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� • .�+s+.�..i.. ���ww,n+�F•. :-y' 4F�"+[eewti��'..._'_..�.�--���_ . . _ -. -' <br /> - µ .... L:1-. . .. <br /> � , ' � .- `... " <br /> `'•a r_,� <br /> • � - ••' _ ��� —_ _ __ <br /> �4-soossa ��� <br /> :,. � e.�wraw u.n..�daw.ouon a em.Rowr a s.�„ar•T�,no��mak.w�yn�.a�.na w+� wm»��•a.�y an«aw►o.., <br /> t��nd�P«�oonlnroMd to b�pdd a�ny�xMtk�p IMn IiotdN�«p1a b�nNblarlM wida�y pdor dNd a tru�t a matp�bMa+tM dw qMy w <br /> �.' ' " �M�P�P�b f�Y+�d����ny�nd�Ii otlwr Iwtw,o1M�rN or ah�pN wfAch nNY MoP����Y a��MrNn.H Tiwlot IoM11a m�k� -- <br /> :;w i..:... :.°;;'r. anyr�uoA phrn�K a hMr b p�rlam�of tM aowr��nd�prwnwnt�oontNn�d In ttN�DNd d TtuN�a fn�nY Pdor�nortp�a dMd al tn�l.a N�r <br /> �,�.z �., �oaon«prooNdk�p M ooernM,o�d wfAcn mM«++N�►�ts e«+Mol�rr',iM�r�M In tn�Prop.rty,includinp,aA na Nn�d a�«rAn�nt domaw�proo»dinpM� --.— <br /> .. �.� a P�dkp�kwolwrp�d�o�d�rN�a If YruMo�hN�to WY T►uMOr's d�s qn�nNy u tMy b�oonN dw�th�n B�rMI{ciry�M BM�Y��optlo+i and wNAa+l <br /> �'� . nollp b or dNnY�d upon T�wlot�nd wlthoul rNMMMI TruMa ham any oblfpMbn IMnundN�mny mWn wch�PPMrua��dYb�xM M�ch MrnN�nd t�k� _--_---__M <br /> �� � wcn�cwn a�k n.o..�ry a prouc�e«wAct�rr•s IM�nM.incwdWq,a,►na wn�qd a,d+�bu►�r a�won�w.Mtam�y'.t�.v�yn�nt,vurcA�,oaM�t — ---- <br /> ot oomprpn{N ol any�neumbr�na,d��or Wn.�nd�nlry upon tM PrapKty W m�k�np�in,tn cr�..v«x uuc Tn,aor.hax wt a pro�un�n.unna a --- ` <br /> � to p*y twM.ww�n�nt�,a any ofhK cfwrOM a!o m�k�my p�yn�Ms to snll�drp p�ia lMn hoid�rs a b�nNlatubs�B�n�NelarY n�ll P�un wch Io- <br /> �. . . wranoY�nd m�k�weh P�Y�t.Any amouMf dl�bun�d bY��Y P��►1 b this P�npnpl►A.0 shall b�carw addltbnal ind�bt�dn�M of'Trurta Mcuwd <br /> by tlfM Dnd W TtWt.SuCh nnoulMt shdl b�pRy�bb upon notiq from 8M1Nkisry b TttMtor rpuMtirp P�Ym�rN thK�ol.lmd Mf�ll bMt IMM�N Irom 1M dalY `"-_`�-'-''-`�-.-` <br /> . z ol dl�twrnrtMM u tM rM�p�y�bM Irom HrrN to Nm�on ail�trMlnO Pdndptl urb�►lh�Nol�unMw P�Y�u of InurMt at wch nl�would b�oonuuy to�ppNc�bN L:�''"-,a-�-.�„��- <br /> Uw.In whlch wmt wch artwunu studl bw Int�rMt at tta hlpMNt at�pemUNDM ur�r�ppi��bb kw.Nothinp cantain�d In this Panpr�ph A.d ahW nquin =-=-"�_ <br /> B�Ilelary ta incur ar►y�xp�nw a tak��ny�ctlon MrwndK. -� - <br /> y������ ' B.IT IS MUTUALLY AtiREED THAT: - <br /> � . �, .y,a;,:�:.�..._..,.. <br /> -;f�' 1.Mtlprwr�nt al A�rMi.8�flciary sh�il haw�tM ripM,Paw►and�uthorlry dudnp tM oontinwnc�ot thb OMd of Trwt to coll�ct th�nnu.l�wa and �.:^.T.