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...,.t,�_.. __Fu,.;.r,.�., - <br /> �"^'�"'"�—--- .�_•r. , <br /> � aNt��... <br /> — .• ' , iL�aY._ . ,. <br /> L..! <br /> �.r, . �'#�}' _ _ _ _..r. ... <br /> '�iin•'.�„1 • ._.___ . _ _._._ __ _ ._ <br /> - ---_._....�..yr,eM�r.. <br /> 94�- sa�.of:9 <br /> th�PrOqrty i�so fakM►or aom�q�d���r�II hav�th� ita�ol�and absolut�dl�arNion.�co�pply ail�uch ProaNdi, � <br /> �I�d�ducqnp 1h�rMrom sll co�u and�xp�nws inaurnd by It In conn�ctlon with such ProcNd�,upon an�n�d�bf��r�Mc f� <br /> hK�by�nd in such ord�r at L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,or to appiy a���CO Q'P�����nu��n�a sh�tl not�xbnd or patpon� <br /> -- Prop�rty upon such candttlons u Lwnd�r maY d�t�►min�.Any�pp <br /> th�du�dat�of any payrtNnq unds��h�Not�,or aur�any dofault th�nund�r or h�rwnd�r.Any u�appll�d lund�sh�ll b�pald fo <br /> Trusbr. <br /> � ----___ —°-•_ e '���,y����.Upon th�xcurnnce af an Evsnt of Dsfau�th�rwnd�r,or II�ny�ct is tak�n or Ip�l proc n0 r__ <br /> epmm�nc�d whiah mat�riatly afl�ats L�nd�r's Int�nst in th�f'ropErty.I-andor miy tn lts cwn dlscretion,but withaut obtbatlon to do <br /> q��nd wlthout noQce to or d�mmd upon Tru�tor�nd wUhout releatin9 Trustor irom any oblipatlon,do any ect which Tru�tor h�t <br /> — �prNd but f�lt�to do and may tiw do my oth�r act it de�m�nsc��ary to prot�ct ths wcurity hereot.Trustor ah�ll,Imm�diateiy � <br /> " upon o�msnd th�nfor by L�nder,pay tc L�nd�r alt cosb and sxp�n�s incurred and sums expsnded by L�nd�r in conn�ctlon with <br /> ___�_�=�� the�x�rciss by L�nder of th�torpoin�riphb,top�ther with Intaost th�rson�t th�ddault rate provid�d In the Note,whicb�hali 6s � <br /> ____== __ �dct�d tu th�i�d�bt�dn�ss s�cur�d h�r�by. Lendar shs0 not incur any Il�bllity b�caua of anylhinp it may do or omit to do <br /> - - =—_-��� ���' in compllance wlth atl appUcable lawe,ordinance�and ropulatlons <br /> " 9. Huatdou�MaMr1aN•Tru�tor sh��l keep the Property <br /> °�'— niadnp to Industrisl hy�fene or environmantat protection(coi�ectivety reterred to hereln as"Envfronmenta�Lawa").Trustor shell <br /> � �' ' keep the Property irse trom atl aubatancea deem�d to be haz�rdous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectiveiy reterred to <br /> •�±�x-%�?�r��,� hsreln�s"HAUrdous MaUrials').Truator h�reby warrants and representa to Lender that there are no Hazardous Matadals on or _ <br /> „�;-- - ° und�r the Prop�rty.Trustor hsreby sqrNS to indamnity md ho�d harm�sts Lender,tts di►sctors,oHicers,empioyees and aqents,and <br /> �ny wcc�uon to l.ender't int�res�(rom and epNnst tny and alt clalm�,damapea,tosaes�nd Ilabtiltles arlsiny in connecUon with <br /> ' T:�,� the pr�Mnc�, u�e,diaposal or trarnport oi any Hazardoue Materiais on, under,irom or about the Property.THE FOREQOIN(3 <br /> �: '�•',�� WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS.AND THUSTOR'S 08LiOAT10NS PUR3UANT TO THE FORE(301N(31NDEMNITY,SHALL <br /> ,�k;�?°`"�•."'e: " $URVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TH{S DEED OF TRUSL —_- <br /> :�� • �-• • 10,ANIpnmM�t d R�tlts.Trustor hereby atsipna to Lendar the rants,iseues and protils of the PropQrty;provlded that Truator <br /> — - `�'��`�`,w%�`%�+� �hall,until ths occurrence of an Event of Default herounder,have the rlyht to collect end rotain such rents,lesues and profita es they <br /> " becoms due and pe�yable.Upon lhe occurrence ot an Event ot Detauit,Lender may,elrher in pereon or by a�ent,with or without <br /> � � � brinpinp any acdon or proceedlnq,or by a receiver appolnted by a court and without repard to the adequecy of Its securily,enter �s <br /> ���°l���� '''�, � upon and take posseeslon of the P�operty.or any part thereof,in iri own name or in the name of the Truatee,and do any ects which It <br /> �. �...