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�y u <br /> ___� .,' ,1 r� _�� <br /> :.i <br /> '��'� <br /> .� ... , _---- - -.. ..-- --- <br />--- �"'_ ----__ -.."� �„A,,,�.O'I�IIq <br /> _ Upaa r�ecelpt o� pymeat ot the pricc bid, Tructa ahAli deliver tu thc purclw�cr Trurtce'� deed cnnvcyln� tbe _ <br /> Properly.The rocllaiu in tbe T�vrter'r doed�lull be prima [�le evldence u�the t�ath ot the�totemcntr mAdie tbercln. <br /> Tnutee�ail apply the procec+lr ot tlre x�le in tbe fdbvY(nR orders(w)to wll co�ta And ezpenrw ot ezercWn(�the power ot <br /> Mle,and th�e x�le.�acludinR the p�yment ot the Trustee'�Peex Actunlly Incurr�rd.nnt to excecd '� <br /> of the princlprl wmount ot the note At fhe timr ol the declaration ot defpult,ond ra�sronnble pttorneys'feex�permitted <br /> by Iww; lb) to wll wms securtd by thix tiucur(ty Ia�ctrumenh and(c)wny exce�tu tl�e perxon or petxons le�sdly entltled to <br /> it. <br /> -- 22. Recanveyrnce. Up�m payment of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. l.rncier shull requcst Trustee to <br /> - rcrunvey th� Ympcny and shull surrendcr this Sccurity Imnununt and uU nute� cviJcncing debt securcd by this Sccurity <br /> In�trument t��Trusta. Trurtec shull recanvcy thc Property without waminty and withaut ctwrgc ta thc person or per.cons leyally <br /> entidcd to it. Such perum or per.ums tih•rll pay uny rccordatian cortx. <br /> _-__ --_-__ . 23. SubctiWte Trustee. Lencler, at its aption, may from timc to tinx removc Trurtcc und appoint a succcsu�r trustcc to <br /> ��-- � � uny Trustee appointai hereunder by an instrument mrorded in the county in which thic Security Instrument is rexc�rded. Withcwt <br /> __ ----- --= cumeyunce c�f the Propeny, the succesuir trustee shult wcceeci ta all the title, power und duties confer�ed up��n Trustee herein <br /> — —_ <br />