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�e� . / .��.'' rr� ..—� - <br /> � . -- ---- -- -- -- -- - --- <br /> � ------�---� �4- 10 ` ' 9 <br /> pRyrtiani m�y no laa�er be roquired. �t the opion ot Lendef,if mort�+�e ic�una�ce ooveraQe(in the�mount�nd(or�he perlod <br /> tMt lwnder requim)Prm'�ded bY�n 1�ro��PM'o��bY��r�in boc+ome�avdlabk and b oblsined. Bamwer rh�ll P�Y <br /> the p�eadyaa�requirod ta nrlatain nwrt�a�e inuraooe in P�Mbct.or w provido a lou�erve,weW t6e roquirorm��t tar mo�t�qe <br /> iawnnoe ehds in aocoid�ncx with my we�nen qroema�t betw�ea�Horrower aad Lader or�pplic�ble law. <br /> !. I�etioN.l�der or iq u�eM rrny mm�ke raaon�ble aKrie�upon�nd inpections of the Prope»y. Ladtr�iuill�tve <br /> Borrowet notke at tGe Nme of or prlor w an irupection specifyin�tr,�wmble cwse for tho irupaxlon. <br /> 1�.�. 'I�e prooeed� of any awud a cWm for dartu�a,dirxt or oomequendal, in cnnnectlon with any <br /> -- mrxlemnatfon or other WdnII of aay p.vt of the Propecty,or far wnvsyance Ia IIw of condercwation.are heceby essi�ned srd <br /> riull be p�id to II.ader. <br /> In the event ot t tut�l takit�g of the Property,the procood��utl be appliad w the:urn:�ax►red by this Secur�ry Inurument, <br /> whetlxr or rat ttiai due,with�tny exce�psid to Bocmwu. In the event of�paitW taking of the Propaty in whidt the fdr <br /> m�rlcet v�loe of the Propeny immodia►ely bet'ore the t�ng it oqwl w or grater ti�an the amount of the wms�ocund by thi� <br /> Secudty Inswmern immedixtely befon the talcing.unlas Borrower u�d L,ender otherwise agrce in writin�.the wms securad by <br /> this Secudty Instnunent shul! lw reduced by the amount of the pmoads mult�plied by the follawing fn�ction: (a)the total <br /> unount of the wms eecural irtur�odt�tely beforc the t�k1nQ.divjdod by(b) the fnir m�rket value of the Property irrunedi�tely <br /> befo�+e the talcing. Any b�lanoe sl�ll be p�id w Borrower. In the eveat of�putial takIng of the Property in whlch the fiir <br /> market value of the Property immediately beforc the uking is less thon tha amount of the sama secured inunodiately befon the <br /> taking,unlesc Borrower uxi Lendcr athenvlsc agnc in writing or unless applicable law othenvi�e provides, the pmoeeds:hall <br /> be applied to the sumc secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums�ra then due. <br /> If the Property Is abandoned by Horrower,or if.after notia by i.ender w Borrower tt�at the condemnor offerc to make aa <br /> - ' awanl ur settie a cl�im far d�unages. Borrower fstits ta respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, <br /> . Lend�r is authorized to collect and apply the prcxeeds,at its option.either to restoration or repair of the Properry or to the wme <br /> = rrcured by this Security Instrument,whether ar nat then due. <br /> Unless Lender Aad Borcower otherwise Agrce in writing. any applicadon of proceads to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due dau of the monthly payments rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such p�ymenta. <br /> 11.Barrower Not Rdeased;Forbea�ance By Lender Not a Ws�iver. 8xtension of the time for payment or modifiratIon <br /> of srmortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grantod by Lender to any successor in interest of Bomower shall <br /> , not operatc to release the liability of the origiruil Horrower or 13orrower's successors in interest. L.endcr shall nat 6e requircd to <br /> commence procoedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amorti�tion <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instnimcnt by rcason of any demand ma�ie by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> =- successors in i�terest. Any forbesrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> - „r.