.� "' " ;���� µ• {Y . _ ^+"'8'Trl._._.
<br /> i=
<br /> ',� � -`_ __--' � —
<br /> -_-----� ""'� � � eomow.r �n.y o�w .uon a d.aw� .nd nw,aw, u �o�a.a �n p.nv�h�e� by au�kio th� sdlon a�oa.drp w b. — --
<br /> db�niwd wkh a n�Nnp th�t.b l�'�pood hllh dMwn�kwdbn�Pr�dudM torMNut+�W th�Bortow��k�t�t h th� PropNty or
<br /> atha nr1MW Nnp�Mm�nt d th�Mrn anN�d by thl� B�otMMy N�MmM a L�nd�t's s�oirMy btwwL 8a►owK � �Mo M In
<br /> d�ll M Oam,w.►,dwY�p 11N lon�PP��P►�••Y��wM MM.or In�oar.l.inia+nrYon a we.n�b l�ndw(or
<br /> I�Nd to provid� Lw1dlr wlth �ny n�rW M�IomMtlon) b oorwMelfon wNh Ih�lo�n �vldNfad by th� NoN� MwM+dr1Q bul not�
<br /> MmN�d to� nqw�nlaioe� oono�rnMip Ea►w�"� ooaip�noy al tM ProprAy �s a pNdpN nNid�no�. N thM 8�owky.p
<br /> ------------ Nninww�t Is on a I�u�hold. Bortow�r shrl oarpy wNh M th�provWon� ot th•Maa. N oortoww wquYw iw tl� to tM 1
<br /> - Prop�Ay.tM IMS�hold�nd lh�1»tNN shM not m�W tx�s Lmd�t�� to tM m�rpr h vwMM►Q.
<br /> 7. Prot�otton M I.rnd�r'�Rlghb in tIN Prop�rty.n s«row.r I�r. w p«fam 1h.oov�na .na apn.nMna � .
<br /> .� conWn�d h thls S�arKy Instn�n�nt,a 1lNt� i� a M9M f�o«�9 ��Y�rY �Mot Und�r's rlphts h th�R'op�RY
<br /> : � � (auefi�s�proo�adh�p In ba+im�ptay,p►obata,tor oond�nn�Mon a IorMMw�or w mbra Mws a npuitlkx��).th�n ��ndK mry
<br /> do�nd pay la wh�bw►a a�assary to prot�at tIN vrw ol tM Prw,►�ty�nd L�+dw'��hla in th�Pro�ty. L�nd�r'�actlons
<br /> _ �I � nwy Ndud� p�yln0 anY wms s�ow�d by � Mn whkh h�s piorky ov�r thh 8�a�ky Instnrn�nt� �ppMrY�p h oowl, M1*W
<br /> .�:yla=�:;=r.�� nuorwbN�ttamrys't�and mt�rNp on th�PropMiy to m�k�np�Ms.Althouph LmdK m�y tak�acqon und�r tNs pwpnph �
<br /> r-;�.,;:�� -�,., 7.Unda doM not 1►�w W do�o.
<br /> �r+i„"_• , , �.�� My Mrwix�b dlstwts�d by L�nd�r und�r p�nqaph 7 s►wM b�oonw�ddNbnv dNit of Bartow�t wound 'py thu S�curky
<br /> I�::e�kniti[�i
<br /> — �---.:���,�,:v�s;.,� I�sUnm�nR UnUs� Bortow�► and L�ndK apn�to othu t�ms d p�ym�nt, th� amounb shaM bMr int�nst hom tM d�U ot
<br /> �-=�i�,t_,�, dbbunMn�nt�t th�Note nte md�h�N bs p�yrbN,wilh int�r�st,upon notla irom Und�r to Barowu nqu�slinq p�ym�nt.
