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<br /> _ _nmv� 94-�,0144g
<br /> � -
<br /> ' 17.1'rAnrkr ut the Pruperty or�Hrjxflci�l I��tereyt In Borrower.If all or auy part af the Prc�peny or wny intercxt In it
<br /> k�►Id i�r trunsfrrrccf lor if u lxi�rfiriul int�rest in Horrower is wid or trunsfcrnxf urui Rorrower is nat a ru�wml pets��n)witlaut
<br /> - Lcndcr'� prior writtrn c�m+cnt. Lender ms�y, at itc opion, rcyuirc immcdiate puynxnt in futl of �11 sumc socur�ai by thi• �
<br /> __, _ , 5ccuriry In�tnmxnt. Huwcver.thi�option ctull n��t be ezercisod by l.cnder lf exercise i�prohibited by federal law�s af thedue ;
<br /> . _ �+f thfn Sucurfry Imtrunknt.
<br /> If Lr.txlcr axcrci+c►this uptinn, l.ender stiull givc &�rrower ixxice of uaYlcn►tiun. The notice shall provide�prriod uf not
<br /> , � Ict` thun i0 duy� frum the Jate the n�xice is dclivercd or muiteci within whirh Rorrowcr must pay aU sums uxured by thix
<br /> '_� 5ecuriry Imtrunxnt. If��rn►wcr f�ils to puy thesc sums prior to thc cxpirutiun��f this perlod,L.er�ler may invoko any rcmodiec
<br /> � perm{tt�vl by this S�ruriry Inrtrunxat withuut furthcr ixKire or dcmand on Horrowcr.
<br /> ,,�, - lii. It��cruKe�•'� Rigl�t to Rcluswtc. If 13urroWcr nicets certain conditions, Borrower shuN huve the right to heve .r
<br /> enforcenxnt ��f thi. Securlty fnstrwnent discuntinuai at uny tinx prior tn tl�e earlier af: lu) 5 days (or such other periad as
<br /> - uppli.uhlc laN� n�y sperity ti�r rcinxtutcnxntl bcfurc wlc of thc Praperty pursuant to uny powcr of sulc contained M this
<br /> —�—° ��� S�xurity lntitrunknt;ur(b)entry of a juJgment enforcing thiti Securlty Instrument.Those canditions are that Borrower: (a)prys
<br /> �"-�';;:� Le�xler ull ,um�whicl�then wnuld be due under this Security Instrument:+ixl the I�lute as if no Acceleration had occurrod;(b)
<br /> "�"`j"°� cure�uny defuult oP any othcr covenam�or ugreementr; (c) pays ull oxpenses Incurrc�cl in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> �•'.��-:�"`,,,.� :� .`:r:'�• i�xluding, but nut li►uitcd to, nawnablc auomeys'fee�;and (d)takcs tiuch •rction u�I.ender may reasanably require to assure
<br /> — -:�:` � ' """ thut thc licn af this Secu�ity Intitrument,Lender'x ri�hts i�i the Propeny an�3&mawer's ubligation to pay the xums xecured by ___
<br /> �srd�'� '`� � . �,� '',,; this Security In�trument shaU cantinue unchan�ted. Upcm reinstaten�ent by Borrower, this Seeurtty lnstrunknt and the
<br /> — +� • f • � �ibligatiuns xecur�K!hereby shuQ remain fully effective u.if no uccelerution hud cxcurred. Huwever, this right to�einstate slwll
<br /> 'r<`.'•t • - � not upply in thc casc of urccicratiun undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> 1•tr.:! i'�• -.Y.;
<br /> -;,��„�.;:;. • -�• 19. �Ie af Note; Chs�n�;c uf Luan tierviccr. Thc Notc or a purtial intcrest in thc Note (togethcr with this Security
<br /> .- Imtrununtl may bc sold onc ur morc timc� withuut p�ior nrnicc tu Borrowcr.A�alc muy result in n chungc in thc cntity(known
<br /> � ati thc"l.i�an Scrviccr"1 thut r��Uccts mon►hly p:►ymcnu duc undcr the Note anci this Scruriry Instrume�t. There ulso may be one
<br /> � . ; or morc rhangrti nf the Lc�an Servicer unrcluted to u wle of the Note. If there is u chunge of the Loan Servicer,Bormwer wlll be
<br /> � given wriuen notice of the changc in urcurJan�r witl� purug��uph Id utxwe and applirable Inw.The notice wilt rtate the nameand _
<br /> � uJdre.�uf the new I.oan Servicer a�xi tik adJress to whirh payments should be nu+de. The notice will also contuin :iny aher
<br /> infarniation requircJ by applicubt:law.
<br /> 20. Hai�rduuti Substunr�w. Borruwer sh•rll n��t cau+e ��r permit thc prcticnrc, usc, dispi�+al, stor•rge, ar relcxsc of any
<br /> � HararJuu+ Subtit:mre, an ��r in the Prc�xrty. &irrc�w�r ,hull not du, nor •rllow •rnyone else to do, anything affecting the �
<br /> ' PruExrty that i. in vi��l�tiun uf any Fnvir��nmental l.aw. Thr preceJin� two sentencex shull nnt�pply to thc presence, use,vr �
<br /> sturugc un the Pru�x rty of,mull yuantitieti uf HaiarJnu� Substunce+that are generully recugnized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> residrntial u�e.anJ to maintenanre ol'thc Prupcny.
