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P :-m-�-- .:��_ <br /> � + . . . �.�' ._.,�—_ ._- <br /> . . ,� :,,.,, , '.�"- <br /> _- _ - --==_�el , . <br /> " TOC�EYHER WITF�i M th�imprownw►ta now nr h�n�R��not�d on th�proprry� �nd at�mnts� �DpurtMw�o�� �nd <br /> � '_- __ • • 1b�tu�w now or h�ntltK�pYt d th�ptOp«ty.AM leproanmb md�tldMon�sIW Wo bs oor�nd by u1M 8�o1NMy k�pfumMN. <br /> N ol th�tanpokp M nNrr�d to N thk�a�My NtNnMn�nt�ur tM•rrop�ty.• <br /> - �'—"'� BqiHO'WEH CA1f�NANYB tlwt flanow�r M I�w1uMy s��d d th� Mt�t�h�nby canvyrd�nd h�a th�rlpM to pnnt �nd <br /> — eonvy th� ProMtty�nd tiwit th�Propaty k un�naxnF�nd� �xaW!a �na�nbanoa al noord. Bom�w�r w�rt�nft�n0 wM <br /> _ — ddw�d q�n�r�Ny tta 1NM to th�Prop«ty apdnst M oWnM and d�nwid��wbJ�at to�ny�narn�nah d��oord. <br /> -- - -- n�is secunm mmsrnu�Hr oo�« w,wom, oo+r.�m. b► n.aonw �.. .�a �� oor«�.na ww► �nww�� <br /> - � v.ddla,.by jurl.a�a�on a oonsawc..wfMo►m..owity In.awn«►t oow«UQ rwt prop«ty. ' <br /> � � UNIFORM COVEN1lNT8. Bonowv md Und�r oov�nt�nd�yn�u folows: <br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Pr{nalpd and Int�r� Pnp�ym�nt�nd Lat� ChWpN. eorrow«st+.�prompty p.Y�+ hi <br /> . , .�,t�,,t , dw�h.p��a«,a�nc.n.t on�n•a.a.� ey u�.Na.and.�,y a.p.�.na i.a a,.r�..dw ww.r tn.Na.. <br /> ::.,,..,.�-.: .. . ;'. Z. u� nds for Tax�s ltpd In:unutc�. �ubJact to appNc�bb inw or to�w�tten w�lvK by LendK, Borrow�r�h�N p�y � <br /> � �,� Y1�:t0� to L�nd�►on tb�d�Y��N Wf�b w dw u�d�r tb�Not��untll th� Not�k prd in full�a wm('Fund�')tor: (U YwM _ <br /> .� ����*:�,��.. �.. wns and aua�rtNnts which m�y attain piaky owr thi� S�ouiNy InstiwrMnt as a N�n on th� PropKty: (b) Y�uIY Uaahotd � <br /> i#`'�1n:,•N:.�,'` P�Y�►t�or pround anb ot►th�P►op�rty� M any� (c)YMrN h�r�d or prop«ty inwranc�p►�nlutn�; (dl f��Y 11ood Nwnnc� <br /> ,�t .•� , Pn�unu,B�nY:��)Ywb��Inwranc�pnmiums,q�ny:and(Q any wnn p�y�b M by 8 o t r o wu to L m d a h a c a o M�n e� � <br /> ,wr.,. .:y,L`...,:� . <br /> =�,:,f:;,,�'. . ,,;.�'.�{ wkh th�provWans of p�npraph B, h N�u of th� paymmt ol mortpay� Insw�nc� pr«r�fumt. Th��fbm� �n aNd 'E�orow <br /> ;;�„�;�,,.. ._'..,,.�: ,.,•. ftwna.' _mder may, at �ny tkne, ccq�at �nd hotd Funds In �n �mount not ta �xcNd th�rt�xkiwm �mau�t a I�ndw fa a <br /> - --- -,=-_�,:.,....,:. �. .,.: f�y nNt�d m�xty�y�tan m�y nquin ta Borrow�'s esorow account und�r th�f�d�nl fiMl Estat�S�ltMm�nt Procsd�ua __.,_- <br /> � �, � � ''''""�� Act ot 1874+�s�m�nd�d fi�om 1N�to tNne,12 U.S.C.�2801 rt s�q. ('RESPA'), uni�s anothM I�w ttud ap�s to th� funds <br /> � ' � � � � aats a isasr amount If so,l�dK nw�y, �t a►y tMne, coM�ct and hold Funds fn an amount not to �xcad th�I�ts�►�unount. <br /> �,,.