�, . deems neceasary or desirabte to preserve the vaiue,marketeblilty or rentability ot the Property,or any part thereot or inte�eatthereln, <br /> �"�•�"`� � Inoreafe the income therefrom or protect the sscuriry horeof and,with u�without taklnp possesslon ot the Property.sue for or �.:. <br /> :.�=l_;w•�_� : otherwise co�lect ihe renta,isaues and protlts thereot,Inciudin�thooe past due and unpaid,and appiy the same,�ess coats and <br /> .. _ , ,� expeneea of operation and coliectfon includinp attorneys'tees,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,ail in such order as Lender — <br /> " may determine.The enterinp upon and tekinp possesalon ot the Prope r t y,the coliection ot such rents,issues and proflts and the <br /> " appllc�tion thereof ae aforasald,ah�ii�ot cure or waive any default or notice o}defauit hereunder or invalidate any ect done In <br /> ' response to euch defauit or puraua�tto such notice ot de}ault and,notwithstandiny the continuance In possession of the P�operl�r or <br /> . - -�`''-�=--------- thc calleailon,rece4Qt en�!?ppl�atlon of rents,isaues or proflts,and 7rustee and Lender shall be entitted to exercise every rtpht <br /> � . p�ovided tor In any of the Loan Inat►uments or by taw upon occurrence ofi any Eve��i�t Defautt,lnctudlnp rlfthout 1lmitelion lhp ri�ht <br /> to exercisa the power of sale.Fuhher.Lender's riyhts and remedles under thta pareyraph ahell be cumuiative with,and In no way a 6.;: <br /> • Ifmlfation on,Lender's rights and remedles undor eny as�iynwa+'�t of teasos and ren�reco�d�A9pinst the Propertv.Lender,Truatee � <br /> and the recelver shall be Ilable to account only for those rents actualiy received. <br /> 11. Evmb of DNault.The lollowlnp shall constitute an Event of Detault under this Deed o1 Trust _ <br /> (a)Faliure to pay any Installment of principai or intereat of any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> � • (b)A breach of or default under any provision contalned in the Note.this DE+ed of Truet,any of the Loan Instrumenta,or any �,_ <br />— oiher Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> (C)A writ ot executfon or attachmen t or any s i m i i a r p r a c a s a sh alt bo entered a peinat T�ustor which shali become a lien on 4�_ <br /> --�- ' the Property or eny portion thereof or interest thereln; ' <br /> � �. (d)There shail be fiied by or against Trustor or Borrower an acUOn under any present or(uture federal,state ot other <br /> '�: statute,law or�epulation reiatfng to bankruptcy,Insoivency or other reitef tor debtors;or there ahail be appol�ted any trustee, <br /> f receiver or Iiquidator ot Trustor or Borrower ar of all or any part of the Property,or the rents,issuea or profite thereof,or Trustor <br /> or Borrower ehall make eny genera�assignment tor the beneflt of creditors; <br /> (e)The sele,transter,lease,assiynment,conveyance or funher encumbrance of ail or any part of or any interest in the <br /> / pe►rn ded t i�execute a lealse of the Prope irty that doestnot conta nsan ption o pu cthase and the term of which does not exceed " <br /> � ��. . <br /> one year. <br /> (q Abandonment of the Property:or <br /> ' � (y)Ii Trustor ts not an Individuai.the Issuance,sale,transfer.assfynment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a total <br /> a( percent of(if e corporatfon)its fasued and outstanding