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-7• �'_ .._ �L-�.. ., . • <br /> � �i ' ' ..... . ,,�_� . <br /> � .:.vYY��y�...��'�'� <br /> � ._94_ 10i2xi -- - - <br /> - _--.�� • h 18. by c�u�lny th� �cUon or psoc«dN�p to b� <br /> ,--�-----�-°�---�— • Borrow�r may au� suah • dMaut �nd nlnstat�, o provid�d ki PwpnP <br /> d�nAtt�d wUh�niinp tinQ In I.�ndw'� pood I�IIb tMlKminNbn,Pr�ciuda forlNttx�of ih�Bortow�'�ht�«1t b 1h�RoMrty ar <br /> _, othK m�t�rlN Ynp�irrrNnt ol th�N�n awt�d by this 9�aurltY in�trumrnt or l�nde's a�cudly IntK�st. Barrow�r r1�aN�Iso b�In <br /> �HMult K BoROwK,dwk�p ih�lan�ppMcatbn procM�, pw m�Nrl�My f�e a inaeeur�t�inform�tbn or st�tm►�nb to L�ndu(a <br /> - t�d W provid� Und�r wlth+uiy enU�W Infartwitlon) in conn�afloo wilh tht lan �rid�nud byr ih� Not�, inaludlnp, txrt not <br /> - Nmit�d to. nprMmtaHons conumfnp Barow�r'� 000upmcy ot thr Prop�rty as a prkidP�► ��kMna. H thi� S�owitY <br /> • � MttnirtMnt is an a IMt�hold, Borrowr sn�N comply wllh+�I th�proviWons of th� IMS�. 11 Barow�r�cquirN 1�1NM to th� <br /> - �� .�IMt�hold�nd th�1N tkN altall not may� uM�ts UndK�pr�to th�m�rp�r in wtitlnp, <br /> 7. P�d�otlon ot l.�nd�r's RIpMs tn th� Prop�rty. n��y����t�.nd.r. dphtu h th. Pr�op«tyt• <br /> • conWn�d In this 3�wrky in�trum�nt, a thrn Is ■Mpal proc�ny <br /> � ,�ja;. .•' �• �wch�s a prpcMdk�p in bankruptay,prob�t�,1a cond�tlon ar torfci2ura a to antorce kwa or repukUons),then Lander m�y .. <br /> • • ''�'-• do�nd pay la wluiiw�r Is n�e�s�ary to prot�ot th�vaW�of th�P►op�Ay and L�nder's riphts In th�Prop�rty. L�ndu's aoUons <br /> , ' »•:a�.°�"�`'�• nuy hdud� WY�^0 any sums t�cund by a Wn wh�h has piorily ovK thls S�wrky Inttrum�nt, appwinp In coutt. P�l�4 <br /> _ ;,.... � ,... ,s n�sanabit�ttom�ys'1ws and �nt�k�p on th�Prop�rly to m�k�r�irs. Aphouyh L�nd�r may t�k��dior�und�r this p�apaph <br /> "� ".. .� , 7,Undn do�s not haw to do so. <br /> �c`"—"""'"`-�✓s��ii , .. My amounts disburs�d by Lsnder und�►Wra9nPh 7 shall b�com� �ddlticnal d�bt ot Bortow�r secur�d by thit S�curity <br /> — in�wm�nt. UnNse BorrowK �nd L�nda ayrN to othsr t�rms of paym�r►t, the��amounts shaN b�u Intenst hom ths d�t� of <br /> - :.�.,,: disburo�tnait at th�Not�rats�nd shW b�pay�b�e,wkh htKeat,upon notics hom Lender to Bort�w�r nqueaUnp payment. — <br /> , -� � .._,-•t 8. Mortqa� Insu�anc�. If Lender nquk�d mort�p�inauranee as � condition ot m�kfny ih�Iwn securaJ by thft <br /> ��" � 3�writy InstrumKtt,BoROwsr shaY p�y th�preir�lume requksd to mainUin tlu mortpay�bsurance In eft�et. If,iw a�y rwson,tha <br /> �• morty�pe insu�ance covsraqe requked by Lend�r �P:ea or ceaaes to be in eltect, BoROwer ehaY pay the p►emlums requksd to <br /> - j,,.,.�„ _,�. . ,,,,,• obWn covKaqe subsUntkUy puHalent to the morty�pe Insuranct previousy in etfect, at a coet sub�U�tldly puivalmt to th� <br /> . . 4 coat to Borrowx of th� morty�q� Inauwnee p►wiousy in ettect, trom an aRemrte mortg�pe Insurx�pproved by Lander. If <br /> '� subsuntt�My �quiv�lent morty�y�Insuranc�cov�rapt is not avail�bi�, BoROw�r shdl pay to L�ndx wch month a tum pwl to <br /> r � on�-tweilth of the ye�rly mortg�g�Inauranc� premlum b�lnp paid by Bor►owv when ths insurana covray�I�ps�d or cNSSd'o _ <br /> ! be In eflect. Landar wNl accept, use�nd retain thae p�ym�nts�s a loss naerv�In Asu ot mortyaQa Inauranc�. Loss r�s�rv� <br /> � p�ymw►ts may no bnper be nquked,at the optbn ot Und�r, if morty�pe inaurance wvarape(in ths unount and for the p«iod <br /> that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approv�d by Lender�gdn beeomes avaN�ble and Is obtdned. 