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d� .. � .-r 1 TJY(T"� . . }�, _ <br /> . � / ��'•, '�^ `• ' � .•a_�. l . <br /> - ..� . .._i - - -. .. _._ . . --.�� - <br /> .:--�_ _ _ �J �4,�0�448 - <br /> p�ymeaus tn�y no lonQer be roquirocl.u the option ot Lender,it mort�e inwrance cover�c(in the arnount urd for the puiod <br /> tiw Lerider roquira)provided by an inwirer approvod by Leoder apain beromex wvtil�ble and ic obtained. Horrower shall p�y <br /> !he prcmium�roquie�ed to m�intain mortg�e inwrance in effect,or to provlde a loss taerve, until the roquiremerK for tnott�e <br /> inwnnce ends in Aaoord�uxe with my written a�roement between Borcower and Lender ar�ppflcable faw. <br /> 9.Ia�pectiop, L,ende�or its s�gent may mske rcasonable entder upon�nd inspections of the Property.Ixnder�IWI�fve <br /> Barrower notice r�t thc time of or prior to�n inspcction spocifyinQ nceso�wblc cause far the Inspation. <br /> - 10. CondCmtwtbn. The proceedc of any award ar claim for dama�cs,dirat or consequential. in conncction with �ny <br /> — condemnation or othe�t�king of mny p�t of the PropeRy. or far cnnveyxnce in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assi�nod�nd � <br /> S' �h�11 be paid to Lende�. <br /> z In the event of A total tak�ng of thc Propeny.thc praceeds shail be applied to the sums securod by this Socurity Instrument, <br /> — -- whcther or not then due, with an excess paid to liorrower. ln thc event of a partial taking of the Property in which tht fdr <br /> — Y <br /> �n��� muket valua of thc Property immodiately beforc the taking is equal to or grcater than the amonm of the sums saured by this <br /> �.�.,m,.,,�„� Secur�ty Instrument immedfately 6efore the taking.unless Borrower ar�d Lender otherwise agree ln writing, the sums socurod by <br /> _ _-----___ ° this Securlry Instrument shall be reducod by the amount of thc proceeds multiplied by thc follawing fraction: (a) the tdrl <br />