. .. . �VI:•.• ' -_
<br /> . � +l '� ,.. ,. '{e.� �a,:,F��'�� �*�'..`.�.
<br /> � �,��' I 'j`. ..t—_ .
<br /> �
<br /> .— -- -- �W�.��J . •
<br /> - --_ -�--— eoeowK m.y oun woh � a�auk und wn.w., .. prowdrd h parapr�pn te, by oM,siny u,•.otla, or prou.dln0 w a
<br /> .--_ • • awn,�..d w�r�.�,a��.e.�n und.r.�ood win�«n�r,.�,a►.o�,d�.�o�a,�.a��.eo�►ow.r.r,�.n.t�,in.�sy a
<br /> aN.r mMaw in�.wmant a u,. rin ond.a b�►u+M s.ou�ky In►�e or und.r•.uowNy N,t�w4 6oirowK.nM wo a b
<br /> _ - --�-- dNM�lt M Borroyv�r�dwM�O th�lo�n�PP��P��, P����WY t�or Yweowrh inlomNtlae a sW�nU W L�nda(w
<br /> —�--� 1�Md to proNd� l�ndr►wNh any m�1�rW Inionn�Non) In aoiw��otlon wNh th� lo�n wW�no�d by th� Nr�, indudinp� but not
<br /> idbd to, npnMnf�tions oonownln0 Bcx►ow�'� ooaup�aY d th� R'apah �+ • pindp�l nrWma. N 1hM B�a�NY (�
<br /> - - — In.aunMM a «� .wi..�l,ow, 9oROw.► sn.M oomv�f►wNn.r m. p►ova�on. a th. w.... n eor.o+v...oqur«a. w.w a�. ,�s
<br /> - Prop«ty,th�Nas�hold�nd tM 1N tIW shall not mrrq� uMas l.aMu ayn�a to th�m�rpu!n writlny. �
<br /> 7. Prot�Ctlun o�f L�nd�r'� RlptAa in th� Prop�riy.H earrow�r fall� to pMiam th�cownant�and apr�mntt
<br /> �;� eonWn�d in thl� 8�otrMf�InslninNn� a thw b a Mpd PmcMdln4 th�t nrY s�OnM�'an1N Rfl�at Undw'a r{phb fn th�Prop�Ay �
<br /> � (aueh u� Woo�o�b�nkniPtcy�P�obr�t�. lor cond«maUon a tai�Nw�or to�ntorca�ws a t�puMUons). then L�nd�►n►�y
<br /> ..�'�'. � do�nd p�y 1or wh�twK b n�wy to prot�ct tM valu�of th�Prop�rty�nd Und�r's Mphts in th�Propwty. L�'s aoiions °-
<br /> _.�, .�, . _• nry Nciud� paykp �ny wm� s�ound by a Wn whioh hu pdodty ov�r this 3kwity InsqunMnt, �PP�rMp h eouA, WY�O —
<br /> � n�son�bN attam�yn' f�and�ntrinp on tb�PrapMtfr to m�k�rp�ks.ARhauyh LaneMr may Wu�tlot►u�du d�is Pv�(lnPh
<br /> -_. -s.: �.o, ,- ._..
<br /> � +�,�,e- =_�iFVu.�i� 7�LMIdN don nOt Il�w W d0 s0.
<br /> �G: :—�,,�._.--,�z-.z; My amounts disbuned bY i.�dn undx pvapnph 7 sh�N b�come addkbnal d�bt of Borrow�r s�cund by this S�aufty�
<br /> �+�+�� Instrumm� Unbas Borrow�r�nd I.�nd� apn�to other twma of p�ynwnt, tha� amounu stull b�v Intw�at lrom th�d�U ot
<br /> ��N01�"�� dl�twn«n�nt+U th�Nots nb and sh�ll tre pay�bi��vvith Inbnst, upon noNa�1rom L�nd�r to Botrow�r nquast4q p�ynwit.
