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<br /> �. •1:��M1 v�SY r,y�..r��2�'•.���f..A, ... . _
<br /> ,!�:i���..,�,`
<br /> ♦
<br /> . - hr.1�
<br /> ' '' not perwtully liabb on tbe Nota or uader th4 Deed of Trust, aad 4:)a�raa th�t l.eadu aad any otlwr B�rowe� (a
<br /> � haeunder may�ree to ertend.modify,forbear,or make�ny othee acoommodatbn�with ea�ard to eh�t�rmt ot thl� .p
<br /> . Deed of Tnist or the Note,without that Borrower't eoeun►t+�ad without erl�ula�th�t Barrow�r o�modllyity th4 DNd . 1
<br /> of'I'ruat a�to tiut Borwwte's Intee�t in the Ptnperty. �+
<br /> `w�� �'�' � l� 1�. NNla.F.xcept fa say naice roquired uoda�pplic�bl�t�w to b��iven in�noth�u m�nnee.l�)any notioe w
<br /> ;t ;�;��;;��,��= Boerow�e pcovided fa In thb Deed of Trust shall be�iwn by deliverin�It a by msilin�wch notic�by oactiMd mdl
<br /> ,�,�,,.,�,,_ � ;. a,ddreued to Borrowet�t tha Property Addreu or at such otha uidrou a Borenw�r may daiQn�te by notice to Lender
<br /> »• • � u prorided hceeiiu.+wd ib)�ny notice to Lender shall be Qiren by nctitied m�N to L,eeder'�addrw:tated benia a to _
<br /> ;.
<br /> � such other addrac as Lender may daiQnate by natice to Bormwer��provided herein• �ny notla Ixovided fa in thb
<br /> �-.�,_--_— -
<br /> �'} . ,�� DMd of Trust sh�ll be deemed to have ban�iven to Boerower or Lender when Qiven In the msnnae daiQnated ha+ein. _
<br /> . ,, 13. (iMrnl�s Lw;S�bIWy.'I1ie state and local Isv►a applkable to th4 Deed of Tru:t��II be the I�ws of the _ _ _
<br /> .•r;-• �.-��� �•_,, _'_.,. ;; jurisdictbn in which the Property is located.The fore�oin�sentence:h�i not limit the applicability of Peder�l law ta __
<br /> __,��'� , thb Deed of Tru:t.Ia the event thu any provision or clause of this Deed of Trtut or the Note conflicts with applicable =
<br />'_'�.; l:w,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of thb Deed of Trust a the Note which csn be given effect without the ��_._--
<br /> confltctin�proviston.aad to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be sevet�tble.At �� ________
<br /> ���'�: ' used henin."cats","e:pensa"and"attorneys'fas"include all sums to the e:tent aot prohibited by applicabk Isw a _-
<br /> �'^ lim[ted hecei�. =--
<br /> �.. ,5 �.
<br /> 14. Boeea�wr'�Copy.Borcower sh�il be furaished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Dced of Trust at the
<br /> ,• time of execution or�Rer raord�tion hereof. �-=�---
<br /> I 13. R�6�biUtatbs Lo�s Apwaeet•Borrower sh�il fulfill all of Borrower's oblt�ations under w►y home nh�billta• �'`'"""�`
<br /> tion.impmvement,repair or other loar��grament which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender,at Lender's option, ::�,-��==
<br /> . . mny require Borrower to execute and deltver to Lender,in a form acceptahie to Lender,an auignmcnt of any ri�hts. _ --
<br /> clsims or defeases which Botrower msy have a�ainst parties who supply lalwr.materials or services in conaection with _ _
<br /> Improvements made to the Property. •�y;.:� .�
<br /> '...�_
<br /> 16.Trtmter oi tbe Prope�ty or�t&oefkW Interest ia Borrower.If aU or any part of the Property or any interest •.:.R�.„•
<br /> . in It is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural ':''��' �--___
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent. Lender may.at its option.require immediate payment in full of all ._
<br /> sums secured by this Deed of Trust.However.this opdon shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by „_.,� _ J=
<br /> •.�:.R;�.
<br /> federal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust. •;,;,z
<br /> If Lender exercises this optlon. Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shal! provIde a - --
<br /> pedod of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin which Borrower must pay all sums ,' • "�;,_
<br /> secured by thts Deed of Trust.lf Borrowcr fuils to pay thcse sums prlor to the explration of this perlod,Lender may ������,T <«
<br /> invokt ssty ztmedits permiiitd by this Dttd of Trust withovt ftrth�r n�tice or demand on Aarrower. �' .
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM(.bVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and ngree as foUows: - f'�"�"
<br /> 17. Aocdentbn;Remedtu.E:cept�s prodded tn p�ra�nph 16 heroof,opos Honower's brac6 of�ny rnvenut F"�;r .�'���=---�-
<br /> or�e�eement ot Boerower is thi�Deed ot Trnd,inclndle:Boerower's tdlare to pay,by the end ot 10 caMnd�r days�ftK .`��
<br /> they �rs dus,aar�am�wcaea! br t�Y Dad of Trntt,Lcotkr pdor to aceskrattoa�hall�he aotke to Barrower a� �--
<br /> pro�ided ta p�r�isph 12 6eroof�p�ct[ylaa�(1)t6e betach;(21 t6e acttoa requlred to care�uch breach;(3)a datq not ��
<br /> �p�than 20 days from the date tbe notica 4 matkd to Borrower,by wkkb soch braac6 mutt be cured;�ad(4)that �.
