.�_ . . ��1�`�.�1 �( !. ...,=. .
<br /> � .1... : •�. __. �,��.
<br /> _._ • - -- -
<br /> :.� - -��v"�� . ,
<br /> TOOETHEA YfAI'H�M ih� MnProv�►mnt�now a h�R+r r�d�d on th� p►opKty,�nd vl �asMrints. �ppurtwnc�s. �nd
<br /> 1bAwr� now ar h�n�ltw�p�rt d/M prcipMry. INI npkanwntt�nd�ddMbn�ah�N Nw b�oownd by q�is S�arlly IntinxiwN.
<br /> � A1 0l th�brpok�p Is rN�rt+�d to h t!�8�ew�My in�hun�nt u th�•R'c�p�ty•
<br /> gpqppyyEp ppyENAN1g t�t gartow�r Is �wk�r s�it�d ol fh� � h�nby oonv�y�d�nd hu th�dpht to pnr►t and�
<br /> canvey 1M P►op�tY �nd th�t ths P►o�ty M unmwmbK�d� �ocdpt fa mambnna� ot ncord. BarowK wrnnb and w�
<br /> d�Mnd p�n�r�yr th�tltl�to th� Propwly ap�Ynt aM a1�Yn�M�d dmwid�,wbNol b any�na�nbnnoN of r�ootd. �
<br /> --- YH19 9ECURITY IN9TRUMENT oombN�s unMam oa��twfts b�► n�NorW us� �nd nomw�Morm oov�nanU wMb [mit�d � -
<br /> = vef�tbns by Jwfsdction to oonstlWt�a unHam s�ourNy b�4unwnt oovMY�p tMt prap�rty. �
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANT9. 8arow�t luid L�nd�r oovwl�nt�nd�yrN�s IoMowr. p
<br /> �. P.yn,.nc a P.�nc�� .na iM.r..� Pnw.ym.nc.na �..c. cn.r�...e«�K�nar a«�w�►a�r�«+Fi
<br /> ' dw th��dp�l ot sod Int�ns!on th�d�W Nridmad by ih� Nob md rnY P��WY�t�nd W�charyM dw untNr th�Not�.
<br /> �=� 2. unds �or T�xos and Inwranco.&ub}wt to a�Yub{�taw or to a wdtt�n walve�by Lender.Horrower ehdl pay W _-.
<br /> to L�nd�t oo th�cMy monthN Wyr�wnb an du�w�du th�Nol�. untll th� NoN A paid In IuN.a wm ('Fund�')for. (�) yMry�
<br /> . ------ taxa �nd au�ssm�nb whkh nwy �tWn pdorky ovM thl� S�auky I��trurn�t u • Mm on th� Proprty: (b) Yw1Y {ws�hold�
<br /> ��r� • paym�nts w yround nnts un th�Propaty.M any; lc)YwfY h�zvd or propMty Inwnna pnn�lums: (� YrrIY lood Inwmc�
<br /> �-'"=�� pr�nrums,M�nY: I�I Yw�Y nwrtq�q�inwtana pr�ms.M�ny,and(�any wn�P�Y�bM bY Bomoww to Und�r in acco►d�nc�
<br /> y1,���v���yi��"i":�� wNh th�provbion� of p�rapnph 8, In N�u of th�payrn�nt of moApay� inwnnu pr«rAum�. Th�s� R�ms w e�N�d 'Esaow
<br /> ,,.: �_•---°=-�--�-•- Itwns.' Lend�►may, �t any tNn�, cW�ct �nd hold Fund� h an�rrwunt not to �xcwd th�m�xknum amount a I�ndK fa a
<br /> — _ '�__�^s,�.: �_.,� f�dwaqy nlat�d maty�y� lan nxy requir�ta 8orrowx's e�crow�ccount unda th�t�d�r�l Rwt Eatat�SNtl�nMnt P►ac�duns
<br /> � f� Act ot 1974 �u am�nd�d hom tkn�to tNn�, 12 U.8.C.�2601 d e�q. ('RESPA'), unlns anothr I�w thtl appNea to th� Funds
<br /> ���• :�., � . s«s a I�ss�amount. if so,L�dK rrwy, at�ny Wn�, cW�ct�nd hotd Funds in an �mount not to �ccNd the hssK�mount.
<br /> , .. i::.,,'�` Lander rn�y �Wrute th�amouM of Funds r�u� on 1he basis o(curt�nt d�ta and�MSaiabN atYn�ta ot �p�ndlWr�s af lutun
<br /> --:.:,,,=::�.:.<:�.• ,•�,;, Esaow Itama or oth�rwk�N►accordu�c�v�dh�ppYabM l�w.
