow�r in wdtk�p� �nd. M suah na�Borrowr shall pay to UntNr th��mount
<br /> "�r��'..v . a�c�swy to mak�up the dMcMnay. Bartowr �hsY m�k�up th� ddkl�noy In no man thn twMv� monthy p�ym�nU,�t L�ndK's wN
<br /> � ��l=�1��)b,i�.jli � ��(��.
<br /> ,'� �� ,;,; ,�;tit,,, . Upon paym�nt in fuA of aM wms s�ur�d by this 3�writy U�trummt, L�ndK �h�N prampUy Mund to BoROwK any Funds hNd by
<br /> . . �,l ', � L�nd�r. It, undw paraynph 21,L�nd�r sh�N acquk� or sNl th�Rop�rty, L�nd�r. i�ior to th��cquiWdon or sait ot th� PtopKty. sh�N apply
<br /> �s�,'� � ''`""�,�'� '�; �ny Funds h�id by L�nd�at th�tkn�of �cqubilton or�as a a�dit ap�fnst the sum� s�cund by this S�curky tn�trumrnt.
<br /> � 3. Appltcation af Paym�nb. Unln� app�kw provida othawb�, a1 paym.nts r.ceM.d by Lmdrr und.r p�r�pnph�1 and -
<br /> 2 ah�ll be �ppli�d: 11rat,to any pr�paym�nt ah�r9tt dw und�r th� Notr, s�caid, to amounU pay�bl� und�r p�npnph 2;thkd to ht�rat
<br /> � 7 � dur, tourtn,to prk�dpal dua;�nd kst,to �ny latt ch�rya du�und�r ths Note. _
<br /> - 4. Ch�PQ�t; U�n�. Borrowr shW p�y �N wcss, atsessm�nt�, ohuy�s, fln�s and Imposklons attritwtabi�to the Prop�ty whkh
<br /> rtwy atWn priority over thta Sewrity In�trum�nt,and Ieu�hoid paym�r►ts or yround rents,H�ny. Borrow�r ahali pay these obllp�tbn�in th�
<br /> m�nnw provid�d in puapnph 2, or M not pakl In that manner, BOROWK 6hali pay thrn on tim� dk�ctiy to th� psrson owed paym�nL
<br /> Horrower sh�N prompUy fumish to UndK all noUcss of amounts to b� pNd undw thit pu�praph. If 8orrow�r mnka tha� p�ym�nts �
<br /> ' , dinaty. Bortowsr ah�il prompUy lumish to UndK ncetpts wldxncinp th�paymento.
<br /> � Bortowx sh�A promptty dlacharq�any Aen wh�h has priodry over this 3acurity Instmment unless Borrower. (�) �pr��in wdtinq to the
<br /> � payma►t ot th� obUeAtion s�cured by the INn h a mannu accppt�ble to Lender, (b)cont�st�in pood f�ith ths Ilen by, or d�t�nds�y�inst
<br /> enlorcement of the Uen in,_Iep�i procNdinys whiah k► the Londsr's opinlon op�rale to pr�vent the �ntacament of ths Nen; w(a)aocuns iram —
<br /> --- • the hotder of the il�n an �pre�m�nt a�dabctory to Lender subordnaiinp tho Gen io ihis S�curity In.irumwii. ii LwtcJi�r Jidini��ln�u ihai a+ry
<br /> � part of the Proparty is aubJact to a Uen whloh may wttdn priority over lhla Security Imirumant,Lender may piw Borrower�nollc�Id�ntity(nq
<br /> the Ii�r►. Borrower shdi satiafy th�A�n or Uke on�or more of the aotions sN forth abov�wfthh 10 d�ys of ths ylv4�p of noUc�.
<br /> �� 5. Nuud or Prop�rty Insur�110�. Borrower shail keep tha improvemenis now exisUnp or h�reafter �wct�d on the Prop�rty
<br /> Inaund ay�intt loas by flt�, htzards hciuded withln the term 'extmded coveraye• and my other huards, Inctudinp tlaods w floodlnp, tor
<br /> whlch Land�r r�quk�s insunnc�. This In�urana slull ba rtuiintalned in the amounts md for th� p�tiods that LsndK rpukw. Th�inwrance
<br /> " curier provldin� th� Insurane� sh�N b� chosrn by Borrower subJect to Lenda's approv�l which shaA not t» unrMSOn�bly withhNd. If
<br /> " ��-
<br /> �� Bor►owK taNa to rr�inUln eovsray� d�terib�d �bow. Lender tn�y, at Lander's oplon, obG�in cov�qe to probet Lend�r's tiphts }n th�
<br /> �. Property in accordanca wlth paapnph 7. _
<br /> � f ; All insunnc�poiiclas and nnewaie shiY be aceepuble to Lendsr and ehaA indude a stand�rd moKy�y�dau��. LendK shall hav�the �'.:
<br /> dyht to hoid th�poliGes and renawa►s. If Lender requk�s, Borrower shall promptty yNe to Lrider aU recsipte of paid pnmiums and r�ewai
<br /> noUat. In th� went ot to�s, BorrowK thnll yNe prompt notict to th�Insuranc�canie��nd L�ndK. L�ndK may m�k�proof of lots if not
<br /> rtMd�promplly by Bortower. - _
<br /> UN�ss Land�r and Bwrower othuwbe aqree in writinp. Ineurance proc4eda siult be applied to rastoratlon or rep�k of the PtopeRy °"-
<br /> d�mayed, H the restondon or npair Is �conomiully feaslbie and Lender'e security ia not lesaened. It the restaration or repak (a not
<br /> �conomically taasibls or Lendet'� s�cudty wouW be tesnened, the Insuranee proceeda sh�N b�appllad to the sums aocund by this Security �_'_..