<br /> �r._L:�..,_d,.ti,.sv��;:c,� 8. Mort�ape tnsur�nc�. fl LenrJer nquind motty�p� insuranc� w a condltlon oi nwik(ny the tan s�cund by thR __
<br /> a''' , u�-,�<�ty
<br /> � • ��,+n_ •:•,, Sacurky Instrum�nt,Bortower shaN p�y the p►enduma mquk�d to m�kitah th�mortpaye k�wmnc�in eff�ct.N.(or any�wson,th� __.
<br /> .� '"" " ' ; moKpwpe insunnc�cov�np�rsqulred by lender i�paes or os�tes to bR h �Meot, Bon'owK sh�N p�y the premiums roqukad to
<br /> " — �:�;:��;'.nPr,�_��•:.-,��• . obtak� wvsray� aubst�nti�Ny puivaient to th�moqp�pe In�ur�nce previousy in Mf�ct, at a coat subsUntially equkabnt to the
<br /> "-'�'a�. .:., .' =,;;�� cost to Bortow�►o} the mort�p� Insurancs previouay k► Nbct, tram an ak�mats mortp�pe insw�r �pprovsd by Under. I} -
<br />� .`i..7:� ky.-•�,.,F��FGU� ..i _.
<br /> :• •,:� ,c�t.,::_ ...... :;� substanWNy puNNmt morty�pe Insuranas aovenpa ia not a�bi�, Borrow�r ahaN pay to L�ndK�aah month�wm quu to
<br /> .....� �:`�;,,;..;. : . ;;c
<br /> ..,..,,..� . ,,.. on�twNfth of th�ywly moKy�ye fnsuranct PrMnN+m balny pald by Bortow�r wh�n the Inwranee cownpe i�ps�d or uased to
<br /> &.•�"•. • ba In affact. L�ndx wW aeapt,uae�nd rohin th�ee payn►ents as� ba ra�rv�In W�u ot mrxty�p�hwrana. Lots natv� __
<br /> � paymmq may no bny�r be nqut�d,at the option ot Lend�r,H mortq�p�inwnnu eov�np� (h th�art�ount�nd ior th�parlod
<br /> th�t L�nquin�) provtd�d by an InwrK �pprowd by UndK�prin bwomN avdl��nd Is obWnYd. Borrow��h�N P�Y
<br /> th� pnnAunu r�quk�d to m�k�taN� morty�y�Inwrana In Ml�ct a to provid�r bss ns�rw. unW tM nquir�r►t ta nwAq�p� _..
<br /> ' in�w�na�nd�in accord�nc�wqh any wtktm a9r��t bMwNn Borrow�r�nd L�a�ppYe�bM I�w. �--
<br /> . , 8. (Itip�Ctlof�.Und�r w ks ap�nt may mtics rwsonabt��ntrl�s upon�nd b�tbns ot th�PropMty. UndK�hM ph�� �`'`-
<br /> �=' Barowu notfc�at th�tkrN of a prlor to an in�tlor► sp�dtyNip rM�a�bN ciws�lor th�Inspwtbn.
<br /> 10. Cond�mnallon.Th�P►oowd�of any�w�rd a d�fm lor d�nwpM, dk�of a aon»qumtW.In oonn�ofbn with�ny �,:-
<br /> . condKnwdon or Wh�r W�np of�r►y P�1�th�Prop�ty.a fa eonv�yr►o�in Yw of ca�d�tbn. an hr�by asdpn�d�nd
<br /> th�M b�pdd to Und�r.
