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<br /> TOCIETH6R WlTH ptl the fmprovementx now or hercafter erected an the propeny.w�d all easements,appurtenances,
<br /> " end tixturcs nuw or hareafter w pan of the property. All neplacements und addittans shall also be coveced by this Security
<br /> -�� Inswment. All of the fo�egoing is rcferrcd to in thic Secu�ity Inswrt►ent as the"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVBNANTS th�t Bocrower is lawfully seised of the octate hereby cameyed and haa the ri�ht to grnnt
<br /> � °':�{+,�����+�0t� und convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrancec of record. Barrower wacrants u�d
<br /> , will defend�enerally the dde to the Praperty ageinst all claims and demandc,subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> ,�.,:. . .��.� r. THIS SECURITY IfVSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nationAl use And nomuniform covenanw with
<br /> " '•'f••� "' '1 limlted variationa by jurisdiction ta cunsulute e uniform security Insuun�ent covering real property.
<br /> � UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower and L.ender cuvenant and agrce as faUows:
<br /> .��,�',;�'' 1. Payment at PrindMl snd lnte►YSt;Prepryment aod I.nte Clwr�er. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> fiV'v' .
<br /> �;,.�, '�""� "�` principal of and jntcrcst on the debt evidencod by the Nate and�ny prcpayment and IAte charges due under the Note.
<br /> ��t�0�"'`"''��' 2. �nda for 7Lace�aud InwrAnce. Subject to applicablc law ar to a wcitun waiver by[.ender.BoROwer shall pay to
<br /> -,�y.��_�.•,
<br /> �:_,-°•-��� ' Lender on the day manthly payments are duc undcr the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> `"`'"'" �`-�' taxes and assecsments which may uctal�pdority over this Security Insuument as a lien on the Aroparty;(b)yearly kasehold
<br /> '`.� - ��.`' payments or ground rents on the Fropert5'. if a�►y: (c) Ycarly hazard or praperty insurance premiums: (d) Yearly tloc�d
<br /> � ��-�`�"� '� insurance premiums, if uny; (e) yearly mortgage fnsurance premiums, if any; and t� any sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> '='�,9�—°�'=" � Lender,in accordance with the provisions of para�ph ft, in lieu af the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> a�•�:�.._•.� ' '. items arc called"Escrow Items' Lender may,at any time.coilect und hold Funds in an amount not to excced the maximum
<br /> --rr.n;.:.a'.t i �,
<br /> ..�.c-......
<br /> -..._x:.:,,� _ amount a Iender for a federolly related mortgage loun may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> -i°+e�-- �;-';�,�e• Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from dme to tlme,12 U.S.C.§2601 et scq.("RFSPA"),unless another
<br /> _. . „ ►r..+ law thAt applics to thc Funds sets a lesser amount. If so,L.endcr may.at any time,collxt and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> " ' " aaceul ti�e lesser amount. Lender rn�y estimate the amount of Fvnds due on the basis of curcent data and nensonAble
<br /> ' ..��'`�`''=' �� ' est�mates of expenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in eccordance with applicable law.
<br /> • The Funds shall be held in an institutton whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,Inshumentality.or entity
<br /> , �� (including l.ender.if I.ender is such an insdtudon)or in�ny Federal Hume Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> i .. ,. ,, the Escrow Items. Lender may not chsrge 8onower for holding and applying the F�nds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> ' '. ; t account,or vcrifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the f�nds and applicnble law permits
<br /> I.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender mAy rcquire Borrower to pay a one-t�me charge for an inclependent real
<br /> �°� esu►te tax rcporting service used by Lender in wnnect�on with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> � agrc�ment is made or Applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requind to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> ��, eamings on the fvnds. Borrowcr and Lendcr may ugrce in writing,however.that inte►est shall bc paid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> �F�•�.;�r; . shall give ta eorrower.without charge,an annual account:ng of the Fundc,showing credits and debits to the Funds:u�d the
<br /> ,�;fb�., pucpose for which each dcbit to thc Funds was made. The Funds arc pledyed as additional security for all sums secured by
<br /> . -_-�.__�-,s,:i.;::' this�cxuriry Inswmcnt.
<br /> cx
<br /> -��::-_.-•'�- - If the Fi�nds heid by Lender excexxi che sunaun�i pn�uutted to be heid by applicabla lati, Leader s�sl1 as�ount to
<br /> f ' Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance wtth the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> • Lcndcr ut su�y timc ic not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due,[.ender may so notlfy Borrower in writing,And,in
<br /> �� �uch case Borrower shall pay to Lender►he amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shall mal�e up the
<br /> deficiency in no more than twelvc monthly payments.at l.ender's solc discretion.
<br /> Upon p�yment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lendcr shall prompdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds hc(d by l.endcr. If,under pazagruph 21,Lendcr shall ucquin:or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the xquisition or
<br /> sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sale as a c�edtt against the soms
<br /> Secured by this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applicntbn of Pyyments. Unlezs upplicublc law provider otherwise, all payments rccetved by Lender under
<br />" •t '' paragrnphs I and 2 shull M:applied:fint,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to emounts payable under
<br /> , paragraph 2;third.to intcrcst duc:fourth,to principal due;and la�t,to any late charges duc under thc Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�rges; Liens. Borrower shail pay all tuxes, as,essmcnts, charges, fines and impositions attribuwble to the
<br /> . property which may atwin priority ovcr this Security InstrumenG and leasehold payments ur ground rents,If any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay thesc ot►ligations in thc manncr provided in ps+ragraph 2,or if not paid in that munner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br /> time directly u�the person owed payment. Borrower shall pramptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrowcr makes these puyments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr raeipts evidencing
<br /> . the paymcnts.
<br /> • Borcower xhall promptly discharge uny lien which hax priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to the paymcnt of thc obligation securcd by the lien in a manncr acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends ugain+t enforcement of thr lien in,legul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operrte to pcevent the
<br /> � � enforcement of thc lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien:u�agrcement wtisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> . to this Security Insuument. If L.ender determines thut•rny part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> . Gver this Jccuriry Insuumcnt,Lcndcr may givc Borrowcr a nutice iJei�tifying d�e lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc licn artalce
<br /> ;,:�- onc or rtwrc of'the uctions sct fortb ubovc within 10 duys of thc gtving of notice.
<br /> ' S. Hazurd or Propecty Insurance. Borrowcr shap keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erecud on the
<br /> Propeny insurcd ug•rinst loss by Crc,h�uards includcd within the tem�"cxtcnded covernge"and any other hazardc,Including
<br /> floods or flooding,for which Lender requims insuranre. This insurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts ond for the
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