�� _ •I�.
<br /> �. �^, ' . . ' 7'•ac:rN1� . • . .
<br /> _�r,. � '•+9yn _. _. �L_'- - -
<br /> -_ _ . .,�LaY1Y� � s4,.loass� -
<br /> • ����p,,,� M,��,��aiw�a.�wd�in ri:a�a�«wa a�aw a°a'R��o�aoar•.�a w.w a�.�w
<br /> - - - - - �1)11+lo�ny►�+r«.nd oow a oowo�an:
<br /> --- (?�Co�t ol�ny�NdMlou af tlIM P�'b in oonNOlion wNh wOh MM rld A1 anfl�+�tpuk�4 b b pdd;
<br /> -- — (i�NI abII�MIo�M aw�r�d b!►MM Tn�t�d;
<br /> - -- — (4)711�PMII�MMlM.M�fl�l�b IM PM�M�Y MMiwd llNfiMO.
<br /> ' �: �`� 7.11d�io�Ml 9ra+i�Y A�M��1�.Tn�lor.M IIr�oc{�iM.wIN�x�CUM�e1d d�Nwt b IIM l�nMbWy.OranP«Y��b•woh NwxNy M�tn�k�
<br /> "> .�...:�. .: y�n�y p�nquk�0 b�r B��Mei�r.in fortn md wb�tMno�wlMhclory b B�r�MCW1►.oov�i^0�^Y of tlM!'toprAy oa�wysd bY ttYt OMd d TnMt�wfAoh Moudh►
<br /> :�� NMtnrnKN�NNM W oddMlonU�MY iot Teutlors Id11Nu1 PM1an�q�ol M tlM MrnM.oowiwRS�nd aondltbns d 1hM ONd ai TtuM�tM p�y no1M
<br /> y �owrd i►N'�b1r,and�nY a1M►MaxNY M�M�wn�nl��x�a�bd in oonrNdion wMh tt�tnt�cllon.Suoh kiMnrr�ne��h�N b�noadrd o►�I1d�t TnMlor'��xp�• �
<br /> . . ..`�i �`µ'
<br /> .dot.a�r;� �./I�poN�a&aanor rn�.Bw�MkW!►m�Y.lram um�+a tirtN,bY a w�Nan InMn�M.x�a+ad and�cw�owMdp�a bY 9��MofriY�eMIMd a
<br /> _-��[. .�,`��,::..�, TruMOr�nd noad�d In eh�oourMy ot oamliw In whioh tlM Prop�ty M bcM�d�nd by otlwrwM�oomplyinp wNh tiM PnorNlorM af fM aipYc�bM I�ws d tM
<br /> _ s,�r���___ iMM af I�MbrW�wbMMut+a Mxo�MO�or«loowo�s b th�Tn+N�n�m�d lwrMn or�ctkp h�nund�r.
<br /> , ��H*-:..�'r: '� ~•.:: a workmm.w a�dho��d ro«Mer a!my rwson�bN tkn�upon a in any p�rt of tiw Prap«b
<br /> .,•„a�..:.�,:: �s . Y.NMp�otlon�.BK�rY.a Ns apmts.nprM�t�livn und�r eM uttn�of tlw W�G of Tn+M.
<br /> . Ior th.purpoM ot kNp�cW�p n»�m..nd for un purpa.of p�rlorn�lnp.ny a m..ca t t��utfariud b wAorm
<br /> L:�ti1,.l,+� p�����
<br /> —`S.��' - ' .... :. � 1G.�tlon b Farc�low.Upon tlM oaurrw�ot�nY br�.h and upW�tM d�itaratlo�ot dN�ult Mn1lyd�r�w�,.^,...'7 sfwll h�w th�optbn fo ta�oioM __
<br /> �i� � " ,..�'�^'.�"�=. qds Dud of Trwt in th�rtwm�r ptarid�d bY I�w tor th�1oaCbrur�ot morlpnpM on rwl ptopMty.
<br /> �ff:�-� �t'. �� •,�-•�
<br /> ��� `'. . . • 11.FonbMr�ria 6Y BmMlol�ry a Truqw Atot a WiiA�w.Any ton6w�na by 8�w�clarY or TrwtM in�x�t�p any ripht a nrmdy Mr�id�r,or oa�-
<br /> .`�*-__�_.:,:�..., ..:.. wiN dlord�d bY�PP���►'.fhW nol b�a wdwt of a pndud�ttw uc�rdN of any wch dpM a t�rtMdy h�nwnd�r.Uk�wM�.th�w�by BM�MIei�rfl
<br /> ��T: _ . .
<br />"'°. _ .."� a TruMN ot�ny dMwri ot Tnw�wwi�r thM DNd ol Trust shW not b�d�n�d to h��waiwr af any othK a simllar dMsulb sub�4�Y��^0•
<br /> � ...A. 12.Tnnlw Not RMMMd.ExtMNbn af th�tl�M tor papn�nt at R�odiflc�tion or unottltatton ot the wm�Ncund bY this Oad af Trutl praM�d bY B�AcI�+Y
<br /> �-= ' •" b�nY«+oo�or in NN�rMt af Tn�Ma�h�N not ap�ral�to rM�aM.in any m�nr�.th�N�bNitY W tM aHylrnt Tn�tor�nd Tnwtor's�iooN�or k�Inbn�t.B��ry -•_
<br /> t. � .h.M na a na�lnd to oomm«ro.a�w�w��wd+way..or�x nw..a.xi«,d um.r«paymwa«otnawi..modlN anaRiriao�aen.wm.«cuna � .