stock or 1�f a partnership)a total o} percent of � <br /> partnership interasts durinp the perlod this Deed of Trust remains a I�en on the Property. <br /> 12. R�nt�dl�s:AccN�r�tion Upot�Dttau�t.In the event ot any Event of Oefault Lender may,without notice except as requaed by �� <br /> law, deciare ali indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become due and payable <br /> ' ' ' without eny presentment,demand,proteat or notice of any kmd. Thereafter Lender may: <br /> � � (a) Oemand that Truetee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustae shall thereafter cause Trustor's <br />- intereet in the PrOperty to be sotd and the proceeds to be distributed,ail fn the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Desds <br />'� ' t : Act: <br /> j (b) Ezercise any and atl rlyhts provided for in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi any Event of <br /> Deiauit;and <br /> ' (c) Commence en action to foreciose this beed of Trust as a monqa9e.appoint a receiver,or specifically enforce any of the , <br /> • c�venents hereof. <br /> � � No remedy heretn conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusrve of any other remedy herein,in the <br /> . ' , hereu der,nthe Lo n Instrument or noweor�hereaRer exisri g atf ew or n equity or by stat te,an1d may be exe c�sed concur ently, <br /> � independentty or successively. <br /> ,, ; 13. TrustN.The Trustee may resipn at any time wfthout cause.and Lender may at any t�me and without cause appomt a <br /> � auccessor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shail not be Iiable to any party.►ncludtng without Itmitatfon Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> purchaaer of the Property,tor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or w�Ilfui mfsconduct,and shalt not be required to take any <br /> �• ��_'.,, . :_____ action in ConneCtfon wilh the e�torcement of this Deed of T��tmavehwr.nmw annfuercheset at env sale Iot the Property Q dic al or <br /> __ , ; _. . ._..._._ __.__ expenses whicn may ce assoc�aieu�i�a�aw�.�,.���o....,..,......:....__..-_, _.. <br /> � under the power of sale yranted herein);postpone the sale ot a11 or any port�on�ot the provided by law:or sell the <br /> , Property as a whole,or in separate parcets or lots at Trustee's dfscretfon. <br /> ' 14. FNS and F�cp�nt�s.In the event Trustee se�ls the Property by exercise o1 power of sele,Trustee shall be entit�ed to apply <br /> � ' � any sale proceeds flrst to payme�t of all costs and expe�ses of exerc�sing power of aa�e.�nctud�nq atl Trustee'e feea,and Lender's <br />� r � and Tru�tee's attorney's fees,aCtually incurred to extent permitted by appllcable taw.In the event 8orrower or Trustor exerclses any <br /> f,;' � ripht p►ovlded by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender aha�l be entftted to recover tram Trustor att cosia and expensea ectually <br /> �' lncurred es e result of Trustor's detault, includlnq without�Imltation a�l Trustee'a and attorney's the oxtent permitted by <br /> v � appllcable Iaw. <br /> 16. Futut�AdvaneN. Upon request ot Borrower, Lender its opt�on, make additionat and tuture advancds and re- <br /> advanCef to Borrower.Such edvancee and readvances.wfth fnterest thereon,shell bo secured by th�s Deed of Trust.At no time shall <br /> • th�princfpal amount ot the indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust,not�ncluding sums advanced to protect the secunry o�th�s <br /> : Owd oi Trus�exceed the orlpinal princtpal amount steted herein,or S-1@0..���-�.��'h�chever is greater <br /> ., <br />