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�� �r • J f�'•• ' ' __-__ ����_-. <br /> •� - _ __ .1��� <br /> It aoeca+Ma pap+Funds�o Leade�,th�e Funds shall be heW in an iustftutbn the depaitc or sccatnt�nf which sce <br /> Ir�suced a Quannteed by a Fedar�l or:t�te a�eeary tipctudin�[andcr if Lander b such an lnstitution).I.ender shdl apply � <br /> the Fuad��o piy�Id tuca.auaument�,inwr�aca premlums and�round renu.Lendee m�y not chu�e fa,�o hotdia� .A <br /> and sPplyin�tbe pund��an�lyzin��ld ac�ount oc rerlfyia�u�d con►pilia�s�fd aueuments aad blll�.ualas freedee 1 <br /> pari Borrower intereet on the Funds and appik�bk!aw peetnfb LeAdec to m�ke wch�chu�e.Borrowee aM Lender � <br /> may��ree ln wcitin�at the time of ezecution of thb Deed of Truat thu intet+�t on the Fuads�h�ll be paid to Barower� <br /> ' and unks�tucb a�{nsmeat i�made a tpplicabk Itw require�tuch inttrat to be pa1d. Landat fha11 not be[equlced <br /> � � to p�y Bamwer any interat or earnin�s on the Fund�. Leadee sh�lt�Ive to Borrower.without charp. an�tnnwl <br /> �: accounein�of tAe Funds ehowin�crodiu�nd debkts to the�undr nod the purpoco[or whtch each debit to the Funds wn -.--. <br /> ` mtle.The Funds�ro pled�ed ar sdditlana!�aciuity for the sums secured by this Deed of Tru�t. <br /> .. If the�mount of the Funds held by Lendee,to�etlxt with the iUture monthly in:taliments of Funds payabk priar to <br /> �— the due data ottaxei.� pcemlums�nd Qcouad rents,:hdl exeeed the unount cequirod to pay said <br /> == <br />