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��- � <br /> '_ ' �� -.-.:- - <br /> `:s . � -.�- - <br /> � � � .. -- - -- - <br /> . . • '.'f <br /> �-.' .�_� • � <br /> __- --__= 94_ i0l.�99 , � <br /> notlflaltion to TrutlN�nd B�►NfiaUry.ln th��wnt�ny pollay h�nundK I�not r�n�w�d on or b�for�flftNn(16�day�prtor to <br /> its�xp�rat�on dat�,Tru�tN or Q�rnftoi�ry m�y procun suah Insur�noi in�ccordanc�with th�ptovislons of Panpraph 7. <br /> Tru�tor eh�ll ddivar to B�rnflolary tM orlpinil pOliCi��4( ItlwranG�t1d��n�wals th�►wf w oopta of such poliol�s and <br /> rsn�w���tM�oRF��+n to turni�h suah Insur�nc�by Truator� or nn�w�l• as nqutred h�nund�r,shitl. �t tM option ot <br /> B�floi�ry,aonstliut��d�twlt.AII unurMd pnmlums an fNrsby uslpn�d tu Tnuta�as addition�t t�ouNty,�nd a�al��nd <br /> cor►vsy�nc�of ths Prop�rty by ths TruitN oh�il op�at�to conwy to the purah�Nr th�Tru�tor's int�nst in and to all policlN <br /> ��---_--=� _ . <br /> �t; ot Inaur�tnc�upon th�Trust Prop�Ry. � <br /> ��. 5.T�ucN�nd AsNSSnNnt�.Trustor�halt p�y ali tax���nd sp�cial nse��m�nts iwl�d or�sasssed a�almt,or du�upon,th� — <br /> - P�op�rty beto��d�l�nqu�ncy and will d�iiv�r to B�n�ficlary copies of na�{pts ehowinp payment of suoh tauus�nd sp�al�i <br /> --=��'�� aa�sun�nt�. <br /> -- - E.Additlonal Ll�n�.7rustor�h�li mak�alt paymsnts of Inter�t�nd p�In�ipal.a�d paymenta of any oth�r ahar�ss,fs�s,and <br /> ---"" _=-=_=r•�-� �xpsnas contact�d to M p�id to�ny exlstinp Uen holden or pNor beneflctari�s under any prior O�ed of Truat,Mod�aq�or <br /> -- - - othu acurity ap�wm�nt, b�tor�ths date th�y ere ddtnquent and to pay any other ol�im which Jeop�rdizn th�t�aurity <br /> ---=_-:�-.i�i�'t''4� -- <br /> �� annted heni�. <br /> ' ��'" 7.Prot�otlon of GMttolary's S�au�iry.Should Tro�tor f�ll to make any p�yment,faif to do any act ea hsrein provldsd or if <br /> �� �;;¢'� �-�,�' Rny action or prxNdinp Is commenc�d whiCh matertatiy effects Beneflotary'e Interest In the Property,l�ciud�np,but not <br /> - Iimited to,omin�nt domain,Insaiv�nay,a�r�n�smsnts or proaeedinps Involvinq a bankrupt or decedsnt,thwo BeneftoiRry or <br /> � ��qF�rT�� � T►usts�,but without oblip�tlon ta do ao,and without notice to or dem�nd upon Truetor,and without rsleasin�Truator from any <br /> � ,.1'.��'`.�`';•�'�''�.,, oibipatlo�hsreunder,may maks or do ths a�ms,and m�y p�y,puresh�se,contest or compromlee any�ncumbr�ncs,charps or _ <br /> •"��°' �-� ��-'"� Ilen,whlah In the Judpm�nt of�ithsr wpp�ara to aft�at a�id Property;in sx�ralsinp any euch powers,the Bensfiat�ry or T�uet�s � <br /> �''' 'w:`';;;�,,�;;;;; mry incur a Ilab�lity and expend what�ver amounts„inoludlny dlabursemsnta oi reasonable attorney'e fee�,wh(ch in their ab� _ <br /> • -- �•�=» solute dlaarstion may bs necsssary. In th�av�nt that Trustor sh�t�htl to procure inauranae,f�ll to pay tax�s and spealal <br /> ' ' aaseaaments or fai�to make any paymenta to sxleltnp or prlar Iien hotd�rs or beneflclaries,the Beneflciary may prooure auch <br /> 1. I�aunnce and m�ke auch paymsnts.Ail sums inaurred orsxpended by BenefiCiary or Truatee In accordmce with the provi• _- <br /> slons ot the D�ed ot T�ust are aecund hereby and,without dem�nd.ahall be Immedlatsty due and payab�e by Trustor and ahail — <br /> � be�r interoat �t the rate provided tor�dvances under tho Loan Aqreement; provided, however,that at the option