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<br /> not.W �xoMd tl►� nwdnum rnamt a bndr far■ /�d�r�My nMt�d!r�artp�p� lan rtwY nquk�for Barowv's �ow �ooarN und�r tM
<br /> Nd�r�l RMI E�tM�A�1li�nNnt Proo�dtx�Aot ot 1974 a am�nd�d irom tMw b tNn�, 12 U.B.C. 2001 �t�p. ('REBPA')�uni�t�noth�r hw
<br /> , th�t ytplM�to qN Fund�sMs a M�sv r►�ount H so, L�n�y,at �ny tlm�, aoMct �nd hold Fund� in an �rnount not b�xoMd th�
<br /> wwr.mounL L�nd�.mry ..fYna. th. .mount a wnds du.on th. bu�.a axnnc dw .na ns.on,bi. ..umw. a «p«�dwrN of
<br /> �I�Ilun Bwow qMrN or olh�rwi��b�000rdmo�wlth�ppMcd�N Mw•� �
<br /> Th�Fund�shY b�h�ld b�n NtWWtlon whost d�potlu an inwnd by a i�d�rv�p�noy� Intkumw�WNY. or�► (M�oM�Nnp Und�r. N
<br /> - ��nd�M woh�n Inatkuqon)a b�ny F�drN Har�Lo�n 8�nk. Lmd�r sh�M�pply th� Funds to pay th�Escrow ft�. L.�nd�r nwY not
<br /> oiw�pt 8artow�r fa holdnq md applylno th�Fwid�� mt�wMY �N+�O th��aow acaount, or wtltyMp th� Etaow IUms.unlM� I.rnd�r
<br /> -__� P�Y� 8art�ow�►N►t�t an th�Funds�nd�ppYc�Mw pumiti l.�ndK to m�k� wch�ahu�. Howwrr, L�nd�►m�y nqub Ba►owr to w
<br /> - --_= p,y a on.trri.ch.ro.t«.n Ind.pmd«,t n.t..ut•wc�.porcri0 snv�c•us.d by L.ndK in ecmn.ouor►wxn th�•b.n� uNw•.ppucawa!aw
<br /> provldK oth�rwis�. UnUts �n �prMnNnt b rtrd� or apptc� kw nquk�s Mt�t to b� p�id, t�nd�r shW not b� nqub'�d to WY
<br /> Borrow�r�ny int�nst w wnNp�on th�Funds. 8arowr and Lmdu rtxy apn�h wrNino, howwK.that int�nst shaM b�p�ld on th�Fund�.
<br /> _ ��s��,��go�rq�rK�wlthout ohuq�,am m�wi�ccou�tlny ot th�Funda,showinp cndita and d�bit�to the Fund��nd th�purpcu
<br /> — 1a which wch d�bM to th�Funda was rrwd�. Th�Funds an pNcipb�s addltiorni a�auity tor�NAeums sYCUnd by this 3�curiry In�Wm�nt.
<br /> H th� funds hdd by L�nd�r �xcMd th� amounb p�miftt�d to b� hdd by appMabM kw, L�ndK shaN account to Bartowr fa th�
<br /> -- --- aass Funds In accord�ne�wkh th�tpukMn�nU of appMC�bl�kw• If th�amount of th� Funds held by L�ndu at any Wn�b not sutAdent —
<br /> - -==—_---�— to pay th�Escrow ft�ms wh�n du�, LmdK rtwry�o notNy Bortow�r b wddnp,and, In wch cast Bortow�r shal pay to Undr the amount
<br /> ''� � me�sury to m�k�up th� dMfel�ncy. 8orrow�r�hall mrk�up the delicimay in no mor�than twNw monthiy paym�nts, At UndK'a soM
<br /> dfux�flon. • �.
<br /> ------- Upon paym�nt In 1uN of+�I wms s�curod by thi� 3�curtry ine�ummt, Lender shdl promptiy rNund to Barowsr any Fund� hald by
<br /> ��i.� ���-� Lmd�r. M,und�t p���ph 21,Und�r�hali acquln or sNl ih�Propwty►.Lender,Pdor to th�acquisitlon w saU ot ths Prop�ny. sh�Y appN
<br /> r ��r� • any Funds hatd by Lridr at th�tirt�ot acquisNbn or ui��i �cr�dit aainst th�surtu s�cur�d by thts 3ecurlty Imttument.
