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<br /> condemnatian ur other ukla�of�ny pat o[the!'rq�erty.or fur convey�noe in lieu ot candatuuNoe�ua hereby s�wi�ned and
<br /> �11 be p�id to l.encbr.
<br /> la tla evax d• toul ukin�of the Property. the poceeds�hall be applied w the ,wms securcd by thi� Saucity
<br /> �W�un���v„h,yl�e�c�r not that duc,with any exccsss pzid to Bomnwer. In the event of�putial Wcin�of ihe Propaty In
<br /> which ihe fdr nwlcet v alue of the P�+upeRy immediucly befooe the Wcin�i�eqwl to or p,neater tiw►the amount of the sumi
<br /> •ocurod by thi�5ecurit�r Inurument immediately botorc the takin�,unkcr• &xrower�nd IxM1er otherwise�gree in writing,
<br /> the wm��ecurod by this Socurlty l�uwment shall be reducod by the wmount of thc proaeds multinlied by the folbwin�
<br /> fractian; ��)the u�ul arnount of the sum�socurod immodi�tety 6efae thr ulcin�,divfded by(b)ehe f�1r market vdue of the
<br /> - " " — Property immedirtety Exfur� 11K: t:►icin�{• Any bala�tcc shall bc pafd to Horrower. in the event of e penial t�king of the _�.s
<br /> Pt+epeAy in which the filr muke�v�lue of the Pioperty immedi:tely beforc the tsking ix kss than the amount of the wms
<br /> �ecurod immedi�tely befae the talcin�,unles� Bomawer and L.ender aherwise agroe in writing or unless �pplic�bk law
<br /> othetwise provides,the proceodr�hail be appiied to the wm:secured by this 5ecudty Incwment whether or rat the sums+ue
<br /> tt�en due.
<br /> If the Propeny is aba�daned by Bomower,or if.aRer nc►tia by l.ender to Horrower that the condemnor offers to mAke
<br /> u►awad or senk a claim foe durw�es.Bortawer f�lis to r+espond to Lender within 30 days aRcr the date�he notice ia given,
<br /> l.ender is authorized to collea:t�nd Apply the proceeds,at its option,either to r�estoratlon or rcpa3r of the R�operiy or to the
<br /> sum:sxurcd by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lxnder und Borrower otherwjtie agrce in writing,any upplicAtion of procoeds to principa!shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone thc due datc of ihc rnonthly paymcnts t+eferred to in paragrnphs I aad 2 or chwnge thc amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat Rekased; Forbear�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. Exteosion of the time for pxyment a
<br /> --- modification of xmoctiznion of the�ums cecured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor!n intercst
<br /> -'-�� of Borrower shall not operate to rckase the liability of the original Borrower or Born�wer's successor�in intercst.Ltnder
<br /> = - shall not be roquircd to commence proceedings against smy successor in intercst or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> otherwise modify amortizetion of the sums ucurcd by this Security Instrument by rcason of any dema��d niade by the odginat --
<br /> Bocrower ar Bomower's successors in interest. Any forbearancc by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sh�li �wt be a
<br /> { 4� waiver of or p[�eclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> �� �' 12. Successors And Assi�ns Nound:Joint and SeverAl Liability;Casignen¢. The covenun�.c xnd agrcernents of this
<br /> _ � Security In.�trument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender end Borrower,subJect to the provisions of
<br /> •'•r"i �• '�_��" : paragraph !7. Borrower4 covenants and agreements shall be joint nnd several.Any Bocrawcr who co-signs this Security
<br /> � Instrument but dces nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to moctgnge,smtu and convey that
<br /> '' ' a� Borrower?s interest in the Property under thc tcrrns of this Security lnstrument; (b)is not pen:onally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> - �,:,� i�' I .t�' �.�'' securcd by this Security Instrument;nnd(c)ogr+ces that Lender and any ather Boaower may agree to extend,modify.forbear
<br /> ;,y,�;;,, .,;,,,�_�,���i•• or make ony accommadations with regArd to the tertns uf this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Bortower§
<br /> ,�5�;;:�--.---.�,:.. .: consent.
<br /> . _.�.��, •, .
