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<br /> 7'OdB�THBR Wl'I'H tll the improvemena now or h�ra�Ret erectad on the propcety.�nd�ll a�emeots.�ppuctaw�ca•aad
<br /> � — flxtuna r�w or heraRer a pa:t of the pmper!y. All ropl�anents aed additioru �tull alw be cavered by thit Sdc�rlcy
<br /> [nst�ument. All of the fon�oin�iR rcferned to in thi�Sacudty Inanirt�t�the"PropenY•"
<br /> HARRUWP.R COV�N,�►NTS th�t Bnrrawer is IRwfully aefsod ot tlx ertate hec�eby cc►nveyod md tws the riRht to�rsnt and
<br /> cnnvoy the Propeny tnd tiu�t the Property i►unencumberod. except for encumbanca of cecord. Rorrower wortan�s and wW
<br /> dafakl�ene�ally tha Uqe to tlx Pruperty ag�in�t Kll ct�ims wid demtu�dx.nubject tn Any eocumbr�u�ces of rec�rd.
<br /> THIS S�C'URITY INSTRUM�NT combines unifornt wvenant�for n�tionAl uce and oon-uniforn�covenauur wlth limited
<br /> __ -_-=--_—=—----�, varLutoas by jurlsdirtbn In c�n+titute e uniii�rn��ecurity inurument rnvcring real property.
<br /> UNINORM COVENANTS. &►rrower u�d L.cr�lcr covemuit und agrcc as fallows:
<br /> _�� 1. Payment at Priacipl aad lntercs+t; Prepayment aad I.�te Cborga. Bormwcr shatl pmmptlY paY when due the
<br /> principal of and intenct on ttx detx evidencai by thc Note arui any prcpayment and latc charges due undcr the Ndc.
<br /> 2.Funds [or Taxce and lnwrance. Subject to applicablc law or to a wdttcn waiver by l.endcr,Born�wer shali pay to
<br /> � I.ender on the day manthly puymcntc are due un�er tl�e Note, until thc Notc is paid in fuPl,x sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly uues
<br /> - -. - ._. ___� and essessments which�twy anain prfority over this Securiry instcument as a lien on the Praperty:tb)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rcnts ai thc Prop�ny.ilwny;(c)ycurly hezard or propeay insurance premiums;(d)yearly flaod insurance prcmiumc.
<br /> If any:(e)yeurly nwrtgagc insurance premiums, if ar�y: and t�any sums payable by Barrowcr to Lendcr,in accordance with
<br /> the provisioiu of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are callai "Escraw Items.'
<br /> ---�— Lender may,at any time,calicct aid hold Funds in an amount not to excood the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> � niatod mortgage loan may require for Bonower'x escrow Arcaunt under thc federal Rcal Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> ;w•J 1974 as amended from time ro time. 12 U.S.C. Soction 2b01 et seq. ("RFSPA').unless another law that applies ta the Funds
<br /> -•��� � sets a lesser amomu.If w, Lender may, at any tir►ie, callect and hold Funds in an amount not ro exceed thc lesser amount. �__
<br /> � '"'�-��u+;s.r. i Lender may estimate the arr�ount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> `� �'•�° � Escrow[tems or otherwise in accardance with applicable law.
<br /> - ��,�r.� : .. ;�..•�, '� The Funds shall be hcld in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federAl agcncy, instrumentality, ar entiry
<br /> '�:�;r;:,�;!,:'�*+�,�. � (inciuding Lender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> •,;,� ��:"-�``"�"'•"�'" " Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> 'i�'' °'�`''"`�""��"� ` verifying the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicnble law permits I.endcr to make such
<br /> �;��� ����"•��•'�•�.'�;,'.t', j a charge. However, I.endcr muy require Borrower ta pay a one•time charge far an indepcndent real estate tax reporting scrvice
<br /> ""' �• ''� ' used by I.ender in connectian with this IoAn, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> sr�;.; . .,,. . �
<br /> • . applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender�hall nat bc required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ' •'•'�+��'�•- ° Borrower and Lender may agree in writing, hawever,thut interest shall bc paid on the Funds. l.cndcr shall givc to Borrower, _
<br /> - '"���==`�-`�'°'� withavt chargc, an annval�aY�untir.g nf ihe Fussds, showing cr�it�nrxi debitti to the Funds and the purpase for which each
<br /> debit to the Fund�wu� madc.The Fundti are pledged as additional security tor all sums secured by thiti Securiry Imtrument.