<br /> In�Wment,whether or not then due,with�ny exceas paid to BoROwer. If Borrower abandona the Property, or doaa not answer within 30 ��
<br /> days a notic�trom Lender that the inaurance carrier hos oilered to settle a c�aim,thm Lender may colioct the Inaurance proc�ds. Le�der ��`�
<br /> may use ths proceeds to rep�k or restore tha Property or to pay suma saeured by ihls Security Instrument, whother or not then dw. The �•=-:-
<br /> , 30�daY period wUl beyin when the notke la piven.
<br /> �
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bonower othrrwlse apree In wdting, any applicatlon of proceeds to principal shaU not exlend ar posipone the due
<br /> date of the monthly payments reterrad to h paragraphs t and 2 or chanfle the amount of the payments. It under pangraph 21 the Property
<br /> , ia acquked by L�nder,Bortower's right to any Insurance poNcies and praceeds resulting (rom damaye to the Property prior to the aequlsfllon
<br /> shall pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by thls Security Instrument Immediately p�ior to the acquls(tlon. �,
<br /> ' ��� 6. Occupancy, Presarvation, MaintQnanca and Protvction of tha Proporty; Borrowar's Loan
<br /> Appltcatlon; l.oas�holds.Bortower ahall occupy, establlsh, and use the Property as Borcower's principat realdence within sixty days
<br /> �`'' afte►the axecuUon ot this Securily Instrument ond shell cont(nue to occupy the Propert�r as Borrower's principat residence tor at letat one
<br /> yMr aiter the dat� of occupancy, unkss Lender otherwise aqrees in writing, which consent ahall not be unreasonably wlthhNd, or unless
<br /> • - exlenuatktp dreumstances�xlat whlch are beyond Bortower's control. Borrower shal�at destroy, damage w impair the Property, apow the �
<br /> � � � � Property to detalorate,or commit waste on the Roperry. BoROwer shall be in defaWt if any lo�(elture action or proc�edinp, whether ctvil or
<br /> • uMnk�al,is bpun that in l�ndu's qood 1�Nh Jud9ment could result In torteiture ot th�Property or otherwise materially tmp�k the Uen cre�tad ,
<br /> , by thls S�cwity �natrument or Lender's sau�iry interest. 8ortower may cure such a delauit�nd rcinstata, as provtded in parayraph 18,by
<br /> ,} cwsiny th� �cHon or proa�edinp to b� diamissed with a ruling th�t. in Lmder's yood t�ith detertninatlon, pracludes fo�leiture of the
<br /> �, �___ Barower's intaraat in the Roparty or other m�terlat impairment ot the Nen created by this Securiry Inat�ument or Lendera security Interest.
<br /> � � � Banowor shaU aiso be{n detaull ft Barower. durinp the Ioan �ppGcation process, yave rnate►w4y talse or inaccurate iniorrtwtion or aUtemants
<br /> � to l�nde (or faNW to provide L�nd� with any m�ta+i�l Infortnation) k� connection with the loan evideneed by the Note,inctudinq,but not
<br /> . � , lirnitad to, r�uesMt�tlons concxninq Bartow�r a occupanq of thQ Piroperty as a qincipat reaidence. If this Secunty Instrument is on a
<br /> �� Iwsehold. Bor►owu shall compiy with a4 the provisfons ot tha lease. If Bonower uquires fee titie to the Property,the Ieasehoid and the
<br /> + 1K tltNe shall not nHrq�unkss th�L�ndu a�rNS to tha moryer In w►itlny.
<br /> i �
<br /> Prqc 2 ot 5 Fcrm lul8 9,90
<br /> � f1029.LM0(9N))
<br /> �
<br /> jit12�9�t•tE �
<br /> • �
<br /> I
<br />