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<br /> 3. Hwrd or P�pe�ty Grue�cs. Aorr+nwer �h�tl kaep the improvemnu naw exikin� or henafkr erocsed an the
<br /> Pco�ert� inwrad ag�in�t Ic�u by firc. hu.a�iixluded within the tern► "exlnnded oove�e'�rd any other tys�a.ineludln� --
<br /> flnod�or Iloodin4. for which l.ender requires iwwr�uue. Thfs inwnu�oe�tall be m�lMainal in the nnxiunt��xl for ihe period�
<br /> that Lender rcquir�ea. Thc inwrar�ce c�rcier providing ihe iniwruue:hwll I+e cfa�cn by Hormwcr wbJrct ta I.erdar'x approvd
<br /> which siwll not bc unrcu�onrbly withheld. If Borrower falis to mrinwin c�vcr�c dcscrlhaf rbove, I.ander rn�y. at l.eoder'�
<br /> option. obt�in covornge to protect Lencler'r rl�hta in thc Prapetty in xccordance with p�rrgrYph 7.
<br /> All inwrairce policies rnd�erow�l�rlull be�ryxable to I.ender and stwlt include Y etandArd mart�a�e clau�e. Ltnder
<br /> _-�___.,—.--__�—_,� stwll hAVe the right t�hold the pnticies and ronew�ls. If L,er�dcr roquires.8orrowe�xiwll promptly Kive ta Le�xicr all ra:cipts af
<br /> paid prcmiums and roncwal notices.In the event of lou,Barrower siwll�ive prompt notioe to the inwtru�oe carrier and Lender.
<br /> i.ender irw� make proaf of loss if not msde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> ilnless Lendrr arKl Barrawer aherwlse ngra!n writing. insurance praccedc shall be applied to restoration or repoir af the
<br /> Property d�unaged,if the rcstoration or rcpair is aanomirally feasible pnd Lencler's securlty is not lesscned.If the rtstoration ar
<br /> _- _ ____ repair ia rat economically feasible or Lender's�ecurity would be Iessc�ned.the insurance pracaxis shall be Applied to the sums
<br /> ___ _ � securod by this Security Instrument, whether or nat then due, with any eacess paid ta Borrower. If Borrower abandans the
<br /> Propeny.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the lnsurance carrier has oifered to settle a clalm, then
<br /> Lender m4y colixt the insurance procceds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�ny period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agrce in wdting, any application of proceeds ta principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date ot'the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If
<br /> ,' under paragraph 2! the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any fnsurance policfes and procceds resulting from
<br /> +-� •• damage to the Property priar to the acquisition sh�il pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secura!by this Security lnstnunent
<br /> �`f K''�`��Y"`:`� Y Priar ta the acyuisition. � --
<br /> ,.,`��;�'�,�' ��', immediate► �
<br /> . ;�'.=s'��3'�.�,• ., 6.Occupuncy,Preservation, Maintenance And Protection af the Property; Borrower s Loan Application;I.easeholds.
<br /> �°���S��r�,',,,�����,;;;�::�``? Borrower shaU accupy,establish,and use ihe Property s.e Barrower's principal residence within slxty days after the exccution of
<br /> ,.•:.�.:
<br />�:.: ;��;::? '° °�y �'� this Securit I�strument and shall continue to occu the Pro rt as Bonower's rinci 1 residence for at leust one ear after
<br /> -.,. •, ��il,�..: Y pY P� Y P Pa Y _
<br /> ;�;;;�`,< .�,;: _,. the date of occupaney,unless Lender cxherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonabty withheld,or unless —.