•.,� ....,,� lender may esUtn�U lhs�mou�t of Funds du�on th�b+iala of aunnt d�tu tnd rMton�bM atkMta of apendkun�ot 1�x� <br /> --�_ Eacrow ftems or oth�twla In�ccadenc�wUb�ppWai6h ww. <br /> � . The Funda ah�A b�hdd in an insikuNon whose depo�its ue insund by�►tadad apency.InsUwrwnt�IMY.a�ntNY(indudhy <br /> :�•:,.,. , �• Lender, H Lmder is such �n hatftutlon) or In any F�dxat Home Lwn 8�nk. Lender shaM appy ths Fund�to p�y th� Esaow <br /> � ';;�,5., :;"•.'•;' "��' � ftema. LencNr m�y n�t eharpe Bortaw�for hotdhp and�ppyk�p the Funds,annw�My�n�lyzk�p the auow�ccount.or v�ilyt►p <br /> .. .•.?�..��;;.,:•.',�'"�'��•' '. . tha Esaow It�ms. unk�s Lendar p�ys Barow�r intere�t on the Funds �u►d �ppNpble 4w permits l.anda to m�ka auch • -- <br /> ,��..•..,.. <br /> '?'' �, �..,,;�.';;:�' , charg�. Howaer, I.�nder rn+�y nquin Bortower to pay a onstim� oh�uye tor an ind�pendK►t reai �te Uuc npatlnp sKVk� <br /> ''''`'� ' u�ed by l�nder in connection wUh this lo�n, unless appAaibie kw provid�s oth�wis�. Uniess an �pn�nwnt is m�de or <br /> e <br /> q:l' appNc�bl�I�w requMas int�rat to b�pNd, Lender shaN not b�nquk�d to p�y BorrowK any Int�at or e�minps an the Fund�. <br /> 4� • BoROwu+u�d LandK may apre� In wddnp, howaver, that intKat shall bs pdd on the Fund�. Lmder sh�li yive to Bor►ow�r. <br /> wkhaut alwy�, an annwi aecounUnp of th� Funds,showinp cr�dits and d�bRs to th�Funds�nd th�purpoa�for whieh Mch <br /> fM :. d�bk to th�Funds was made. Th�Fund�an ptsdp�d as�dditiawJ��curily for�11 sums s�cund by ths S�c;urity Imirwn�nt. <br /> "� fl th�Funds hdd by Under pccwd th��urwunts pwmittsd to b� htld by�ppNcabM I�w.UndK�hall teccwnt to Borrowr <br /> tor th� �xuss Funds In auordmc�with th� rpukNn�nts of appWc�W�yw.It th��mount of th� Funds hNd by Und�r at�ny <br /> Um�i� not wfAci�nt to p�y th� E�crow It«ns wh�n du�, L�nd�r may w notly BoROwu In wrNlnO,�nd, in such ca�Bor►ow�► <br /> . shaN pay to L�nd�r th��rraunt n�afary to m�k�up th� dMk;bncy. Borrow�r sfiaM m�k� up th�dMlcimcy b no mon tfw� <br /> twMw ma�thN WY�U,at l�nd�r's�ol�dlsaNion. <br />. . ,- .�.� .,•..,.,v...:- UP� P�Y�'�t in tuN ol dl wms s�cuwd by thls B�wrNy In�Uum�nt, L�ndu sh�M promplN rN�uid to BoROwv�r►y Fund� <br /> � + hNd by L�nd�r. It und�r panqnpA 21.UnWr shaM�cquln or tMl th�Hroprtty,L�now.prior ro m��cqw.ww�w wi.ui ii�. _- <br /> � PropMly,sMM�ppry�r►y Funtls hNC by unWr at tt►�tnN of acquisition a wie�s a a�dit ap.insi ii�•suir�i �ctu�i by ihlG <br /> 8�oWMy In�trummt, - -=° <br /> 3. App11C11t1o11 Ot P�ym�nt�. UnNts �ppuc�bN law provld�s oth�rwla, aW payrn�nri ncNwd by L�ndw und�r M` : <br /> ' ) pu�pnphs t and 2 sh�M b�ap�IMd: tkst,to u►y pnpaym�nt eharq�s du�und�►th�Nob; a�wnd,to amounu payuW�und�r `° <br /> � � pwaqr�ph 2:thkd,to Int�rNt dur,tourth,to pdnGpN dur.