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_ _ <br /> 'f " r r'C%�.�.�. - . ' <br /> �.- <br /> .i �.�. 1 _ � .. .� ._��SJ�T-: <br /> —-_ - --""'' .� 9�� �A�t�!!�'y �_ <br /> - 7ot to aoNd th� nNxYrwm amou�t� I�n�br a Nd��r nW�d mortp�p� Iwi tray nqufn lor Borrow�� uor��o�i�it undr !fM <br /> ------- Ndr�l RMI EtWq M1tiNnmt F�roo�d�rN Aot of 1071�s �m�ndW kom Nm�w tYn�. 12 U.s.O. 2001 �t tp,('REBPA'). iwiMs�anothr I�w <br /> . tlMt NppN� to tlM Funda �� IMwr �� H to� Und�►n� ar►y tlrr�,aoMct �nd hold Fund� In an�rtiaint not to ecc«d th� <br /> �" Nssw�moun� L�nd�►m�y �t�Ih�rnawit ot lund�dw on tif�basls ol oumnt dtls and ns�awbN MlMrobs oi �nditurw d <br /> - futira Esaow MMns ar othMwW In �coord�nw with�ppNc�bM I�w. <br /> •: �, Th�Fundc sh�l b�h�id h�n Mttltuqon whoa d�poWts w hrw�d by a 1�d��1 ap�ncy. In�Wm�nWNy� a�ntNY (kwM+dfnO L�ndr. M <br /> L�nd�r f�wcF�on InttiWUon) w in any F�Hom�Lan Bank. L�ndK shall �pply th�Funds to p�y th�Escrow ItNn�. I.mdw m�y not <br /> oM�cw Banowr 1or hot�np and appyMp th� Fund�� �wNY+n�yrsinp thr�crow �eoount, a vwNykip th� E�uow k�x,unNss Und�r <br /> ' � ' p�ys Bonowrt htuat on th�Fund�md�ppUeabl�I�w pwMts L�nd�r to m�k�wch a ahuq�. How�vr. L�nd�r nwy rpuln Ha►owr to <br /> t �-F'�1":':7..)P' ' <br /> �� �r :,�•! WY�on♦tkm charp�for m M�d�p�nd�nt twl Mtat�wc nportMp srvia uud by L�ndK k�conn�ctan wkh this ban�uni�s ap��k.�bM ihw <br /> �"{"``, '- Q:�( pro�rid�s oth«wiso. Uniwt an a�nwrNnt Is mad� or appNCaWo I�w nqukn ht�t W b� p�d, Un�r shdl not b� nquk�d to paY <br /> .. t�,;. :_;,•;�;{,.�, <br /> `��-:;a;�..,-� ,-. . , .�° 8ortoww�ny Intr�st or Mrnin�or�th� Funds.Bonow�r and Und�r rrwy�qrw h wrUMq,howw�r.thaS k►t�nat�haN b�pYd on th�Fund�, <br /> �iai.:•sti-K.•'�4�'!.'eh'1�. <br /> -- =�;, _ ;. Und�r sh�yN�to Bortow�r,wkhout ah�rp�. an annwi�ccwndnp ot th� Fund�,showk�p a�ditt�nd d�bit�to th�Fundt�nd th�puipost <br /> —�"`""'�s�'�:°-r�' •'-'�'::`: 1or wh{ah Mab d�bq to th�Funda wu m�dt. Th�Funds an pwdp�d u�dditlonY s�curUy lor Y swns s�au�d by thi�8�curiry Inatrwwnt <br /> ._=s,.._���1:i..__=_=`::rc.?ii�A�4i.- <br /> --_— ___ 11 th� Funds h�id by L�ndr �xe»d tb� �raunU Ewmitt�d to b� hNd by��abt�kw, L�nd�r sh�A account to Bortow�r ia th� <br /> �i�.:Lit.;�.r,��. , r <br /> ! �,.s„�;;^ �xcas Funds h accordu�ra wqh th�nquk�nmts of applle�bi�I�w. M th�amount oi th�Funds hMd by L�ndK�t�ny tkn�I�not wtAd�nt -"-- <br /> - - a-�=�`,- �,�s�•'''". to pay th�Esaow tt�nt wh�n du�.Undv may ao notity Barower k►w►itinp, and� Ifi tUGh C�N BOROWK ihaY piy t0 LNidK ih� �II10UM <br /> ,— �. . � • n�cussry to m�k�up th�dMld�ncy. Baroww sh�tl mak�up the d�Aci�ncy In no mon than twNv�monthly p�ymmU,at Lr+dw'�soN <br /> •� discntlon. <br />. • '�• �1�;�..:_ ... . •:.'�„ Upa1 paylrlMlt ki lull oi all sumi sacur�d by thls S�curity Instrum�nt, LendK thaN prompqyr tolund to Bortow�r any Funds hdd by <br /> �'. � . Undu. If, undK pivayraPh 21,LentNr shW acqukt or aall the Propwty, L�nder.Prbr to the�cquisiGa�a tat�ot the Proprty.