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<br /> applic4ble law may ipxlfy fa neinatatement)beforc iwle c►f the Pr�openy puncu�nt to any pc�wer of�ale enntalned in thix
<br /> S�cuclry Inswment:or(b)entry of�Jud�ment enforcing thic Security [ncuumrnt. Tho�e conditjono wre ih�t Borrowe�: (a)
<br /> pnys Lender all sunu which Ihcn would be duc under thir Socurity Initrunxat and the Note au if no acceleratinn had
<br /> accurraf;(b)cures any default of Wny cxher cavenants a�greements;(c)p�ys All expenses i�xurced in enfarcinQ tt�is Security
<br /> Insuument,lnciudins,but not limited to, reasonable�ttomeys'fees;and (d) tatces such wcllon as Lender mry c�eusonably
<br /> - roquice to assure that the Ilen of this SecuRty Insuvment,[,cnder's rights in the Property end Borrowcr's oblfgudon to pay the
<br /> - sums secured by this Secudty Inswment sh�ll continuc unchanged. Upon rcinswtement by Barmwer. thi� Scxudty
<br /> Inswment ond the obligatlonx�ecured hercby shull rcmairt fully effcetf ve Rs if no occeleradon tuid accurrod. However.thi�
<br /> ' � right to rcinstatc shal!not apply in thc ca�c of acccicrntian undcr paragrnph 17. �._
<br /> 19. S�le ot Note;Ctwoge ot Lo�n 3ervker. Thc Notc or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Security
<br /> _ ,>;� Insuument)may be sold ane or more times withaut prior notice to Boirowcr. A sale may result in a changc in the ent�ty
<br /> �=�^^��°� (known as the"Loxn Servicer")thut collects monthly puyments due under the Note nnd this Security Insuument. There also
<br /> = ='":S���ti'm"! may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sele of the Note. If there is a change af ihe Loun Servicer. _
<br /> ---- ---v:;�,r��?�?� Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accardunce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice _
<br /> ---_,,:;s_�� will state t�e name and address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be mede. The notice wUl
<br /> --° - �_r:`.;;,�.:;;,Y,� also contain any othcr information mquircd by applicablc law. --
<br /> ?A. Hs�rdous Subetances. Borcower shall not cause or permit the pmsence, usc,disposal,storage,or nlease of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do,unything affecdng the
<br /> ,°���� Pro n that is in violation of an Environmentnl Law. Thc rccedin� two sentences shull nat upply to the presence,use,or
<br /> �,y�r;
<br /> 'm""E" 'q ��"����+��� stofag on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances thatare generally recognized tobe appropriute to normal
<br /> �^':�� residentia!uses and to maintenance of thc Property.
<br /> 9;+1•x Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of su►y investigatton,claim.demand,lawsuit or other sictIon by uny
<br /> '�'`;��� ''`� ' overnmental or re ula
<br /> ;,�;_, ,.•�.;-•;...;.,� g g tory agency or private party involving the Property and�ny Haxardous Substa�ce or Environmental
<br /> �;;�' ':•'' • Law of whiah Borrower has Actual knowledge. [f Borrowcr leams,or is naificd by any govemmental or regulatory L
<br /> . � authority,that any removal or other remediution of any Hazardous Substance Affccting the Property is necessary.Borrower �
<br /> � ;�.�;.•�- shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in Accordance with�nvironmental Law.
<br /> ;;�,.`,r.;,�; �., s, ;�, As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardauti Subsmnces'are thase su6stances de�ned as toxic or h:uardous substuncex by _
<br /> i...,;;F,'• ,. :�.,�� Environmental Law and the followins substances: ga.soline,kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic �.
<br /> 1 .,,,��; pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, material�contuining usbesros or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As �
<br /> ', �� •.,.,; used in this paragraph 20,"Envlronmentul Law"means federal laws and luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located _.
<br /> � '��' !�' that relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ��+.,�.:�.�'%,,,... ;. e
<br /> _ -� � ••�.'% ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L,ender furthercovenant andagree a�follows: --_
<br /> � 21. AccekraUon; Remedies. I.ender shall give not�ce to Borrower prior to accelerAtion following Borrower'.s
<br /> , brnACh af pny cnvenAnt or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not pdor to accelersition under puragraph 17
<br /> • '� • unless s�pplicable lAw provides otherwlse). The notice shwll specify: (a)the detAUlt;(b)the Aclion required to cure the —
<br /> ' de[ault;(c)a d�te.nol less than 30 davs from the date the noNce is given to Horrower,by which the default must be
<br /> ' cured;and(d)that fAilure to cure the default on or bet'ore the date speeifled in the noHce may resutt in AcceterAtion ot�
<br /> ' the sums secured by thls Securlty Instrument and sale aP the Property. The not(ce shall further lnform liorrower of
<br /> ' the right to reinstate aRer acceler+►tion and the right to bring a court acqon to a�.sert the non-existence of a default or �
<br /> any other defense aP Borrower to acccleraHon and sale. lf the default L4 nat cured on or be[ore the date spec(tied in _
<br /> ' the notice,l.ender at lts option may require immediate payment in full ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> withoul furlher demand and may invokc thc potvcr of sale and any other remettiec permitted hy applicable IAw _�--.
<br /> = Lender sUWI be eMitled to collect all expenses incurred in pur�uin� the remedies provided in this paragmph 21.
<br /> including�but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and casts of title evldencc.
<br /> . ' If the power of�ele is invoked,lYustec xh�ll recard a notice of defuult in each county in which any part of the �-
<br /> ��:w, Propecty is locwted and shAll mAil coplec of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> ' � � ' the other persons prescribed by appticabte law After the timc rcquircd by rppiicui►le luw,11•u�.tee sl�ati�tti�e Fubllc ���
<br /> `t notice of sAle to the persons And in tfte mannrr prescribed by applicable law. Trustee,wtthout demand on Borrower, �'r
<br /> ; shWl sell the Property at publir�uction to the highest bidder at thc ttme and place and under the terms desi�nated in �=�-
<br /> r the notice of sale in one oc more parrels and in any order 7'rustce dehrmines.Trustee may pnstpnne sale of all or Any -°'
<br /> parcel of the Property by publir Announcement pt the time and place uf Any previously scheduled cale. Lender or its � -°
<br /> . �, desiRnce rtwy purc6ase the Property At uny wlc. �-
<br /> Upon n�ceipt of payment of the prire bid.'IYustee shall dcliver to the purchuticr 1lrusl�ti's derd cunveylnR the �'�
<br /> Property. The reritsds In the'IYustee's dced sh:�ll be prima facie evidence of'the truth��f the statements made themin. �
<br /> ��., � 7lrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the followin�order. ta1 to all costs und expenses of'exerclsin�the power ,::
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