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,.,�,,,, .. .-.. . <br /> ,�`, _.. . _ <br /> �� ...: � _ �.�. :i"�,. <br /> .J, � ...�w�:.n..u�++rr..a........._... .�.. _.. _ --- -- -- <br /> _ ..., a.�.�!.��}. ..n�,.._ • .-..---- - . ... _. . .. <br /> _ ,d.M�.�.«�.P�•• 9�4� 1t)�,(�4;9 <br /> (�� ��Not�N��d.Extsnslon ot th�dm�tor paym�nt or modiNc�tion ot�mo�tl:atlor►ol tt�wm�N°u���ry <br /> --- W�d of Tru�t pnnt�d by Und�r to Rny ouccwwr in Int�rest of Borrow�r th�ll nol op�rat�to r�M,In�ny mann�r, <br /> ��� of 1M o�lnd Borrow�r Rnd Borrow�r's�ucc�sson In Int�rn�L�nd�r�hili not M nqutnd to comrtNnc�ptocNdi►►O��Winst <br /> —�"°'°`�""'a� wch succ�tsor or nfuN to sxt�nd Qm�lor p�ym�nt ar oth�rwiN modiy amorti=adon of th�wm�s�cur�d by tht�DMd a Trust � <br /> _ _ -� by r�s�on of any demands mada by the or{pinai Bo�rower and Borrower's euaceseors in Inf�tat. `O'�ny����h��n ��_ <br /> -- — �b��«���powK�.Wlthout�floodnp 1h��iabillry ol�ny oth�r p�►son INbI�lor th�pAymM <br /> "�""'—'`"� msntfoned,and without aH�ctfnp!h�ilen or chary�of thit Oe�d ol Trust upon�ny poNo�of th�F�°P�Af►���a�K��� <br /> '� �"� rele�a�d�s sscurity for the fuil amount of all unp�td obllpation�,L�ndor may,lrom tim�to tim�and without notic�(i)rNaN��Y <br /> -����,�r.aka psr�on�o�Iab1�,(tl)�xt�nd ths maturity or eit�r any ot th�brm�ot any iuch obi�y�uon�,(u�)�rantOthM 111dU1QMOM,pv)npas� <br /> -_��:•°���� or reconvey,or cause to bs ro l�a f e d or reconve ysd at eny Um�at L�ndor'�oppon any p�rcet,portlon a at�ot Ih�PropertY. <br /> �•�'"' "�' ��''� v hke or r�ls�ae any other or�ddldonal eecuriry for any oblipatlon h�rNn rtNnUon�d.or (vl)mak��omP°�u0��°f°�� <br /> ��,7►�� t ) <br /> --.�,w.h,n,.�,,. arran�ementa with d�btoro in relation theroto. �__ <br /> _��-�� (c) ForlNU�na�b!I�dK Not a Watv�r.Any torbearance by Lend�r in ezercisiny�ny rlpht or r�m�dy hsraund�r,or <br /> oths►wise aHorded by epplicabls law,ahall not be a waiver ot or precluds the exsrcise of my wch ri�ht or nrt►�dY•Th� <br /> , �'�..��:��:�y prxuroment of insurance or the psyment of tazes or other�iens or cherqes by Lend�r shall�ot b��waiv�r of l.�nd�r'�rlqht to <br /> �14R4��.,.,�:•_�� acc�ler�te ths maturity ot the indebtednesa aecured by this Oeed ot Trust <br /> ,�-��:.____.,_—=,� �d) g�����nd�ss{pns 9ound;Jdnt and Sw�l W b N i t y;CaPNon�•The covenanb and epre�m�nu her�►n con- <br /> tained shall bind,and ths rfqhu hereunder thali Inure to,the reapective succeesors and ass�pns ot Lendor and Tru�tor.AII <br /> � ,..w .�:..,1: <br /> Y,k,,._, ,;:,,.f,;�,., covenants and ayreements ot Trustor shail be Jofnt and aeverai.The captions and headinps of the paraqraph�01 this O«d of <br /> ���.�x�,,.�.. -: T�uat are for convenienca only and are not to be used to Interpret or detine tha provialon�hereot o�An notic� �- _ <br /> (e) R�qu�st br NoticN.The partiea hereby requeat that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy Y <br /> n�-��•�`.��• •`-%�`�'� of�ale hereunder bs malied to each perty to this Deed ot Tru�t at the addrets aettoRh Above in lhe manner preecribed by � . - <br /> - � '"����� ' appliceble lew.Except for any other notice required under eppllcabte law to be piven in another mtnner,any notice provided -- <br /> ' ����' �'°�• • for in thia Daed of Trust shali be�iven by melliny euch notica by ceRifled mail addreased to the other partfes,at the eddreu s�t � <br /> • .t�r�;f i':.. . (a�ebove.Any notice provided for in thia Oeed ot Truat aheil be ettective upon mailiny In the menner desipnatsd h�rNn.It <br /> '' Truator is more than one person,notice sent to the address aet torth ebove shal!be�oUce to all tuch persons. rovlddcl <br /> .i; -.. . �� ����pn,Lender may make or causo to be made�easonable entrles upon and Inspections ot the Property,P �;_,-- <br /> � that Lender shail pive Trustor notice prior to any such tn�pection specNylnfl reaeonabla cau�e thorelor nt�tod to L�nd�r's R_ <br />- •'�� �'' intsreat in tha Propertyr• � <br /> (q) R�aonv�yanc�.Upon payment of ali suma aecured by this Deed of Trust,Lender ahatl requeat Trustee to reconvoy the <br /> • � Property and shali surrender thta Deed hout war an i nand without charye to t�heeper on o�peraons��speliy entltled th�reto. <br /> Trustee sha1�reconvey the Property tY <br /> ' -t,�• Trustor shall pay a11 costs of recordatlon,if any. <br /> �h� p�sona�prop�rty;S�cu�ity AyrNm�nt. As edtlltlone�i seCUrity for tha puyrnbnt of ih8 �Jole,T:ustor he►ebY 9�anu <br /> ;..ti:,;c,:'.y � Lender under ihe Nebraska Unitorm Commerclal Code a e�ecurlty interest in all tixtures,equipment,and other pe►aonel property � <br /> used tn connect�on with the reul tl�tate��Imprav�ment...__?rwei thwreon,and not otherwlae declared or deemed to be a part of <br /> the reat eatate secured her9by.This inatrument shall be conatrued as a Secur i t y Apreernent under an�d Gaia,a�id the Lsnder — <br /> shalt have a�l the rights and remedies ot a secured party under sald Code in addition to the riqhts and remedies created under <br /> � and accorded the Lender purouant to this Deed ot Trust;provided that Lender's rfyhte and remediea under thfa parasraph shail ___ <br /> � be cumut4tive with.and in no way a iimitation on,Lender's rlphts and remediea under any other security epreement tiqned by <br /> - , • Borrower or Trustor. �:_ <br /> (I) L.Nns�nd Encumbnnc��.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no defauit under the proviaiona ot any <br /> t;a... mo�tpaye,deed of trust,Iease or purchase contract describing ali or any part of the Proper.y,or other contract,tnstrument or ��_ <br /> ' apreament constltutinp a lien or encumbrance agafnat all or any part ot the Property(collectiveiy,"L►ens"),existinp as of the <br /> 5�, i date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exiating Liens remafn unmodified except as disclosed to Lender In Trustor's � <br /> written dlsciosure of Iiens end encumbrances provided for hereln.Trustor ahall ttmely perlorm ali of Truator's obllpations, <br /> covenants,representations and warranties under any and ali exisiting and future Liens,shati promptly torwatd to Lender coples � <br /> of all notices of detautt sent in connection with any and ail existing or future Liens,and shali not without Lender's prior written � <br /> � conaent in eny manner modify the provislons o1 or aliow any future advances under any existinq or(uture Liens. !� <br /> � � . . Q) Applie�don of Paym�nts.Untess otherw�se requued by law,sums pa�d to Lender he�eundor,including without Iimftatfon �t � <br /> Lende to the armounts due and wing irom TrusporanddBorro ee nnsu h order asl ender n�lts soie dlsaretion deems desi abbe. � <br /> (k) S�v�r�bility.If any Provision ot this Deed of Trust Contl�cts with applicabte Iaw or is declared Invaiid or otherwise �, <br /> � ;� uneniorceabte,such contlict or invalidity shall not affect the other provisons ot this Deed of T�ust or the Note which can be + <br /> yiven ettect without the Conflictinp provision,and to this end the prov�sions of this Deed of Trust and the Note ere declered to be , <br /> }�' sevorable. ' <br /> (I) T�rms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall�nclutle both singuiar and plural.and when the Trustor and Borrower � <br /> are the eame person(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shali be interchangeable. � <br /> ` (m) Gov�rnin�Law•This Oeed of Trust shali be 9overned by the�aws of the S�e o�braska. <br /> �. � Tru4tor has executed thls Deed of Trust as ot the date wririen above.�� <br /> �� <br /> :s: ' �� <br /> f usaerl'"""' Huaband <br /> .y � S eve P Ras <br /> 4 _—.�. � _(�t�J f A <br /> �` � . Vick1 RaemussQ Trustor Wife <br /> : <br /> � . .�,,.,�... <br /> . � i �.s�C�'• ' <br /> -�----- ` . �a�►•�. <br /> - �--- __ . _ . <br /> . ,. <br /> � 4 <br /> .� �� <br /> � ! <br /> 1 • <br /> 1 � <br />