<br /> Borrowcr ,hull pnnnpHy givc I.cnJcr wriuc�i nutirr ol'any invcstigation. claim, demand. lawsuit or othcr action by any '-i`
<br /> ��rvcrnmentul or rrgulutory agency ur privatc party invalvin� thc Property anel uny Hui.�rdouti Subvtancc or Environmental law �"�
<br /> ' of which Borruwcr liati actual knowledgc. lf Barr��wcr learnti, i�r is ni�tifird hy any guvemmcnlul or rcgulatory authority,ihut —
<br /> uny removul i�r othcr remcJiation i�f uny Hur•rrdous Substancr uftcrting the Property i.r•neces,ary,B�rrower shall promptly tak�
<br /> ull nccc+sary mnmdial urtion+in arcurdanrr with Fnviromncntul L•rw. _.
<br /> - _.-_. . _ . .._ . As useJ in tiii� pa�agraph 2t3. "H:v;�rdou�Sub�ia�wr�" ure ti�o�r wi»taucc��tcfiu��i u+tuaiC oi hdlaiid�uti aubatuiii.es by r
<br /> Envir<mnuntal Laa� and thr ti�lluwing ,ub+tanrc�: giix�linr. kcr��unr. uthcr n�,�n�»:,ni� or taxic pctrolcum pralucts. roxic
<br /> petitiridr�and hcrbicideti,vulatilc,iilvrniti, matcrial+r�mtuining ayhc�t�»or fi,rmuldrhyde.and radioartivc materialti. As us�d i n �..
<br /> thiti p.irag�aph 20, "F.nvironmental Luw" mcanti tcdrral luw. and luwr ��f the,juriuliction where the Property is located that
<br /> relutr tu heulth. �utery or cnvirunmentul prutcctiun. �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Burrowrr and LcnJcr 1'urthcr ruvenant•rnd•rgrcc.�s fi�lluws:
<br /> . 21. Accclerutlon;Rem��di�w. Lender shull�;I�•e nntice to Bnrrm��cr prlor to arceleratinn fotlowin�Borroµer's brracl�
<br /> } nf uny� covenunt ar ukrecment in this ti�rnr(ty Instrument (but not prior tu accelerntton under par�graph t7 unl�s �:
<br /> app8cuble IuH• pro�•id�h other�siu). Thr nntice hhull spcYif;v: (a) the defuult; (b)thc action required to cure the default; �;�
<br /> `� (c)u dute. not liyz thun 30 ducs frum thr dute the notice is�;ivcn to 13orrnw�er. b}•�r•hich the defuult must be cured;and �_;`
<br /> �: (d) thut failure to cure thc dcfuult on or Ixfurc the dute sp�tiitied in thc notice muy result In acceleration of the sums �..
<br /> -� �caured b�� this S�tiurlty Instrument and sulc of thc Property�. The noticc shull further infiirm Borrow•er of thc rt�;ht to
<br /> t P reinstute after urcclerutiun und the right tn brtn� a court uction to utiscrt the non-�x(stence of a default ur any other
<br /> defense of Borroa•er to ucccleration und sule. If the dci'uult is not cured on ��r t►eforr the dete specified in the n�ttce,
<br /> I.ender, ut itti option, mu� reyuire immediute nu�mcnt in f'uN of ull sum.r• sccurcd M� thiz Security Instrumcnt �•ithout
<br /> . 1'uMhcr dcmund und mu� i�n•ukc the p►H�cr of'�ulc und uny othcr remedt�w perntitted b�upplicublc luw.I.ender shall be
<br /> ' . entitled tu coll�rt ull expentic.incurred in pur,uin}�thc remedics pro��ided in this paru{;raph 21,includinR,but not lirnited "-�
<br /> to.reusnnuble utto�ne�•s'fec�und cost+of dtle e�ldence. '
<br /> : If the p►�cer of sule i� incoked.7'rustee ti1wU r��m•d u nutice oF dcfuult in cuch count�• in«�hirh uny part of the
<br /> Propert� is I��cuted and shull muil copics af�uch notice in the manner pn�xr[bed b� uppUcuble Ixw to Burrow�er and to _
<br /> the nther{xrtiom presrribed b� applicuble lu�c. APter the time reyuirctl b� upplicublc lu«.7'ru�t�r sh�ll�;ivr public tiatice �'
<br /> � of'wlc tu thc{xrs��nx und in thc munuer presrribecl b� upplicublc lan. 7'rust�r. �+ith��ut demund m�Borro���er. shall seU �`
<br /> � the Pro�xrt��ut public uuctinn to thc hlkh�wt bidd�r ut the timc und pluce imd under the termti dcwignated in the nntice of Y '.
<br /> sale in unc or more purrcls und in unc ordcr'1'ruxtec detcriuineti.7'ruxt�r nun {H►.t��m�ulc uf aU�.r an} purcel of tha
<br /> . 1'ropeM� b�• public unn��unrement ut the time und plo�ce ot'um pre�iou�ly +chedulcd tiule. Lender ur its clesiunrr mu�•
<br /> , purchase the Yropertc nt um tisde.
<br /> � '
<br /> ; F Form 3028 9190
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