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j N..�. <br /> . �'1• � . .• a.�� fT.) • I.. <br /> 'L <br /> . :t� - . _ . -_. " <br /> 94- ioi2�9 ' <br /> _ - . ---� - -�:..� , <br /> 17.Trnn�ter at the Property oc a Be�eflcld Interest In�orrower. It ull or uny part of�hc Property ar Qny intercst in it t <br /> is sold or tr+naferrod(ar if r bcneficint inte�st lt�Horcower ic sald or tr+uisfcrrecl a�u1 k3c�rrower is not a ruiwral per.�n)wlthout [ <br /> i,endcr's priar written a�nsent, Lei�dcr m�y, i1I I1S 0��011, requin immediute puymcnt in full of dl sumx scrurod by this � <br /> Security Instrument.Hnwever,thir option shall not bn exercicd by I.etder if exerci�e ir prohibitoci by fodenl Ixw�►of the d�te � <br /> of this Saudty[nstrum�ent. <br /> _ lf L.e�xler exerci.ea this aptinn,L.eixlcr shal�give&�rruwer nWice of acceler�tion. The notice.h�ll provide Y period of nat , <br /> ''" Iess than 30 days i'ram the d•rte tl�e natfce is deliver«I ar mailai within which Borcower ntust puy all wmr�secured by this <br /> Security Instrument.Ii'&�rrower fails ta pxy these sums prior to the expication of thfs periad,Lender muy Invoke Any romddie� � <br /> �:� if� permitted by this Security Instrument witl�uut further rxxice�u demand on&�rrower. � . <br /> ` 18. Borrower'd ltight to NNnstate. If Esorrower mcets certuin ��ixlitiuna, Botruwer shull have thc rig�u ta ha��e � <br /> �� enforcement af this S�xurity Instrument discwntinued at any time prior ta the eulier af: (a) S days(or�uch other period as <br /> . upplicable luw muy specify for rein�tatement) before: sale af the Property punusint to uny power of' sale contuinod in this , <br /> Security In.trument;or(b)eniry of u judgment enforcing this Secudty Instrument.Those conditions are thW Borrower:(a)pays <br /> L,ender atl sums which then would be due under this Security Instcument and the Nae us if no accelerAtion had accurred;(b) � <br /> cures uny default of uny other covenunts or agreements; (c) payc all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> — — including,but nat limtted to. rcasoi►�ble attomeys' fees: and(d)takes such actian :u I.ender n�ay reason�bly reyuim to assure <br /> � p--_'-P __�-_-�s that thc lien of this Sccurity lnstrument, l.endcr's rights in the Properiy unJ 9orrower's ubligatian to pay ihc sums sccurcd by <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secuiity [nstrument and the <br /> - ---= - obligations securod hereby shall remain fully effective us if no ac�eleration hud occurred.However, this nght to rcinst�te shall <br /> — - not apply in the case of acceleration under paragruph 17. <br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Clwnge ot Lwtn Servicer. The Nate or a partial interest In the Note (together with this Securlty <br /> � - '�'— Instrument)muy be wld one or more times without prior notice ta Borrawer.A snle may result in a chunge in thc cntity(known <br /> -�---�� as the"Loan Servicer")that rollects montldy payments due under ttie Note and this Security instrument. There also may be one <br /> or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated tn u saie of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servittr, Borrower wiU be _ <br /> � given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph l4�bove and appiicable law.The notice wiil swte the namc�uul <br /> l�` ''�"�j��"�'"•� ''� address of the new Loan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be rnude. The notice wiU alco contain any other <br /> ,.`�r•,'���'c'. _ <br /> -• � inforniation requirccl by applicable law. <br /> � 20. Hazardous Substunces. Bonower shall not cause or pertnit the presenee, use, disposal, uorage, or release of any <br /> �.�,,.���jr Hazardous Substances on ar in tlie Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> -• �-• � -��� P�•opeity that is in violaticm of uny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to ihe presence,use,or <br /> � 'v.., storage on the Property of small quuntities of H•rxurdous Substances that are generally recognizeci to be appropriate to normal <br /> � "�� � residentiul uscs and to maintenance of the Propcny. <br /> • •'N� " � :.