�nd I��t,to�ny lat�chuq�s du�und�►th�Nota. - <br /> � 4. ChsrQ�s; U�ns. Barow�► sh�N pay �N wca. �ss�s�mmta, chary�s, lina and kn�woitlons �tMbut�bt� to th� rr_y: <br /> Rop�rty wh�h may attah p�ioriry ov�r 1hla Securfty Instrum�nt. and le�a�hold payments or qraund nnts, N any. Bortow�r sh�U ,��,_ <br /> pay thaae obYpatlona in ths tn�nnK provldsd In parayraph 2, or If not pald In th�t rn�nner. BOROWK 6h�11 Pty thEfll 011 SkI1Q �n <br /> dkactly to the p�non owed p�yment. Bortower sh�A promptly lumtah to Lenda�N noUces of amounts to b�pald und�r ihls �'�� <br /> ', paraqraph. If Bartow�r makn these paymeots dlnctty, BorrowK shall prompty Iumish to L�nd�r receipts �vld�nclnp ths �� • <br /> ' i PaYments. � <br /> BOROWK tS11�A promptly dlacharye any lien whleh has pdorlty over thls &curity Inatrument unlesa 8ortower. (s)ayrees In <br /> � writlnp to the peymmt of the obllyetlon aecured by the Ilen In � rtwnner acceptable to Lender, (b) eontests In good ivth the <br /> N�n by, or dd�nds ayalnat enforument of the Uen In. Iag�l proce�dlnys whkh In the Lend�r's opkilon opent�to prev�nt ths <br /> � entorcement of the Uen; or(c) eewrea from the holder of th�Aen �n �yr�ement asUal�ctory to Lender subordln+iUny the Aen to <br /> thls Securfty Lender determines that sny part of the Property Is subJect to a Aen whlch mery attak► pr(ority ovK thls � <br /> 3ecurity Inatrument,Lender tnty ylve Bonower a notics Identifylny the Il�n. BorrowK shall MU�fy tht U�n or tak�on�a mon of � <br /> th�aoUona aet torth above wfthln 10 daya ot th�glving of notice. <br /> b. Huard or P�op�rty Insur�ltC�. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now exlstlnp or herwNer erect�d on the <br /> Property Ineured ap�lnst loas by flra. haurda Includad wlthln the term 'extended covet�ge'and any other hazarda, Includlnp <br /> 1loods or Aoodlnq,1or whlch Lender roqulres Insuronce. Thls Insurance shaq be malntalned In thQ amounts and tor the pe�iods <br /> thet Ltnder nsqukes. The Insurance cartfer provlding the Insunnce shall be ehoaen by 8otrower subJect to Lend�r'a epproval <br /> whleh sh�A not b� unrwson�bly wlthhetd. If Borrower falls to mnlntafn coveraye deacrlbed above, Lend�r may, at L�ndYr's <br /> • option, obUk1 covmtpe to protect Lender's dghts In the Property In�ccordance wlth paragraph 7. <br /> All Insuranco pollcles and ronewa�s shaU be acceptable to Lender and shall Include a standard mortqape clause. Lender <br /> � ahaN have the�lyht to hold the policles and renewtls. If Lender requlres. Borrower ehall promptty ylve to Lander aA racelpte ot <br /> - pald pnmluma and renawal notic�s. In the evont ot loss. Borrowar ah�Il plvQ prompt notic�to thQ Insuranc�urtlx and C�ndw. <br /> _ Unda•m�y make p►oof ot�oas II not made prompty by Borro�ver. <br /> � Unl�as Lender and Bortower otherwlse apree In writing, Inaurance proceeds ahaA be