`_'`•�_�•`�:.;-- <br /> :=�: * , PraliU ol tlw PtopaRy and ot any P��1 propsAy lOCatsd tlNrwn with a wkNout taklnG PosMtsion of ihs ptopMy atf�Ct�d MnbY.��Id T�qtOr hK�by Yb� •_:.�:-:zsx:'sv:s•r.. <br /> �dutNy and unoa�ditlon�ily Rsstpns all wch r�nU,itsuq and prolfts to B�rNtiCl�ry.8�n��w�wr,h�nby oont�nts to th�Trusta's cdbctbn md nt�n• i r.:_, <br /> - � tion ol such renu,iswK and profib u th�y�ocrw and b�oom�payabl�so lonp u Trwta Is rat,�t wch tim�,in d�huk wlth rKp«rt to paym�nt of any in� �r .. <br /> . d�bbdnNS a�curad h�nby,or In th�p�rtonnnne�of any apn�m�nt h�rwnda.Upon any such d�huR.8�n�flelary may at any tlrtN.Nth�r In pMSOn,bY ap�nt, •+• . , ; :? . <br /> • or by�ncNwr to b�appolnt�d by a oourt.without notlu and without rperd to th�ad�quacy of any s�curity tur 1M ind�btWn�hsnby Naind,p)ant�r _..; ;;�,:.. .-:"._;` , <br /> upon and tdce posNtslon ot tM PropaAy a any p�rt tMr�ot and In iti own n�me�w tor or othewl�s callact euch nntt,ifww and{xo(its.Inctudinp ttiot� • <br />. put dw and unpald.�nd�ppiy th��am�,Nu oats and�xp�nu+s ot op�ntion and coll�ction,Includinp r�uonabt��ttom�y�t�a.upon any Ind�blWn�ss - •;,�s_a�:�:==_ <br /> Mcund h�robY��nd In tuch ord�r as 8awflclwY may dM�rminr,(b)peform wch�ct�of rapatr a P�otectlon u tn�y b�n�cas�ry a prop�r ro com�rw ttf� `' -.�`@�---.'�- <br /> vaua of ttw Propwry;(c)faasa ths art�a any p�rt theroot for auch rentel,term,aM upon auch conditlon�ef Re Judpm�nt may dictaa a t�rminat�,a adJua �� �`' � ::�...� <br /> th�term��nd oonditloru of�xtstinp lesws.Unisu Tru�tor and 8an�ficiary tMreof�prss otherwlee ir.w►itlng,u►y appilcation of nnts,Iaw�a proNla to any <br /> ind�blWn�ss srcund tNrWy sh�ll not�xtend or postpons the dw dats of th�InstaUment payments u provided in iaW proml�wry not�or charp�th�amount � ; ��;: <br /> ol auch In�t�IlmMts.Th��ntarinp upon and takinp pos�sfbn of ths Pro�rty,the cotNctlon of wch rents,iwws and protitt,and tt»app�ic�tlon tMnof iu � • _ <br /> aloreaid,ahall not wuw a cure Any d�fauit or notlrs of default heraund�r or invalidtle any act done punuant to euch notke.Truaa also awipm to B�Hciary, . <br /> iu fuAh�r�curky fa tM p�Awm�nc�of the oblip�tions aecursd haeby,all pnppid rents and alt monbs which may hav�been a m�y h�rwftK b�d�poWt�d � .LL� <br /> wlth s�id Trufia by any I�swe ot th�Property,to tacura the paym�nt of�ny rent or d�m�pas,or upon default in the psrformanCe ot my of th�ptovision�heeof. : <br /> Trusta apress to d�Iivor such nnts and dapoelts to B�nafici�ry.ONivery of writt�n ratka of Bonsficiary'e ex�rei�o of