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.�rw � . <br />— ,�,�.t <br /> ;� • � --- <br /> _� � - �-- <br /> _ - <br /> --� - <br /> -- v - - 94- 100947 . <br /> TOOETHEIt WI7'N �!I tfie improvententr now or heneafler arocted on the propaty.�nd�Il aadmt�eots,q�purua�nca� - <br /> �nd Iixturer now or heredter a pert of�he propaty. All repl�oemenu�nd�dditlon+��I�11�Iw be oowrod by iLis Security <br /> 4ulmn�ent. All of ihe forc�oin�i��efased w in thla Socwity in�uvment a�the"PropenY•" <br /> BORItOW�R COVHNAIV7'S thwt Botrnwer ir l�twfully�eisai af the ect�te heroby�ro�veyed and has the d�ht ro Qnnt <br /> u�d conrey the Nrupcny�nd that the 1'ropertY i:unencumbcrcd.except for encumbrances ot'rxord. Bocrawer w�rru�ts u�d <br /> wiU defend Qene�lly tho dtb w tho Property�inu vl cidmr�nd den�.rubject to�ny encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS tiFC'UR.ITY INSTRUMP.NT ccunbine� uaifami covenAnts for natlonpl use u�d noe•uniform coven+�nuc with <br /> 3S_-`--- limiled vaiaUons by jurisdiction w cwistftute�un�fotm cecurfty inctrument covcrin�rcal p[opetty. -- <br /> U NIkaORM COVENANTS. Harower and Len�kr covetant and agtoe+�s folbwc <br /> 1. Hoyr4ent ol Prtacipd�ad Iakrati�P�ymeat aad I.ste Clur�a. Bortower shall promM�Y P�Y when duc the <br /> ptinei of and intercat on the debt evidenced by the Note�nd�y prcpryment and lak ch�ec due undec the Note. <br /> ��unds tor'11u�e�ud Ineurat�ce. Subject to appiicwble law or to a writlen wriver by Lender.Bocrower shall pay to <br /> Lender on thc day m�xuhly pwymcnts are due undcr thc Note,until the Notc ix paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yenrly <br /> - -- - °`"`°`� taues arK1�.+xwsn�nts which muy+utain priority ovcr this Scxurity lnstrument as a lien on ihe Prnpc►ty;(b)yearly leaxiald <br /> paymenu or ground rmts cx� the Praperty, if any: (c)yearly hazard or propeRy insuru�ce prcmiums: (d) yearly flaad <br /> incurance prcmiums, if uny; (c) yculy mort�xgc insurancc premiums,if any; w�d (fl any sums payable by Borrower to <br /> uccardance with the pravisicxis of ptuugraph R, in lieu of thepayment of mortgage insurance Fi+emtums. 'Iluse <br /> items su�e culled"F..scrow Items." I.ender may,at any time,collect and hold Fi�nds in an nmount not to excad the mAximum <br /> amount a lender far a federally relnted moRgage loan nwy requirc for Bocrower's escrow account unckr the federel Real <br /> Esule Settlement Procedurcs Act of t974 as amended from ume to time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et srq.("RESPA"),unless wwther <br /> -- IAw that appUes to the Po.�ds setc a lesser Amount. if su,Lender any time,coUxt and hold Fuids in an amount not to ` <br /> excad the iesser amount. [.ender muy estimate the amount of F'vnds due un the basis of cwrent data and �+easoosble - <br /> �sdmates of eapenditurcs of future Escrow Items or ottierwise in accordance with applicuble law. <br /> Thc Rtnds shall be hcld in an institution whosc deposits arc insurod by a fcderel agcncy. insttumentality. or entity <br /> �'`� ���� (including Lender,lf'Lcndcr is such an jnst�tution)or in any Frdcral Hame Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the F1mds to pay <br /> � thc Escrow Items, l.ender may not cluu�e Homower for halding and upplying the Wnds, annually snalyzing thc escrow <br /> � accounti or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Burrower intercst on the Fvnds and applicable law pemitts <br /> Lendtr ro make such a charge. However,I.ender may rcquirc Botrower to pay a one-time churge for an independent neal <br /> extate wx reporting service used by l.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> %�� agaement is madc or upplicablc law requires intcrest to be pAid,Lender sh�U not be required to pay Borrower any interest or <br /> ea�nings on ihe Fund�. Bamwer and I.endcr may agree in writing,however,thut intercst shull be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> �r�w3 :_�r, shall give to Borrower,without chuge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing crcdit,c und debits ta the Funds and the <br /> � purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mnde. The Ponds ere pledged as additional security for all sums secured by _ <br /> - � t�}R�cp�{ty Inctntmcnt. , _ <br /> �'�"'��°1•`rf�%t'`"'' lf the F'vnds hcld by l.ender exceed the amcwnts petmitted to be beld by applicabte law, Lender shali arcount to <br /> �r;�.