� . ���i �_• , _
<br /> - _-- ---=- _-�' �4-1015U9
<br /> 17.Tr�uu[er o�the Property or N&net{cl�l Inierert In Burrower.If pll o�wny pwn c�f tl�c Pn�rty or rny interc�t in it
<br /> � is wld or trcuuferred Inr if�lxncficiwl intcreu in Burn�wcr i�Mdd or trYnrfcrrai Ancl snac�wer i�nut r nntur�l�xrMiu)wi�h��ut
<br /> L.e�xicr'ti prior writtem m�sent, Lendcr nwy, wt its �tian, rcyuirc immodiatc puyment in full oP wll xumr �ocurai by thl�
<br /> Security Instrument.However,thi+c option�tull nat be cxcrcixad by l.ender if ezerci�re is pmhibltod by fade�l irw as of the dMe
<br /> of thi�+Securlty(nxtrunxnt.
<br /> If l.ancicr cxcrciscx thir option,l.cixler xhull Qive&ttrowcr ruxice af s�cceler�ticm. The ncNfrc xhall pruviJc r pcdc►ci af r�nt
<br /> le��than 30 day.r• from the dutc the ix�ticc iti delivercd ur nwil¢cf within whirh B��rmwcr nwst �►y ull sumti�ccural by this
<br /> Security Instrun�ent. lf Borrower fuils to puy thcsc sum�prlar t�t the cxpirution��f�hia peri�Kl, Lsnder rn�y invokc ru►y rcn�ociiex
<br /> � pertnitta!by this Security Inurument wlthi�ut further ncrtice or denwncl on Bc�rmwer.
<br /> � `"�'" IR. Borrow•cr's Right to Rcinstatc. If Rnrrowcr mcct, rcnain cnnditians. Harcowcr sh�ll havc thc right tu huvr �
<br /> ; c�forcement af thix Scrurity Instrument disconUnuocl ut uny dme priur tu the carlier uf: (u) 5 duys (ar such�dher pericKl ax
<br /> --- �=•• upplirahle law m•ry sp�ify fiir reinstutement) befure �:�Ie af the Pr��perty pur.uunt t��:+ny power uf'sulc contulnal in thh
<br /> —°-�3:�";`'`._� Security Instrumenr,��r(b>entry aP a judg►nent enforcing thi�.Security Instrunxnt.Tho,�cunJitiun+ure thut 1�►rrower:(ul p+�ys
<br /> s`"—`'��''="�"�'"� L.ender all sums whtch then would be duc under this Security Instrument u�xi the Ncxe�.+ if no accekration hacl ciccu�ral; (h)
<br /> ������•-_--�� cures s�ny default of any rnher covenunt��►r ugrcenu:ntx• (c) p•rys ull expensex incun�ed in cofiming thiti Security Insuvm�nt,
<br /> �,:�;� _�� including,but not limited to, reaxmuble uttamey�feese und (d)tukes surh uction us I.ender muy re:�.�nahly requirc tc�astiure
<br /> -- ��.,,;,:,,. �..�,�. 4�,, thut thc licn of this Sc:curiry In��rument. Lcndcr's rights in thc Property mid Bonnwcr's�ibligatinn ki pay thr sum5 sccurcd hy
<br /> " f=:•=�'-"-:�•'� -' this Security Instrun�ent shall continue unchunged. Upon reintitatement by Hc+rrower, this Serurfty Imtrumcnt u��d the
<br />� � `� ' ' � . . z abligations securod bereby+hull remuin fully effective a+if no acceleratiun huci cxcurreet. However.this right to reinsu►te shell
<br /> .�'. ` . • nat apply in thc casc af acccicrutian under paragruph 17.
<br /> �"�' ' " �`�������'_'�"��;� 19. Sale at Note; Clwnge af I.�an Scrvicer. Thc Notc rn�u partial intcretit in the Notc (togethcr with this Cc�urity
<br /> ' Y'` � Inrtrument) may tx.old�ne or mure titnes witliout prior notice tu&►r�ower. A sulc muy result in u rh�ngc in thc entity(known
<br /> "• . ati thc "Loan Scrviccr")that collects rrMnthly paynunts duc undcr thc Notc and this SccurRy Instrumcnt.Therc ulw muy tic onc
<br /> 3 ' � • or more changes of the l.c�an Servicer unreluted to a sale of the Note.!f there is a chunge of the I.cxin Servicer, &ttrower wil I be
<br /> �iven written nutire uf the change in accorS:tnce with p�ragruph 14 alxive and applicubie tuw.The notire will rtAte the name and -
<br /> i uddres,uf thc new L.oun Scrviccr und thc s+ddress to which paymcnts should be nwde.The ncxire will ulro contuin nny nther
<br /> information rcquircd by applicublc luw.
<br /> 20. Hatardous 5ubstances. &irroN•cr shall nat causc ur p�rniit the ptcsence, uxe, ditipu.ul, storugc, or relea+e of any
<br /> H;uardous Suhstances on ar in the Property. &�rrower shall ncit do, nor allow unynnc else t��dei, anything uffccting the
<br /> Prc�perty that is in viulatiun i�f any Environmental L;iw. Thc preceding two`entences �huil nat apply to the presence, uu, or --
<br /> �tnragc on thc Prupcny af small yuuntitic+of Ha1•rrdous Substancec that arr gencrally rcrognizcd to t►c appr�ipriatc to nornwl
<br /> rctiidential uscs and to maintenunrc of the Property. _
<br /> &�rrower tihall prumptly �ive Lendcr written nixirr af uny im�:stigation, rlaim, demand, law�uit or othcr action by rny --
<br /> - �overnmentul or rogulato�y-at�ency or privatc pany involvin� the Pcopeny und any H:uardous Sub�tancc or Enviromnental Law
<br /> iif which Bcircower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower Iearn.,or iti natified by any governmental ��r regulatory authority. ttwt
<br /> , uny rcmuval��r othcr rcmediatian of uny Haiardcius Subtituncr aft'rrtinb thc Property i�necezsary. Borrowcr shull promptly tuke �"
<br /> ull ne�c�zary remediul artion�in acrorJancc with Environmental Lax•.
