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��;� �.-�-.-.._._-_-----_ . ^r: <br /> .�� . . . <br /> � . a.+�:^�,- . . - <br /> R���'s:a.,:. '' <br /> �'1C, , - ir j� ���.. " • ,..__=�;_ ._ <br /> �' -- _____ _- - --- <br /> � y , g4- 10i13i <br /> ''---�"'!�`� .7. P�ot�atlon of L.�nd�r's Rlphb In th�Prop�rty. N Borrow�r wl�to p�fortn th�cov�runt��nd�pnwn�nu oontatn�d In <br /> , this 8�cudly in�trum�nt, or th�n is �IpN procwdn0 th�t rtwiY sipnMlantly�it�ct Und�r's riqhta h th�Prop�tty (wch�� a procNdhp fn <br /> -- - - � b�nkruptay, probaU. Icr concNrmallon or foN�iWn or to mtac�Irw� or rpul�tion�),th�n Und�r may do u►d pay 1or what�vr is n�cu�ary <br /> to prot�ot th�v�iw of th�Proprrty and L�ndK's dphh b th�Propwiy. Und�r'� �ction�may InducN Wy1n0�ny sum� s�curYd by�M�n <br /> •whbh Iwis p►1aRy owr thir S�cwity Insqurtw�t� �PPNUinO In cowi.WYinp �MSOn�N attamay's 1�a�nd�ntwlnp on th� F►cP�rtY to m�k� �R <br /> _ npdrs. Akhouph L�nd�r may tak��aUon undK thit pv�pnph 7,�r doM aot h�v�to do�o. <br /> ,sr�x;��~•��'� My anounta d�bun�d by L�ndw undw thls ptnynph 7�hrM b�com��ddfUontl dWl ot BorrowK��cund by thi�8rcurity Instrum�nt. <br /> '' linl�s Barowr �nd UndK�prM to oth� tKm�of p�ym�nt,thn��mount� sh�il b�ar Int�nst f�om th�dab of disbun�rn�nt�t th�Noti <br /> ,•.�►srt��.'::`."'. aU u�d thaM b�p�yrbl�,wkh IntrMt,upon notic�kom L�ndK to Barow�r rpwatMW P�Y��nt. <br /> 8. Mart�p� Inwr�a�. it Und�r nquk�d rtwrtq�y� Inwru�u u a condition of m�Wnp th� Ioan s�cur�d by thi� 3�wriry -- - - --- - <br /> &� -.. .� .ti L=•n�."r. w InsWrtNnt� Bortow�r�h�N pay th�pr«r►lums nquk�d to mainWn th�mortp�� (nwnnc�In Nt�ot. if,tor any rMSOn�th�mortpap�insurance — ---- -- <br /> N'�'0�i;.:{:�;":.�:�;�� <br /> _ Y cownp� rpuk�d by Und�r lapas or cMS�s to b� Y► Nf�at, Borrow�r sh�ll p�y the prMniums nquk�d to obfah cov�ap� �ubsUntl�ly <br /> __. ,�8;«,_.;�•. . '•� �qulval�nt to ths mortpap�Insunnc�pnubusly in�ffect,�t �cost wb�tu�tWy �quiwlent to ths cost to Borrower ot th�morty�Q�insu►ance <br /> ---_r�;�. . • •..,f�+ pr�vlou�ly in d(�ot, hom u► alt�mat�morty�ps Inwr�approwd by L�nd�. It wb�tanWlly �quiv�l�nt morty�p� insuruic� cov�nps la not _._ <br /> •� . avail�bN, Borroww sh�il p�y to L�nd�r �aah month a wm �qual to on�-tw�Hth bf tht ywrly matyap� insurana prwnlum bsinp paid by �_ <br /> -- `��a... :.`... • Borrow�r wh�n th� inwr�nca aowraps I�p��d or uw��d to b� In �fbct. L�nd�r wGi acc�pt, us�and r�tNr► tha�f+aym�nts as a toaa ..;.:r�.t,.�.�.-n. <br /> '����..,.,. naave In Ilw ot m�xtp�ya Insuranc�. Loss resava p�yments may no�onper be requked. at tha option of Land�r. N mortg�9e InsurRnce s:,��--�-- <br /> ,�� cowrap�pn th� �unount and tor ths pwlod that Lender nquk�s) providrd by an Inaurer approved by L�nd�►aq�in b�com�s av�ll�bi��nd is �"°"��.`",�"'""`: <br /> �. 7���': . <br /> obWned. Borrowx �haM pay th� pr«niums nqulred to mNntaln mortpape inaunncs in ott�ct, or to provid� a loas r�ierv�, unUi the _ <br /> 1. ".. r�'�!�.?.{[fy'„'•• <br /> ,�" � ' " - 'E� r�qukemsnt tor maty�qe inaunnc�ends In accord�nce wfth any writtsn aprament batwaen BorrowK and Lender or applicabl�I�w. . <br /> "'�'��'� 9. In lon. Lend�r or fts a �nt ma makt rs�son�bl�entrtas u on�nd Ins ns of tht Prop�tty. L�nd�r shtU yivt Borroww �, �r --•� <br /> , ip�Ct 0 Y P P�� �,__� <br /> � notict at tht Um�ot or prlor to m Mspscilun sp�cilytny rsaaonabit c�ua�tor tht hspectbn. ___- <br /> �s�� <br /> 10. Cond�mn�tion. Ths procNd� ot any award or ciakr► for d�rtw�q�n, dirtct or compu�nWt, in connecUon wHh �ny �,�•-�v�?�• _._.