-:,-.:�:•�...� Bcxrower for the excesc Funds in acconiance with the rcquirements of applicuble law. If the atnount of the Fundc held by <br /> •'=�u�.*'.' �� Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escraw Ite�ns when duc,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br /> • � � � such case Boirower tihall pay to Lender the umount neceswry to muke up the deficiency. Bortower shall make up the <br /> ' . deficiency in na more thun twelve monthly puyments,at Lender s sole discretion. _ <br /> .r:����•�. -=_-�.-�-.� Upon payment in fuil of;ill sums sccurcd by this 3ecurity lnstrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Barrower any <br /> � � ' Funds hcld by Lendcr. If,undcr paragraph 2l.Lender shall acquire or x:ll the Roperty,Lendcr.prior to thc xquisition or <br /> '•"��. . ' " �ale of thc Piroperty, shall apply s►ny Funds hclJ by Lendcr ut the timc of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> '" � secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> •�.` - °• - 3. Applicatbn of'PwymenGs. Unle.x applicahle I�w provide,othrnvi+c, ull paymentc rcceived by Lender under — <br /> - � � ,�„i, p:u�graphs 1 nnd 3�hall lx applied:fint,t��uny prcpayment ch:vgcs duc undcr thc Ncxc;+econd,to amounGS poyoble under - - <br /> `•'`'�`1` '�` p:u�y;rrph 2;third,to intcrc�t duc;fourth,to principul duc;und last,to any latc charges duc undcr thc Notc. <br /> • • �� 4. Charges; Liens. Borcowcr shall p•ry ull tuxes, u+�c+sment�,ch;►rges, fines :md impositions attributable to the <br /> �,+;;;�,a,..•�,_� Property which muy attain priority ovcr this Security Instrumcnt,m�d leaxehold payments or ground rcnts,if any. Borrowcr --- <br /> shall pay these obligutiuns in the mannrr providcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut m•rnner,Bocrowcr�hall pay them on � <br /> + �'`" � �' time directly to the per,un owed payment. Sorrowcr shall pmmptly fumish to Lender ull noucrti uf amounts to be paid under c <br /> .,,�,,- this p:uagraph. If Bortowcr makes thesc payments dincUy,Burmwcr shall promptly fumish to Lender reccipts evidencing <br /> , thc puymcnts. <br /> Borrowcr�hull promptly di�rhargc uny licn which ha. prioriry ovcr thi�Srrurity In+trument 4_ <br /> _ '�" in writing to thc paymcnt of th<<�hiigatinn�erured by the lirn in a manner acceptable to Lender,tb)rontetits in good faith the - <br /> ;; licn by,or defends ug:�inst enforccmcnt of thc licn in.Icgal pnxecJings��•hich ia thr�.rndcr;opiniun o{krate to prevent the � <br /> �v�`� �'' cnforcement af thc lien;or(c)scrures from thc h��ldcr uf thc licn an agrccmcnt,atistuctury tu I.ender,utwrdinating the licn E_ <br /> �K`;� , t�thic Security Instrument, if Lendcr detemiinex that any part of the PmpeRy i.tiubject to u licn which may attain prioriry � � <br /> �,.. <br /> �,�,s ' over this 5ecurity Instrument.I.ender may give Borruwer o noticc idrntifying the lien. Bortvwer shull satisfy the lien or take �' <br /> ^• one or more o!the actionti tiet fonh ulw�e within IO d�ys ut'thc giving��f notice. <br /> •���`' •~ 5. Hazard or Property Inswpnce. Burraa•cr+hall keep thc imprcwcmcntti now etisting on c�rcafter erected on the `"s. <br /> , Property insured against loss by tire.h:u•.:udti indudcJ within thr tcrm"cxtrnJed ruvrn�c"and any othrr h:uards,including �' '° <br /> -- ,. . '� floods or tlooding, for whirh Lender nquirc. in�urancc. Thi. insurunrr zhall tk maintained in the amount,and for the .._ <br />.... •�_ J1V.laYM.w.' `r��; <br /> -. ,. . . FOrT J0211 9/9Y 1/�f�P 1�/I�fhtylsl �, <br /> , .." . �: <br /> - :�=-0'�;:w:� -=_ <br /> ,. �:r:#. _ <br /> .� <br /> � <br /> �� � <br /> � -_ _-�_;r°;��",�;: . . . , � �r . ..� , .. . <br /> �� - - `�niiait•��r�t•.... _ _ .:r.:-lr_"a,'•���_ ' j&"�.°.::.a' ". ;..-y_��. <br /> — ---- _-:;�?.�i,.; - --- — -- --_-___--_ <br />