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— � r,,'�,v . _ ._ <br /> M. <br /> .t"_".__ _ _�__ � -- �_ - ..__ _"_ `-_ ::''�'�_.- ' <br /> S. Hwrd ar Pt+n�wty iwranoe. Bomnwer�hall koop tbe Improvornent� rov�� or'f�erdR��od on thc <br /> PropenY inwrcd a�l�ut lur�by fire, hararda included wlthin the term"extendod oover�ge"and�ury other h�rdc. inctuding <br /> tloods or Ooodin�,for which Lendser requircs inwranoe.Thi:inwcan�x:hal!be maintainod in�he�mounts wd fw the periods <br /> that l.ender requira. The inwrance curier providing the inwrar�ce�hall he chosen by dorrawer wbJxt to L.ender'�approvd <br /> which�hall not be unreruon�bly withheld. If Bnrrower fails to mainwin cove�ye descrlbod ubove, Li:rnkr m�y. �t L.e�der'� <br /> optlon,obtuin covernge ta protect Lender's rights in the Pruperty ln�ecordunce wlth parugraph 7. <br /> All insurancc policics ud renewds dwll be aoapqble to I.�nder u�d shnll includc a styndnrd mortQa�c cl�use. Ixnder <br /> shnll havc the rlght to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender roquires,Borrower shall promptly give to Letder all roafpts of <br /> - — paid pcemiums and rcnewal notias. In the eveat of low.Borrower shall�ive prompt notice to the insuntut carrier u�d l�en�lec. <br /> Lender tnay mttke proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless Ler�der a.nd Borrower wherwisa agroc in wrtting,irusurance procEoeds shall be applied to restoration or cepair of the <br /> Property d�ged.if the restors►tion o�repair is economically feASible and Lender's sa:urity ia not lessened.If the cestoruion or — <br /> repalr is not eoonomically feasible or Lender's security would be lescenod.the insuranoc pracoods chrll be applied to the wms <br /> securcd by this Security Instrument. whethcr or not thcn duc, wtth �ny oxcess paid to Barrower. If Bomnwer abandotu the <br /> Pmperty,or doos not answer withm 30 days�notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offerod ta setde A claim.tlxn <br /> l.ender may oolloct the insurance prcxoeds. Lender may use the poocaeds ta rcpstir or nstare the Property or to pay sums <br /> securod by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when tho natice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwisc agrec in writing. eny application of praceeds to principal shall not extcnd or <br /> ' postpone the duc datc of thc monthly payments refcrrod to in par�graphs i and 2 or changc the anwunt of the payments. If <br /> '.` under pYragraph 21 the Property is acquirod by Ixnder. Borrower's right to any insurance policia and proa�ods rcsulting from <br /> � dartwge to the Praperty prior to the acquisitian siwll pACS ro Lender to the extent of the sums socured by this Socurity lnstrument _ <br /> ^--'�%'`"'=- immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> • "'�^��"'� � 6.Oaup�ncy,Freservatton�Mointen�nce wnd Protection ot the Property;Borrwwer's I.own ApplicAtion;I.easelwlds. <br /> ..•t`'''�t' " Borrower shall occupy,establish,and uu thc Praperty as Bonower's principal rcsidence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> ... . <br /> •�.,....:.,. ...� `. <br />- m,-4�.: - -. this Security Instrument and shall continue ta occupy the Praperty�.+Horrower's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> ° ��`� the datc of occupancy, unless l.ender otherwisc agrees in writin , which consent shalf not nreasonabl wfth eld or unless <br /> :�^. •- • , � extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impzir the <br /> • •� � �. Property. allow the Property to deteriorute, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> ' � actio�ar pracc�eding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in l.e�der's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> r�j,.�,,�...,,.•:: � Property or atherwise muterially impair the lien creatc�by this Security In trument or L.ender's Securiry interest. Borrower may <br /> , . ., cure such a default and reinstate,us provtded in paragrrph 18,by causing the action or proccxding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> .,�. .._�_. ___, ' � that, in Lender's good faith determinution, precludes fo�feiture of the Borrowcr's intercst in thc Property or oiher material <br /> •• impairtnent of the lien created by this Scxuriry instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in dafault if <br /> Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate inform�tion or statements to I.ender(or failed <br /> . to provide Lender with any material inforniation)in connection with the loan evidenccd by the Note,including,but nat limited = <br /> to,representations c�ncerning Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security[nstrument is on a —"' <br /> �- <br /> Ieasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisionx of thc lease. [f Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny. the _ <br /> . s leaschold and the fee titic shail nut mcrgc unless Lc►xicr agrceti to thc mcrger in writing. <br /> -' . 7.Protection of I.ender's RiRht�in the Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform the mven:►nts and agrecments wntainod in <br /> �,- this Security Instrumen4 or there is a Iegal prcxeeding that muy significanNy uffect Le�xlcr's rights in the Property(such as a =- <br /> _ . �- procceding in bankruptcy,probate, tor condemnatiun or fi�rfciture or to cnforrc laws ar regulatirn►ti),then I.ender may do and �' <br /> •' .. � pay for w�hatever is necessury tn pr<itert the v;�lue uf thr Property and I.cnder's rights in thc Pmperty. Lender's actions may '9 <br />