�haA�pply <br /> ; � �ny Funds heid by Lender at the Um�of �cqutsNlon or saw aa a cndit�yatnst th�sums saund by this S�curity Inatrum�nt. _ <br /> � 3. Appliaation of Paymonb. Uni�:t appNc�bl�I�w provld�a othe�wiu. aN p�ymants raceivsd by Lend�r under p�ragraphs 1 and <br /> � 2 sh�N bt appYsd: flrst,to any pr�yment chup�s dua und�r the Not�; s�eo�d, to artaunts ptyabl�undu puayr�ph 2; lhird to NtKat <br /> dur,tourth, to prindpal due; and laat,to any tate chuyss due under the Note. <br /> 4. Cha���i; U��t�. Borrcwr siuY pay �II taz�s, �saasmant�, ch�r�es, flnes and Impositions �ttribuubl�to th� PropKty which <br /> may attak►priatty owr this Security Instrum�nt,and ie�a�hold paymenta or yround rents, if any. Bortower shall ppy th�se oblfpatlona h th� <br /> � m�nn�r provid�d in pan�raph 2, a Y not p�id in that m�nnsr, 8ortowK shaN pay tham on tlme dk�ctly to the parson ow�d payment. �.,_ <br /> Bor►ow�r shap promptly fumlah to Undr all notic�a ot amounts to ba pafd wdar this pvaqraph. It BorrowK rtukn th�s� peymsnta � <br /> dk�ctly, BoROwer s1u01 pramptty lumi�h to Lendw��c�ipts widancinq the payment�. <br /> 8orrowK sh�lt prompUy diachar9�any Ilan whlch has priority ovar this 3�cudly Inatrument unless Bonower. (a) apr�ea in wdtinq to th� -- <br /> paym�nt ot th� obYg�tion socund by the Nen in a m�nn�r�ccaptablo to Lander;(b)conteats in pood taRN the Ilen by, or defends �painst � <br /> __ _ �ntac�mM►t of th�Wn in.I�gal procMdinp�wh�h in th�Und�r's opinfon operat�to prevent the�nforcemsnt of the Ilen; or(c)securos irom �'� <br /> th� hold�►ot tha U�n an �yre�m�nt utisf�ctory to L�ndK aubordtn�tinq the Ilen to this Saeurity Inatrument If lendar detertninas tiut+u�y <br /> � part of the P►operty Is subJ�ct to a IMn wh�h may a1Lin prb�ity owr thla SecurNy Inatrument, Lender may ylve Borrower�noUct ideMAylnq . <br /> tht N�n. Bortow�r sh�U s�Usty the Wn or take one or mor�of tha acUona a�t toAh abova within 10 days of the yNiny of noUce. <br /> 5. H�zard ar Prop�rty Inwrance. Bortower shaU keap the improvwnenta now exiaUng or hue�ftx erected on the Prop�ty �� <br /> insured �g�inst los� by flre, hwrda hduded wlthin tha term 'extand�d coveraq�' and any other hazards, Includiny 1loods or fiood4p, ta � <br /> i. ' which Lendar requlres Insurance, Thls Insurance shaA be maintained in the amounis and for the perfods thot Lender requires. The insuranee <br /> � cnrrler provtdinp the Insuranca shaY be choaen by Banower subJect to lender� approvai whlch shaA not be unrwsonaby wfthheld. If �,:._ <br /> Bortower faiis to rtwlntaln covxaye datufbad abovo. Lender may, et Lander'� optlon. obtaln coverape to protect Lender'e dyhts h tht ��_ <br /> �'a' Property in accordance with puayraph 7. Q'' <br /> �', All insurance poifcbs and ranew�is ahNl be acceptablQ to Lender and shalt InGude a aundard mortpage ciause. Lender ahail hare the � <br /> riqht to hold th�poUcies �nd nnewtl�. II Lender raqulras,Borrower ahall prampyr yNo to Lend�r all receipts ot pald premlums and r�newd . <br /> noticea. In th• event of loss. BorrowK ahdt ylve prompt notice to the Insurance cartler and Lender. Lender rtwry rtNkQ proof of loss H not <br /> made promptly by BoROwer. <br /> UnIQU Lender and Bortower othenrVlse agree In writing. Insurance proceeds sholl be appNed to restoratton or repair of the f'roperty , <br /> damaged, 1f the resto�tion or rapalr is economicaNy teasible and Lender'a security is �ot Iessened. Ii the restontion or repair b not � <br /> economlc�lly feasible or Lender'a security wouid be lessened, the insurance proceeda shall be applled to the sums secured by this S�curfty <br /> Inetrument, whether or not then due,with any excess pald to Borrower. It Bortower ebendons the