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.. • �`tr".+ wn,. .. . . <br /> � �r� •� � _�,�.. _ ��.r�.- . <br /> .�h.^?+.aiti�"s�� �t <br /> - — -- --__ !.PP��s R►s�s.�5 RE�llts!.Z!!00 !s�"G.':�':� !!8osrower haM M�+m lk�aov«w►u�nd wM�Mr oo�M�YNd in � <br /> � ti�S�axNy in�tn�t�a th�n k �Ip�l Proa�dYW that m�Y �Ipr�c�n�h►�it�ct L.�nd�r'��hR in th�P►aprty(wch �t� prooMdn� b - <br /> banluuptcX,�xobat��1or condKnnatbn cx foit�ilun a to�nlaa Inw or npuNtlon�).th�n Undr nry do�nd p�y tor wh�lw�►a n�y � <br /> to ptohot tha vMw o1 th� ProprtY �nd UndK'a rlpht�h th� PropMql. Lw�dK'� �otlon�nwy inalud�P�l��Y wnw �au�d bY�Il�n •P <br /> - whioh Iw�prfodt�w�thN B�arNy InsuunMnt�PD��In oowt.P�Ylno n�aw�bt�+ttanrY't MM�nd�nt�lrq on tM Prop«1y to� � <br /> nprn. Nthouph UndK may Uln�dbn undn this p�r�qn�h 7.Undw doM not hw�to do so. M <br /> � My rnount� di�lwn�d by L�ndrt undr thls p�npn�ph%ahM b�oorrw�ddlbnal drbt oi 8ortowu�rcund by thM 8�cutfly ins <br /> i"• � llnMs. Bo+rawr�nd UndK�so oth�r t�u a p�yrn�nt,th�•wnounU ah�i bMr Int�t irom tM dW a di�bun�n�nt at eh� <br /> `:..i'���.�4vf�.i. <br /> rd..nd.h�N b.p►�wkh bur.q.upon no�rc.lrom l�,dK to aomcw..►pu«tino a�1�t� — <br /> :s.':.'.. ' '.:":_;� 9. �Aort�ap� Inwratic�. rt �«�aK nquhd mortq.�. inwnnc� u a wnalqon o1 nMkhq th� ban uwnd by thM� <br /> � � intWmmt,BartowK sh�W p�y th�prM►�ium� raquk�d to msint�fn th�mortpaQ�Inwnnca In�ttact. If,tor my roaaon,the moRpape fnaunn -- <br /> �..�rf "' �r;+.,`y�t^, �°v�0� nqutb bY L�nd�r f�pws or wuK to b� h Nf�t, BartowK sh�M p�y th� pnrrdunu nquM�d to obWn oovr�p� wbst�n l M y <br /> :�.'..,� '• �quiwlric to tn.moitap�inwnnc�PnvbusN In Nhct,.t.cost wbsuntWy�quw�Nnt to tht oo�t to Borraw�r a th�matpap�Inwrana <br /> _ ,_- pnvioudy In df�et,irom �n alt�t�mortpa�inwnr �pprowd by L�. if wbs4nWNy �quH�imt mortq��M�w�nu cw�rnp�k nat <br /> --- .-:_ �� �v ' �--1� av�bM. Barower�haM p�y to L�ndK Mch month a sum pud to on�dwNRh of th� ywiy mat0�0�insunnc� Prwnk+m b�kW P�Id bY <br /> ".LL;a +� : , Borrow�►wh�n th�Inwrana cov�ny� I�pssd a cws�d to b� in �fUet. L�nd�r wMl �ca�pt, ua and �Ntlr► th�s�payrt�nb�s �iw� <br /> --_ -�,=•'�a�.:,�:I;sr� :. nt�nr�In Y�u of mortq�q� inwnnco. Las r«wrre paym�nt� rtyy qo lonpK b� rpuk�d, �t th� option ot L�nd�r. N mat�y�inturona <br /> �'�.�-:�..�. . .--�:-u covKaye(in th��mounl and for th�pwiod tMt Lendar nqutrw) provid�d by an insunt approv�d by UndK apaY►b�com�s av+�iwt�M md M -- <br /> .,,.�i�.` • , <br /> _. .,;;, obhk��d. BortowK ahaH p�y th� prwniums rsquk�d to m�k�taki martp�y� Inwnna In Ml�ct, or to prov►d� a bu rK�w, unt� th� <br /> '�"' nqukement for morty�q�inwnnc��nds in accord�nc�with any wrNten aprMrn�nt b�tw�en Bortow�r�nd L�ndr or appYC�bN kw. - <br /> .��. , <br /> --. . . ,::;3 9. Insp�ctlon. L�nd�r u it�ayent m�y m�ice reason�bte mtdss upon md inip�.ilon�of th�PropNty. L�nd�r sh�M ylw Bartowr <br /> notiu at lhe ikn�ot or prior to an insp�ctbn sp�citylnp rwaambl�e�us�for the bsp�ctlon. <br /> . 10. Coltd�mnation. Th� procNds ot my awud or citirt► Ta darn�y�s, dk�et u wnapu�nUai, in connw3ion with any <br /> ', condMnnayon or oth�r takln0 of u►y part ot th�Propaty,or 1or conv�y�nr.