<br /> • (ailure to curc�oc6 be�c6 oa or before tbe dRte sp�ci&d W tbe aoda may nsult ta ucekradon of tbc�ams s�cnnd by �, ..
<br /> ' t64 Deed ot Trost and�tle ot t6e P�operty.Tbe nottoe s6d1 fueti�er ta[orm Borrower ot tl�e d�hht W rstnst�te dter �
<br /> � accelerattoe and t!u dQht to brtn��eoart Rct�on w rwert tb�none:�tence ot a de[ault or�ay otber dekn�e o[Borrow�er �
<br /> � to tccelerntba md ale.II the brutch k aot cured on or befors t6e d�tte specl8ed In t6e notk�,Lender.at Leoder's
<br /> opHon,may declare a!10[tbe�um��ecurod by t64 I�ed ot Tru�t to be tmmedtately due�ad p�yable wlWout furt6er ;
<br /> dema►d aad m�►y[atokt tlk power of ule aad itoy otLer e�nedia penaltted by appltc�bk law.Lender dWl be endtbd
<br /> to collect�Il rra�ooibk coab aad e:pem�es I�wrred in puesnln�tbe nmedla prodded W this P�rasraP617.tocludlo�,
<br /> ' but uot limtted w,eauo�uble attoroeys'feea.
<br /> If tLe power ot u!e V Involcal,Tnrtee�h�ll rccord a noHce of de[ault tn eacb couaty in whkh the Propeety ot some
<br /> p�rt theebof b locat�d and s6aI1 w�ll coptes of atc6 aotice In tlse manner pracdbed by apPltcable law to Boerower iwd
<br /> W t!u ot6er penou�pracdbed by applk�ble Isw.After the lyNe ot such Nme a�may be esqutred by�pplkable IaM,
<br /> 'hustee s1u11�Ire publk not{ce of uile to t6e penoo�and tn the m�nner pracribed by�pplic�bk law.Tru�tee,wttlaat
<br /> dem�nd oa BoROwer,�b�ll up t6e Propeety at public suctbn to the hf�ust btdder�t tbe tlme md pl�ce wd mder t6e .
<br /> te�ms dal�oated to tbe notloe ot stk la one or more p�tce4�tnd In�uc6 order as Ttwtee ot�y determioe.Trntbe may
<br /> patpone�ale ot di or�ny p�rcd of t6e Property by public aaaomcement�t t6e time aad place ot any prs�loa�lr '
<br /> • tchedWed swk.Lender or Leoder•s desianee may purc6a�e the Praperry�t�ay sde.
<br /> Upw reoetpt of pnyment of the pdce bid,Tru�tee �6all deltver w the puerhuer Tnutee'� deed conveytoR the
<br /> Property wld.T6e recitals tn the Tru�tee's deed shall be pdmn t�cle evtdence of the truth of the statemeats made
<br /> ' tber�tn.'hwtee s�ll apply t6e praeed�of tbe sak[n the tollowtn�order:(a)to dl rwonable cwts�nd e:peo�es o[the
<br /> , sale,tncludinQ,but aot Ilmited W.Tnastee's fas�ctually Incurred of aot more than .............'k of tbe;rws�le
<br /> pdcs,reawa�bk�ttorneys'fees and caa of Ntle e�tdeace;ib)to�ll�um�secured by th4 Deed of Trnst;aad(c)the e:-
<br /> cw�If any.to tbe penon or penoru IrQd�entitled tLeesto.
<br /> ' 18. Bonrower'� Rt�ht to Rei�tate.Notwithstanding Lender's acceler�tion of the sums secured by ihis Deed of
<br /> I Trust,due Ro Borrower's breach, Borcower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by[.ender to enforcc this
<br /> Deed of Trust discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to accur of li)the fifth day beforc the sale uf the Property
<br /> • pursuant to the power of sale contiined in this Deed uf 1'ruct or(ii)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:
<br /> � (a1 Bocrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration
<br /> i occurced;(b)Boreower cures all breaches of�ny other covenants or agrcements of BoROwer contained in this Deai of
<br /> Trust; (c)Borrower pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and l rustee �n enforc�ng cnc covenants and
<br /> agroement:of Botrower contained in this Dised of Trust and in enforcing[.ender's Ynd Trustee's remedics as providcd in
<br /> � puagraph 17 heeeof,including. but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and(d)Borrowe�takes surh action u
<br /> , ! Lendcr may reasonably requia to assure that the lien of this Deed of Trust, Lender's interest in the Property and �
<br /> ' ;, Borrower's oblig�tion to pay the sums securcd by this Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired.Upon such payment and
<br /> ' , I cure by Borrower,this Deed of Trust and the obligations secured henby shall remain in full force and efFect�s if no ,
<br /> a i acceler�tion had occurred.
<br /> M 19. A�sip�! ot R�wts; Appolohneat of Receivert Lender In Paues�ton. As additionai sccurity hcrcunder.
<br /> y Bormwer hereby asti�ns to Lender the rents of the Property.»rovided that 8orrower shall.prior to acceleration under
<br /> j puagtaph 17 het+eof a absndonment of the Property,have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due
<br /> � : , and payabk.
<br /> Upoa acceleratbn under partaraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property.Ixnder.in person.by agent or by
<br /> � ' judicially appointed receiver sha11 be entitled to enter upon,take possession of and manage the E'ropr.rty and tu collert
<br /> . _ _ -
<br />