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<br /> of postpon�m�nt�haH b��I�r►by publb eNola��tlon tMnof b�r�uoh p�raon at tM tlrtN and pl�IaU sppolnt�d lor ttos
<br /> a,lr,provW�d,if th��ai�1�pwtpon�d for bnp�►th�n orw(11 d�Y bryohd th�day O�Ipn�R�d In th�notlo�ef wl�,notl�
<br /> 1hNSO}�il b�piwn In 11N Nm�mannN��tIN aipin�l notior Ot uN.Tru�tM thUl�X�ot�t�and dNIvK t0 tiM purohaM
<br /> � It�DMd conwylnp th�PrapKly w�old,but wlthout�ny cownant a wana�nty.ucpr�s�o►Impll�d.7h�ncN�l�In tM dNd
<br /> of�ny mattws or aots�hall b�oonoluqw proo�of th�tn�thfWn�th�not.Any pwson�Inciudinp B�fblary.rrwY P��.
<br /> _- ohu��t th�saN.
<br /> ,� (B) Wh�n TrustM MII�punuant to ttN powws h�r�ln,llw T�ur1N �hall appty th�procee4e of the e�le to p�ym�►t ot IM
<br /> -'�„ co�ts and sxpanNS ot�x�aislnp th�pow�r of t�l��nd of tb saN,Includinp th�payn�nt of ttM Tru�tN'i fNa aotu�liy
<br /> Incurc�d,whlah TrustM'�tMS sh�tl not In th�ap�np�4��xcNd th�foitowlnp amount b�Nd upon th�amount Ncund
<br /> ----- h�nby�nd rsmainin{�unpaid;5 p�►wntum on th�tlnt i1,000 thsnof.t p�rc�ntum on th�balmc�th�wt u�d th�n to th�
<br /> - It�ms Ir�subparapr�ph(C) In th�ord�r th�n st�tsd.
<br /> - -� —_-=- �C� o�ecloauroirsd e t�N tM N'�purswbnt b JudiclaBfoncl sua�th procMd o�f�al�hatl b�rapPii�d n th�o•d�t tat�d
<br /> =_=—_d..� to ths payrrNnt oi:
<br /> (I) Cost of any�vldsncs ot titl�p�oouad In conn�atton with such al�and ot�ny nv�nw�tamp�;
<br /> ,.._.�..r.,� (ip Atl sume ths secursd hsreby;
<br /> - - � - ���-�--- (Ilq Th�rem�inder, If tny,to ths pe►son Is�atty�ntiti�d th�reto.
<br /> � ;� � 1S.DutIN�nd Obiiputlon�01 Twat�.(a�Ths d�etles and oblfpatlons of Trustee shtll bs determ insd solsly by ths�xprsss
<br /> _�;,,, , provistons ot this D�sd ot Trust,and Trunte�shalt not bs tlabls exc�pt for ths ps►form�nc�of wch dutles and obli�atbm�s
<br /> .°"�""•``";° . . �ro sp�clfially eet forth nersin,�nd no Impiisd covsnants or obilpatlons ahatf be impos�d upon Truatee;(b)No provlslons of � -
<br /> ;��;,.;��• � :�,y;�, ' thls Deed of Trust sh�li rsquire Truste�to�xpend or riek its own funda,or othsrwlse incur any flnanclal obiip�tion in the per-
<br /> � �, ' ' formancs of any of ita dutiea h�reund�r,or in ths exercles of any of R�ripht�or pow�r. if it sh�il haw�rounds tor b�tisvinp
<br /> that the repayment of such funds or adaquate fndemnity a�ainat auah riak or Ilabillty le not nasonably �naursd to it; (c)
<br /> . � � �"�,� Trustw may consult with counael of Its own chooNnp�nd the advlce ot suah counsel ahall be tull and complets authaization
<br /> � .� and prot�ctlon in the respect of any aation t�ken or suftered by It hereunder in yaod fafth and rsif�ncs thereon;(d)Trustee
<br /> f,�i��.k:rrr��: ' ahaii not be Itable for any actlon tak�n by It In pood f�ith and roasonably belisvsd by it to W authorized or within th�disor�don
<br /> • . or ►iphta and powsrs conferrsd upon It by this Oeed of Truat.
<br /> • 14.Addittonat S�cudty In�trum�nts.Truetor,at Its expenae,wlil execute i�nd de�iver to the Trustee,promptiy upon demtnd,
<br /> � ' auch securlty iastruments�a may be requlred by Truntee,In form and.du�t��ys satiefactory to Tru�tee,coverinp any of the
<br /> a''•�"� ''. �� Property conveyed by this Oeed oi Truet,which aecuNty Inatrumenta 1M�li��.jddlt�on�� aecurity for Truator'e falthiui perfoa �u
<br /> mance of al�of the terms,coven�nta and condltlons of thla Deed of TroOt,th�Loir►�►yrs�rtlent,any promlaeory notea secured
<br /> - . ----- heroby��d any otner seourity inatrumenta executed in connecfion wi'h ioti�i't�anzaciian.Suals lnaisuman3s she!!be rer�rded —
<br /> or tlied,and re-recordsd and nflled,at Trustor's expense.
<br /> 16.MIscNlaeNOUS.
