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„"�+dl , � <br /> — - <br /> _. <br /> �, _ _ -- — - _.._ <br /> . , .. <br />- - = ----- - ��� �'M�Y� - <br /> - - �,y,.. ----== <br /> 1�0(3B'1'i�'Bit w[TE!dt ti�a improva�oa�ta row or Irrra�'ta�a�cted on the proQaty.nrd�it wemerw,�pp�u�proaes��wf <br /> Axwra t�ow or hereafter a p�rt of the propetty. All ropl�oemeats ud addldoat �i�ll �Iw be ooverod by fhis $�omky <br /> IntnuneiN.Ail of the torc�ofa�i�nfurod tp in this Sowrity I�oxr�t�r the"Propaty.” <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS th�t Bcxmwer is uwlWlly idsed of the tatate heroby aonveyed+�od I�u the rijht w=rant�uad <br /> convey the Propaiy�tnd tlwt tdc Prnperty is unencun�berod.ea�cspt for e�cumbr�nca� ot na�o�+d. Bonowet w�rt�nes nd�U <br /> defpd ge��lly the tiNe to the Ptope�ty ag�inst dl cl�ims and datuu�ds.wb,joct w any encumbrarxes of rocand. <br /> THIS SLCURITY INS7RUMENT combines uniform ooven�ntt for nationd we emd non-ur�foan oovwotr witb lia�ibd <br /> vuiations by ju�i�fictian to oorestitute a uniform securiry inrtrument oove�Ing rcal propeny. <br /> -- - UNlFOWN COYBNANTS.8orrnwer and l,ender oovm�nt and�grce as followt: <br /> 1. P�ymeet ot Hinclpd aad Iste�+at; Pr+elxYment asd 1,�te CYsr�a. Borrower shall P�PUY WY wlKa due tba <br /> ptincipal of and�ntercst on the debt evldenood by the Note and any p�xyment and I�ts chtr�a dae under the Note. <br /> 2. Fuad�tor Ta�ca and Iawnnoe.Subjoct to applicAble I�w or W a wdttan walver 6y i.ender� Bomnwu shall p�y to <br /> Lender on the day monthly pnymaus are due under the Note, until thc Note is paid in full,a aum('FuMs")for:(a)yeuly tiu�ea <br /> and assesunents which may attain priority over this Secudty Instiument as a lien on the Property;(b)ye�rly leaeeho�d ptymntt <br /> or ground rents on thc Property,if any:(c)Yearly haz�rd ar PropertY insurance pt+emiwns;(d)Yearly flood insuriu�oe praniums. <br /> if any;(e)yeuly mortgAge insurance premiums, if any;and (�any sums paynble by Borrower to accordanoe with <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in liea of the payment of mortgage inwrance pnemiums. Thcse items are callod "Escrow ltems.' <br /> Lender may. at any time, colloct and hold Funds in an amount not tn ezceed the maximum amount a lerrler for a faderally <br /> rclated mortgagc loan mxy rcquire for Borrower's escrow account under the faieral Real Estate Setdement Prncodures Act of <br /> - 1974 ss artiended from time ta time. I2 U.S.C.SecNon 2601 rt s�q. ("RESPA").unless anotltier law that applies w the Funds <br /> __- sets a iesser amount. If so. l.ender may. �t any timc, ooilect and hold Funds in an amount not to exaoed the leaser unouM. <br /> L.ender may estimate tlx ar�xwnt of Funds due on the basis of curani dAta uid reasonable estimates of expenditures of futurc <br /> _ Escrow Items or otherwise in acrntdat�ce with appljcable law. <br /> - Thc Funds shall be held i� an institution whose deposits are insurcd by a federnl agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> _ (including Lendcr, if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home L.oat►Bank. L,endcr shstll apply the Funds to pay th� <br /> Escrow Items. l.ender may not charge Borrower for halding and applying the Funds,ennvally analyzing the tscrow account,or <br /> �y �`' verifying the Escrow Items. unless l.en�er pays Borrower iot�rest on the Funds nnd applicable law permits Lender to tt�ake such <br /> •'�'+�"� � a charge. However.I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for�n indeper�lent real est�te uu reponing service <br />- � .• ��-�� '�-°` ustd by l.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrament is made or <br /> _ ' �� ������ applicable law requires interest to be pa�d.