�in Yw of condwrimtlon,u�h�nby aasipned md sh�M b�pald <br /> to Und�r. -- <br /> �n th�ewnt of a toW t�kinp of tha Propwty,th�proCSedt shW b�appG�d to the sum� ��cund by this S�curily InstnurNnt,whNhK a <br /> ' not then du�,wilh any uccau pdd to Bortowet. In the w�nt of�p�rtl�l taklny of th�PropeAy in whieh th�Wr rn�rkN wlw ot th� Pro�ty <br /> tmmadiatNy betore the uWnq Is equal to a yre�ter than the vnount ot the sum�s�cur�d by thts Sswrity Inatrumont Irten�diataiy b�lon th� <br /> UWnp,unNss BoROwa�nd L�nd�r otharwlse apr�In writlnq,th�wms s�cund by thl�S�curlty Inswm�nt �h�W b�nducad by th��mount <br /> � • of the procs�ds mufGpli�d by ths lolbwinp lractlon: (�)ths total amount of th�sums s�cund knmsdi�tNy bNon th�t�khp,divid�d by(b) th� <br /> falr mark�t vaiut of ths PropMy knm�diat�lyr before th�takinp.My bawncR sh�A b�pdd b 8orrow�r. �n th��wnt of a p�rtid t�kk�y ct th� <br /> Property in which the ta(r trnrket v�lus of lhe Property immadl�tdy befon tha taWnq Is Ieae than the amount ot th�aums s�cursd imm�diatdy <br /> bdore the taklnp, unlees Bortower and Lendw otherwie�agre� In writiny or unit�s applic�bN kw othwwiso provld�s,the procNds shdl b� <br /> applied to ths wm�securad by thls Securily Instrument whether or not the aums are thsn dus. <br /> If tha Property Is abandoned by Bartowor,or if,aftar notke by LandK to Bortower th�t ths condMru�or oflers to m�k�an awud or sNti� — <br /> a c�aim fa damayea, Borruw�r faYe to reapond to Land�r within 30 daya aftar tht dat�the notia is 91ven,Lander is authorized to coll�ct and � <br /> �ppiy ihu pruw�nii, ai iic apUan,aRher to rsstoraUon ar rcpalr of tha Properh� or!o thr sums ee!�urM by thi� ��►Ny In+�tn,mr+t, wMehw , <br /> a not then due. <br /> Unle:s Lender and Borcower otherwtee agree in w�itinq, any�ppAcation of proce�ds to ptincipd shall not axt�nd or poatpon� th�dw <br /> date of the monthy paymenta referred to h parapraphs 1 and 2 or chanye the amount ot such payments. <br /> 11.Borrowar Not Rot�a�od: Farbaar�nca By L.ondor Not a Watwr. Ex�enslon of the time ta payment or -- <br /> modiflcation of amortizatlon of the aums aecured by ih(s Secudty Instrumsnt yranted by Lender to�ny aucceaaor in k►txaat ot Bortower shaY <br /> ' not operate to relenae the Il�bilily of the oriyln�i Bortower or Borrower's succeasora In tntereat. Lendar ahaA not be requk�d to commanes <br /> proceedinys �pdnst any sueceasor In interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse modity�morUzatlon of the sums secur�d by �_- <br /> ��• this Secudty Instrument by raaaon of any demand made by the originai Bortower or Bortower's successors In intore�t. My torbMnnce by �•�� <br /> !•� Lender in exercising any tlght or remedy shali not be a walver oi w preciude the exercise ot any�ight or rwnedy. `- <br /> ' , 12. Succossors and Aasigns Bound; Joint and Several U�billty; Co-sipnQr�. The covenants and ayre�m�nts ot <br /> thls Secudty InstNment shaA bind and beneTit the successors and aselyns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the proviafons of panpraph ` <br /> ' 17. Bortower'a covnnants and aqreemenis shaA be Joint and severat. Any Bortower who co•atgns this Security �nstrument but do�s not �--_ <br /> execute lhe Note;�a) is co•slyninp this Secu►Iry Insirument anly to mortgage,grant, and convey that Bortower's interest In the Properry under <br /> the terms of thie Securiry Instrurrwnt; (b)Is not personally obliyated to pay the sums secured by thla Security inatrumant: and (c)ayrees th�t <br /> Lender and any olher Bortower may agree to extend, modiiy, forbear or make any accommodatlons with reperd to terms of