<br /> ; ��y, �„,,,;,:.;�`�.,• 13, [,o�n Charges. If the foan secured by thi�Securiry Inxtrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum Icwn
<br /> -_ �''��'�••��1LT����� ct�asges,and that law i.final ly interQreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> ��'�"'""'`' � �'� with the loan exceed tt�e permitted limits,then: (u1 any such loan churge shall be reduced by the umount necessary to rcduce
<br /> • the charge to the permiacd limit:und(b)uny tiums ulrcady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> rePunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to m•rke thiti rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ,. direct payment to Borrawer. If a rcfund rcduces principul,the rcduction witl be trented a.u purtial pnnp•ryment w►thout any
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> _ • 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borrowcr providcd fiir in thi. Security Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by �
<br /> A.��• . � , muiling it by fint clatiti mail unless applicublc law requires usr of anothcr method.The notice shall be directed ro the Roperty
<br />' � ''��� Address or any other addrcss Borrowcr dr.ignatc�by notirc to Lcndcr. Any noticc to Lender�hull be given by first cluss _
<br /> �+a� mail ro Lender's sddre�+staced hrrcin or uny othrr:�ddrr�+Lendrr Je�iFnatc.by nutice to Bortower. Any notice provided for _
<br /> y,e. tn this Sccuriry lnstrument shall lx deemed to havr tkcn �iven to Borrower or Lcndcr whcn given as provided in this r
<br /> sl�: p:u~ag�uph.
<br /> I5. (:overning [.uw: Severability. Thi. Security In.trument .hull be govrrned by frdcral law and thc luw of thc
<br /> , jurisdiction in which the Property iti I�xuted. In thc rvcnt that any provision or rluuu of thiti Srcurity Instrument or the Note __
<br /> � canflicts with applicablc law,such conflirt tihull n�n aftcct ochcr provi.ion�of thi,Sccurity Intitrumcm��r thc Note which can _
<br /> be given effect without the conflictinF pruvi.ion. Te�thi.end the provisians of this Securiry In.trument und the Note urc �
<br /> : declarcd ro bc xcvcrahlc,
<br /> 16. Borrower's Cupy. Burrowrr+hall h�gi�•cn�mr mntimncd r��py of thr Notc and of thi+Scrurity Inti�nmicnt. __
<br /> 17. 7lrpnsfer of ihe Praperty or a BeneficiWl Interc.r•t in Borrowe� If aU or any part of thr Proprrty ur uny interc.t in _
<br /> it is sold or tran+tcrrcd(nr if a t�enMirial intrrr,t in Bi�rruwcr i� +old or Iransf'crr�d and Burrowcr iti ni�t u natural penon)
<br /> � ' ; without Lender: prior wmt�n conzcnt.Lrnder may..►t it.uption,rcyuirc immeJiatr paymrnt in full of all tium+s�curcd by _
<br /> .i this Security Instrument. Hva•ev�r,this opti�m�hall nat Ix rxeniticd by Lendrr if cxerriu i,pmhibiteJ by fedeml luw��of —�-
<br /> . �., the date of this Securit y In+trument. ___
<br /> , �_��" � If Lender excrcitic+this opuon.Lrndrr x6all givr$urruwrr autirc uf arccicr.uion. Thc noticr shall providc a peri<xi of -
<br /> r '�� not Ies�d�an 30 duyx from the dutc thr nutirr i.dclivcr�d or mailed w•ithin whirh Borr�wer mu+t pay:QI�um+�ecurcJ by this �:
<br /> ti • Security ln�trument. If Bc,rrowcr fuit.[u pay �hr.r wm. priur to the rxpiratiun �f thi. {xri�xi. LenJer may invoke any _
<br /> � remedies permitted by this Srcurity In,trument w•ithuut furthrr nu�ice or dem:md un Barrawcr.
<br /> �j i 18. Bnrrower's Right to Reinxtute. If Burruw�cr meetti rrrtain ronditiom. Bi�rmNCr �hull have thc right tu ha�e
<br /> ' , � . enforcemcnt of thi.Sccuriry In.trumrnt di.continurd ut any timr pri��r tu thc earli�r uf: Ial 5 day�lui+Urh othcr Exriix!•r+
<br /> i j.
<br /> � °- SingMFrnul�••F�nnlr�iyNFYaddk�tucl'�IFOR�tIV51'Rl'�1h:1"t l'mtormt'u�rn:m�. 9/911 qM�ge4.,/n/r�xe.�i ,_
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