<br /> r.=:c.-=.--; -- 8. IIAort� Inwr�11C�. B L�nd�r nquHd mortp��intunna as a condNbn ol m�khp th� tan s�cund by this
<br /> - '. =�.•;�i-. S�aurity instrum�nt, 8orrower sh�N p�y tM prwniunw nquk�d to m�kitak�th�matq�p�insunnc�h Ml�ct. H,fo►any rMSOn�1M
<br /> A•,r,ci;:,�u,,,.;,;,:,,;,.,;,.. morty�y�insuranc�cor�ye nquired by Land�r I�psa or a�s�a to be h Mhct, BorrowK shaM pay the pr«rMirn� nquk�d to
<br /> .��,,.. __ .....,...-;:.':,� obtaM cowra� subttmtwNy �quhratmt to th�matp�ye inwr�nc� prwlou�ly N �� at a cost subslanWJly �qukal�nt to the ---
<br /> "a.' .�t.;.••>.. �d LN1dK. H
<br /> .f.as..t,L,.,,:.a • • cost to Bortow� of th� mortgq� inwrana prwiousy in �Ihct, 1rom an ak�maM mat�p� insw�r �v bY
<br /> ;.;:;:.'_: '. �; sub�t�nti�My w�uNd�nt morty�y�fnaunna cowny�is not avNMbM,Borrow�r ttwM pay to L�nd�r Mch month �wm�qwi to
<br /> on�twNRh of ths ywly motty�p�inwranot prwdum beinp paid by BarowK wh�n tlw Insunna cown�Mps�d or a�sed to
<br /> . , be in dfwt. I.�nd�r wW acc�pt,us��nd r�(n thaa paym�nl�as a bu retw�in IIw of mo+tp+q�Insw�nu. Loss roserve _
<br /> 3� ' p�yrrwnb may no lonpK b��aquk�d,at th�option ot Und�r. N rnortp��insumc�cov�r+�y�(in the�rtwunt and tor th� pMod �
<br /> that L�nd�r nquka) provW�d by an Inwnr approv�d by Lendr ap�h baom�s avallaW�and b obta(n�d. Bortow�shaN pay --
<br /> � tht pr«niums nquk�d to mainWn mortyape inaurance in elbct,or to p►ovide a bss ruerve,until th�rpuY�m�nt for mortq�ye
<br /> . Inwrance enda in accordmc�with any wrftt�n apre�ment bMw�en Bortowu and L�nda�or appYabk kw.
<br /> � 9. insp�ction.L�ndar ar Ns apsnt rtwy make n�sonaW��trtss upon md insp�ctions of th�Prop�ty. Lnc��haM pive
<br /> eorrowa noUc�at thA tNn�of w priw to�n hapection sp�ciyln0 rM�onabM cws�for th�Inspection. _
<br /> 10. Cond�mn�tlon. The praeeeds of�ny awud or cwm (a d�mapea, cw�ct or conspuenUat,h eonn�dion wfth any =—
<br /> condanmtton or oth�►t�Wnp ot any part of th�Prop�rty, or ta conwy�nc� in W�u of condMmatlon, an h�nby�ssipn�d and _
<br /> ' shal b�paW to L�ndu.
<br /> In the event of a toUl Ukiny of the Property, the proc�eda ahal be eppfled to th� sums securad by thi: S�cutity
<br /> Inswm�nt,whKhK or�wt then due,wflh�ny excess pdd to Borrow�t. In th�sv�nt of a partW Ukiny of ths Propsrty in whfch _
<br /> ._ _ __ . _.. ..._ th�f�fr muket valu�of the Property hxnediately be(on th�takhg is aqwl to or yre�tK than ihs amount of the wmt s�aued
<br /> by this Security Insttummt tmmsdhtely b�fore the Lkhy, unl�ss Borrow�r �nd Lender otherwis� ayne In wmnp, th� sums v
<br /> secured by thia Securily Instrument ahaA be reduced by the amount ot the proceeds nwlt(pliad by th�tolbwinq inctlon: (a)the
<br /> toG�l amount ot ths suma sacured immediatey before the taktnp,dhridad by (b)the i�tr m�tket value of the Propwty imnsd{rtely �:=�=
<br /> • befor�the takinp.My ba►u�ce aha4 b� p�id to Bortower. In the svent of�pwtl�l takkiy ot the Propaty in which ihe Wr mvkat �. •
<br /> ' value ot the Property immediatey bMore the t�klnp is teas than the�mount of the sums saausd immsdiatay be(an th� takhq, f
<br /> . . � uniesa Borrower and Lender othervrlae agree in wtitinq or uniess appiieabte kw othaw(se provides, th• praNds shali bo �_�
<br /> k • applied to the sums s�curod by this Security�nswm�nt wh�her or not the suma u�thm due. "['°'°
<br /> if tfi� Prop�rty la abandon�d by Bortow�r,w M, alter noUa by Lendu to Borrow�t that the condertw►or oflen to make an
<br /> (� •^;
<br /> awud or sottN a d�Yn for d�naya, Borrowu faNs to �espond to Londer wkhin 30 daya aRw lhe d�ta the noGce is yfven,
<br /> ���• LandK is autho�iz�d to collect�nd apply th� proceada, at(ts opUon, vithar to �estoratbn or r�patr ot th� Properly a to th� �::�.
<br /> suma sacur�d by thls Sscurily Instrument,whNher w not then due.
<br /> , • � , Uniess Lendx and Borrower otherwise ayree In writk►y, any �ppYcation ot proceeds to princ.ipat shaN not extend a �
<br /> postpon�the due datr of the monthy payments retened to in pvaynphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount at such paymenta.