<br /> �'�`�y"''''' �±^ 3, Applic�tion of Paym�nb. Uni�ss appNc�bie yw provld�s othsrwise, aN p�yments nceiwd by L�ndK under panpraphs 1 and
<br /> u.-�
<br /> `��"'� a'�5� '"' 2 shNl be�ppll�d: Arat,to �ny pnpaynNnt aharp�s du�und�r th�Not�; sscond, to unounts pty�bN undK puayraph 2; thkd to int�rost
<br /> .�,;•�::,ti.d..� ;�:
<br /> ' dw; fourth,to prir►dp+d due; �nd laat,to any 4te ah�rq�s due unda the Note.
<br /> j�"'"`�" •' ��. 4. ChU��; U�ns. &xrowK Rhd psy aN Wus, �s:wsmmts, oh�ryas, 11net and koposiUon� atld6uttbN to the Propuly whlch �°
<br /> M.. --
<br /> I��.�...�..-.�. � , _
<br /> may �tt�fn priaity owr thls 3�curily Inawmmt, �nri IMS�hold p�ymante or�round renU, H any. BoROwer shaA pay th�a obuy�Uons In the
<br /> �� .:��•= • � mmn�r provkMd k► p�rapraph 2, or it not pdd in th�t m�nnr, Borrowr ehall pay them on Uma dkectN to ths peraon ow�d PaYn'ient. _
<br /> , _ �. Borrow�r �haN promptly tumish to Lendw NI nodces ot amounts to b� p�id under this parnpraph. Ii 8orrow�r maka th�e paym�ntt --
<br /> ' dinatly,Borrow�r shall prompty lumiah to Lmd�r racMpts wldencinp the p�ymsnts, r�'�
<br /> � " � ' Borroww shaq promptly dischary�any Nm whiah ha� prlaky over lhis S�cutily instrument unlsss BoRaw�r: (�)a�r�u In wrilNg to tho _
<br /> .s,�.., -�--
<br /> � p�ymmt ot th�obNpaUon s�cund by th� Il�n in� rtwm�r�cuptabk to Lenda; (b) cont�ats in 9ood hiith ths Ilsn by, or ddsnd� ap�inst
<br /> -j:=,=:- _.. _ " �ntorc�m�nt ot th�W�n in�Iepai procNdin9a whioh in lhe L�nciK's opinlon op�rat�to prevent th��+tfac�mant of th�Wen;ar (c)aecuns hom ��
<br /> th� ho�dr of lhs N�n an�yts�m�nt wU�hctory to Lendw�ubardintlhy the Il�n to thb 3ecurity Inswment. It le►idar detemw►o�thd+nY �-;�:•
<br /> p�t ot th�Prop�rty ts subject to� Um which mty attai� pdo�iry over thie Securiry InsWment, Lender may pNe Borrower o notico Id�nHtyinp �•�
<br /> � th�Ii�n. BortowK�hall aticy th�Aa�or Uke ons or mwt oi lhe actlons sat torth abov� within 10 days of th�yivinp of notia. ---.
<br /> 5. H�zud or Prop�rty Insu�ancl. BoROwer ehatl keep th� Improvementa �ow exlatinq or h�re�ftar xeated on the Proporty �,
<br /> hsund aQokut bsa by fire, h�zarda Includ�d within tha term 'extended coveraye' �nd any othx huards, InGudinq floods or flood(nq. tor �
<br /> which UndK nqukes Inauranc�. This Insunnc�shaA ba rtrinUlned in the�mounts and for the periods that I.�nd�r requkes. The Inauranea �.,
<br /> ` certix provtdk�y ths ineurance sh�Q ba chosan by Borrower eubJect to L�nder's approvd whlch sh�ll not b� unrsasonaby wfthheld. If ;±� •
<br /> Borrower fdla to mainUln coverage described above, LondK may, at Lender's optlon, obtaln covanpe to protact Lendar'e riqhts In th� '-�-
<br /> , �.`:
<br /> �i' Propsrty k►accord�nce wfth p�rapnph 7.
<br /> *, � .
