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<br /> � TOC�I'tTI�R VYITH �M th�Ynprov«n�nt� now a h�rwR�r �nc:t�d on th� propKty,and��ll Msanw�b, �pPurt�nca, �nd
<br /> -- 1lxtuns now a fi�nwh�r�p�t oi th�prop�rly.AM npMc�+nmts and�ddkions�haN�o b�oownd by thls 8�a�ulty In�bumwN.
<br /> - - AN ol ih�fanpoM�p u rM�rt�d to N�thls 9�ouilty In�kum�nt��th�'Prop�ty.'
<br /> = BORROWER COVENANTB tFwt Bartowrr{� N�wluMy sN=�d ol ih� utab harrby con+�y�d Iu�d has th� �1pht to �nnt �nd
<br /> conwy th� R'oF�ty and thN Ih� Propwty u un�ncumbr�d, �xc�pt 1a �nambancw d neord. Borrow�t w�rnnts �nd w�
<br /> .'- dNend q�nar�y tho 1NN to th�Propwty apNmt�c�lm��nd dNmnd�,tubJ�ct to�ny�neurtibnnus of ncord.
<br /> ��� , THI9 3ECURITY INSTRUMENT comhha unMortn cov�nb 1or naUond ui� and non�xiMorm wv�nts with YrnN�d
<br /> ` • �'•" v�ibns by J�ultdlctbn to canttlWN a unNam s�ewity Inswm�nt cowrinp rwt propKty.
<br /> ��,:�r:1 , ,y UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow�+u�d l�ndn eownant and�prM as follows:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of P�incip�l and Int�nd; Pr�p�ym�nt aed L.�t� Chary��.eonowK ah.r prornpuy p.y wh«�
<br /> �� : � du�th��n dp�l ol and IntKNt on th�ci�bt wldw►cad by iho Nota and any prepayment md Iate charoee due under the Note. E-_ .
<br /> ,'�-.'.: �: 2. F�nds for T�x�s snd Inwr�ne�.SubJ�ct to appNenbN I�w ar to �wrNtea wahrv by L�ndK.8onowK ah.r a.y
<br /> �,. •• , to L�nd�r on th� d�y monthy payrtbnt� an due undx ths Not�, unW th� Not�is pa{d N tuM,a sum ('Funds') tor: (a)y�uly
<br /> tax�s ��d �sssasments wh�h rrwy attatn ptiority ova this S�curity �netrumsnt�s a Nen un th� Prop�tty: (b) yeuly IMSShold
<br /> -..`LL.y+�� �- �- .. . , p�ymmts or qround nnb on th�Propwty. H any: (cI Ywt1y hwrd a prop�rty insuranu pr�nlums: (�Ywty tlood inwranc� _
<br /> — ptetrAums, B any; (�)yary mortpay�hsunne� pram{ums, if any:�nd(Q�ny wms payabl�by Bortowa to L�ndK:n aceordu�c�
<br /> _ - _.�„�, . _,�.� wilh th�provisfons of p�ny�a{�h e, in Ileu ot the payment of moR0�0e insunnce premiums. Thea�Items ue callsd 'Escrow
<br /> `-� �tems.' lendx rrKy. �t �ny Ume, coNect and hWd Funda in an amount not to �xe�ed ths m�xtrtwm amount a Imdu ta a _
<br /> _i's�`�"°'P"' ' " i�d�raly rel�ted mort��toan m�y requke 1or BoROwa'a es�xow account under ths f�d�nl RMI Estate 3etGement Procedurts
<br /> -__"`��-*+^Mr� - •.� af qct ot 1974 as�mended hom tims to tim�,12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('RE3PA'), unkss another kw that appNea to th� Funds
<br /> ^���; nets a lesa�►amount. If so, Lender msy,at any time, coAect and hold Funda in an amount not to�xceed the leaser�mount.
<br /> �,,yL Lender may esiknate the amount ot Funda dua on the baeia of cuRmt daU and rosambk esUmata af expenditures of futun
<br /> �`:i� Escrow items or othetwbe In accordance with appAcable kw.