[.endcr shall nM be requirod to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> e,.. Borrower and I.ender rt� a rec in writin however,thut interest shall be paid on tNe Funds. Lendcr shall give to Sorrower, <br /> -,;��r. Y 8 B• <br /> �' w�ithout ch•rrge,an annual accounting of the Funds, showmg credits and debits to the Funds and d;e purpose for which eaclt , <br /> _ ., debit to the Funds w�s made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for�11 sums securcd by this Socuriry Instrumrnt. <br /> If the Funds held by l.ender exceed thc amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Horrow¢r <br /> • '��"��''�'�F y''��' for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the�unds held by l.ender at any <br /> „ � - •• tink is not wfficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lcnder may so notify Borrower jn writing,and,in such c�se Borrower <br /> . shall pay to Lender the amount necessar�• ta make up the deficiency. Borrower sh�ll make up the deficiency in no more ttwn <br />— twclve monthly payments,at I.ender'ti u�le discrction. <br /> ' Upon payment in fuU of all xum� secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br />— Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lcndcr�hall acyuire or�ell the Property, L.ender,prior ro the acquisition or sale <br /> =_ • • •- • -r� of the Propeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the timr of acyuisition or sale as a credit asainst the sumc secured by <br /> ,,;-� this Sccurity Instn►ment. <br /> ; ,�: 3.Application of Pay�mcnts.Unlc�>applirablc law providc.otherwise,all p•rymentt received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> I and 2 shall tk applicd:first,to any prcpaymcnt rharEc.r Juc under ihe Note: .crond, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> . <br /> � � third,to intcre�t Jue:fiwnh,ti�prinripal due:and la�t,to any I•rte charges due under the NcNC. <br /> • � 4.Clwru�; LienS.&xr��wcr tihall pay all tazr.,a,tie.timcnt�,chargc+, fines and impositions attributeble to the Property — <br /> , � which ttriy attain priority�occr thi� Security [n�trunknt, anJ Ica.chold paymcnt�or ground rents, if any. &irmwcr shall pay <br /> thetic ohligatiom in thr nunncr provid��l in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,&�rrnwe��hall pay them on time directly <br /> to thc per.,cm owcJ payment. Borrou�cr.hall primiptly fumi�h t��I.rnJcr al, �xxire�of am��unt.tu bc paid undcr this par�graph. <br /> If Borruaer mrke.the.r payment�directh•.&irroaer.h:lll pr��mptly furni�h tu L.endcr rrrcipt�evidencing the payments. <br /> _ &,rrower+h;�ll prcmipNy�disrhargr•rn� lirn w•hirh hu.priuritp oecr thi.Scrurity In.trument unletiti&�rrower:la)sgrees in <br /> • writing to thc paymcnt cif the obligati�m.rrured b�•thc licn in a manncr arcrptahlc tu LenJcr: tb1 rontr.tx in good faith the lien <br /> . by. ��r detc�xis again+t enfiirr�ment of tlir licn in. Icgal pr�Treeding. ahirh in thr I.rndcr'. opininn�iperatc to prcvent the <br /> o cnforrcm�m��f thr licn: ur(cl ucurr� frnm thr h�,IJ�r uf thc licn an agrrcmcnt wti.l:�ct„q•a�I.cnJcr.utx�rdinating the licn to <br /> thiti Srruri[y ln,tn�nxnt. 11'�rr detcnninr. that am part of thr Pruprrty i.,uhjrct t�� a licn���hirh ntay att�in priarity o�•cr <br /> , thi.Srrurih•in.trumcnt. LcnJcr ma� gi�r H�,rr����rr :�n��tire��l�ntit�in� Ihr I�rn. Fi��rmwrr,hall .ati.t� thr lirn ur takc onc or <br /> ` . . more of the artiom ut ti�rth ah�n c u ithin Ill da"��t tlte�!i�in�uf nutirr. <br />. , � Form 3028 9190 �- <br /> . pN'1orF —_ <br /> . s <br /> . • � <br /> it_. <br /> � �. <br /> . , . . .._ ,.,..__ ..'..�hGTA���+�..�:f,.a 'r.-.ry_� � - _. . �.�W <br /> — . i.:a:.....�.,... <br /> � <br /> �_ _ <br /> .._ ' r— . . . __ _ . . . <br /> � i . <br /> r <br /> . �S <br /> N <br /> � �C• <br /> � <br /> . r <br /> � . . <br /> � <br /> — —�--- <br />