<br /> ih : All ImunncQ poticle�and renewa�t shaA ba acceptabie to Lendx and ah�it InGude a :Wndud mortpa�e cinuse. Lender ehaY have the
<br /> , dpht to hotd th� poNcies and ranewaia. It LandK requkea,Bartow�shaY prompty yive to Lender ali raceipts of p�id pramiums and renew�i
<br /> , notica. In tht event ot los�, 8ortower sh�A pive prompt notice to the Ineunncs carriK ond Lender. Lend�r may rt�k�proot of bss If not }�,,
<br /> m�d�prompUy by Borrower. �r
<br /> ' � Un�sas Lender and BoROwer otherwise agree In writing, Insurance proceede eh�N be appNed to nstoration or repdr of th� Preperty �+
<br /> d�mayed, if the rostontlon or rapek la econamlcaliy teaalble and Lender'e security Is not leasen�d. If tha ra�torotion u repllr la not r�
<br /> ' �conomiceNy laialbl� or Lender's securUy wauld be lasaened, ihe Insunnce proceede ehall be applled to the sums secured by thu Secudty
<br /> ,� , Inatrumsnt,whether or not then due,with any excess pald to 8ortower. �t Borrower abandons the Property, or does not nnswer wlthin 30 ,.
<br /> ' d�ya� notic�from Lendar that the Inaurance cartier has oNered to settie a claim, then LendQr may coltect tne Insuronce proceeda. Lender
<br /> , mey use the proceada to reptlr or resioro thQ Property or to pty suma sacurod by thls Secu�ity Instrument, whethK or not th�n due. The .
<br /> 30-day period wili begin when tho nopce Is yiven. •
<br /> • • Unlass Lander�nd Bortower otharwise agree in w�itinq, any applicatlon ot proceeds to p�incipal sh�ll not extend or poatpon� the due
<br /> • d�te ot the monthty paymenta ret�rced to in poraqrapha t and 2 or chanpe the amount ot the payments. 11 under p�taqraph 21 the Propaty ,
<br /> �� is acquk�d by Lender.Borrower's right to any Inaurance pdiciea and proceeds resultlny trom damaye to the Property priw to the�cqulsttlon
<br /> ahaA pass to Lender to ihe extent ot the auma aecured by ihis Security Instrument fmmedfatHy prbr to ihe acqulsition.
<br /> � 6. Occup�ncy, Proaarvation� Malntananco and Protoction of the Proporty; Borrower's Loan
<br /> � � � , Applieation; l.�aSOhO1dY.Borrower ah�ll aecupy, esUblish, a�d uae the Property on Bortower'e princip�t realdence within tlxty days
<br /> �z after tho�xacuUon ot this Security Instrument and shali continue to occupy the Property as BoROww's pdncipal residence(or nt�east one
<br /> �. ' ysar aker the date of occupancy, uni�ss Lander othorwise aqrees In writing, whlch consmt sh�il not be unreasonebly withhNd,or unteas
<br /> extenuatinq ckcumetences exist which are beyond BoROwer's controi. BoROwer shall not destroy, damage or Impalr the Property,allow the
<br /> ' • Property to d�tw'ivato,or commit weste on the Property. Bortower shall be In de(ault If any torfeiture actlon or procaeding,whether civft or
<br /> � ulminai, la bpun that in Lendx's good falth judqment could result In forleiture oi the Property ar othervvise rtuderiaYy impair the Nen created
<br /> ,. by thls 3ecurlry InsUVment or LendKS aucurity intereat. Bortower may cure such a defauft and ralnstate, as pravided in para�:eph 18, by
<br /> � c�usinq thQ �ction or proceedinp to be dismlaaed with � rulinp that, In Lender's yood fafth daterminatlon, prectudes torfeiture ot the
<br /> '- �_._ . w...M.,.r� i�e...Re u, f�,. Preearfv or othK rrutuial h�nslrmant o1 the Ilen creatQd bv thla SecuriN Instrument or Lender's a�curily intctest.
<br /> .Y-_-. -
<br /> . . r..- . ... .
<br /> ' ` BoROwer sh�l�Iso be In detault It Bortower, dunnq the lan appliutton proceaa.g�ve mat�rlalty talsa or Innccurata infomxtlon or sUtemants
<br /> • . R to LKtdx(or taAod to provldQ I.onder with any materlal Inlormatfon) fn connection with the Ioan evideneed by the Note, fnciudinp, but not
<br /> ', �, Wnit�d to, npresentaUons coneeminp Bortowar'e occupancy of the Property ws a prineip�l reslde�ce. If this 3ecurity Inatrument Is on o
<br /> �; Is�sQhoid, Borcower sh�M comply with all the provlalons ol the lease. If Bortower acquk�s tN title to the Properry. tho lasahold and the
<br /> ; 1»titl��hail not merye unless the Lender apreea to the mayer in writing.
<br /> , �
<br /> Peqe 2 0�5 Furm l02B 9N0
<br /> � . FY029.1M0(9/�3)
<br /> • , 11695J•7•t8 ,
<br />