�'• Bunawer shull prompdy give L.ender written notice of any investigation,cluim, demund,lawsuit ar other action by any <br /> , � governmentat or regulatary agency or private party involving the Property and any H;�cardous Substnnce ar Environmental Law <br /> +� `. � � af which Borrowcr has nctuul knowledge. If Borrowcr Icnrnti,or is nottficd by any govcmmenta!or resuletory authority, that <br /> , any removal or other remediation of any Haznrdous Substance affecting the Praperty is necessary. Bormwer shall prompdy take � <br /> .. —_—_____— all necessary renx�ial actiuns in uccordance with Environmentul Law. , <br /> �•� As used in this patagruph 20. "Nuzardous Subswnces" ure tlwsc sub+lanccs dcUned as toxic or hazar�ous subrtances by <br /> Enviranmentul and thc folli�wIng substunces: gasoline, kerosenc, othcr flummable or toxic petralcum Qrwducts, toxir <br /> pesticidex und hcrbicidcs, vulatile solventti, matcriuls contuining asbe.rtos or fo�maldehydc,und radioactive matenalx.As used in <br /> „ this purugruph 20, "Environnxntal Law" meanti fcderal li�ws and luws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is located that ` <br /> relnte to hcalth,safcty or environmcntut protcrtion. _ <br /> NON-UNiFORM COVF.NANTS.Borrowcr and L�:ndcr furthcr covenant imd agrcc as ti�llows: �_- <br /> 21. Acceleration;Remedies.l.ender shull�;ivr notice tu Sorroµer prlor to acceleration following Borrow'er's breach -- <br /> ' of suy cnvenAnt or agreement in this Security Instrument (but nnt prior to arceleratlon under ppra�rAph 17 unless -- <br /> pppliwble law pruvides othera•ise). The nutice shull specify: (a)the defuult;(b)the actlon reyuired to cure thP defnult: --. <br /> o_ (c)u date, not tetis ths�n 30 duy�s from the dutr the nntice is given to Bnrroµ•er, by which the defwult must be cumd;and P;:' <br /> �� (d) th��t feilure t�i care the defauU un or before the d�te tipecilicd in the �wtice m�v rEwult in wccele��xtion of the sums -- <br /> , .H �, <br /> ' secured by this ticrurity Instrument and .r•ule of the Property. The notice yhali further inform Burrower of the rtght tu �-�-- <br /> ��. reinstate aftcr uccclerutinn end the ri};ht to brin� u rnurt actlon to u+tiert the non-�xistencc oP a default ur any other �.,.; <br /> defense of Rnrrow•cr to uccrlerution und sale. IP the defaul! is not cured on or befi►re the dute spocif[�d in the notice, �f <br /> , Lender. at its optlon.mWy requirc lmmediate puvment in fuD nl'ull sums tiecured b�• this Security Instrument without E � <br /> fu�ther dcmand and muy im•okc thc pow•er of tiule und any�athcr remedi�w{xrntitt��d b}�upplicuble law•. Lendcr shall bc �=� <br /> entitleci to coll�rt►�II expense�incarrcd in pur+uin};thc remedfex provided in this paru�ruph 21. inc�udin�,but not limited ��._�- <br /> . t<�,reuu�nuhle uttorney:s'fe�und costx of NNc c�•idence. ` <br /> � •• If thepn w�er ot'sule is im•oked, Trustee shull r�YOrd a notire of defuult in cach cuunh• in ahieh any paM of the _ <br /> ' Property is liKUted und shutl maii copi�w of tiuch nutice in the munner pr��urilxd br upplicablc laa t�► Borrower s�nd to � <br /> the othcr�xrWms prcxriixd b� applicublc lu���.After the timc rcyuired b�• upplicuble la�c,"fruxt�r shall �ive public notice <br /> of sule to the pe���ms and in the mvnner prexritxd b�•upplicubl� IaN•.7'rust�ti.�+�ithout dcmund on Burrow•er, shull sell <br /> the Property et public uuction to the hi}�h�wt bidder at the time und pluce und under the terms de�i�nated in the notice of -- <br /> s�lc in one or mnre purcciti and in um� ordcr Trutitcc dcicrmin�w. Tru+l�c�ou� �i+t{��uc,alc ut all nr un�� purccl of thc _-- <br /> Properh•M public :�nnaunrement ut the time und pluce oF am pre��iausl}� scheduled tiule. l.ender or itti d�i�;nee ma}� ��_ <br /> - purcha�r the Propertr ut un}sale. —° <br /> t Form 3028 9190 <br /> , <br /> Paq.•'i u�L <br /> F <br /> ' <br /> ' � ..w. ���.�t��`.�.i-1+,.iV..�3.P•:f�?ta. .;,�•r}i,t.r,,.c.^•'N"•. <br /> � <br /> '� <br /> t <br /> � <br /> I <br /> . � <br /> . � <br /> ___ ___ . . —_ .._ . � __ ___ _... -- 1 <br />