__ <br /> - condertu�aUon or othw taklnQ of�ny part of th� Proparly,or(or conv�yanc�h ilau ot cond�mn�don,an h��by aaniqned and sh�A b�paid �°'�`�' <br /> ``--- <br />, to Lender. �J'�;"'�- <br /> In ihe wa►t of a toUi takiny of the Prop�rty,tha proceeds shNl be appYed to the aums ascured by thia Socurity Inatrummt,whether or `�r- <br /> � "��'� . "r <br /> , � nat then due,wlth any exceas paid to Borrower. �n the want of a putia�takk►g of tha Property in whlch the idr markat vAlue of the Propetty � �,� <br /> Imm�dlatNy bdora the t�kinq ta aqual to or qre�tx than the amount of the euma socured by thb 3ecudty�nehument lmmadiatety before the �. '° <br /> taWny, uNs�e Borrower and Lendet otherwfee ayre�in wdUnp,the suma eecurod by this Secudly Instrument ahtll b� reduced by the amount � �`=t:i <br /> ' " of the proc�eds muitiplled by the tollowlnp fiation:(a)the totW amount o} the sums:ecured (mmedtetely betore the teWnq, dfvidad by(b)the � � <br /> fatr matket wlue oi ths Roperty imm�dlately bstore tho t�kfnp.My b�lance ahall bo paid to Bortower. in the event o}�partial taWnp ot the j� _, _.. _:- <br /> Propaty k►whiah th�fafr market value of the Property knntodiataly betore tha t�Wnq le loss than the amount of thu suma sacured Immedlately <br /> bofore the takinq,unkaa Borrower and LendK othervvlaa agree in w�itinp or unle�a �ppllabie law othawite provid�s,the proceed� sh�ll ba - _ <br /> appAed to ths suma aeeured by this Secutity Instrumant whother ar not the eums are then due. �� , �":•�,�. <br /> If th� Proparty is ab�ndonsd by 8ortowar, or If, after notice by Lend�r to Borrower that the condemnor oHers to meke an awud or settie � °z�„` <br /> a daim for dartu�q�a,Bortower falla to raspond to Lender within 30 daya atter the date the notice la ylven,Lender ia authorized to collect and . <br /> appry the proce�ds, at ite option, efther to natonUon or rep�ir of the Property or to the euma eecured by thla s�curny Instn�msnt, whethor � . - <br /> • or not then due. � ' <br /> Unless Lander and Borrower otherwlse agree in writhg, any appllation ot prceeods to princip�l shall not extend or poatpone the due �, , :,nt. <br /> date of the monthiy payments referred to in psragrapha t and 2 ar chanye the amount of such peymente. � - �'��' <br /> 11. Borrowar Not Rola�sod: �orboaranao By Londor Not �Wtiv�r. Extension ot the time tar payment or �. ? <br /> modHicetion of�mortlution ot the suma securad by thin Seeudty Inatrumant granted by Lender to any succeseor in intereat of Bortower shall 1 <br /> i not operate to releaae the IIebIUty of the orlpinal 8or�awer or 8ortower'a auccesaors in interest. Lender shall not be requlred to eommence � ;;� <br /> i proceedk�ya tyalnat any succeaaor in Intereat or refuse to extend tlme for payment or othervvlaQ modiy amortiz�tion ot the auma aecured by , <br /> ' thls 3ecurity Inatrument by roaaon of any demand made by the originoi Borrower or Bortower's auccesnors In Intereat. My torbetrance by . <br /> �•� Lender In exercisiny any�ight or remedy shull not be a wa(vx of or preciude the exercise of any rfght or remedy. .,, <br /> � 12. 3uccoasors and A�stpna 8ound; Joint and Sovora�l Lisbil(ty; Casignera. The covenanis and aqreements ot <br /> ' thta S�:urity Instrument ahall bind and benefit the succes9ors end asslyns of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the provisions of paragreph <br /> i7. 