<br /> If the Fund.heid by L.c�xicr exrced thc am�unts permittcJ to bc held by applicuhlc law. Lc�uler�hul l acruunt to Borrower
<br /> for the exce�s Fu►xi�in xrunfuncc with thc rcquirement+of applir•rble luw, If thc urru�unt ot'thc Fu�ul�hcld by I..end�r ut any
<br /> timc is not.ufficicnt u�pay thr F.xrow Itcm,whcn Juc, lan�cr nwy u�nutify [i��rr��wrr in writing.wxl, in�uch r�x&�rr�iwcr
<br /> • tih•rll pay ta l.cndcr th�amuunt ncrc„ary tu makc up thc dcticictky. &,rruwcr�hull nmkc up tiu drticicixy in n��nwrc tlwn
<br /> twclvc nwnthly p•rynrntti.ut IAtx4:r'.udc JiKrrtiun.
<br /> U�xin puymrnt in fuU uf all wm. xrurcd hy thi, Srcurity ht.trumcnt. Lctxlcr .hall promptly retunJ t�� Fi��rruwcr any
<br /> ., Funds hcld by l.cn�lcr. ll'.u�xlcr parugraph 21, l.cixlrr,hull aryuirc ur KII Ihr F'n,�kny.Ixrxlrr. priur tu thc ucyui�itinn or wlc �
<br /> � of�hc P��,pcny..hall apply mry Fund.hclJ by I.c�iJcr at thr timr ul'aryui,iti�m ur�ulr•r.u rrrdit uguin�t Ihc tium�xcured by
<br /> '" this Security In,trunxnt.
<br />�f�• 3.Application of P�y ments.Unlc.ti applicablc law pmvidc�oth�rw•i,c.all paymrnt,rer�i����l by Lc�xler wxicr paragraphy �
<br /> • 1 anJ 2�hall hc upplicd:fir,t, tci any prcpayrnem rhargc,Juc undcr thc N�itr:.crunJ,to amuunt+payublc unJcr p•rr►�tr.�ph�;
<br /> � „ •• „ third,to intcrcyt dur:tiwnh.t��principal duc:and I•r.t. to any latr rhargc.Juc undrr thc Natr. ��
<br /> 4.Chpr�es: l.lens.Borrower tiha�� p:ry aU taxc�. a+uti�mcnt.. rharge.. lineti and imFx,.itii�m uttriburrblc to the Property --
<br /> which may attain priority cn•cr thi. S�rurity (mtntmc�it, anJ lea�chuld pa��mrntti or gruun� r�nt+. if any. &�rrowcr tihall pay =
<br /> thesc ohlications in thc mannc�providcd in paragraph 3.��r it'nut paid in tbat manncr. &ur�iarr tihal!pay thcm on timc directly
<br /> ., to thc per,on uwcJ paynxnt.Borr�,wcr rhall pmmpily t�urni.h to l.cndrr al� nutirrti uf anu�unt�tu hc paid wxicr thi,paragr�ph. �
<br /> If Beirr��w�er make+lhr,epaymrnt+dirertly. B��rr��wrr.hall pr��mptly turni.h t��LrnJrr rerript.c�idrncin�the paytnentti.
<br /> • &�rrowcr�hall prumptly dixh:trgc an� licn whirh ha�priority uvrr thi.Scrurit�� In,trwucnt milrti,I3�ttro�cr. (al agrceti in —`-
<br /> writing to the p•rymcnt af tlu��hliEati�m tirrurcd b�•thc licn in a manncr ucreptuhlr tu Lcndcr:�hl r��ntr�t�in��xxl faith the lien �-
<br /> �� by, ur dct�nds aguin�t cntiircrnunt ��f'thc licn in. Icgal rr�xccding� which in thr l.rndrr'. upinion ���xratr t�► prevcnt thc �:
<br /> , • enforcemern of tlic lirn:nr (r1 �crurc�from thr h�,IJrr uf thc licn an a�recmcnt.atf,t:irtur� to Lcnder,utx�rdinating the lirn ti� �.
<br /> � this Securitv Intitrunient.It l.cnJcr dctcnninrti that any part of the Pn,p�m i.,uhjert tu:+ lirn �+hich m:q attain p�iurit� u�•er
<br /> _ � ; this Sccurity Imtrurncnt,Lcndrr may gi�•r B„rruacr a nutirr idrntif�ing tlir lirn. R��rru��rr �h:�ll,au,�� thr li�n�,r taMc unc or �
<br /> •= more of thc accionti xc f'onh atx�vc within IU day.�+f chr giring��t n��ci�•c.
<br />' %' ' � Form 3028 91�0
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