<br /> • In th� �wnt W a toW takk�p ot th� RopMty, th� prccMd� �h�Y b� appll�d to th� wm� Ncund by thi� 8�cu�ky
<br /> �_. . ..,;..r,..:...,:__..:.c.� ' Insuum�nt,wh�thK or not th�n du�,with�ny ucchs pald to BorrowK. U th�w�nt ot a par1W taWnq ot th� PrapKly h whieh _
<br /> . . . -
<br /> _ �_�_______;` th�f�k m�NUt valw of th�Ptopwty 1mm�dl�tNy b�ta� ttw talunp I� �qwt to a qtMt�►tnan th� ynount ot!h�wm�s�cund
<br /> � � by tBls S�aulty In�uummt inxn�tdy b�iore th. iakk�g� ui�h:: 8uiow:r�d t�dcr aittcr•rE:o a� � :�ltlnQ� the sutrte
<br /> ' �sGUnd by thls S�autfty In�trummt �tuiM b�nduc�d by th�amount of th�procNds mulGpA�d by th�toMowlnp tracGon: (a)tht -
<br /> toW amount of the aums s�cund knn�dLtey bMoro th�Uklny, dhlded by (b) ths 81r rtwket vatus of th�Prop�rty Imm�dl�t�ly � �
<br /> � � bNu�th�taklnp.My b�nu sh�M ba pald to Borrowar.In th��vent of a patW t�klnq ot th�Ropwty In which th�tak muk�t
<br /> t.. ��
<br /> vnlu�ot th�Propwty Imm�dl�t�ly bMao th�taWny Is t�ss than th�amount ot the sums s�cund Imm�dktNy bNon th�taktny,
<br />- unt�as Bortower md Lender oth�vrt�s �yr�e h w�ttny or unlsss app4cable kw oth�wl�� provld�s, th� procwds �hall b� _
<br /> " applhd to th�sums s�cur�d by thls S�curlry Instrummt whMhx or not the sums are then dua. �-='
<br /> - ' If th� Prop�rty Is abandoned by Borrower,or H,aiter notice by Lender to Botrower that th� condemnor olters to m�k�an }`
<br /> E:°.-� .
<br /> i " awud or salGe a ctakn tor dun�psa, Bortower lalls to reapond to Lender wlthln 30 daya after th� date the noUca fs yHan, � ;
<br /> I�• _ Lend�r la �uthori�ad to coAect and apply the proeeeda, at fts optlon, elther to restoratlon or repelr of ths Properly or to the �':`.
<br /> .� ��'-.i•-:.
<br /> - �i sums secund by thls Secu�lty tnstrumet►t,whather or not theo due. ��
<br /> ' p UnNsa Lsndrr md Bortower otherwlae �yree In writlnq, any appAcatlon of prACeeds to prindpal shaA not extend or
<br /> , poatpona tha due dato of the monthly payrtnenta relerted to In peraprapha 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount ot such pnyments. �'`y'.
<br /> . • 11. Borrowo� Not Rol�aaad; Forb�a�anc�By Lvnd4r Not a Waivor.Extmston oi the ttme tor payment or �;��
<br /> • modiflcaUon ot amortizallon ot ths sums sacured by thls SecurNy Inatrumant qranted by Lender to my successor In Intereat ot
<br /> � Barower sh�N not operata to retwat th�IlabUlty of the orlpinal Bortowx�r BoROwor's auccessoro In Intereat. Lender ahall not '
<br /> I'�'� be requt�d to comm�nca procNdlnya ey�Inat any succeseor In Intercst or retuse to extend tlme for payment or othawls�
<br /> t modHy unaUz�tlon dt the auma e�cured by thls Security Instrument by raison ot any dem�nd msde by the o�fyln� Borrower u
<br /> ` Bo►rowx's succ�asors in Interest. My forbwrance by Lender In oxerclslnq any rtyht or remady ahall not be t walvu of w
<br /> � pnclud�th��x�rd:s oi any dqht or remedy. � ��
<br /> Y �ti�;�:.� 12. Succ�ssors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and S�wnt U�btlity; Co-siynors. The covenmts�nd �
<br /> � ;� � ry��ernmts ot thls S�cuiily tnaWment shaN bind and benefit the succeasora�nd aaslgns of Lender�nd Borrower,eubJect to the �• �:
<br /> �,,�:;,,� provlalona ot paragraph 17. Barrowrr's cov�nante and aprewnents sh�A be Jolnt and several. My Borrower who co•atpns thla ;
<br /> r-�•- 3�curfty Instrum�nt but do�s not execute ths Note: (�) la co•alyning thla Security fnatrumont ony to mortyage, yrant and convey �,. _
<br /> ���
<br /> .}� �' #�''' � th�t Borrow�r'a IntKest In the Property under the terms ot thls S�curlty Instrument; (b)Is nat p�ondly obllpnted to pay the ;. .'r:
<br /> , i+�^+� sums s�cured by thls Sacurky Instrument; and(c) aflrees that LendK cnd any other Bonower may�qree to extand, modNy, i,'.=-
<br /> �T � fotbMr or m�k��ny aceommod�Uona wkh rayvd to the tem�a of thfs Sacurfty Instrument or the Note wfthout tlut Botrower's !:
<br />-�'`• . cons�nt. ; .