�cp ' cxcrcisc of any ri�ht or remedy. <br /> J'"' y�.:�-�.� 12. Successore and Assi ns Bound;Joint and Several Liabilit , Co-si �ers. The cavenants and reements of this <br /> ��tt��.�:, .... ; g Y' 8 � <br /> r,n��•���° Se�urity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successorc and assigns of Lender wid Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> ;�sr,:,.:.,: <br /> ' � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants nnd �greements shull be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />. :`�°:':�::'`'" ' ` Instrument but does not execute the Note:(u)is co-signing this Security Instrument�>nly to mortgage, gnint and convey that <br /> '� Borrowcr's interest in the Pruperty uncicr thc tem�s of this Sccurity Instrument: (b)is not peisonally obligated to pay the wms <br /> . � secured by this Security Instrumrnt;and(c)agrecs thut Lcndcr and any other Bnrrower may agree to extcnd,modify. fort�ear or <br /> _ „ . � make any aecommc�dations with regurd to the termti of this Securiry Instrument or the Nate withuut that Borrower's consent. <br /> • 13. I.oan Charges.If the lo•rn secured by thi�Security Imtrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> . . - ,.. <br /> = ��•- � �-.� arxi that law is�nally interpretrd ui that the intere.t or iuher loan churges coU�rted or to be collected in connectinn with the <br />-':r , � la•rn exceed the permittcYi limits, then: 1�)any,uch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neceswry to reduee the charge <br />�'F:' � , to the�x:rmitted limit: •rnd (b)any�um� almudy rollerteJ f'r�im &�rrowcr which cxcoedcd permittod limits will be refunded to <br /> :.: Bormwcr. I.cnder nwy chcxne to makc thi� rcf'und hy rcduring thc prinripal owed undcr thc Note or by making a direct <br /> payment to Bormwer. (f a rM'wui reduceti principul, the reduction will be treutui us a paniul prepayment without any <br /> • - prepaymcnt charge under the Note. <br /> 14.NoNces. Any nuticc tu &rrrowcr pr�widrJ li�r in thi�Serurity In.trument ,hall he�given ny delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by t`irst claes mail unl�ss upplirablr law rcquirc�u�c ut'anuther methaf. The nutice�h;�ll lx dircrtrcl to the Property Address <br /> or any other address Borrowcr dc+ignatc�by nutirc to Lcndrr. Any nuticr to I.cndcr ,hall t+c givcn by first cluss muil to <br /> • Lender's.�ddress statccl hercin ur any othrr:eJJrr.. l.rndrr Jr+ignatrti hy nutire t��Borrowrr. Any notire provided fnr in this <br /> � ' , Security Instrument�hull tk dcemcd tu have hecn givcn tci B��r�c�wcr or l.endcr whcn given us providcd in thix paragraph. <br /> . IS.Govcrning�; tic��cr�bility. Thiti Srcurity In,uumrnt �hatl bc guvrrn��i N� teJcral I�w anJ thc law ofthc <br /> • jurixiirti�m in which the Prop�rty is kxut��. In thc rvcnt that any pro��itii��n�ir rlau.c ut'thi.Sccurity Instrument or the Nate <br /> ci,nflict.with����r�:iMr law,.u�•h rnntlict.hall n��t:�flcrt othrr pru�•i�ium��I'thi�Sccurity lmtrumrnt or the Notc whirh run he <br /> � given eff'ert µ•ithout thc runtlictittg pruvi,inn. To thi�end thr pru�•i.i��n.of thi+Security In.truroent and the Notc are declnred <br /> tn bc�rvrrahlr. <br /> : - � 16.Bormwcr's Cup�•. Borroa•er�hull h�giv�n�m�c��ttli�rnkJ ropy ul thr �J�itc unJ ot thi.Srcurity Inxtrumcnt. <br /> ' Form 30Y8 9190 <br />- - PutP�4�d G <br /> , . " .a' , . . - . �. � 4�.A'.:'��-'-:',�__—_____ _'-_—_-' ___ _.--��.��_ ......-_`__� __ <br /> . �—_. _ .. . ._. __... _. . . .�.� t- . <br /> .. _ <br /> '_ ;'_' " _ '_ .-_ -. . . ....- .. . . <br /> � <br /> ` <br /> . i. <br /> , • i1 <br /> 1 <br /> �� <br />. � <br />. � <br /> � <br /> -� . _ . ..�!_ ._ ..._ <br />