th�rlyhts yrant�d h�nin,to�ny tN►ant ` - <br /> oecupylnp said pnmi��11 M sufflcNnt to requtr�s�ld Unant to p�y r�nt to th�B�n�ticlary unpl further ratic�. E � <br /> 2.CondMxtadon.lf tltie io any p�A of the Property shall be taken In condemnotion proceedlnpa,by ripht ot eminsnt domafn a simll�r actlon,ar shall be � <br /> •dd und�r thn�t of cond�mn�tion,�II aw�►ds.dampes and proc�ads ar�Mnby apiprwd and�hWl bs paW to B�Hcl�ry who shail appiy such avnrdo.dampes f�(�- <br /> and procMds to th�wm�aund by thls Dse�i ot Trust,with th�axco»,It my,p�id to Trwtor.If Trustor recNvaa any not�e or othar InfarrtNtlon rpardiny � <br /> such actlons or procNdlny�,Trustor shaU ylve prompt written not�o thereot to Boneticiory.8aneficlary ahall be entltled,at ite oplton,to cemmsncs,appsar • `-�-` <br /> - in and pros�cub in ib awn iwne any such action w proc.wiinya���i WiWI i�onilq�d to maka�ny compramira ar s�ttiamcnt in corsrtcc,Ylon r�ltb any zuch ac!lott � . �__'� <br /> or procNdinp� ' . - <br /> � 3.Fu/un Adv�.Upon rpuest of Tru�tor,Beneflciary at Bsnsflclory's option,prior to raconvayance of the Properly to Tru�tor,may make luture advancss �� <br /> to Tnutor.Such futw�adv�ncw,with Interea thsreon,ahall be cacured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promiteory ratet statinp that satd rata are _ <br /> wcurad h�►�by;provW�d that at no time shail ths�scured principol,tutur�advancas,not fnctudlnp sums advancM to prolect th�s�cuMly,�xce�d Two Mundr�d � <br /> p�rpM(200%)of tM oripin��principa�amounts s�cured h�raby. , :;�_ � - <br /> r <br /> f 4.IirrNaY�t lJot Excluslw.Trustee and BeneHcl�ry,and aech of them,ehall De entitted to enforca poyment and pertamence of any indobtedna�or obilp�tbnt � • ' _ <br /> acund h�r�by�nd to�x�rclae ail�Ipht�and powera undsr thia Dead of Trust or under any other�flreumont sxecutW in conn�ction henwith or any laws now � . <br /> or her�wMr in toro�,notwithaandlnp soms or�II ot the cuch Indebt�dneu end obify�tlona sacured horeby may now a hersalt�r W othewiw arcured,wh�ther `? . <br /> �'• by moRqp�,dNd of trost ptedqe,Ilen,at�ipnment or oth�rwi�e.NeHh�r the acaptance of thle O�ed ot Tru�t nor fts entorc�mx►t wMth�r by oourt actlon �• i <br /> °�� � a punwnt to th�pawr ot uN a othar powero harein cont�inad,ahall proJudleo or In any mannsr attoct Tru�tes's or Bsnst�l�ry's ripht to naiiz�upon or • - <br /> �� f �nforc�iny oth�►s�CUtity now ot hst�iftvr held by TrwtM or Bsnsf►clary,It belnp ayraad that Trunee end B�neflchry,end uch of iMm,�h�ll be�ndtled "_ <br /> to�nfora