of the - <br /> � Beneriolary or Trustee,suah auma may be addsd to the prinolptl baiance ot any indebtednesa aecured ha�by and ehail b�ar _ <br /> � the same Intereat ae such Indebtsdneea and shait be pay�ble ratably over the remainlnp term thsreot. — <br /> •� • • 8.Awi�nm�nt of R�nN.Benef Iciory ahwll h�ve ths ri�ht,power and authority du►Inp the continuance of thls Oeed of Truat to — <br /> ' � colisot ths renta. iaeues and profits ot the P�operty and of any personat property Iooated thereon wtth or without takinp <br /> poaaeeslon of the Propsrty Ntected hereby,and Trustor h�reby abaolutely and unconditlonaily�aaipns all such ronte,taaues ��_ <br /> - -----____-;=_= and prot4ls ta 9eaeticlasy. 9erte!lQlery,howerwr, hereby conesnts to the Trustor's coliection and rstention of such rents, <br /> iaeue�and protlts ae they aecrue And beeome payable so tonp aa Trustor In not,at euch time,In defautt with r�apect to pay <br /> � ment of any indebtsdneas eecured hereby or In the performance of any ayreement hereunder. Upon any auch detault, <br /> Beneticiary may at any time,either In person,by apent or by a receiver to be appointad by a court,without notice and without - <br /> reyard to tho adequ�cy of any sacurity for the indebtedneae hereby aeaured:(a)enter upon and take posseeslon of the Proper• r_;• <br /> ty or any p�rt thereof and in Its own name aue for or otherwlse callect such renta,lasues and profita,includinp thoae past due ,��. <br /> and unpaid,and appiy the aame,less coats and expenaes ot operation and coliectton,includinp reasonablo attorney feea, �.-. <br /> ; upon ony indebtedness aecurad hereby and In such order as Beneflclory may determine;(b)perform auch acts of repafr or pra K.� <br /> k tection aa may be neceaaery or proper to conserve the value of the Property;(c)iease the aame or any part hereof tor auah rorn `__ <br /> tai term and upon such conditiona as ita Judpment may dictate.Unless Trustor and Benoflclary ayree otherwlae In wrltinp,any <br /> ,�: wppllc�tlon oi rents,lasues or p►otits to any indebtednesa aecured hereby ehatl not extend or poatpone the due dnte of the In- <br /> +''' st�iiment paymenta aa provided In the Loan Ayreement,and the appNcatfon thereof as aforeaald ahall not waive or cure any <br /> �'' default or notice of defauit hereunde�or Invaiidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also aselp�a to Beneficiary, <br /> aa funher aecurity for the pe�formance of the obliyations secured hereby,atl prepald rents and alt monles which may havo '�; <br /> • been or may hereafter be deposited wlth sald Trustor by any tessee ot the Property,to secure the payment ot any rent,�ndr <br /> • , upon defauit in the perforamnce of any of tho provlsfona hereof, Truator agrees to deliver such rents and deposits to the � <br /> Beneflalary. Delivery of wrliten nottce of Benefflcary'a exerclse of the rtphts �ranted herein to any tenant occupyinp said <br /> � premisea ahatl be sufffcfent to require said tenant to pay sald rent to the Be�eflciary untft fufther notice, <br /> � ' 9.Cond�mmtlon.If title to any part of the Property shali be taken In condemnation proceedinps,by right oi eminent domain � <br /> or simltar actfon,or shall be sold under threat ot condemnation,al I awards,damages and proceeds are hereby asslpned and <br /> shall be ppld to Beneficiary who sheii appiy auch