<br /> � . by tAk DMd of Trwt bY n�on af any dMrwwl mtl�by tIM oripltW Truetor�nd Tnuta's wcc�uors In fnt�t. _
<br /> � 13.6u�Nk',l�rY a Pbwws.WHtaut aff�cdnp or ni�ulnp tM Ilability of th�Trutta a any o1Mr p�rson IIaW�for tM p�Y�n a NY��Mnin m�ntiornd.
<br /> �nd wlthout�M�ctinp tM INn w chup�of thit DNd of Trwt upon amr poKion of tM Prop�Ay not 1Mn a ih�►eloton rMwMd a s�curity 1or tM full�rtiour►t _
<br /> ' of all unpdd obNO�tions�BMNIcIuY may�hom Um�to tirn�and without notia�t tM nqw�t of oe�or mon TruNor�W rMMM anY P��p��fu)���
<br /> . ot rMww th�m�turity or�Ibt�nY of tM tmrtw of any wch obity�tionx�(Yf)prant otMr indulp�nce+.{iv)rNNt�or noonwy.ar cauN W W tNMwd a noonwyW --
<br /> at atly 1kIM�t 9M�fkoNrY��optio��^Y PM�,P�lon or all of tM Prop�Ay�(v)t�k�w rN�aN 11ny otMt o►�dditi0n�1�cu�ilY br anY ob�p�{on tNnkl mNlflorNd, �;-
<br /> ., , . • " (vi)m�k�oompoNtlon�a otMr�rranp�mmt�with d�bton in rN�tlon tl�nfo.AII Trurton�hall b�jolntly and Mv�rally obNp�Ud and bour�d by tM actbns W dt�:.-
<br /> �.t � an e«�.nciary a.nr�n�to►.s MrN�au.d. --
<br /> ' 14.Aftorr»y Fi�t,Co�ts and Exp�nair.�f th�B�n�Betuy of thlt DNd of Ttust is a hank as d�Hrnd by N�brs�kw Iaw.any stat�tn�nt oontuin�d In Yny ofM► _
<br /> �tbn p}thtt d�d�at�hqandUp.th�B�Nciary sh�q na W�ndtHM to naiw or t�ic�and d�btor shatl not t»oWipat�d to pay or yiw:�ny ooniM�Ion
<br /> --=__-- - _-:�---
<br /> ol judynw�x,pow�r ol atux�wy tu.cunf�juciy�iw��L poww ot ata�wy W appwr tw a borrowcr in a Jud�lai procoedinp a aproement to psy tM coeta ot cdbctbn �_
<br /> � - ar tiw aHan.y�i iwi,u��i�iti0lniarsa2 pay�.bSa by iho torm:a!tho lk2o c�tcsrcd fo in thls deed h f945�.+er enm�n�a Nru�,ar th.non nt�rt�d to in this
<br /> ' dMd 1�npay�bM in two or mort�qud a uMquai Inataliments and wer a p�dod of mon than one hundnd fatyr-flw(146)months.Pro+rid�d,how�wr,th�t �:,;=
<br /> � � • thls a�ction dou not apply to the tru�bo tN nhrnd to in Parapraph 8.8(b).Prov(d�d tuAh�r thAt thla Pu�praph B.14 ttwll not appiy to thls ONd of Trwt,
<br /> If tM B�rnfici�ry MrNn is not a b�nk. '
<br /> 16.R�corwry�na 6y TnrstM.Upon writt�n rpwst of 8�n�8clnry st�tinp that all wmt s�cured Iwnby havo b«r►pald,wid upon wrt�nd�r of thi�Ds�d �-`
<br /> "i of Tnut and tM Not�to Tnut�s for unixliatlon and retentlon and upo�paym�nt by Trusta of Tru�toe's t�s,TrustN sh�ll reconvsy to Tru�a,a th�p�rton �3_
<br /> or p�rwn�Ipoly�n11tNd ihs►�to,withoul warnnty,any portlon of the Propsrty than hetd haroundsr.Tlw r�clta4 in wch r�conwyane�of�ny matt�rs a facts
<br /> • thail b�conciwlw proof of ttw trothfulnes tMraof.The pantw In any roconv�yanc�may be d�scrib�d u"th�pnon a p�non�I�paNy�nGll�d ttwr�to.° ;
<br /> tg.Nofkw,Exc�pt ta any notkss,dsmu�ds,requests or otMr eommunfcetione roquired under appticaW�law to bs piven In andher marnNr,whanw�r �
<br /> B�nNkiary,Truaar a Tnut�s pivss a t�rves any not��pncludinp,wlthout Ilmlt�tlon,notks of defauft and not�e of saie),demand�,reqwsts a otMr com- !