8a►ow�r ahaN pay <br /> ° th� premiums rpuked to m�InUln morty�0s insurance tn eftect, or to provWe a tose reserve, unW the requkement for mortyaye �-- <br /> • insuance ends In accord�nce wflh �ny written�yreemM�t betwean Borrower and Lendx or appAubte I�w. __ <br /> 9. Insp�Ctl0i1.Lender or(ts�yent may maks rMSOnable�ntrles upon�nd Insp�ctlona of the PropKty. Lend�r shaA 91v� <br /> ' BoROwer notic�at ths time ot or p�lor to�n inspecqon sP�cilyfny rMaon�Ws caus�tor the Inspectian. <br /> 10. Colid�111n�tlon.Th� proce�ds of any award ar ciaim tor dam�pes, dinct or consequentki. M connection with any <br /> condwnnatlon or other t�kl�p ot any pnrt ot ths Property. or(or conwyanc� In Ibu of cond�rtuudion,�r�het�by asalynsd and <br /> shaN b�p�id to Lmde. <br /> In ths ewnt af a totd t�kiny of the Ptope�ly, the proceecla ahall be appAed to the euma aecured by thls Sawrity _ <br /> Instrum�nt,whKhx or not then due,wfth�ny excess p�d to Borrowor. In th�event ot a p�rtiai takinp of the Property In which � <br /> --_--- - ih� irk tiw�iiut v�tu$ of ihs Psopcciy imntedletl�hl be1Mw�h�aking ia�wl to a gre�ter than the amount of the aums aecured <br /> by this Securiry Inotrument knmedi�tely betore the taking, unleaa BoROw�r and Lender othe�wise apree in writinq, th� aums <br /> ' aecured by this Securily Inatrumant shall be nduced by the+�mount of the proceeda multiplled hy the fotlowing fracdan: (a)tho _ <br /> ' totai amount of the auma secured immediately before the Ukiny,divided by(b) the iak market value of the Property immadlately <br /> ' betore the takinp.Any beiance ahall be p�id to Bortower.In the event ot a partlal takiny oi the Ptoperry In whkh the tair rrWrlcet �' <br /> ' value of ihe Property Immediatety before the Ukiny Is leaa than the amount of the sums secured immedlately betore the Uking. __ <br /> � unleaa 8orrower and Lender othetwlse agree In wrltinq or unless applicable taw otherwise provides, the proceeds ahaU h� _ <br /> applbd lo the sums aecured by this Security Instrument whether or not the aums are then due. <br /> If the Property is absndoned by Bortower,or If,after notice by Lender to BoROwer th�t the condermor o(fere to make an �'� <br /> � award or seqle a ciaim for damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lender withln 30 deys atter the date the notice is qiven, <br /> Lender is authorized to coilect and apply the proceeds,at its optlon, elther to restor�tfon or repalr o! the Property or to thn k.- <br /> ��' aums secured by this Security Instnrment,whether or not then due. <br /> '� U�leas Lender and Borrower olherwlse ayree in writinp, any application o} proceeds to princfpal shsN not extend a ( � <br /> � � poetpone the due date of the monihly payments reterred to in peragrapha t end 2 or chanye the amount of such payments. `. � <br /> 11. Borrower Not Roleased; Forbearanc� By L�ndor Not a Watvor.Extenston of the tkne for payment w F <br /> moditicatlon of amortizatlon ot the sums secured by ihis Security Instrument granted by Lender to any succeseor in interest of h <br /> • BoROwer shali not operate to release the IlabYity of the origlnai Bortower or 8ortowers successors In Interest. Lender shsll not ' <br /> � be required to commence proceedings against any successor In interest or re(use to extend time for payment or othervv�ee r <br /> modily amortiz�tion ot the sums sQCUred by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mode by the originel Bortower or ?: <br /> Bortower's successoro in interest. Any forhearance by Lender In exerolsiny any �Ight or remedy shall not be a walvK of or <br /> preciude the exercise of eny�ight or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Uabiltty; Co•sfyners. The covenants and <br /> agreemenls ol this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors end essigns of Lender and BoROwer. subJect to the <br /> provlalons ot pnragraph 17. BoROwer's covenents and eyreements ahail be Jo(nt and severel. Any Borrower who co•siyns this <br /> Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co•signing this Security Instrument ony to mortqsqe,grent and convey , <br /> ihot Bortower's intereat in the Property under ihe terms ot thts Securlty Instrument: (b) fa not peroonally obAgated to pwy tt�e <br /> sums aecured by this Security Insirument; and(c) agrees that I.ender end any other Bortower may agree to extend, modlfy, <br /> • ��. forbear or moke any accommodations wilh regard to the terms of thla Security Inatrument or the Note without thot Borrower's <br /> ' •. consant. <br /> � 13. Loan Charges. if the loen secured by this Security �nstrument Is subject to a iaw which sets maximum loan <br /> . cherges, and that It�w is Tinelly Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected In connectlon <br /> e. with the loan exceed the permitled imits,then: (a)a�y such loan charge shali be reduced by Ihe amount necessery to reduce <br /> , the charge to the permitted limit: end (b) any sums already collected lrom Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limlts wlll be <br /> ' refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or 6y meking a • <br /> direct payment to Borrower. Ii a relund reducea principal, the reductfon will be treated as a partial prepayment wRhout any <br /> � prepeyment charge under the Note. <br /> � 14. NOtiCis.Any notice to Borrower provided for In this Security Instrument shali be glven by deiivering it or by mailing It <br /> by first ciass map un�ess appAcable Iaw requlres use ot another method. The notice sh�U be dlrected to the Property Address <br /> _ � or my other address Bonower designetes by not�e to Lender. Any notice to lender shaA be given by firat ciass moA to <br /> ��J�J� �JJ...�� ����..�1 ...,...�.. .. .a�.e...�r�rpa� t nndw desianates bv notice to Bortower. MY notice provided lor In thls <br /> ' y " . LCIIYf�Y��wx�u�w��r� �r�n�.��. ..� .�..�.) �...�. �__ .. � . <br /> . � Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thfs paregraph. <br /> � 15. Gov9rning Law; Soverability. 7nis Security Instrument snau be govemed by Tederal Ww and the law oi the <br /> Jurisdictbn in wh�h the Prope�iy is located. 1� the event that any provislon or ciause af this Securfty Instrument or the Note <br /> conMcts with applicnble law, such contlict sheA �ot attect other provisions of thls Secunty Instrument or the Note whlch can be <br /> �� given etlect without the conllietfng provislon. To this end the provfslons of this Secudty Instrument and the Note are deciared to <br /> 1 be aeven�bin. <br /> 16. Borrowor's Copy. 8orrower shall be grven one contormed copy ol the Note and of ihis Secunty Instrument. <br /> � <br /> � �`i�- � <br /> � F13161M6 1�1/9)) v.�m.1��f S <br />_ � � <br /> � ttt � <br /> . • <br /> - -- -�- - -- - ---- - -------- <br />