<br /> ;�cs!;'•'�:• �•��' ',�" �� extenuating circumstances exist which Are beyond Botrower'x wntral. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or imp�ir the
<br /> _ �'�ml�a��:.�at.a•.. Property, allow the Praperty to det�riorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower xhall be in default if any forfeiturc _
<br /> � `� • � action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> r4'� " ' Pro rt or otherwise matcriall tm av the lien creatcd b this Securit Instrument or I.ender's securit interest.Borrower ma
<br /> _ ti,�,.,. . ' Pe Y Y� P � Y Y Y Y
<br /> • • • cure such n default and rpeinstate,as providal in paragraph 18, by cuusing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> _-_.1?.��r�.�.=� •_ that, in I PI�(IP���(Ifl(I lHS�}!��_'�PCI111II8I�nI1. ��C'CIII�p� fnrl'plt��!` �f thC Porr�wrr's interest in the Prt��Ry �t'�thrr mHterfal
<br /> • ',; impuimicnt of thc licn crcuted by thi�Security Instrument or L.endcr's sccurity interest. Borr�wer shull �Iw bc in�efauit if
<br /> " Borrowcr,during thc loan•rpplicution pnxcs,,guvc mutcriully fulsc or inuccuratc infi�r►naticm or statcmcnts to L.encicr(or failai
<br /> to provide l.eixler with any nwterial informadon►in cunnectiun with the tuun evidenceJ by the Note, including, but niH limitc�d
<br /> '' a�, re�rexntution�roncerning Barrower'��Krupunry uf'the F'ra{krty ati a prinripat re.idence.If this Securiry Instn�ment is an u `°
<br /> Ic•rxhold. &irruwcr �hall comply with uU th� pmvi�iunti uf the Ira+e. If &�rruwcr ucquires fce title to the Property. the —
<br />- . Ica�ch��id arul thc fcc titic,hull not nkrgc unlc+� IAndcr ugrcc�to thc mcrgrr in writing.
<br /> _ 7. lMNecdnn ot IAnder'ti Rikhts in tlu 1'roperty.IF&►rrowcr fails ta perfi>rm the covenants and ugrcemrnts containcd in
<br /> �f this Scrurity In+trununt, ur thcrc i+u Mgul procccding that may xi�nificantly affcct L.cncicr's rights in thc Yropcny (such as a
<br /> }�� • procecJing in b�nkruptry, pruhutc,tiirrundcmnation or ti�rfeitum or to enforce laws or regulationy), then Lendcr may do and Q�•���
<br /> .�. pay for whatcver ix ncce��ry to prutcct the valuc ot'thc Pn>perty anJ Lendcr'x rights in the Property. Lender's actions may _ -
<br /> 't e indudc p�ying uny xums .��u��d ny � licn whirh hu1 priuriry �wcr this Sccurity Instrument, uppcaring in court, paying —""
<br /> re�u�nable attorneyti' fecy a�xl entcring on the Property to mukc rcpairs. Although l.ender may tukc action under this paragraph __
<br /> . . 7.Lender dacs not havc to do tia. �
<br /> ' � ' � �'"�� Any amounts dixburs��i by LenJer undcr thi� p�rograph 7 tihall lxconx additional debt of &�rrower secured by this �'
<br /> . Security Instrumcnt. Unleti,&�rruwcr and I.cndcr u�rec tci�uhcr tcrms uf payment.these amnunt, sh;�ll lxar interctit from the �
<br /> datc of disbur�ment ut the Note rrte and shull be payaMe, with intcrest, upon nntice from Lcnder to lk�rrower requcsting ��,`'�
<br /> puyment. �:-
<br /> S. MortfiaAe[nsut�unce. If Lrnder rcyuired nwn�age intiurunrr u.a c�mJition at'making the le�an rerured by this Sccurit� c,;
<br /> , � Imtrument, &irrnwer shall pay the prcmiums requircd to muintain thc mortgagc insurancc in cf'fcct. If, for any rca.��n, the °,�-
<br /> _, mortgase insuruncr rovcrage rcyuirai by Lrndcr lapx+or rratic+tu bc in cff'ect. Borrowcr tihall pay thr premiums rcquired to -
<br /> '. . obtain cuvcrugc substantially equivalrnt tu thc m��n�agc imurunre prc��i��utily in rffrrt,at a ro,t,ubstantially equivalent to the
<br /> ;; ' eo+t to Bormwcr of thr mortgugc imuranrr pre�•i��usly in ct'tcct, friim un altcrnatc mort�;a�� insurcr appr�rvcJ by Lcndcr. [f
<br /> � +ubtitanti�lly eyuivalent mungage inwrancr rnveragr i�nut available, Aorruwer�hall pay t�i Lrnder curh month a sum cyual to
<br /> x one-twelflh of the yearly mungagc in.uranrr premiurn txing paid hy Borroa•rr N•hen the intiuranrr cu�•crage lapticd or crascd to
<br /> ': � � bc in cftect. lxncicr wiU urccpt,usr:�nJ rctuin thcsc paymcnt.a� a lc�.. r�scrvc in licu of mongagc inrurancc. Lnti. rc�crvc �
<br /> ' Form 3028 9/90
<br /> '+ Vepe�u1 6
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