thlt D»d ot Tn�t and any oth�r wcudty raw or hsre�k�r hNd by�rwNcfary or Truuoe In such ord�r and mann�r at th�y a NtMr oi th�m may 'L <br /> in thNr�bwiuN discntion d�t�rmir►�.No remedy hersin conlernd upon or ntsrvad to Trunee or 8�nefblary I�int�nd�d to b�exeluNw of any an«rem.ay � - <br /> ' • hKein or by aw provld�d a p�rmitt�d,but oach shail be eumulativs and ehail bs In�dditbn to ev�ry other remedy qlven h�rsundsr a now or henaftx exlalnp <br /> � at Iaw a In pufty a by�tatuta Evey powtir a remedy provided h�rsund�r thi�Deed of Trutt to Trustes or BsneHclery or to whkh NtMr of th�m rtry b�ath�nria <br /> � i �ntitNd,may bt ex�rciwd,ooncurnntiy or Independently,lrom timv to tlme and ai ori�n as mty b�deemed sxpedient by TtustM or B�nefklsry�nd Nther <br /> of tMm may punw InconW��nt remedf�s.Nahinp h�rWn�hpll b�constnwd u prohlbltlnp B�naBcl�ry from soakinp a daflci�noy Judpm�nt s�tlntt th�Truata <br /> W tM�zbnt auch�c11on It p�rmitt�d by Iaw. <br /> 6.TransM o/tM Pro�rty;Aasumptlon.It aA a any part of the property or Intxea thereln Is soid,tranaterred or otherwfa�conwy�d by Trustor wNhout � . <br /> B�Nciary's prlor wdttm conpnt,sxcludinq(a)lM cnation of a Ilen or w►cumbrance wbordlnate to thi�Oesd of Trust.(b)the craation o}a purchaw money t <br /> NcurNy IM�rMt tor houNlald appll�nca,(c)�tr�ns/er by dwis�,d��ant or by op�ratfon of taw upon the dsath of a Jolnt t�nant a(d)th�yrant ot any Nas�hoid � <br /> � .. IMSrost of thros ysars a Nes not ranteininp an op8on to purchas�,sueh actbn is a bnach of this�ynam�nt,and B�neficiary may,�t B�neNciary's optlon, <br /> s � d�clw all th�wms t�cund by thl�DrW of Truq to W immedktNy dw and pay�bt�,or cauto tM trwtee to 1Ik a noticQ of dsfault.B�n�Hclary thall h�v� <br /> �, , �w►wd wch oplion to acc�N►at�If,prior to ttw saN,transfer of cronvsyancs,�rnfklery�nd tlw pareon to whom th�propwty Is to b�wld or twn�i�rrW rwch <br /> � pr�K In wrkinp th�t tM cndit ot wch penon ts satlst�ctory to B�n�ffcluy and that tM IntKast payablo on tM wms socund Dy thla D«d of Tnut tha�i <br /> �' � � b��t wch r�as B�flclary�h�ll r�qwat. <br /> 6.Aoafratlon y►on OM�uf�,;AMe�df�r,SaN.Th�fdlurt by ths T�ustor to mak�any p�yment w to parform�r►y ot tha t�rtn�and conditions of th�Noto, <br /> ► • or�ny nnwv�it,modlllcatbns or�xtYmiom thsnof,or the p4ymant ot any otbar Ind�btadrnss tscured heroby or In tM psrlormanc�of nny ot the oov�n�nb <br /> � F <br /> i.