<br /> (A) In the event any one or mare of the provisfons contained in the Deed of Trust,or the Loan Apreement or any promiasory —�
<br /> �ote,or any other security lnatrument piven in connectlon wlth thls tranaaction,ahati for any reason to be held to bs in•
<br /> vaBd, Illepai or unenforceable in any reapect, auch Invalidlty, Ille�alfty or unenforceabliity ahaii, at the optlon of
<br /> Beneficiary,not affect any other provlsion of this Deed of Trust.that this Deed of Trust shall be conatrued as if auah ln• ��'
<br /> �� vaild.Ilieyal or unenforceAble provlsion had never been contptned herein or therein.
<br /> �r�. (B) Thls Deed of Trust shall be construed accordinp to the Iaws of the State of Nebrask�.
<br /> •., (C) The Deed of Truat sholl insure to and bind the heirs, lepatees,devisees, administratora,executors. euccessors and �
<br /> •�a esaiflns of the partlea herato. :�-:�
<br /> (D� Truator shali pay alt taxes Ievled upon this Deed of Trust or the debt aecured hereby,topether wfth any other taxea or ���
<br /> • assesaments which may be levled apefnst the Trustee or Beneflclary or the�epai holder of the Loan A�reement on ac• �_.
<br /> count of the indebtedness evidenced thereby. �
<br /> (E) Whenever used herein,theainquiar number shali tnctude the plural,the piura�,thesin9ular,the uae of anyyender shall be
<br /> applicabte to ali qenders.nnd the term"Beneficfary"sha�i Inciude any payee of the Indebtedneas hereby secured or any �;.
<br /> transfer thereof,whether by operation of law or otherwise. �
<br /> � 18.Suec�ssor TrustN.Beneficlary may irom tlme to time subatltue a successor or successors to any Trustee named hereln p,,,
<br /> or actln�hereunder to execute thia Trust Deed.Upon such appolntment and without convenyance to the successor Truetee, �±•
<br /> the latter ahal►be veated wlth AII title,powera and dutfes conferred upon any Trustee hereln named or actlnq hereunder.Each
<br /> • such appolntment and subdtltutlon shali be made by wrltten Instrument by Beneficlary,contalnin�reterence tothis Deed of
<br /> Truat and Its p�ace of record,which when recorded in the offtce of the Replater of Deeds ot the county or counties In which
<br /> � aald property is situated,ahail be conc�usive proof ot proper appointment of the succeseor Trustee.The fore�olnp power of
<br /> ' substitutton and the procedu re there}or shall no2 be excluslve of the power end procedure provlded for by law for the eubstitu-
<br /> •� tfon of a Trustee or Trusteea in the place of the Trustee or Trustees named heretn.
<br /> � 17.ForMaranc�by B�rnflci�ry or TrustN Not a W�I��r.A forbearance by 8eneftclary or Trustee In exerclsing any rfght or
<br /> , � remedy t�ereunder,or otherwiae attorded by appiicab�e�aw shali not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or
<br /> F:. remedy hereunder.Likewl�e,the waiver by BeneitctaryorTrusteeot any defauit of Trustor underthis Deedot Trust shai�not be
<br /> � . deemod to be a waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequently occurrinq.
<br /> 18.Tru�tor Not Rd��s�d. Extensfon ot the time for payment or modlfication or amortizatlon of the auma secured by the
<br /> � Deed ot Trust pranted by Benettciary to any successor fn interest of Trustor ahall not vperate to release, in any manner,the
<br /> tiability of the ortyinal Truator and Trustor's succeasor In intereat.Beneficlary shail not be requlred to commence proceedfngs
<br /> aflainat such successor or re}use to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizatlon of the suma secured by the
<br /> �� Deed ot Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlpinal Trustor and Trustor's successors fn interest.
<br /> � 19.Optlon to Fonotos�.Upon the occurrence of any detault hereunder,Beneticiary shnil have the option to foreciose this
<br /> � . I'forl nf Truwf�n fhw mann�r ernvidwd bv law tor the forecionure of mort00�9S on reii p�Operty.
<br /> � � 20.Truttors Rl�hts,AbNnt D�tault.Until any detautt in the peyment of indebtedness hereby secured,or until the breach of
<br /> any covenant hervin contalned,the Trustor,its successors and assipns,shell posneas and enJoy the property and recelve the
<br /> . � rents and proftts therefrom. Upon payment of ati sums ssecured by thfe Aeed of Trust. Beneflciary shali request Trust�se to
<br /> ;j reconvey the property and ahatt surrender this Deed of Tru�t and ali notes and Loan Ayreements evtdencinq Indebtedness
<br /> . ; seCUred by the Deed of Trust to Trustee.Trustee sha�t reconvey the property without warranty and without charge to the per•
<br /> �, sons Ieqaily entttled thoreto.T��e Grantee In any reconveyance may be deacrfbed as"the person or persons entttled thereto".
<br /> and the re�:Itaia therein of any matters or tacts ahatt be conctualve proof of the truthfulneas thereot.Such person or persons
<br /> ahall pay All costs of re�ordinp,if any.
<br /> 21.Tr�n�t�t ot tM Prop�rty;Assumptlon.�t all or any part of the Property or an Interest thereln is sold or transterred wlthout
<br /> ` Beneftciary'a prior written conaent,except as otherwlse provided by law.Beneficiary may.at Beneficiary'a optfon,deciare all
<br /> ' the sums seCUred by thia Daed of Trust to be fmmedtately due and payable.Beneffcfary shall have waived such optlon to ac•
<br /> . � celer�te If,prior to the sale or trensfer.Benoficiary and the pereon to whom the Property Is t0 be soid or transterred reach
<br /> MFa,s�rvo� .
<br /> •
<br />