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<br /> Prn�ecty Lrwrance. Borrnw�r ctull the i rovement4 now oxi�iti or her�tlter encted on the
<br /> Property i�uurod��inu IoYS by firc, huard�includai within�he term 'extendod cover�e" uxi w►y other hua�di, includin�
<br /> floodc or floodinQ.for wFdch Lender roquircs insur�;e. Thls in,wrance siwll be rrwintuinal in the wnwunts rnd fur tho pedads
<br /> thu Lender requira.'rhe insunnre carrler providing thc insuwncc etwll be choacn by Barrower wbjxt to I.ender's�pproval
<br /> which shtll twt be unr�eaconably withheld. If Borrc�wer fails to m;iMain caver�o cier,cribai alxwe, l.e�xler iruy.�t Lender'�
<br /> option. obtaln�ver�t to pralxt Lcnder'�rlghtx in thc Pmperty in wcrord�mY with pwrugn�Rh 7.
<br /> AI!inwrance policie�Wnd renewnls alwll be Yya;optwblc tu LenJc�rnci �twll includc a xtw�Wani nwnQ��e claure. L.ender
<br /> Riwll hwvc tlx riyht to Ix►Id tlu p��licles und renewalz.lf Lcndcr reyuircx,&�m.�wer rhall promptly givc t��Lcrxler�II raeiptr of
<br /> - �—�--��--� p�id prcmiums uKi rcncwai nuticcs.in thc cvent af toss,Horrowor sFull�ive prumpt notice ta thc ins�ucarx�e c�rriar Wul l.c�Kler. �-
<br /> — L.ender nu�y mwice pmof of lo�c if nat made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unles�lxnJer ond Bomc►wer aherwise�yra in writing, insurance pr�xoods shull t�yppliod to rcxtotwicm nr repair of the
<br /> Prnperty danu�ad.if the�+tontion or rcpair is xonomically feaa�ible and Lender's isecurity i�not lessenod.lf the restoration or
<br /> ° rcpair js not a�ni�mically fwsible or I.endar's secudty would be lessenod. thc insurunce proceads�hxll be appliod to thc sumc
<br /> fecu►a1 by this Security Instrument, whether or nat then due,with any cxcess paid to Bonower. If Borcower �tutndons the
<br /> - ---— Propcny,or does not nnswer wichin 30 days a nacicc from LeMer that the insurance carricr has offenxi ta scttle �ciaim. then --
<br /> l.ender may collect the insurance procoods. Lender may use the praceeils to repair or restare the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Socurity Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> - --- Unless L.cndcr vnd Bonower othenvise agree in writing,any Application of prceceds to principal shall not cxtend or
<br /> postpone thc duo date af the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt af the puymcnts. If
<br /> -__ under paragr�ph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance palicies wid proceeds resulting from
<br /> , dartwge ro the PropeRy priar to the acquisition stwll pass to Lcnder to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instcument `
<br /> - immediatcly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy�Rraervation, MstintenAnce And Protection of the Property;Borrower's l.oan ApplM�ttion;I.epseholds.
<br /> � �''-'r'��%"� Borrawer shell accupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty duys ufter the execution af —
<br /> -'�' this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy tha Praperty as Borrower's principal residence for at Iea�t one year after
<br />. 9, �,� .,.•.,;��;�•.;• the date of occupancy,unless I.endcr otherwise agrces in writing, which consent shaU not be unrcasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> �� extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower�control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> ,J;�..:L•
<br /> � ;�K,';:p;,, Property, aUow thc Property ro deterioratc, or commit wa.cte on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> •'�r;� action ar procceding, whelher civil or criminnl, is begun that in L.ender's goad faith judgment could result in forfciture of the --�
<br /> ��.;±' ;-.::
<br /> �''�`����"' Pro rt or otherwise materiall �m ir the lien created b this Securit Instrument or L.ender's securit interest.BoROwcr ma
<br /> �,<::.�,..,.;.,..... P� Y Y� W► Y Y Y Y _
<br /> ' ��+= `" �. cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18, by causins the actian or praceeding to be dismissed with u ruling
<br /> '��'��a'�' that, in I.ender's cwd.faith determination, recludcs forfcitum of thc &��TOwer's interest in the Pro rt or othcr matcrial --
<br /> '�: ' 8 P P� Y
<br /> `- �+���•• �•*� t•• � impaimunt of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> :f: ;,, , .,,� ' Borrower, during tha loan application pracess,suve materially false or inaccurute information or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> � to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited --
<br /> •�.. ��..,_
<br /> to,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as u principal residence. If this Sccurity Instrument is on a
<br /> � ' leaschold, Borrower shall comply with all thc provisions of thc Icasc. Tf Bc�nower acquires fee title to the Property. the —
<br /> . ' ' Ieasehold ancl the fee title shall not merge unlc�ti I.endcr agrees to thc merger in writing. --
<br /> - 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights ln the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the coveru►nts and agrcements contained in —
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument, or there is a legal procceding that may signifcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a �'=
<br />