<br /> • 11. Borrow�r Not R�I�as�d; Forbasranc� By I.ond�r Not• Waiv�r. Ext�nabn of ihe tkne ta p�yrn�nt or p
<br /> modiAuUon of�mortix�lbn of the aums secured by thls Security InaWm�nt ynnted by Lender to any successor in htenst of �
<br /> i Borrower shall not operate to reletae th�AabNiry of the orlginel Borrower or 8orrower's auccessors In int�rest. Lender shall not p,
<br /> { be tequked to comm�nce procaedkiys apalnst any successor In interest or refuse to e�tend tkne tor payment or othenvise ��
<br /> ! modify amortixaUon of the sums secured by thls Secudty InsVument by reaaon ot any denwind madQ by lhe oriyinY Barow� w
<br /> I Borrower'a successora in Interest. My torbs�nnce by Lmder In �xerdsiny my riyht or remedy aha4 not b��w�Ner ot or
<br /> pneiude the exorclse ot any rlght or remedy. �°
<br /> 12. Succeasors and Assiyns Bound; Joint and Severat Liabiitty; Co-siynors. The wven�nts and ,�
<br /> apraements of this 5ecurHy Instrument shall bind�nd benefit the successors and assigna ot Lender and Bortower,subJect to the �;
<br /> . provlalons ot parayraph 17. Borrower s covensnts and ayreemmta ahall be Joht and seveni. My Bortower who co•aipna thit
<br /> Securfty�nstrument but does not execute tha Note: (a)ts co•siyning this Secudty Instrumont only to mortgape, yr�nt and convey
<br /> that Bonowor's int�rest k► th�Property undor the terms ol this Security Inst�ument: (b) is not parson�Ny obliy�Ud to pay tha
<br /> t sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c)ayrees that Lender and my othe► Borrower may agree to ex[end, modtty,
<br /> ', forbear or rtwke any eccommodationa with regerd to the terms of thls Secu�ity instrummt or the Note without tluit BonowK'a
<br /> . consent.
<br /> t 13. Leratl Charge�. Ii the Ioen secured by this 3ecuriry �nstrument is subJect to a law which �ets maximum ban
<br /> ` charyes, and that Iaw is finaily interpreted so that the k►terest or other Ioan charges coAected or to be collected In connection
<br /> !`" with the loan exceed the permitted IimRs,then: (a) any such loan charge ahall be reduced by the amount necesury to reduce
<br /> ' the charye to the permitted limit: and (b) any sums already collected from Bortower whkh exceeded permitted limita wYl be
<br /> � refund�d to BoROwer. Lender may choose to make this relund by reducx�� the principai owed u�dar the Note a by makln9 a
<br /> . dkect payment to Bortower. If a refund reduces pdncipal, the reductlon wip be tre�t�d as a patiai prep�ym�nt wqhout any
<br /> prcpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> ' 14. Notieos.My notice to Borcower provided for in ihis Security Inatrument sh�N be qkon by deliveriny it a by mailiny it
<br /> .� • by flrat ciass meA uniess appliable I�w requkes use of another method. The noUce shaU be dkected to the F'roperty Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower desiqnatea by noUce to Lender. My notice to Lender shaY be pivan by flnt cts:s rn�A to
<br /> �• � . Lendar's address stated herein or eny other address Lander desiqnates by notice to BorrowK. My noGce prorlded 1or in thls
<br /> � � S�curity Instrument sheN bo de�med to have been �iv�n to Bortower or Under when qiven �s provlded h thls pmyraph.
<br /> ! 15. GavY�ninp Lpw; S�v�rYbility. This Secudry Instrument shap be govemed by lederat I�w pnd IhQ I�w ol tha
<br /> � Jurladictlon in wh�h the P►operty Is bcats�i. In ih� event that�ny provlsbn or ci�use of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' conlYds with�ppYc�bie I�w, nuch contlkt ahaA not aflect othar provlsions ot Ihia Secudty Instrumant a!he Note whkh can be
<br /> �� � yHen eif�c:without the con111ctkiy provfsion. To thl� �nd th� provislons of thta Securfty Instrument and the Note ue deciared to
<br /> ; be sevenbie.
<br /> , � 18. BO�fOWl�'s COpy. Bartower shall be yivm one contormed copy of ihe Note and of thls Security Inewm�nt.
<br /> _ i �
<br /> � F1316.LM6(tYy3) V�pe 3 of 5 ��/ �l`q
<br /> . . rj' ' ^
<br /> .
<br /> o3Ttn lM �
<br />