this S�curity <br /> Inatrument or the 4ote wlthout that Bonower's consent. � <br /> 13.Loan Chargss. �f the ban secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and th�t <br /> Iaw is finatly interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connectlon with the loan exceed the � <br /> permitted Ilmits, then; (a) any such loen chnrges sheli be reduced by the amount necessory to reduce the charye to the pKmitted Iimih and � <br /> (b) eny aums �Iready coliected irom Borcower which exceeded permitted timits wlil be refundod to Borrower. Lender may choose to make i <br /> thia refund by reduciny the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If n �etund reduces princip�l, the � <br /> reduetlon will be Ueatod as a partlai prepayment without any prepayment charqe under the Note. <br /> 14. Noticos. Any notico to Borrower provided 1or in this Security Instrument shell be given by dellvering it or by malling it by flrat � <br /> •, i class maA unless appliwble law requlres use o(another method. The nutfce shall be dkected to the Property Address or any other address <br /> • 8ortower deslynates by notice to Lender.Any notice tu Lender shall be glaen by first ciass mail to �ender's address steted herein or any <br /> � � other eddresa Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tw in this Security Inattument sh�li be deemed to hava bean ' <br /> � <br /> ylven to Borcower or Lender when given aa provided In this paragraph. � <br /> � j 15.Goveming Law; Sevarabllity. Th�s Security instrument shell be governed by federel Iaw and lhe �aw of ihe Jurisdlctlon In <br /> � wh(ch the Property is located. In the event thot any provislon or clause of this Securily Instrument or the Note conflicts with appliceble law, ' <br /> such con8(ct ahal not attect other proWsfons of this Security Instrument or the Note whiCh can be given etlect without the con0lctlnp <br /> provislon. To thia end the provistons ot Ihis Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. <br /> • 16.Borrower's Copy. BoROwer shali be given ona conformed copy ot the Note and ot this Security Instrument. <br /> , 17.Transfo� of tho P�opQrty or a Baneftciat Intarest in BorrowQr. If all or any part of the Property or any interest In <br /> f it Is aotd or transferted (or if a beneficfal fnterest in 8orrower Is so�d or translerred and Borrower is not a natural person)without Lendei s <br /> � prior wdttQn coneent, lender may, et its option, requfre Immediate payment in tull of ail sums securad by thls Security Insirument. Howevet. <br /> ... .. . _ . - •- - -"�.._.�...-�---. �_... -- -..�_ �_._ _..��_�__..,...�__._._�. <br /> . tMa opuon sMx aut ur��cmc�eaci uy�en�ucr ii on6iwov u N�vnw�wv vy icvmo �.e ao�� u�c ua.o v�...��..a..���.�..�o.�..�.�.,��.. <br /> If Lender exercises this optlon, Lender shdl gNe Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide e period ot not less than 30 <br /> + days trom the d�te the notice Is delivered or maAed within which the Bortower must pay all sums sea�rPd hy thfs Security Instrument. If <br /> � � BoROwar tafls to pay th�se sums prfor to the expiration of this period.lender may Invoke any remedies pemdtted by this Security Instrument <br /> �� without turthu noUce or d�mand on Bortower. <br /> i <br /> � . P�Q�•7 of y Fc�ir, H110 9,'?0 <br /> - .' � Ft0791M6(9N7) <br /> � • <br /> „ru�, ,e <br /> I <br /> a - - - _ <br />