Property, or does not answer within 30 . <br /> � daya a notice lrom Lender that the Insurance carrier hes ottered to setlie a claim,then Lender may collect the Insurance proceeds. lender <br /> may uae the proceeds tn repok or restore the P�operty or to pey sumn secured by this Securily instrument,whQther or not thon due. Tha <br /> 30-dAy palod wili bapin when the notke Is yiven. <br /> Untess Lender and 8onower otherwise agree In writing, any application ot proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or postpona the due <br /> date of the monih►y payments referred to In peragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payments. It under paragraph 21 the Property <br /> , ia acqulred by Lender, Bortower'a �ight to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting irom dam2ge to the Property prior to the acqdsitlon <br /> ' � ah�N pass to Lender to the exlent of ihe sums secured by thla Security Instrument immediately pnor to the acquleftlon. <br /> r 8. Occupancy, Presorvatlon, Maintonance and Protoction of the Property; Borrowar'a Loan <br /> � , <br /> � i ARpI1C�tlOn; LiaBYhOIdB.Borrower shall occupy. establish, end use the Property as Borrower's principai residence within sixty days <br /> � I after the executlon of ihis Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy Iha Property as Borrower's principal resldence for at leaat one <br /> year aiter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse ayrees In writing, wNch consent shall not be unreasonably withheid, or unless <br /> ° extenueting circumatances exist whlch are beyond Bortowar's control. Borrower snall�ot destroy, damage or impair ihe Property, aUow the <br /> Property to delettorate.or commit woste on the Property. Bortower shali be �n detault it any forielture actfon or proceeding, whether civii or <br /> criminal, Is begun that in Lender's good falth Judgment couid result In forteiture d the Property or otherwise materially Imp�ir lhe Iien aeatad <br /> by thfa 3ecurity Instrument or Lendera security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate. as provided in paragraph t8, by <br /> �` � causlnq the �ction or proceeding to be dfsmissed with e ruling that. !� Lendei s good felth determinatlon, precludes torielture of the <br /> L n.........�:. 1.J..�.�1.. 6�� 0......d.. n ..f6r .n.frd.l Imn�lrmonf n} 1F.w linn rrnnirrl hv thia Raruritv Incinlrrlpnt nr lMtdaiII aeCU�th! G1�QfYSl. <br /> ,' � £� ..v�.w...... ......�...... ..._ .._�_.y _! _..._. ..._._..... ..-.�.......-'_. _. ..._ _' _ _'_.' '� ' ' "__ • . <br /> Borcower shaA also be In detault ii Borrower. duHng the loan appilcatfon process,qave materia�ly laise or Inaccunie information or stetements <br /> i <br /> to Lmder (or iafled to provido Lender with pny materiai information) In connection with the loan evidencod by thQ Note.Including, but not <br /> , � Ilmited to, representations conceminq Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If lhfs Security Instrument Is on a <br /> �� le�sohold, 8ortower shali comply with all the provisions of the lease. H Borrower ecquires fee titie to the Property.the Ieasehoid and thQ <br /> i fee titie shall not merye uniess the Lender agrees to the merger In w�tinp. <br /> k <br /> . <br /> ' I PJQI•1 ill J f.-...� ���) •l•)ll <br /> Ft029.LM0(9/9�I <br /> 17 73J)•t.t 8 <br /> � � _ — <br />