<br /> � #'..; ^ . : " Th�Fundt sh�M b�hMd In an InstiWUon whos�d�posNs u�inwnd by a t�d�rd�yency� In�trummWity,or�ndly(Indudinp
<br /> �•• . 'i�, LYnd�. N L�nd�r Is such r hstkuUon)ot N any F�d�ral Hom� Lan Bank. L�nder shaW appy th�Funds to pay th�Esaow
<br /> .. . Itams. Lend�►may not char�� BoROw�r for holdk�p and�ppiyhp th�Fundf,annwNy andyrM�p ths aaow account, or reriy(nq
<br /> �� . � � th� Eserow Ilara, uniess La�der p�ya tJortower htersst on the Fu�de �nd �ppNrabN I�w p�rmits L�ndK to mok� suoi► a _
<br /> ; chuys. Howwer, L�nder rtKy rpuk� BoROwer to p+�y a onaUtn�ctw�e fa �n Independ�r►t re�l �sUte hx reportkip a�tvlca �
<br /> � used by L�nrMn c �onn�ction wRh this Ian, uni�ss appNcable ww ptovtd�s othawise. UnNss an ayr�nent la m�d� w
<br /> �pplic�bl�law requkes Intenst to b� p�id, L�nder�haN not be requkQd to p�y Borrowr any intKast w Nminga or► the Funds.
<br /> . 8or►owK and L�nder may �pree in w�linp, howw�r, th�t Int�trst shaN be p�ld on th� Funds. Londr shaY yiv� to BoROwK. —
<br /> �� � wRhout chuy�, an annual �ecounUny of th�Funde, showinp credlh and d�blts to ths Funds and th�putpos�for whkh Mch
<br /> d�bit to th� funds was made. Ths Funds art pledped�s �ddkbn�l secu�ity for aA auma secured by the Seeurtty Instrum�nt. _
<br /> i}thv Funds hetd by Lender excead the amounts pertdtt�d to be h�id by ap�Ik.abie taw. Lenda sh�il �ecount to Bortower __
<br /> ., (or the �xc��� Funds h aceord�nce wkh the requk�tnmts ot appNc�bls kw. if ths amount o(ihe Fund�hNd by L�nder at any —
<br /> tkne Is not wifldent to p�y ths Escrow it«ns whm du�, Undar m�y so notNy Bot►ow�r In wrkMiy, and,in tuch c+is�Borrowar ��-
<br /> shaM pay to Under the amount neces�uy to m�ke up th�doAd�ncy. Botrow�r shalt mak�up the daAci�ncy (n no ma�than
<br /> twNv�monthy paymenb,at Lender's sot�di�cretlon. -
<br /> Upon paym�nt in fuil ot all sums s�cund by this Security Inawment, Lender shaW p►ompty r�fund to Bo�rower �ny Funds
<br /> �
<br /> hdd by L�ncMr. If,und�r pmtslraph 21,L�ndK sh�U acquke or seN ths Prop�rty, Lend�r. prtor to th�aequlaition or sais of the �i�•
<br /> � Property,ahaY apply any Funds hMd by L�nd�r at th�tim�ot acqulafUon or sab aa �c►adit �yatnst th� sums s�cund by thfs ��
<br /> 3�writy Inat�ument. —
<br /> 3. Applicatlon of P�ymonb. Unleaa �pplicable taw providea otherwiae, aN payments raceived by Lendx under �
<br /> parayr�phs t and 2 shsll be�ppikd: tkst.to any prepayment chuqes dus undx ths Note; second,to amounts payabi� undsr �,
<br /> pa�praph 2;thfrd,to hterest due;tourth,to prtncipd due; and I�at to any i�ta ch�rgss dw und�r the Note. �.,t;"
<br /> 4. Ch�ryo�; UYt1�. Borrower sh�l pay �II taxes, aaseasments, cheryea, flnsa and impoaltbna attributabie to the ,�•,
<br /> ` � � Property which may Atlak� prbNry ovw lhis Sncurity Instrumw�t,�nd Ieasohoid poymente or qround rents,R any. Bortower shail
<br /> :. • � pay these obYpaUons In the manner provtded in parayraph 2, or If not patd in that manner, Botrower ahaA pay them on time �:,�
<br /> dlrectly to the peraon owed payment. Borrower ahall promptty tumish to Lender dl ootieea of amounts to be p�id under this
<br /> parayraph. If Borrower makes thaae paymenta direclly, Bo�ow�r sh�N promptly tumish to Lend�r nc�ipts �vid�ncinp the �._.
<br /> �'% p�yments.