award,damnpes+►nd proceeds to the aums secured by the Deed of Trust, <br /> - wlth the oxcesa, If any,paid to the Trustor. • <br /> 10.Futun Advanc�s.The Loan A�reement provides for advences from time to tlme to Trustor by Beneficlary as provided <br /> ' thereln. In addltlon,upon request of Trustor,Beneficlary,at Beneftclery's optfon, prior to reccnveyance of the Property to the ; <br /> ' Trustor,may moke addltionai future advances to the 7rustor.Such future advances,wlth interest thereon,shali be secured by <br /> '� thls Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes statlnp that satd notes are secured hereby;provlded that at no time . <br /> . ahall the secured princtpal and f uture advences,not lnctuding sums advanced to protect the security,exceed one hundred per• , <br /> ' : � cent(100%)of the orlqlnai princtpai amounts secured hereby. <br /> ! � • 11.R�m�dt��Cumulativ�.All remedies provided tn this Deed ot Trust are distinct and cumu�ative to any other right or <br /> �-• remedy u�de�this Deed of Trust or allorded by law or equlty.and may be exercised concurrently,independentlyor successive• . <br /> ty. <br /> ; . ; 12.AccN�ration;R�m�dta;S�I�. A defaul!shatl exlst In the event of: <br /> • � (A) Any traud or misrepresentation by the Trustor in connectlon with the Ilne of credit which thfs Dead of Trust seCUres; <br /> , (8) Any fallure on the part of the Truator to meet the repayment terms in respect to the loan Aqreement a�d any other ad• <br /> � ,, vances under thls Deed of Trust hereby secured;and, <br /> �` (C) Any actlon by the Trustor prohtbited by the terms of the loan Ayreement or thfa Deed af T rust or any failure of the Trustor <br /> +� �:. tn nct as renuired bv the Loan Aareement or this Oeed o}Trust,each of whlch Trustor hereby aflrees have an adverse ef- <br /> �`� T fect on the Beneffctary's security for the�ine of credlt established and the riphts of the Beneficfary In such security. <br /> l <br /> i + and upo�the happening of any such event of defautt,Beneficlary may dec�are at�sums secured hereby Immedlately due and <br /> ti t� payable by dellvery ta Tntstee of wrltten declaration of defauit.The Trustee shall have the power of sa�e of the Property,and if <br /> }.� Beneficiary destres the Property to be soid, it shall deposit wfth Trustee this Deed ot trust and alt promissory notes and <br /> t documents evl0encing expenditures aecured hereby and shall delfver to Trustee a writton notice of defauit and eiection to <br /> , � cauae the Pr�Ferty to be sotd,end the Truatee in turn shai►prepare a natice in the form required by Iaw.whlch ehatl be duiy fil• <br /> ed tor record by Trustee. <br /> (A) After the lapae of aucA ttme aa rnpy be requlred by law foilowinp the recordatlon of satd notice of defau�t,and notice of <br /> � defau�t and notlCe of�ate havinp been qlven as required by taw.Trustee.without demand on Trustor,shall setl the Proper• <br /> . ty on ihe d�te And at the ttme and piacs deafqn�ted fn sald nottce of sale,at public auctlon to the hiphast bldder,the pur• <br /> chass pNce payable In I�wf ul monsy o}the Unfted Stetea at the tlme of�ale.The person conductlnfl the sale may,for any <br /> ' cause he deema expedlent, postpone the sale trom time to tfine untfl�t shali be completed and,in every such case.notice <br /> MFb1SJN01 � <br /> { <br /> , ._ _ . _-1_ _ _ __. - -_ _.. <br />