applled to restoratlon or rapalr ot the <br /> : � { Property damapsd,It the restaatlon or repalr Is ecanomlcalry teaalble and Lender'a eecu�ity fs not lessened, If the reatoraUon or <br /> rep�lr Ia not economlcaNy fe�elble or Lender's aecur(ry woutd be leaaened, the Inaurance proceeda shall be appNed to th�auma <br /> = �. aecursd by thls S�curfty IneUument, wh�ther w not then due, wlth any exceas pafd to Bortowar. It Borrower abandons the <br />_"j } Ropetty, or doss not mswer wNhln 30 days a notice lrom Lender that the fnsurance cnrtler h�a ottered to settte� clafm, then <br /> :.• # Lender may collect the Insunnce proaeds. Lendar may us� the proce�da to rep�k or restorQ tho Prop�ty or to pay sums <br /> -� � acured by thls 3ocurity Instrument, whelher or not then due. The 30•d�y perlod wW bepin whm ths noUce fs ylven. <br /> Unlns L�ndr �nd Borrower oth�rwlse apr�e In wrltlnq. �ny �ppAcatlon of {xocesds to princlp�� shaq not extend or <br />___ � ��� , postpnn�th� du�date of the monthly payments r�terred to In paayaphs t �nd 2 or ch�npe the amount of th�paymsnis. If <br /> und�r pu�praph 21 the PropKty Ia �cquked by Lender. 8orrower'a�lyht to�ny Inwr�nce pollcl�s�nd procesda resultlnp from <br /> `r',��: d�m�p� to th� Prop�tty prbr to th� acqutaltlon shaA pass to Lend�► to th� �xt�nt of tho iumt by thla 3�curfty InsWmmt <br /> knm�d(�tNy pdor to ths acqulsklon. <br /> '°� 8. Oacup�nay� Pr�s�nratlon, M�IntanAnco and Protoctlon of tho Prop�rty; Borrowar'� Loan <br /> -•� ;-:_ Applleatfon; L.�as�holds. BoROwer sh�N occupy, eatabllsh, and use the Property as Barower'e princlp�t rssldence withln <br /> '^Y.::. <br /> � " tlxty daya att�r th� �x�cuNon of thls S�curfry InstrumerK and ah�ll contlnue to occupy th� Propsrty �s Bortower's pdndpal <br /> � � nstdw►c�tor at tMet one ye�►aEK th�date of occup�ncy, unl�ss Lender otharwlse aynes In wdtlny, whlch con�ent sh�U not <br /> �±%- 1 �,��.-' �� � b�unrM�onRby wuhh�ld,or unt�ea ext�nuaUnp clrcumat�ncea exlat whtch are b�yond BoROwer's control. Bortower ah�ll not <br /> '.`;.�„i�_: •� • d�stroy,d�m�p�or Mnp�k ih� PropKty, �Ibw the Prop�ty to daterlorate,or eommk w�ste on ths P►operty. Bort�ower shalt be In <br /> dataWt It�ny foriNtun�cUon or proaedlnp, wh�thrr clvll or cr6tdnal, la beyun that In Lander'e yood fafth Judpment could resuft <br /> ��:� -�.�;+':- � (n ta(MWn of th�Prop�rty or otherwlss rtMt elr tha Ilm awt�d b thle Secu Inetrument or LendK's s�curity IntKest. <br /> �`:;,, «�v�a y �+►r <br /> �_ <br /> �':���...�: � <br /> �e.�,.• .-.'+. , ,-4, , F1310.LM0(1?/D31 Wiq�2 ot 5 <br /> -:_�rr.":�Li+e�N�i.3� <br /> _.K:o� �+3Tr�-w�rt= <br /> --_ �.!i.d���`:;.. y <br /> .� � _ <br /> --'..:�:... � �3192 � <br /> _.:... _ , <br /> ,. �.... � <br /> :.., : <br /> ' <br /> :. _ '• �`c� <br />