<br /> � � munkatbn wlth resprct to thia Deed of Trust,�ach auch naice,dsmand,�equeet a other communicatbn the11 be In wrltinp and shail b��H�ctiv�only if th�
<br /> pm�is dNivsnd by psraonal aervice or Is m�llsd by c�rtlflad mtli,patnye prepaid,addreaaed to the addrea as at torlh at th�bpinnlnp of thls Dpd of
<br /> Trust.Any p�rty may�t�ny time ch�nya its addreu lor wch not�es by deliverinp or mallinp to the other party Fwreto,as afaeWd.�notla of wch chanps. F
<br /> My natN�Mrwnd�r shiJi b�dMmsd to hava bMn qhr�n to Trustor or B�nsNclary,whan qivan In th�mann�r dalqnatW MrNn.
<br /> : 17.Rpwet/a NoUc�.Trustor end Bsnel�fery hsreby request a copy of any notice of deleuh,aod a copy of any notks of salo tlwraundor,ba mail�d to h
<br /> qch p�non who i�a party her�to at tt►�addasa�et forth tor such peran tn tha tirst parayraph of this O�d ot Truat. ?
<br /> l�
<br /> � 18.G�ovwNnp Uw.This ONd of Tnut shei�be qowrned by tha I�ws of the Stato of Nebraska. i
<br /> � 19,Suor�.taas and Asalyna.Thls Doed of Truat,and ait terma,conditbns and obUpations hereln,apply to and Inure to tho benefit ot and binds ail partl�s
<br /> , M►�to,thNr hNn,ipatees,dsvNees,perwnai repnsantatives,succostoro and awlpna.The term"BeneNciary"shali m�an ttw ow�wr and holdw of tM Not�. .
<br /> .� wh�th�r or nol namW a B�t�ficl�ry h�rNn. .
<br /> 20.,lolnt�nd Sw�rd U�W/ky.All cov�nants�nd apreemanta of T�uttor thall bo Jdnt and sevenl. '
<br /> �t;,,',.� 21,Sw�nblllty.In the event any one a more ot ttM proWSions contained In lhis Deed of Trust,or the Note or any other t�curity fnarurrNnt ylwn in conrNC-
<br /> tlon with th(s transaction�hal�fa�any reuon b�hMd to De lnvei►d,Illsget or unantwceabk in any reepect,such Involldily.Iilegdity,or unH►tuu�bility thNl.
<br /> at th�opt(on d B�nNiclary,not aftact any attNr provlsion ot th�B Oreod Of T�uYt,but thb Doed of Truat ahall be conqrued as U wch Invalid,Ilt�l,or unentorcwW�
<br /> � ' ..;'. prpvi�bn h�d nwar bpn contain�d h�raln or tlNMln.M ttiq�(e�.pt�hk�D»dol Trust is Invalld or unenfOrceablo as to any ptrt ot tM d�bt,a If th�Ilan la InvalW '
<br /> ' a uMr.fo►c�abM w to any p�rt of tt�PropNty.the uns�cwad a paAlaNy facurad portbn ot the debt 9hai1 tw compietoly paid prfor to th�payrtiMt of the nrn�ininp .
<br /> ,, �utd tocurod a paAlelly secured portlon of the deht,and�11 paym�nts made on ihe debt,whether vduntary or und�r tor�ciowro or dMr onforam��t acllon
<br /> ,� � or proadun,�hali b�con��d to haw boan rirst paid an and�pplled to tha tull payment of thet portion of the dobt whkh Is not sacund or not fully sscund
<br />�-- «.. by t1»Urn of this OMd ot Truat.
<br /> � .' �2.Nwnbv ar�dG�rwln.WMrnv�r uwd MrNn.th�sinyuiar numb�r sh�ll Includa ttw plutal,and tha uw of any qsi►dK sh�ll bt applbabM to all q�ndNa. �
<br /> �:. �� _ , 23.AoD�pf�nq 6y Tru�.TruttM aa:�ptt thit Tnut whan thi4 Oaad of Trust,duly ex�cutYd�rid�cknowl�dqW,4 mad�a pubUC roead�s prov�d�d by Iaw•
<br /> .. . , ..,, 24. TrwN�LI�bWfy.80 lonp u ttw Tnutw ihtll aet In pood f�th and in ralianca upon nolk�and dh�r Infonnatlan which it.In ib wN di�cndon may
<br /> :.y; d�n q b�nli�bt�.and�o{orp as TruNM thW�x�nclN nasonabN prud�nc�and can in Ns wdmini�tntion hsnur�r.TnutN fhatl not b�Il�bla tor any
<br />-��'� �•;••--," IOM pt don��w1f�ItNd ar IrlCUmd by tM Truaors or any B�t►NiCiary or by any dhor p�rwna whomtow�t,it bNnp�xprMNy�tipuiabd that th�TtuttN
<br /> � �h�N b�Il�bt�oniy for ib own yroes nepllpence end wilitul default In the premieea. .
<br /> -.:•,_ .� :
<br /> - •;� a
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