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'�� : . ___ <br /> �� � � <br /> _ ��� ` � <br /> TOOBTHBR Wl'PH�il llfe improvanaM�now a 1�aAar erocted on tlie propaKy.and dl���'a�m*�no�� <br /> � Axtura now or hera�Aer a p�rt of the property. All roplaoement� �td rlditiau ahrll �Iw be oov�nd by tl� 9rowity <br /> Int�uma�t.All af the tone�oin�is rofemod to in thi:Savrity lr�sut�ma�t�s the "ProportY•' <br /> f BORROWPR COVBNANI'S thu Boimwa is uwMlly�ei�ed o[the a�ute haroby a�aveyad an�!hM�he r1�M b�nat�sd <br /> , oonvey the Propmty�nd �.h�t the PropeKy i� una�curt�band, ezapt for erw,vmbrances of recard. Barower warr�nu�od witl <br /> defand generalty the iitle to the PropertY�air►st�1!cWm��nd danar�ds.wbJa.�t to�ny e�c.�urnbnnoes of t+ecor+d. <br /> - ; THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT oambines uniform oovcnants fur n+tluno! u�e and noa-uniform oove�rW wlth IiaiiNd <br /> I vuiationt by jurl�diction to conui�tute a unl:orm�ecudty imtnun�nt oovaina ral prq�erty. • <br /> - -�----------------�-- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and 1.enckr snd agree ne f�llows: <br /> �� 1. Pxyaknt of PctnclPd ond interati Pr�lx9akat and late ChaRes. Borrower ehdl proity�tlY P�Y when due 1be <br /> ' principal of and inte[at oe the debt evidenood by the Note and any ptepwymrnt Ar�d I�te char�a due under the Note. <br /> � 2. F�nd�tor Taxtx aud Inwr�nce. Subject to applicable law or ta A writtcn wa�ver by Lende�. Borrowrr�hall pay to <br /> � L,er�der on the day monthly pay�nents ue due under the Note,until tho Note is paid jn full. �sum('Funds"�for:(a)yarly tua <br /> ' and assessments which may attain pdodty over this Security lnstrument as s�lien on the Property:(b)yearly leaselwld payrt�aus <br /> or grcwnd rents on the Property,if any;(c)yearly haxard or property inwranoe prcmiums; (d)yearly flaod insur�noe p�+emiumt. <br /> if any: (e)yearly mortgage insurunce premiums, if any:a�d(�any sum.q pyabie by Borrower to[.ender, in�ccordatrce wlth <br /> i the provisions of pangraph lieu of the payment of mongage insurance prcmiums. 1'txse items�re called"Escrow Iterns." <br /> Lender may. at any time, collect and hotd Funds in an amount not to exccod the mxximum amount a lender for a feder�lly <br /> rclated mortgage toan may requtre for Borrower's escrow acoount under the foderal Real Fstate Setdement Proc�edures Act of <br /> • • 1974 as amendal from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another lAw that upplies to the Funds <br /> — I aets a Iesser amount. If so, Lender may. at any time. collxt und hold Fu�ds in yn emount not to excoed the lesser wnount. <br /> f Lender may estimate the am�unt of Fwxta Jue un the Ir�tsi,of current data uid reasonablc cstim�tcx of expendituc�a of fuwre <br /> _ I Eserow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entity <br /> I (including L.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fodernl Home Loan Aunk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay tbe <br /> Escrow Iums. I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow Account,or <br /> _ I vedfying the Bscrow Items,unlcss I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds ttnd applicable law pe�mits i.ender to make such <br /> ,,, .� j a charge. owever, er - me c arge ar an independent rea estate tax nportmg servi� <br /> , � used by L.ender in rnnnoction with this loan, unless applicabfe law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or <br /> � � ���x��� applicable law requires interest to be paid.l.endcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> . �,,� Borcowcr and I.ender may agrec in writing,however, that interest shall be pnid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. <br /> " , � '�' `'�= without charge,un annuul accountins of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which exh <br /> -�„�..;..