8orrowet's coven�nts and agreemsnts ehall be Jolnt and aeveroi. Any Bortower who co•alyna this Security Insirument but doss not <br /> exeeute the Note; (a)la co-aiqning thls Secudty Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant, ond convey that Bortower'a interest In the Property under <br /> the terma ot thfs Securlty Instrument; (b)is not personaNy obligated to pay the suma secured by this Security Instrumant; and (c)ayrees that <br /> LandQr and any other Bonower may ayree to extend. modlly, forbear or mtke�ny accommodationa with repard to terms ot this Sacudty _ <br /> Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's consent. ' <br /> 13. Loan Char�a�. It the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subJect to a law which sets maximum ban charqes, end that , <br /> � Iaw (s flnally inlerpreted ao thet the interest or other ban charyes coltected or to be collected in connectlon with the loan exceed the <br /> permitted Iimita, then; (a)any such loan cherges shell be reduced by the amount necesaary to reducs the ch�rge to the permittad Iimlt; and ,�, <br /> (b) any auma already coliected from Borrower wh�h exceeded permitted INnits wlll be relunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make <br /> thla refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or hy making o dlrect payment to Borrower. If a refund reducea pdneipal, the <br /> �. reduction wlll be tre�ted as a partlal prepayment without any prepayment chorge under the Note. <br /> 14. NotiCYS. Any notice to Bortower provlded(or in this Security Ustrument shall be given by delivering it ar by mailing it by lirst <br /> • ciass mall untesa applicable law requlres use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Addreas or any other address <br /> Bwrower dealynates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shali be given by Ikst cless mafl to Lender's address stated herein or any <br /> � other eddress Lende�deslgnates by nolice to Borrower. My notice provided for In thts Security inatrument shaA bo deomod to have been <br /> � qlven to Borrower or Lender when given as provlded in this paragreph. ' <br /> ` 15. GiOV6frtin� LaW; Sovorability. This Security �nstrument shall be govemed by tedera� law and the law of the Jurisdictlon In <br /> whlch the PropeAy Is iocated. In the event thet any provislon or clause of thfs Securiry Instrument or the Note conflicts with applicable iaw. <br /> ' such conNct shail not aNect other proviabna ol this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given eftect withaut the conflicting <br /> � provislon. To thls end the provlsions of thla Secudty Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable. <br /> , 16. Borrowvr's Gopy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and ot this Secudry�nstrument. <br /> 17. Transfer of tha Properly or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. fi ali or any part ot the Property or any interest In <br /> � it Is ao�d or transterced (or if a beneficlal Intereat In Borrower is sold or tra�sferred end Borrower la not e natural person) wfthout Lender's <br /> ' � prfor written conaent, Lender rtwv, at its optlon, requlre Immed{ate payment In tull of all eums secured by this Securiry inatrument. However. <br /> � � thla optlon sh�Wpnot be exercised by Lender if exercise Is prohibfted by federai law as of the date oi this Security Instrument. <br /> F It Lender �xercisea thta optlon. Lender shall give Bonower notice of acceierntlon. Tha notke shall provide a perlod of not less than 30 <br /> � daya irom tha d�te the notice Is dellvared or nufled wlthln which the Borrower must pay all sums secured by thfs Security Instrument. If <br /> � ' t Borrower idis to pay theae aums pdor to the expiration ot thts period. Lender mey Invoke any romedfes permitted by ihis Security Instrument <br /> ' without turth� notice or dem�nd on Borrower. <br /> ' � I <br /> � � P�9c J ot 5 Form d070 9NU <br /> . Ft029.LMO(9/93) <br /> 6 <br /> itG957�1•10 � <br /> I <br /> I _. ___..__ __-___ _.. ._._._ . _ <br />