<br /> -� � Th�Funda ahaY be heid in an InsUtuUan whoae depoaits are insur�d by�tederal ayency,instrumenWUy� o►etURY (Includlnq
<br /> L�nda►, R tsnder is auch an InstituUon) w in any Faderal Mom� Lo�n 8ank. Lendx sh�A apply the Funds to pay the Eauow
<br /> � ' fterttc. tend�r may not charpe Bortower for holdlnQ and apprying the Funda, annually amiytiny the tscrow �ccount,w veritykip �
<br /> th� Escrow Items, unless Lender paya Borrow�r Intereat on the Funds and appAcable law pamfta Lender to tn�k� au:.h a -.
<br /> charye. However, t.mder may raquir� Bortower to pay a one-timo ahuye for�n independent red �aUte tax rsporlinq servlcs
<br /> . ueed by Lender in connectlon wtth thia lo�n, untesa applicable law provides othervvis�. Unieaa �n agraernent is m�de or ��
<br /> apppcabb kw requkes hterest to bs patd, Lender shall not be requlred to pay Bortower any interest or eaminpa on the Funds. �""
<br /> . 8ortowor and Lender may agree In w►itinp, howeve►, that intereat shall b� peld on th�Funds. lender shdi yive to Bortowa. �
<br /> wMhout charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debRa to the Funds and the purpose for whkh s�ch ___
<br /> d�bft to the Funds waa made. The Funds an pledged pa add(tlonai eecurUy tor aU auma secured by the Ser,uriry Insttument. —
<br />�� � If the Funda held by Lender exeeed the amounts pertnitted to be held by appAcable law. Lender ahdl account to Borrowx _
<br /> tor ths axc�ss Funda in accordpnce with the�equkements of applicabie law. it the amount of the Funds hNd by Lender at any —
<br /> time ia not suflictent to pay the Eacrow Item� when dua, Lender rtury so notfty BoROwar In writinq, and,In auch c�se Bw►ower ___
<br /> � ehall pay to Lendar the amounl neeeasery to make up the deflcbncy. BoROw�r �hali tn�ke up the d�flciancy in no more than --.
<br /> iw�ive monthly paymenta,at Lender'a aole discratlon.
<br /> Upon psyment in full of all aums secured by this Securfty Instrument, Lender ahal prompUy re(und to Borrowx�ny Funda
<br /> heid by Lender. If:undx pangnph 21. Le�der ahall acquire or ssll the Propaty.Lend�r, prior to I�ta�ct�tllSlllCiii C+f SalB 8}2I18 =
<br /> Property, shall�pply any Funds had by Le�der at the time of�cquialtlon or ais ts a aadit apainst the aums sacund by thls
<br /> Securlty Instrument. --�
<br /> 3. Applicatlon of PAymonts. Unless applicable Iaw providea otherwise, al payments received by Lender under �•
<br /> parapraphs 1 and 2 shall be appilad: Ikst, to any prepeyment charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable undK =
<br /> p�rapraph 2: thlyd,to intorest due;tourth,to principal due;and I�at,to any late chugQS due under the Note. _
<br /> 4. Charge�; Li911i. BoROwer shal pay all taxes, assesaments, chorgea, finea and imposftbna altributeble to the
<br /> Property which may attah prlority over thls Security instrumant,and leasehold payments or ground rente,H any. Borrower ahall x'.
<br /> . pny theae obApations M the manner provided in paragreph 2, or Ii not paid In that manner. Bonower ah�ll pay them on tkne
<br /> directly to the person owed payment. Bonower ahaN promptly tumish to Lender all nodcea of amounts to be pald under this �T•
<br /> � L. _
<br /> paragraph. If BoROwer makes these pnymPnts directly, 9orrower sfiall promptly fumisfi to Lender recNpte evidenclnQ ihe
<br /> i.' payments.