<br /> Bonower shoA promptiy d{scharge any Ilen which has priwlty over thls Sacurity Instrument unlcss Darrower. (a)apreec in �'` ,
<br /> �f writing to the p�yment of the obllyation aecured by tha Ilen in a rn�nner accspUbie to lender, (b) cont�sts In yood f�fth the
<br /> Ilen by, or defends apdnat entorcement ot the Nen in, legat proceedings whkh in the Lendds op�nlon op�rate to ptewnt the
<br /> entorcement of the Ilen: or(c) secures hom the holder of the Yen�n �greement setisi�ctory to Lender aubwdirnUng the Ilen to
<br /> this Securky InstNment, it lender determines thet any part of the Property is subJect to n Uen which may attdn priority over this '
<br /> � Secutity Inatrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyk�9 the Nen.BoROwer sh�A saGaty the Ii�n or take ono a mon of �,
<br /> the actions set forth above within 10 d�ys o1 the qiviny oi notice.
<br /> 5. Hazard or P�oparty Insuranco. BoROwer shaN keep the improvements now existiny or heratter erect�d on the
<br /> Properly insured apaMst Ioss by fire, hazerds included within the term 'extended coverage` and any other hezuds, I�cluding ��
<br /> � floods or 1loading,fw which Lender requires Insurance, This insurance shaA be melnteined in the amounts and tor the perloda f�
<br /> that lender requkes. The insurance cartier providing the insuance shell bo chosen by Bortower aubJect to Lender's approval '
<br /> which shall not be unreason�bly withhNd. It Borrower 1�its to mainuin coverege described above. Lender m�y, at Lend�r's ;�
<br /> option, obtain cowrage to protect Lender's�Ights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. ;
<br /> All insurance poYcies and renewats ah�U be �cceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mo�ty�ye clnuse. Lender
<br /> ahall hnve the riyht to hotd ihe poUcies and renewais. if Lender requkes. Borrower ahall promptly gNe to Lender all receipts of
<br /> � pald premluma and renewai notices. In the event of Ioss, Bortowar shdl y(ve prompt notice to lhe tnsunnce cartlar a�d Lender.
<br /> � lender may m�ke proof of toss f1 not made prompty by Borrower.
<br /> • Untess Lender and Bortower otherwtse agrae In w�itfng, insurance proceeda shsll be appiled to restora9on or repalr ot the
<br /> � ' t � Property damtged, It the restoratlon or repaq Is economicaAy feasible and Lendera secu�ity is nnt lessened.If the restoraUon or
<br /> • � repair la not economicaly te�sfbie or Lmder's securiry would be Iessened,the ineurance proceeds shaA be appiled to thu sums
<br /> ,�.; secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excesa peid to Bortower. it Borrower abondons the
<br /> � Property, or does not a�swer within 30 days a notice irom Lender ihat the Insurance caMer hos ottered to settie a c4kn, then
<br /> Lender tmy coilect the i�surence proceeds. Lender may uae the proceeda to repnir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> - sacured by thls Securfly Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-doy period wld begin when the notice Is glven.
<br /> • Unless Lmdx and Barower otherwise agree In writing, any epplicatlon of proceeds to principnl sheU not extend or
<br /> , , postpone th�due date of the monthly payments reterred to in paraprophs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of tha paymenta. If
<br /> under paraynph 21 the Property Is acqufred by Lender. Borrower'e�ight to eny Insurance poNGes and proceeds reaufting hom
<br /> � damage to ihe Property prbr to the acqulaiGon ahail pass to lQnder to the axtent ot the sums by thla Security Instrumeht
<br /> knmediately pdor to the�cqulsltion.
<br /> R Aneuninnv. Pr�:rro�Inn. M�infnnanr_e and Pretactien of tho Pr000rlv: Borrnwor'= L.oan
<br /> - _ __ ' ���._"�„ '
<br /> ' Appiieation; LYpNhOld�. Borrower shall occupy, esubllsh, and use the Propetly aa Bortower's�prindpal residence withln
<br /> �• slxly days aRer the executlon of this Secudty Instrument and sh�q continue to occupy the Property as 8orrower's prtnclpni
<br /> � residenes tor at le�st one ye�r aRer the date of accup�ncy, unlesa Lender otherwise ayrees in writinp,whlch consent shall not
<br /> ' �, be unre�aorubiy wfthhetd, or un�esa ext�nuatlny ckcumatsncea exist which�re beyond Bortower's conUot. Bonower shall not
<br /> dastroy, dartuye or impak thQ Property,allow the Propefty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Bonower shali be in
<br /> � defauft H�ny forteiture action or proceeding, whether dvil or criminel. Is begun th�t In Lendei s yaod feNh Judgment couid result
<br /> � ' k►lort�iture ot the Property a otherwise rtwtMaUy fmpak the Uen cre�ted by this Security Instrument or le�der's security hterest.
<br /> / /.
<br /> : F1716.LM0(12HJ) Paqe?ol S ��1���/ /``�
<br />- !
<br /> 9J7tD lM !
<br />