- a aprMmwN�Mrwmd�r rhall b�a brach of thii ayrMmeM and fhs 8arwtklary m�y d�ciaro a dot�ult and m�y d�dan all wms s�cur�d h�nby imm�di�tNy <br /> � t Gw�nd p�yabM�nd tM wn��hail therwpon b�conw dw and p�yabk without prqantment.cNmtnd,p►aat or notia of any klnd.TMrwhar.8�&lary <br /> � • may d�liwr to Tru�tN�writt�r►d�civatbn of d�huft md d�rtwnd for�.Trusta apress and h�aby prsnn that ths Trwtw�hali haw tM po�wr of saN <br /> x�+ } Of tht PtOpMty�nd if BMNIfCIary d�Cidee the Property fd to W�o1d it sh�ll dspoHt wilh Trustss ihl�DNd of Trwt�nd tM Nat�or nol�a and any dMr dacum�nts <br /> ` � I �Wdmeinp�xqndituns s�cund Mnby,and sh�ll d�Nwr W TruttM�writtm notla of detauh and N�ction to cauM th�Prap�Ay to b��oid,u�d TnutN,in <br /> ---� tum.NwM pn�pu�a timiiu notln In tiN form nquind by kw,whbh tAail W duly flNd fa neord by Tnutw. <br /> ='c', �": _ . . (1a Aftw th�I�pN af ruCh tlrM a rtyy b�nquind by I�w iollowinp tM reoord�tion of Notios af WhuR�and Notip of t�huR and Nolia of SW havinp <br /> =;.�._^ : . � bMn piwn at nqulnd by taw.TnatN�without d�mand on Trustor,�hNl sNi tM PropKiy In on�or rtan pwat��nd in wch ordK a�Trwtor may <br /> . .. . d�Mrmkw on tM d�t.and th�tln»�nd p1oo�d�NpMt�d in wW Natfa a S�I���t publb.uctbn to tM hlpl�t bidd�r.tM purchaN P�WY� <br /> -_- � �� �n o...�n�w�ra,.yati,.u�n.a s�.asacm.wn.a.w,n,.p►son oaaucc��,.y.+«.�ycn,..n.a sh.a.«n..,�.d�«x,vo.�a«+. <br /> —... , ... <br /> - - - '- . tM w.trom tNn.un�u e.lw�a eomvi���n wKy wcn c.w,naia a patpor�rn� w oiwn oy pubxo a.ciarran m�nor or <br /> wCh pM+�on�t tIN qrt»and W�a IMt�PPokM�d tor tM M�N:D��.If M��M is patpotwd far lotq�r th�n on�(1)day b�yond tht day dMfpn�bd <br /> -• ., , � .�.° _Y in 1M Notfo�of SM�.natfo�thM�of N�MI b�piwn in tM uin�rtw�nK�t tM otfpirw Nollo�of S�N.Tru�tM�hW�x�cut�and dNiv�r b tM purChas�r <br /> --' _ * ".�; .....;�::._ t Ns aa oorw.yirw eh�PropKtr w.ow.a�t wNnaR any oorwm.nt o�w,rcaMy.•xpr.�.�or�mpl{.a.rn.ndtw�e a,.c..d a any nwtt.n«haa <br /> �. ',���• Mwr C�aaiCN�r proof d 1M trulMuMws UNrwf.MY P�rwn.Inck+dUp wMNout WeMt�tion B�rMM�I�Y ot TnNtN�nny putChM��t tM MM. <br /> �N�•-... �� (p)WINn T�uMM MIM punwrM b tlN powKS h�tMn,TruMN N�W aDWY tM ptocMds af tM�aN to phtm�nt of thr coMs and�xp�nMa ot�x�n�inp <br /> tiN pow�r d MM�nd W th�MM�InoN�dkp.wkhout NmkMion.Ut�p�ytrNnt of TttNtM's F�M Itkutnd,whkh Tn�'�FM�MMM not�n tM apprpat� <br /> � ��' .vaoNd n»�ua bM.d uvon slw.mounc..cund n«.by ana�«n.w�kq unp.a:a a«c.mwn on u»awio.MK.o(��ra n,«,w tn. <br /> M�t In�u0pr�prrpA(a)b th�ard�►tl�n wMd. <br /> a <br /> .. -�"�� � . .r',. � <br /> �` r�`�` . . • --- - - --- -- ---� <br /> ..,::,,�:.�::.�. <br />