<br /> - ; ��u�c� iU i��i� ��ui:tg�a���� T(I. `};alui'�uU� iU�aluiii�a" aic t=iu.� �Uh�tuiii�i Jcrlii�'a :1�t�iFi�1ii �i7i7.aii�iiUS Siltlatili3Ci+ by
<br /> ' • •� Environnuntal l.uw• und thc IiillowinF �ub�tancc�: ga�olinr. kcr<�unc. othcr tlanmtahlc or tuxic pctrolcum prcxiuct�:.tcixic -
<br /> Ex+ticiJr�and hcrhiriJr+, viilatilr sulvent.. matcrial.coittuining a�lx�t����tt ti�rntaldchydc.and r•rdivartivc matcrials. As uk�t in
<br /> thi+paragraph 20. "l:nvironmcntal Law" mcan, Iedcral law� an�l laws of the.jurisclirtiun �vhcre the Pro�crty i.r IacatcJ that R.-
<br /> relate tu hculth.,a(ch•�x rnvirunmentul prot«tiun. ��
<br /> NON-UN[FORht COVF.NANTS. F3�irmN•�r and I.ender furthrr c��vcnant and agrce:iti ti�lluw•s:
<br /> 21. ArceleraHon: Remedii�. Lender,hall�I�e n�►tice to Bnrro��rr prior tu accclerution fidluw•in};Rorro«cr's hreach �;�
<br /> ��f an� cu��enant nr :��;r�Yment in thi. ti�rurih Instrument (but not prior tn ucceleratinn under pura�ruph 17 unle�.c �-
<br /> ' upplicublc law•procid��othen��itie). The nntice tiht�ll tip�rif;�: (u)the deti�ult;lb)the artion reyuired to cure the defwulh, --
<br /> S (c)u d��te, not liw+thun�0 da�+frnm th�dute the noticc is};i�•cn to&�rrm�•cr, b� which the defuult must 1►e cured;s�nd `
<br /> �.' (d)thut f'uilurc to cure the dcfuult on or beforc tbc dutc ti�xrilied in thc��utice mu�� r�wult in atcclerution of the sums '.
<br /> � tic�ured b�• thi. �urit� I��rtrument und tiulr of the Pru�xrt�. The nnticc shall further inti►rm Bor�o��•cr uf the right to ��_-
<br /> � reinstvtr af'ter acceleraUon und thc ri�l�t t�� lirin}�u cuurt uctlon t��usticrt the non-esistence of u default or uny�oQ6er
<br /> defense oF Borrouer to ucccicr.uion und tiulc. if thc def'nutt ir ni►t curcd on or Ixfore the date s�xrificd in thc nntice.
<br /> Lcnder, ut itz optinn. mu�� nquirc immediutc pu�ment in fuU uf ull,wns s�rured b�• this ti�rurit�• Instrument ��ithaut ''
<br /> ' furthcr dcmund und ma� im�okc thc �►��cr of'wlc und nm othcr rcmcdi��{xrmittcd b��uppliruhlc lu��. Lcndcr�;Bull Ix
<br /> entitled tu caU�rt uU c�penseti incurred in pur,uin}�ihc remedi��prv»�Ided M thi+ para�ruph 21,includin}�,but not Iimited E.-.,..
<br /> t��,rcuumublc vttarnc�;fc�w und cotit.nf'titic c�idcncc. b=-
<br /> If lhe pu�►er of ti•rle i. i�noked. 'frutitee .I�ull r��aard u notice oP def»ull in esmh counh in ahich am• part nF the ,�,_
<br /> Prn�xrh i� I�KUtcd :ind tihalt mail copic,oP,uch nntice In the nuinncr prc�cribcd b� uppltrublc I��� to B�irro��er und tn �•_
<br /> the ollier�x�yonti priwcribecl b� applicuble lu��.r�fler tlu time requircd b�applic�iblc luw.Trutit�ti.hall�;hr pubUc uotfce "`�
<br /> . uf u�le to the per+nn�und in the munner pr�wcribcd b� applicublc lu��. 'Cru�tce. ��ithout dcmund on Knrroaer.�hall xll
<br /> the Prapert�ut publlc s►ucti�m tu the hi�he.t I�fdder ut the time und pluce und under the term.d�yi�;nuted in the nuQce of
<br /> tiulc in onc or more ps�rccl+ .md in iim ordcr 'I'ru.tcc dctermin��. '1'ru�t�r mu� �H►,qx�ne ti:d��of ull ur um purcel oP thr �.-
<br /> . 1'ro�xrt� 1>� publir un��uuncement al thi• timc and pl•rcc ol'au�� prc�fuu.h K•hcdulcd .alc. Lcndcr or it�d�wi�n�r�nu}
<br /> purchu+c thc i'roExrt} ut im� +ulc. _.. .
<br /> ' �.
<br /> . Form 3028 9i80
<br /> .� � �.
<br /> f
<br /> . • i
<br /> 0
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<br /> 1
<br /> 1'
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