<br /> 13. Loan Charqos. If the toan secund by thls Sacurlly tn�Vummt Ia subJect to a kw whlch sets m�xk�wm loan '
<br /> - eh�rpes,and th�t law ia 11nWy Interpreted ao that the Interest or other IoAn aharyes coNected or to be collected In conn�ct(on �
<br /> __ wkh the lo�t►�xce�d ths pamkt�d Wnits,th�n: (a)�ny such lo�n charqe ah�ll be reduced by the�mount neceasary to reduce
<br /> � ; th� chuys to the p�mltted IGdk and (by any aums ake�dy coY�ated hom Borrower whlch ucceed�d permitbd Nmlts wW be .
<br /> ! rolundod to Borrower. Lend�t m�y ohoose to mak�thls relund by redudn�tht princ(pa�owed under the Nota or by maklnp a
<br /> _ �, ,- �;�, dk�ct paymmt to Borrowx. U a r�tund nduws prk�clpd, ths reductbn wW b� traotad as a pWal pr�ymant wfthout any
<br /> �n •�;:,z,�, . pr�paym�nt chrtne und�r th�NoU.
<br /> �;�Y.;����y: 14. NOtiC�l. My notlee to Borrow�r provlded for In thla SecurUy tnstrum�nt th+dl b�yN�n by d�Nv�inp ft or by tn�Wny k
<br /> -- � by Ant eMa mH unl�a�ppllc�bl�I�w roqulns uet ot�nothx m�thod. The noUce sMll b�dlr�cted to ths Pro�iaty Address
<br /> `;� ,, � .. or �ny oth�r�ddnss BotiowK daslpn�tes by noUct to L�nd�r. My notta to l�ndK ehall b�ylv�n by tlrst da�a mdl to
<br /> Und�r'�adck�ss stat�d h�nln ar any oth�r�ddnss L�nder deatpnat��by notic�to Bortow�t. My noUc�provW�d for in thf� �
<br /> ....�r..� �..�Y,L.�� ..� F'.
<br /> . . - 2i�QHlly I06QUTO1[6t1Y Of Owtttti ii+i�a�e`viw�yiior iv v�nTviia vT�w.ua:.nw�yna��:�p...............»r.:y:�.... r -.,
<br /> ;w;�� 1b. Gov�minp L�w; 'S�v���blUty. Thls S�curlty Instrum�nt shall b� povem�d by fed�ra� I�w and th� I�w of the `
<br /> .,� Jaisdlctlon In whlch th�Pirop�rty Is bcat�d. �n th�evant that any provlslon or d�us� of thls S�curily Instrummt or the Note
<br /> � oonlNats wNh�ppMc�W�I�w,suoh conlNct sh�Il not aHect oth�r provlslons ot ihls 3ecurity�nsWm�nt or th�Not�whkh can be
<br /> yN�n�M�at wkhq�t th�conNctlnp provlslon. To thl��nd th�provlilons ot thls S�curlry IntWm�nt�nd th�Not��n d�o�and to
<br /> - b�sev��bN. '
<br /> td. BOfrOw��'�COpy.Bortow�r shall b�qN�n om coniam�d copy of th�Not�and of thts 3�cuMty Inswmmt. ��,
<br /> e•;
<br /> �-�
<br /> F731�.UM0(t�10.1) P�O�3 of 6 yt�s����u."�, ' �-
<br /> ---` �.
<br /> �_
<br /> --°--_'==:.,=t� 9�102
<br /> __ _ _�
<br />