<br /> +' Bortower shall promptly discharge�ny Iien which hos priodty over this Security Inswment unless 9ortower: (a) ayrees in
<br /> � wntiny to the p�yrnant of the obllgallon eecured by the Ilen in a mannx acceptable to Lender; (b) contests k� yood fafth the
<br /> Aen by, or delends ag�inst enforcement ot the Uen In, legal proceedings which fn the LendKS opinian opeate to prw�nt the
<br /> ' entorcement ot the Aen;or(c) secures from the hoider of the Ilen an agreement satiaf�ctory to lender aubordlnnUnQ the Iien to ,
<br /> . thia Security Instrummt.If Lender determtnes thet eny psrt of ihe PropeAy is subJoct to e lien which may wtt�in priority over this
<br /> . Secudty i�strume�t,Lender may give Borrower a notice fdentitymg the Ilan. Borrower shal satiaty the Aen or t�ke one or more ot
<br /> the octions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. :
<br /> 5. H�zard o� Proporty Insu�anco. Borrower sheA keep the Improvements now exlslinq or hereafter erected on the �'
<br /> Praperty insured ayainst toss by fire, hezards Included within the term 'extended coverage' ond any other hazards, ktcluding '
<br /> • floods or tlooding, lor whlch Lender requkea insurance. This insuranco shall be rt�intafned In the emounts and for the periods �;.
<br /> �• • th�t Lander requires. The Inaurance cartier providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approval
<br /> ' ' , which shaq not be unraasonably w(thheld. If Bortower fafls to maintaln coverage deacribed ob�ve. Lender rtwy, oi Londar's ..
<br /> optlon, obtain coversge to protect Lender's rights In the Property In accordance wfth paragraph 7.
<br /> Ail Insurence poiteles end rmewals shdl be acceptabte to Lender and shall Inciude e standard mortgage cleuse. Lender
<br /> � shall have the tight to hold the polfcies ond renewals. II Lender requires. Bortower shal promptiy give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> petd pramlums and renewal notices. In the event of loss. Bortower sheil give prompt notlCe to the insurance carrler and Lender.
<br /> Lender mey make proot ot toss it not made promptly by 8ortower.
<br /> ' � Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, Insurance proceeds shall be appNed to restoraUon or repak of the
<br /> � � Propeity damaged,It the restoratfon or repalr Is economicaliy feasiblo and Lender's securKy is not tessened. If the reatoretion or
<br /> repair is not economfcaly feasible or Lenders security would be Iessened. the insurance proceeds shaA be app�fed to the aums
<br /> ,� , secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pafd to Bortower. If Bortower abandans the
<br /> , Property. or does not answer wfthin 30 days a�otice irom Lender that the Insurance carrier has ollered to settie e clalm, then
<br /> l.ender may collect the Insurence proceeds. Lender mey use the proceeds to repak or restore the Property or to pay aums
<br /> ' secured by this Security Instrument. whethe►or not then due. The 30•day period wiA begin when the nolice IS given.
<br /> • U�less Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in wnting. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> � � postpone the due date ot the monthly payments referted to m paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under p�rapraph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender. Borrower's nght to any insurence policies and proceeds resultiny Irom
<br /> dam�go to the Properly prior to the acquisition shaU pass to Lander to the extent of th� sums by this Securiry Instrumant
<br /> � itnm�di�tely prior to ihe acqulsition.
<br /> F 6. Occupancy, Preservatlo�, Matntonanco and Protectfon of tho Property; Borrowar'a �oan
<br /> Application; Loa�aholds. Bortower shall occupy. estabGsh, end use the Prope�iy as Borrower's principet resldence within
<br /> t sixty days after the executfon of this Security Instrument and shaY continue to occupy the PropMy as 8ortower's princfpal
<br /> ) residence lor at Ieest one ye�r after the date of occupancy, unless Lender othervvise agrees In writing,which consent shall not
<br /> ' �' be unretsonably wfthheid,or unless extenuating ckcumstances exist which are beyond k3ortower's controt. 6orrower shall not
<br /> �� destroy, dam�ge or impalr the Property. Niow the Property to deteriorate. or commit waste an the Properly. Borcower shail be in
<br /> F delait If any forleiture�ction or proceedng, whether uvil or cnminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith �udgment could result
<br /> ti � In foAeiture of the RopMy or otherwise mate�fally fmpak the Iien created by thls Securtty I�strument or lender's secuniy�nterest.
<br /> � � I P1316-LM6(12A31 P.�a�•7 nf 5 /l�` '-�`
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