� ;_.:�'�. . �. debit io the Fsnds was�acl�.Ttsc Pands arc plcdbcd a�additiona!securi�y far a!!sams secar�b;this S�utity Insttvsttent. <br /> �:�-••� � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the pmount�permitted to be held by applicable lew,Lender shull account to Sorrower <br /> � for the excess Funds in Accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the umount af the Fundc held by Lender at any <br />-_ • •• time is n�t sufficient to puy the Eurow Items when due,Lender mxy w notity Borrower in writing,und, in such case Bocrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount neceswry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> - ,• . • twelvc monthly payments,at l.ender's u�le discretion. <br /> °�`��`� ° Upan payment in fuQ af all sumti secured by this Security I�ntrument, Lender shall prompNy refund to Borrower any <br /> � ' Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, L.ender shall ucquire or sell the Property.C.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> � •`�` `. - . of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.endcr ut the time of ucyuisitic�n or aale as u credit asainst the sums secured by <br /> __�►� this Sccurity Instrun�cnt. <br /> 2� 3.Application of Payments.Unless;�pplicable!aw provid��i�iherwixe,all paymentz received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> � .i,,,fri,t.r�*t..,�,-:' 1 and 2 shull bc applied: tirst,tu�ny prcpaymrnt rhurges duc under thc Nac; second, to amounts puyable under parugraph 2; <br /> �� ' third,to interest due; prinripul duc;And tast, to any latr charges due undcr thc Notc. <br /> � `�. 4. Cht�rg�; i.iens, 13��rri�wcr�hall pay all taxes, atitics,mcnts, rharg�s,fnes and im�xnitions attributable to the Property <br /> s which may attuin priority over this Security Intitrumcnt, and Ira�chold payment. or Fround rents, if any. BoROwer shall pay <br /> � these obligations in the munner providcJ in paragruph 2,or if not paid in that manner. &ir mwer shall pay them nn time directly <br /> • to thc person owed puyment. &�rrower�hall pmmptly furni.h to IxnJcr al l nc�tirc�uf umuunt,to hc paid undcr this paragraph. <br /> . If Borrc+wer makes thexe paymentti direrd��.Bc�rruwer�hull promptly furni�h iu Lender rerript.eviJcncing the paymentc. <br /> ' 'r• Horrowcr shall pcompdy dis�har�:c any lien which ha�priurity uvrr tl�i,Srruriq• Intitrumcnt unlr,�Borrowcr: (a)ugrcc�in _ <br /> writing ro the payment of the ohligation securcJ by thr lirn in a mamirr arccptuhlc tu I.�nder;tb)r� g«xi faith thc lien <br /> '._.�' by, or dcfcnd� :tg:�inst enforcemcnt of the li�n in. le�al pr<krcJing. ahid� in thc Lrndcr'� upini�m uperatc to prevcnt the <br /> _ enforeement of thc lien;cir(r),rrurc�frum thc lu�ldcr ot'thc licn an agr�rnxnt.ati.tactaq• tu Lcndrr sutx�rdinati�g thc licn to _ <br /> _ this Sccuriry Inst�umcnt. If Lcndrr drtrrniinr.that ain� pan��f thc Pru�xrty i� whjc�t tu a licn u�hirh may attain priority ovcr _ <br /> ;. , � this Security Instrunxnt. Lendcr may givr&irro�ccr a niuirr i�rntifying thc lien. li�ir�ow•er.haU�ati,ty thc licn or takc�ne or _ <br /> ;; �j mom of thc actiorrm ut fonh abovc within IU da�•.of thc giving uf nutirc. <br /> , j Fwm 3028 a1�0 <br /> • Ppe2olG <br /> '� 4 • . <br /> ' � , - <br /> ;r� . . . , � ,. -- . ,rv..•..,a�.:. ,. ._........-- - -. ,--t."�..�. rw`wwr�u•�-rnrr-r.r--.._.,,.�„ .,-,S <br /> �- . . <br /> ,- - 1 �;------------.— _ _ . <br /> w <br /> , �.. <br /> 1 � <br /> .' <br /> ` , � , . <br /> � <br /> . � r' � <br /> 4 <br /> � <br /> J � _ <br />